Four Times Mike Finds Out and One Time Harvey Tells Him by Mandarax
Author's note - this has been sitting on my PC since I watched season 3 a few months ago... Each chapter will be one scenario. Various spoilers to anything up to the end of season 3. Hope you enjoy :)
Disclaimer - The things I'd do to Harvey Specter...
Part One - The One where there's a 3AM Knock
He knocks on the door.
It's 3 in the morning, but Mike doesn't care. Harvey will huff and puff until he hears what Mike has to say, and then he'll go back into the bedroom and come out again 15 minutes later, all Harvey like in a 3-piece suit and gelled up hair and be ready to hit the dirt.
Mike'll pour himself a scotch while he waits and entertain himself by pondering about the color of the suit Harvey'll put on.
He bangs on the door again. "Harvey, open up, I've got news!"
"What the hell, Mike?!"
Mike's brain doesn't let him miss the fact that Harvey's dressed in thin grey sweats and a white tee-shirt, both of which actually look slept in.
"I've got news," he says and hands Harvey the piece of paper he'd been holding on to.
Harvey doesn't ask questions. Mike, the puppy, is actually growing up, so if he's here at 3 in the morning, there really is a good reason. He takes the folded paper and opens it. As he's reading, he walks back into the apartment. Mike'll follow him in.
He reads the paper twice, just to make sure he actually understands. His sleep-addled mind is all cleared up now.
"So we got the son of a bitch?" He looks up at Mike.
"Yes, we do. All we need is to get that contract in there by 8AM."
Harvey hands him the paper back. "Make yourself comfortable, I'll be out in 15." And he turns around and walks into his bedroom.
Mike's already pouring himself the scotch when he hears Harvey whispering something. He turns around because he thinks he may have missed what Harvey had said but the older man is not in the room, and his mumbled words come from the bedroom.
He inches closer slowly so that Harvey doesn't hear him. There's mumbling and then there's a small ray of light coming from the bathroom across the room, and Mike makes the best of it to try and make out the shape of a woman in the bed.
Damn that Harvey and his charm and charisma. The man is a babe-magnet.
Mike knows he shouldn't but he wants to catch a small glimpse of the woman Harvey closed that night. His usual prim and proper behavior is gone for a few minutes, and Mike thinks it might be because he's happy they will actually get to win this round against Alison.
He glances around the door and into the bedroom, slow so that if she's awake she doesn't catch him. But she's not awake, and he can see her lying on her side, face turned away from the door, her hair sprawled all around her pillow and some on the other one. Mike immediately notices that she's dressed, at least wearing a tee shirt, a woman's design. This wasn't a woman the Great Harvey Specter just picked up at some fancy restaurant and took home. This isn't a night of great passion that had both of them losing clothes on their way to the bedroom, and Mike had seen the apartment that way a time or two. So she's spent the night with Harvey before. Mike smiles to himself. Maybe Harvey's gone legit (at least with women?)
He steps away, refills his glass with two more fingers of Scotch.
Something about the woman in Harvey's bed makes him edgy. She's familiar somehow. Maybe she's come by the office before.
He glides closer to the bedroom door again, intent on taking another peek, but Harvey's out of the shower now, and they're talking in whispered voices. Mike knows he shouldn't, but the liquid courage and the need to know who she is are too great. He stops outside the door, leaving a clear escape route in case Harvey comes out but he's still close enough to hear voices. He doesn't need to know what's being said; that really is a private conversation he honestly wants nothing to do with, but at least he might be able to place her if he can hear her voice.
"Shh," he hears Harvey, "go back to sleep."
"I hate it when you have to leave in the middle of the night like that," she whispers.
"I know."
There's the sound of a wet kiss.
"But Mike's onto something and this will get us out of an agreement no one really wants."
"He needs to get a life," she comments dryly, and Harvey actually chuckles.
"He's got something pretty good with Rachel, I wouldn't worry about it."
"If only you knew the half of it, Harvey Specter," she mutters.
"Go to sleep, I'll see you in a few hours." There is a definite smile in Harvey's voice.
There's another kiss but Mike's already across the room. Harvey comes out of the bedroom and Mike notices, even though his head's in complete turmoil, that Harvey's wearing his dark blue suit. Donna told him once that when Harvey wears that dark blue one with the white shirt and the blue dotted tie, that means he's ready for battle.
Which is good, because in a few short hours, they'll be going into battle.
Mike glances around him again, his mind supplying all the small details he'd picked up but hadn't examined yet. There's a woman's blue jacket hanging next to Harvey's by the door. Two glasses of wine in the sink; Black stilettos by the couch in the living room.
Harvey looks at him, "Hope you at least got the good stuff this time around," he nods at the glass, still mostly full, in Mike's hand.
It takes Mike's body a few seconds to catch up with his brain. "What? Yeah, you taught me well. The one behind the generic bottle."
"Good, you're learning," Harvey says, "need help finishing that off? Because I don't have the time to teach you to drink like they do in the big leagues tonight."
"Uh, no." Mike downs the rest of his drink in one and puts the glass in the sink. He knows Harvey's watching him.
He turns around and makes his way to the front door. Harvey follows him. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, all good," Mike confirms, but his voice is still hesitant. He's still not completely sure how what he'd seen and what he'd heard completed the puzzle and ended up being… Donna? The woman in Harvey's bed?
They stand side by side in the elevator silently, going down the many floors to Harvey's building loby. Harvey knows Mike had seen the glasses, the jacket, the shoes. He knows Mike's put one and one together, and he's going to arrive at the right conclusion. He just might not say anything and be distracted the whole night.
"What do you want to know?" Harvey asks without looking at his young protégé.
"How long?"
"Since Stephen Huntley."
"Is it…"
"I don't do feelings, you know that," Harvey cuts the thought off.
At that Mike turns to look at him. "Don't you? Just with her? Always?"
The corners of Harvey's mouth turn up in a playful smile. "I guess it was inevitable."
They're treading on lighter ground now but Mike's still not done. "Scottie?"
Mike knew she'd left the firm, but that didn't mean she'd left Harvey's life. Or maybe it did. "To use Louis's favorite line, who's on the inside?"
"You." Harvey's not looking at him again. He's staring straight at the elevator doors.
The doors slide open. Mike knows this particular conversation is over. He got his answer. He's focused.
They go to war.
They win.
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