Last chapter! This makes me pretty sad but as they say, everything must end once. I would like to thank everyone who read this little story. It was a lot of fun having you here and hearing from you after every chapter! Thank you so much for each and every kind word and for everything. I love you all!

BananaPhone: darling, you do realize I won't be able to answer your last comment if you dont make a profile, right? (Yes, that's me urging you to make one ;D) I love your perverted fangirliness too, that's after all what made me start writing :D *shakes head* well I guess you'll just have to read the whole fic from start again, won't you ;P And yes, I prefer showering but a bubbly bath with Sev AND Harry... well I would miss that for the world :D

Z stands Zero, the number of letters we have left,

But there's still something that needs to be confessed.

"Love you," said Harry turning his back to Rose and Severus.

"How so you never say it back, Uncle Severus?"

Rose had always been the chattier one. Regardless, she and Severus could always maintain a good relationship; business and family both.

"He does," said Harry smiling at Severus. He walked to his husband and kissed the top of his head. "You may not hear it, but he does say it every day: with every kiss, every touch, every look."

"Harry," murmured Severus quietly as Harry walked out of the potions laboratory.

"Hm?" The man looked back.

"I love you, too."