A/N: Merry early Christmas! And to those who don't celebrate Christmas, Happy holidays!

Draco's POV

The next morning I was not in a good mood. Dumbledore had been no help, just told us that the time turner wasn't ready, we'd have to stay put, blah blah blah. It was honestly just a waste of time.

But no, my parents had to make it much more entertaining. I must've been interesting to watch as well. Oh why did Granger had to witness that? I don't even want to think of her and her… mudbloodieness. Yes, she's just a annoying mudblood know it all Gryffindor. Why on earth did she hold my hand?

I don't think she had noticed yet, but her eyes were green now. Not brown or whatever they were before. Bright green, like Potters. For a second at the… scene, I swear they flickered back to their usual brown color for a second.

I had to admit, she looked nice. But it wasn't her. It was someone she had to be. Under all that…Bailey she was still Hermione. If anything, the only reason why I might like-I mean stand- her is cause she's someone else.

God when did I get so…so…not like me. It was this whole new identity; it was screwing up my mind. It must've been the red hair.

Yes, the red hair was making me like mudbloods. Curse my luck.

I sighed and made my way to Potions with Matt. He was basically my only male friend- or friend in general-, though I would never tell him that. Bet Granger would be pleased to hear that I had made a friend like she so desperately wanted me too.

I slipped into my usual spot next to Penny who smiled secretly and exchanged a glance with one of the other Hufflepuff girls who were nearby. Josie I think.

"What?" I asked. She motioned to one of the other tables nearby. Granger was talking with her partner, Sirius, and was looking quiet flustered. Her eyes met mine for a second and I looked away.

"What?" I repeated.

"Aren't you jealous?" Penny asked.

"Of him? Why would I?" I replied, very confused at this point.

"Isn't that why you did that spider thing on him a while ago? Weren't you jealous of him talking to Bailey?" She replied.

"Uh, no." I said, hoping I didn't hesitate.

"Oh. Well, he asked her out to Hogsmeade with him." She shrugged.

"Is that so." I muttered.

"Aren't we a bit young for dating?" grumbled Josie.

"You sound just like my mother. Besides, we all know who you'd like to date," Penny nudged Josie who scowled.

"I do not like him," She replied grimly. The two of them started arguing about weather or not Josie liked "him". Girls.

"Quit it, class is starting." muttered the Gryffindor girl on the other side of Josie. Josie and Penny shut their mouths and focused their attention to Slughorn.

I felt someone poking my shoulder so I turned around. Some Gryffindor boy was handing me a note. I toke it and looked around the room to make sure Slughorn wouldn't catch me. I looked behind me at Granger to see if it was from her. She met my eyes and looked at the note and shrugged. Cautiously, I unfolded it. That's when I remembered; I should never ever ever trust Gryffindors.

As soon as I opened the piece of paper, something exploded in my face. The explosion made a loud boom noise and left me covered in a sticky pink substance that smelt like hair gel. It was all over my face and clothes and even in my hair. Usually I would've been pissed that my hair had been ruined, but I could care less now. Maybe it could get rid of the ginger color.

I tried to wipe some of it off my skin but, to my horror, it had magically turned my skin pink. I had pink skin. I moved my hands to my hair and gasped when I realized the amount of goop was in it. First I had red hair, now pink?

I knew I should've been angry or annoyed, but I felt mortified. It wasn't like when I got attacked by that Hippogriff earlier in the year, I didn't feel embarrassed of how I reacted then, I just felt plain stupid. But now, I felt blood rushing down my face which must've been hidden under all the pink. The whole class had heard the explosion and had turned to face me.

Most of the Gryffindor boys were laughing and even a few Hufflepuff ones. The girls from both houses looked startled and a few amused. I looked to the right and saw a very surprised Penny, who had didn't have a trace of pink goop or pink anything on her.

I didn't want to turn around and look at Granger. The note was from Sirius, no doubt. Couldn't she have at least warned me? I got up and turned to face him with my wand in hand. He was ready though, with his wand in his arm. I was ready to jinx him, when I felt my wand fly out of my hand.

"That will be enough boys," He said grimly. He picked up my disarmed wand and placed it on his desk, "Twenty points from both houses," A few students groaned but Slughorn ignored it.

"Let's see here… Ms. Evans," Slughorn looked around the room and turned his focus to a redhead Gryffindor girl, "You will take Mr. Johnson here to the infirmary to get this cleaned up,"

The girl looked hesitant but she nodded, probably not wanting to disappoint the teacher. I stood up and walked into the hallway. The remaining pink goop had dissolved or something, but the pink remained. The girl followed short after.

"C'mon," I grumbled and walked towards the infirmary.

"You've been here for just a week and you already know where the infirmary is?" She asked. I didn't reply and she rolled her eyes.

"Can't I just wash the pink off?" I asked and instantly regretted asking.

"No…it's a tinguo potion. It's usually used to dye clothes or hair, but it also can dye your skin if its made a certain way. The only way your hair or skin will change back to its original color is to drink a normal potion." She recited, as if she had memorized the potion it just for this occasion. Maybe she and Granger had swamped personalities.

"A normal potion?"

"A normal potion. You know, it turns things back to it normal," She said as if it was an inside joke I didn't know. I stared blankly at her, confused.

She sighed, "Exilis remedium? It's basically an antidote potion for most small and harmless potion effects. For example, being died pink from the waist up,"

"Oh. I knew that." I actually did know the potion; I'd even made it before.

"Sorry, normal potion is what my sister calls it. She's a muggle, you see, and she thinks wizards over complicate things like spell incantation and potion names. So we make simpler names for them," She said sadly. Red hair, green eyes, mudblood with a know it all personality. She was like some strange combination of Weasel, Potter, and Granger.

"Anyway, I'm Lily. Lily Evans." She introduced, "Most Hufflepuffs don't seem to like Gryffindors, I don't really know why." She shrugged.

Wait a minute. Lily Evans aka Potter's dead mom? She did have his eyes. I mean he had hers. Not that I'd been staring at his eyes, that's just what everyone seems to say. I was doing something Potter never

"You're Leo, right? Is it short for anything? Like Leonardo or something? Or are you named after the constellation?" She asked quickly.

I stopped in my tracks. Leo was a constellation? I should've known. My mother's side of the family had a thing for naming their kids after stars or constellations. Like my name, Draco, was a constellation in the shape of a dragon of course. Now I remembered, in first year in astronomy we were going over the constellations.

We had class that day with the Hufflepuffs. It was a pretty normal day, with professor Sinistra showing us the constellations on the magically enchanted ceiling. We all had our heads arched up to look at the stars. She pointed out the stars like Polaris, the North Star, and showed us the big constellations like Ursa Major, the great bear. It was pretty interesting; I had to say for myself.

The sky shifted to a different section, and she smiled.

"This constellation, the Dragon, is a very interesting one. It's said to illustrate the Dragon killed by the Mythological hero, Hercules. It stretches around the north celestial pole and has no bright stars. Isn't that right, Draco." She looked at me when she said it and I felt my stomach flop. I knew I was named after that constellation, but the way she said it made me feel uncomfortable. She continued on with class but it wasn't the same.

"Hello?" I shook myself off and saw Lily shaking her hand in my face.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I muttered.

"Oh. Ok," She looked like she didn't believe my answer but she went with it.

"How come you don't like Sirius?" She asked randomly. I opened my mouth but I didn't know what to say.

"Is it cause he likes Bailey? Are you jealous?" She grinned.

"No." I didn't like him cause he's annoying and he's my mothers cousin and also a future murderer.

"Really?" She smirked.

"I don't like him cause he bothers…my best friend." I managed to choke out. It sounded exactly what someone who was jealous would say.

"Right. Anyway, It wasn't him who sent you the note."

"How do you know?" I questioned.

"If I know anything about Sirius and the others, is that none of them have any brains. Remus is the exception. But they are very 'serious' about their pranking." She stopped for a moment, like she just realized her pun.

"Anyway, someone did the spell on Sirius once last year, and they never do pranks twice or pranks that happen to them. And also, a tinguo potion is a bit out of their league. They usually use spells and charms."

"Are you friends with them?" I asked.

"Sort of." She shrugged.

"If Sirius didn't do it, then why was he pointing his wand at me?" I said in disbelief.

"I dunno, you were pointing yours at him, maybe it was reflexes. I mean, if a pissed pink boy pointed his wand at me, I'd do the same." She had a point, but I didn't want to believe her. I wanted a reason to hate Siruis.

"Then who gave me the note?" I muttered.

"Jordan Wright." She stated.


"I said, Jordan Wright. Hufflepuff boy, light brown ha-," She started.

"I know who he is. " I snapped, "How do you know?"

"I saw him give the note to someone and they passed it along. It got around the room pretty quickly. He gave it to Hunter, who gave it to Isabel, who gave it to Bea, who gave it to Matthew, who gave it to Grayson-" She began.

"Ok I get it." I interrupted again.

"He was the one who did it to Sirius, maybe he has a supply of the potion or something." She explained. But wouldn't that mean h

"Oh look, we're here. Should I come in or just wait out here?" She asked.

"You can just stay here, "I muttered.

"Ok, just ask the lady there, Madam Pomfrey, for a exilis remedium potion."

"I know who she-" I started but stopped quickly. I wasn't supposed to know who she is, "Thanks." She nodded and I went inside the infirmary.

Draco's POV

After I drank the potion, my skin and hair started to return to their normal colors. My hair was still red to my disappointment, but at least my skin wasn't pink. The potion tasted sort of like water, but not good water-sort of like toilet water. Not that I've drank that-just a hunch.

I walked outside and found Lily sitting nearby at the end of the hall. She was quiet, with her hand on her chin, like she was in deep thought. I cleared my throat and she got up and brushed herself off.

"Why would Jordan want to turn you pink?" She muttered, as if figuring out would solve some important mystery.

"Dunno." I shrugged.

"Do you share a room with him?" She asked.

"Yea." I nodded

"Are you friends with his brother?" I shrugged again.

"I guess. Why do you care?" I said abruptly.

"Dunno." She said shrugged, possibly mimicking me, "Have you done anything to make him dislike you?"

"Well… I talked to him one and he got upset. But I don't think he'd hate me for having more chocolate frog cards them him." I explained to her what happened and she rolled her eyes. The look on her face said one thing, Boys.

"You must've done something else to make him upset. But what…" She bit the edge of one of her fingernails but immediately put her hand down.

"I don't know, and I could care less really." I rolled my eyes, wondering what was her deal.

"Well I care. I've always had a problem with Jordan." She spoke, but didn't explain why.

Then it dawned to me, she was friends with Sirius. This could be a trick planned by him. What did I do to Jordan anyway? Besides, I could always ask Matt to ask him.

"Well this is not your problem. I'll settle my differences with Jordan by myself." I grumbled.

"Fine then." She crossed her arms and started walking faster.

"Fine." I walked quietly behind her and didn't speak a word. I followed her back into the potions room and tried to not make eye contact with anyone.


A/N: Exilis remedium=Small antidote, Tinguo=color