Sorry it took so long to update guys, the real world called and I had some personal things to attend to. I'm happy to say that all of that is taken care of and I am free to write once again! I'm not too happy with this chapter but I hope you enjoy nonetheless

And please remember reviews are love!

Sharon wasn't use to feeling this vulnerable, in fact after Jack left so long ago she had put up a wall. The wall was designed to keep her from getting hurt but now she realized just how much it caused her to miss instead. She wasn't used to feeling so raw and unprotected, but she knew that is exactly what Andy needed to see at this moment; to see what she felt was real.

The decision to drive to his bungalow, across town in the middle of the night, hadn't exactly been a conscious one but it seemed to be the right one nonetheless. As soon as she recovered her senses from their phone conversation she was moving swiftly off of the balcony and through the apartment. She snatched up her keys and purse from the entry table as she tucked her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. She had barely slipped her feet into her shoes before she was wrenching her front door open and quietly shutting it, the key silent as she turned the dead bolt.

It wasn't until she was turning down his street that she realized she had absolutely no idea what she was going to say to him. Sharon pulled to a quiet stop in front of his house and shut off the engine with a flick of her wrist. She stared out the window of her Hyundai and wondered how she was going to explain her sudden arrival on his doorstep, or what it was she wanted to talk about.

Just tell him how you feel, she reasoned with herself.

Its not that simple, she argued back.

She shook her head slightly, trying to bring order to the chaos that was her mind, hoping against everything that it would all fall into place. She knew what she thought was happening here with them and their "relationship" but she wasn't so sure about what Andy wanted. She did know that she wouldn't get her answer sitting in her car like a coward and with one last deep breath she opened the door. Sharon quickly strode up the walkway to his front door, her steps becoming less and less sure.

She watched her hand shake as she reached forward to press the doorbell and then waited. There was no answer, not even a sound beyond the door to alert her to his presence. She pushed the button a few more times, more desperate with each compression and release of the plastic that went unanswered. There was nothing but silence. She shuffled her feet and pulled her light sweater tighter around her body to ward of the slight breeze as she waited. With each passing second Sharon began to feel the sadness and disappointment well up in side her, as well as the coinciding tears behind her glasses.

It's too late, she thought to herself sadly as she stared at her shoes.

Suddenly the door swung open and she came face to face with a sight she had dearly missed. Andy stood silhouetted against the light of the interior of his house, his strong arms and shoulders clearly visible under the soft grey t-shirt he wore. The black LAPD issues sweats her wore were slung low on his hips and his feet were bare. His salt and pepper was slightly tousled as if he had been running his hands through it recently.

His expression changed from one of irritation to one of concern when he realized just who was standing under the light of his front porch. Before he could question her sudden appearance she stepped closer, invading his space, and began to lose the battle with her tears. She didn't know if it was relief to know he was there and seeing him in person or if it was he lack of sleep that was making her overly emotional.

"Andy," she whispered brokenly.

It was that softly and achingly whispered prompt that snapped him out of his own revelations and in one fluid moment he stepped forward to encompass her in a warm embrace. He gathered her close to his chest, encouraging her to place her head on his shoulder and she obliged without question. She laid her head directly over his heart and brought her arms under his to grasp his shoulders desperately. She counted the beats until it seemed her own became in sync with his, the steady beat constant under her ear.

He rubbed gentle circles on her back until he could feel her breath slow and even out, the shaking of her body seemed to have lessened somewhat. To say he was surprised was an understatement, he didn't expect for Sharon to show up on his doorstep, let alone in the state she was currently in. He had convinced himself that he had done what she wanted earlier and had handled the situation the way she wanted…but now he wasn't so sure. While he was currently holding and definitely distraught Sharon Raydor in his arms, his own thoughts were swirling around in his head in a flurry of activity.

Why was she here?

What happened?

Why was she so upset?

These were all questions running through his head but on some level he knew the answer to them all. He knew that what he had said earlier wasn't what she wanted…maybe she was here to let him know exactly what she wanted, or at least he hoped so.

He gathered her closer still and buried his nose in the crown of her head, taking in her soft scent before he spoke.

"Maybe we should go inside and talk there," he drawled thickly.

It was then that she seemed to come to her senses and finally pulled away, her hands sliding to rest on his forearms. She looked up into his eyes and he could see that her eyes glassy from the unshed tears, were impossibly green. She was clearly a little embarrassed from her uncharacteristic display of emotion and looked away quickly.

"Yes," she reasoned huskily, "maybe we should."

She patted his arm softly and waited for him to escort them through the door. They stopped short in Andy's living room, both seemingly at a loss for what was to come next. He tugged on her hand cautiously, encouraging for her to follow him to the couch, and with another gentle tug she sat down across from him. He watched her from the corner of his eye, as she looked around the front room; her eyes swept from the pictures on the walls to the tastefully dark furniture. She admired his taste in interior decorating.

Sharon was perched on the edge and crossed her legs slowly facing Andy, giving him her full attention. He watched her grip her hands so tight in her lap that they were beginning to pale; he reached out and covered her hands with his own, willing her to calm. He rubbed the delicate skin tenderly, his eyes glued to where their skin was touching and looked up as she sighed faintly, his attention now riveted to her face.

"Andy," she began and then stopped.

She pulled her hands from his grasp and ran them through her already unruly curls in a nervous habit; he tried not to seem disappointed at the loss of contact. It seemed she was trying to pull her thoughts and emotions together, and to do that she needed her space. Sharon bit her lip gently and then moistened it with her tongue, trying to begin again.

"I'm sorry," she admitted, "it wasn't my intention for you to find out about the divorce the way you did."

He sat up straighter at her apology; that was the last thing he imagined he would hear from her. He hoped she wasn't feeling guilty over any of that, it was done and over with now.

Andy shook his head, "Sharon that is none of my business, you have nothing to be sorry for…"

"But it is!" Sharon interrupted and Andy watched as her cheeks turned a slight pink, "I mean…"

"No its not," he smiled faint and sad, "and I'm not holding it against you."

She shook her head clearly exasperated and stood from the couch, causing Andy to jump from the abruptness. He watched as she paced back and forth in front of his coffee table, smiling slightly as her hands searched and found the sanctum of her pockets.

She turned to him sharply, "How can you be so calm?"

He looked at her with a shocked expression and before he could formulate a response, she continued.

"I should have told you," her hands were flying as she spoke, "out of respect for us, I should have told you."

Andy watched Sharon as she stopped pacing and stared at him waiting for a response, hand resting on her hip that was slightly cocked. He ran his hand back through his hair and he eased himself into the supple leather of his couch; he was at a total loss for words.

"Well," he began slowly, "what exactly are we Sharon?"

He watched as her eyes widened behind her lenses, a deer in the headlights look coming over her. It would have been laughable if it weren't such a serious moment in his life, on the verge of changing it forever.

She finally broke their eye contact and began pacing once again, smoothing her hands down her sweater and jeans as she went. Andy draped his arm over the back of the couch and crossed his legs at the knee, waiting on her response. He knew better than to push her, she would tell him what she was thinking when she got her thoughts in order.

She stopped in front of the couch and fluidly sat back on the cushions, looking at her hands in her lap once again. Andy shifted to face her and watched Sharon's shoulders slump with sadness.

"I need you, Andy," she swallowed, "you are my best friend…"

"And as your friend Sharon," he interjected, "I respect your decision to not tell me."

She looked at him then and shook her head once again in irritation.

"Will you please let me finish?"

He nodded his head slowly and motioned for her to proceed. She trailed her hand up her arm and under the mane of her hair, gathering it in one hand and brought in it to rest over the opposite shoulder.

"Lately we've become extremely close," she started slowly, "and I'd like to think that we had a possibility of…maybe…"

Andy wasn't used to Sharon being at a loss for words, she was always so calm and collected that this was beginning to worry him. He gently grasped her chin with his fingers, encouraging her to turn her head, to connect eyes with him once more. When her eyes met his they had calmed somewhat and he could feel the tension in her body drain; he could feel the exact moment when her confidence seemed to surface.

"Possibility of what Sharon?" he prompted.

She licked her lips slowly and his eyes were drawn to them instinctually, wondering how they would feel under his own. If they were truly as soft as her believed them to be; if they would be as pliant and supple as her imagined. She pursed them slightly, contemplating her next sentence and inhaled through her nose. As she did so she caught the subtle scent of his after-shave; it was soft and soothing.

Sharon closed her eyes collecting her thoughts and then opened them slowly, gazing into the warm brown ones of Andy. He was so calm and compassionate; she knew instantly that he would go along with whatever she decided. He would let her have all the say in whatever this was because he was just that good of a man, unwilling to rush her into anything.

"Perhaps," she whispered softly, "we could be something more."

She brought her hand up to cover Andy's that was still holding her chin gently but firmly; slowly she moved it to the side of her face to cradle her cheek. He understood what she was doing and began to run his thumb gently over her cheek bone, dimples flashing as she nuzzled into his touch.

The couch dipped as she moved closer to him, her knee coming to touch his own, as she brought her fingers up to trace the lines in his cheeks gently. He savored the delicate caress and closed his eyes as she leaned forward to whisper in his ear.

"I love your dimples," she husked as she placed a chaste kiss to the side of his temple.

It was then that Andy heard her hum, one that shot straight through his body and waited while her lips returned to his ear. He could feel her warm breath gently blow across his lobe and waited patiently for her to continue.

"But," she began again, "I think I love you more."

He leaned back at the same time she pulled away, his eyes locked onto her face as she sat in front of him, waiting for him to respond patiently. Her smile was small but her eyes showed so much warmth that he was sure he had heard he correctly.

She loves me.

SHE loves ME.

He watched her watching him and delighted in the way she giggled softly when she realized he understood her. She bit her lip once again and that was all it took. The next thing they knew was each other and only each other. Their lips connected and it was as if a fire was ignited, engulfing them and they couldn't get enough.

Sharon's hand slowly crept to the back of Andy's head, holding him securely in place as they caressed each other tenderly. She hummed again as he pulled her closer, draping her legs of her his lap and caressing them gently; the more intense the kiss became the closer they got to one another. His hands carefully cradled her cheeks as their lips connected again and again, the soft skin of her face chafing against the rough skin of his palms.

When they finally broke for air their lungs were screaming and their chests were heaving from all the exertion. Andy buried his nose in Sharon's neck, inhaling her soft scent and kissing the delicate skin under her ear. He grinned as he felt a shiver run through her frame, her grip on his head and back becoming stronger.

"Stay," Andy whispered.

She hummed and he found this was quickly becoming his favorite sound she made.

"Okay." Sharon answered.

I have one or two more chapters for this story and then I think it will be done. With that being said if you have any prompts you would like me to try and tackle I would be happy to do so...the only thing I ask is that they be one shots :) I'm ready to do something a little different, just send me your prompt through PM!