Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I may wish, pretend, imagine, but I will never own Harry Potter. *le sigh*

A/N: Story I started on Ifunny and decided to continue here! If you are reading this chapter from Ifunny, I changed Lucius's age so the people in the Marauders' year, Hermione, and Draco are all third years.

Hermione walked down the halls of Hogwarts. She knew what she was doing would be deadly if it got in the wrong hands. She had to make sure no one knew about it or saw her use it.

Finally, she was alone. She reached in her pocket and pulled out the small gadget, a time turner. This magical device could take her back in time, which made it very dangerous.

Hermione, of course, used it to take extra classes. With permission from Professor Dumbledore, she went back in time so she could be part of a class she missed by being In another one. Call her crazy, for wanting to take extra classes, but she felt like she needed to do it.

The past few years had been amazing since she'd learned that she ha magical blood. She had been excited to learn magic and have fun.

That was before she became close with Harry and Ron and also before she found out how some pureblood and even some halfblood wizards and witches treated the muggleborn ones.

She remembered how people always made fun of her even before she came to Hogwarts. She was always called names for having messy hair, having a weird name, for being herself.

When she found out she had been accepted into Hogwarts, she was overjoyed. A chance for her to start over, a chance to fit in. Little did she know, people were still people even with magic.

Hermione grittited her teeth. Here she was now, taking more classes then any pureblood student and getting better grades than all of them combined.

She spun the time turner once, twice, a thi-

"Granger? What are you-" Hermione felt a boy's arm reach out and grab her shoulder. Her fingers slipped and the timeturner did its job and sent Hermione and her intruder back in time.

She and the boy flew back in time, appearing in the same spot they had been standing in. Except that thanks to the magic of time travel, she was on top of the boy who had interrupted her. In fact, their faces were mere inches away.

"Granger? The hell are you doing?" Shouted a very flustered Draco Malfoy of all people.


Feeling embarrassed from their almost kiss, the two got up and brushed themselves off.

"What were you doing? I know you wouldn't throw yourself on top of me so somthi-" Draco was muffled by Hermione covering his mouth with her hand.

"Shhh! Shut your mouth for one second!" She knew that they had gone back in time, but she didn't know to where. Great.

"Get your dirty mudblood hands off of me!" Shouted Draco who'd managed to escape her attempt at silencing him. He took off to the right hallway, Hermione following. She couldn't let him screw with the past!

"Malfoy! Get your arse over here! I need to explain something!" She caught up to him. He had stopped,"Finally, here listen you won't believe me but... Malfoy?"

Draco was staring at a male student who was walking up to them. Hermione studied the guy questioningly, and was even more shocked once she realized who it was.

"Third years up this late? Both of you two to Dumbledore's office." Calmly spoke the voice of 18 year old Lucius Malfoy.

Hermione shook herself off. She had to keep herself steady so she wouldn't mess up the future. She opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Draco.

"D-dad?" He asked, still gaping at him. Hermione facepalmed. She didn't need to do anything, He would screw it up for everyone.

"Is he ok? I'm not anyone's dad." Lucius said, shocked.

"Oh, It's just a misunderstanding, you happen to look look his father." She said quickly.

"A Slytheirn and a Gryffindor, alone together at nine pm. How suspicious." drawled Lucius.

"Well, as head boy, fifeteen points from Gryffindor." Hermione rolled her eyes. She could totally see where Draco got all his... traits from.

"I'm sorry, we'll be on our way then." Hermione grabbed Draco's arm and tried to walk away.

"Oh no you don't. Being up this late will have to result in a trip to Dumbledore's office." Lucius smirked.

Dumbledore could totally help Hermione out of this situation! She pulled Draco, who seemed to be more relaxed now, over to Lucius.

"I believe you can take this Gryffindork to the headmaster' s office, Right?" Of course Draco wouldn't be in trouble but she was.

"Yea, I-I can do that." Draco stammered, obviously still in shock. He slipped his arm out of Hermione's tight grasp and the two walked to Dumbledore's office.

"What the Hell were you doing with a time turner?" Draco snapped.

"You know what they are?" She asked. She'd always got the sense that they were illegal secretive magical tools. She had felt like she was in on some sort of a big secret. Now knowing that Malfoy knew about them made the special feeling go away.

"Of course I do!" He looked at her as if she'd just asked him if he knew what a wand is.

"Sorry." She replied sarcastically.

"Now back to my question, What were you doing with one?"

"I use it to take extra classes under Dumbledore's knowledge." He sighed dramatically.

"Of course you'd take extra classes."

"What else would I do with it?" She asked furiously.

"Exactly. You'd do nothing other then bury your nose in books."

"What would you do with one?"She asked. He flushed red as they arrived at Dumbledore's office door.

"What would the password even be? Some sort of candy right?" He asked.

"Yea. Try something."

"Chocolate Frog?" Nothing," Bertie Bott' s Every Flavor bean?" Still nothing. The two tried a couple more times.

"Wait, let me try something. Hershey bar. Reese's peanut butter cup. Snickers." The door opened, revealing a spiral staircase. Hermione smiled proudly.

"What the hell is a Snickers? Is that some type of muggle candy? Sounds horrid." Draco shuddered

"It's better then it sounds." Hermione laughed under her breath as Draco's face paled.

"You mean, You've eatten one of those?" He gasped. Hermione laughed and walked up the stairs to Dumbledore's office.
