(AN: Hey everyone! So I've been occupied with school, my sister coming home, my other sister being pregnant and my nephews. I will post new chapters a soon as I can but it will take time. FYI my birthday is coming up on September 11th and I'm planning something for me and my friends so I won't update for a while. Anyway this story has been in my head for a while.) (Also some of these people and places are real but due to privacy the names have been changed. Enjoy)

It was a hot August day in the small town of Lincoln Missouri. A young teenage girl was walking down town carrying a black back pack. The girl had abnormally long brown hair that reached her knees. It was pulled into a braid. She wore no makeup but her skin was nearly flawless except for a scar under her right eye. Her skin was tan with a few freckles on her nose. Her eyes where unnatural as they changed from emerald green to sapphire blue. She was roughly six feet tall.

She was warring a red t-shirt, blue jean knee length dark blue jeans. A pair of black convers adorned her feet with short black socks. A ring on a sliver chain was across her neck. Her name was Alexia Ice.

As she entered a small apartment.

"Uncle Roy I'm home!" She said. There was silence. "Uncle Roy?!" She ran around the apartment looking for her uncle but found no one. She quickly called the police.

"Hello? I'd like to report a missing person."

"I'm sorry , we couldn't find any trace of your uncle. Do you have any other family to stay with?" A police woman said.

"No, my mom died a long time ago, my dad went missing and my sister is in Japan studying marshal arts." Rose said.

"Well then we'll have to put you in the care of the state till your uncle is found." The officer said.

"No! I'm 15! I can take care of myself!" Alex said.

"I'm sorry but until you're 18 you'll be in the state's custody. Pack your things you'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon." The officer said before leaving.

Alex packed her things but she had no intention of going with the officers tomorrow. She filled a large back pack with her clothing and a large suit case with pictures, three stuffed animals, her pillow a heart shaped locket, a dozen books and about $300 cash. She put her phone, charger and head phones in the bag as well and slipped out the window.

Alex ran into woods when suddenly a bright light enveloped her and all went black.

Norman Osborn, also known as Iron Patriot was walking through Central Park. Things where finally getting better between him and Harry but not by much. What Harry needed was a sibling or a pet. Suddenly he saw a girl fall from the sky and land in a nearby bush. He quickly ran over to her.

The girl looked to be slightly younger than Harry, probably 15 maybe 16. He saw the back pack and suitcase lying next to her.

"Is she running away from something?" Norman thought. He noticed she had a gash on her arm. He decided to take her back to the penthouse to check her for more injuries.