Guys i'm sorry for the grammar, english is not my first language, i just wanted to share the story with you, i hope you like it!

Wendy felt a chill that ran through her body, she had to hold onto the table.

- Wendy? What is it?

- Premonition, I think.

- What are you seeing?

- Some people chasing a girl, it's dark, they look furious, she's hurt (Wendy began to hyperventilate) oh god Joanna, they caught her! Wait… she, she's a witch.

- Wendy you have to identify the place, which street is it? If we want to help her you have to see every single detail.

- I'm trying, she's doing a good job herself, she is very powerful, she is paralyzing them, but there are many. No no no. Crap! I stopped seeing it; do you think we can do something?

- Did you identify the place?

- Yes, I think I know where she'll be; we have to help her Joanna!

- You know? You only had premonitions when I was in danger, who do you think she is?

- I have no idea, but I have a strange feeling, I'm not sure what is it, but she needs us.

- Okay, We can try, let's just hope this is not a trap.