Hello ladies and gentlemen and all other life forms that have Decided to stick with me this far, I have another chapter here for you all, also I am now a member of the G.M.A.D. Woo! So I hope you all enjoy and a very merry Christmas to you all! I couldn't leave you guys without a present, so I made this, and also went through and edited the other chapters of any mistakes or bits I didn't like. So here we are. Wiol ono.


'just SHUT UP' : normal speech

'Fair point' : thoughts/untranslated language

'I like him'/ Bullseye! : dragon speech/movie dragon speech

Dragons! : movie speech

Next up, more dragon training, and time to meet Toothless.

Chapter 4

«Line break»


Scene fade in- ON HICCUP'S HAND

Opening the massive book. Thunder BOOMS outside. The hall is vacant and dark, but for the few candles he's pulled together.

'Wow, scary' Tuffnut Comments, followed up by Ruffnut 'why wasn't I there!' Kxguldut sighed, 'you left cause you didn't want to read, remember?' Ruff & Tuff's faces reform into O's.

Hiccup pours through page after page of strange and frightening dragons.

'Wait... You left instead of reading?' Gobber asks, 'well duh! Why wouldn't we?' Snotlout answers arrogantly. Gobber just sighs and and shrugs in Kxguldut's direction.

HICCUP (V.O.) Dragon classifications. Strike class. Fear class. Mystery class.

Hiccup turns the page.

'Really needs an update' Toothless says, 'you forgot tidal, Boulder, and... Well... You know what I mean' Toothless trails off at Hiccup's incredulous look.

HICCUP (V.O.) (CONT'D) Thunderdrum. This reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools.

'Also very loyal and loves warm soapy baths' Shadow says. Kxguldut looks at him strangely, before shaking his head and answering, 'I'm not even going to ask how you know that last bit'

HICCUP (V.O.) (CONT'D) When startled, the Thunderdrum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range. Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight.

'Gee that's harsh' a young zippleback comments in the background, Hiccup couldn't help but agree.

Hiccup's eyes drift to a lurid illustration of DECAPITATED Vikings. Another page, another dragon.

'Uhh... Never had that happen before' a purple thunder drum comments in confusion.

HICCUP (V.O.) (CONT'D) Timberjack. This gigantic creature has razor sharp wings that can slice through full grown trees...extremely dangerous. Kill on sight.

'You know, I think the harshness goes on all the way through' Toothless says bitterly

The illustrations seem to take on a life of their own, shifting and squirming in the candlelight.

'Woah, do all books do that?' Tuffnut asks, he looks thoughtful for a moment, 'man, maybe I 'should' read more'

HICCUP (V.O.) (CONT'D) Scauldron. Sprays scalding water at its victim. Extremely dangerous.

'Dries out if it stays without water too long, loves all types of fish' Kxguldut elaborates.

The storm outside rages against the shuttered windows. Hiccup is startled, but presses on.

HICCUP (CONT'D) Changewing. Even newly hatched dragons can spray acid. Kill on sight.

'Stealth twenty, able to camouflage into any surroundings' Kxguldut again interrupts. The other vikings look surprised at this information.

He begins flipping through the pages. A blur of dragons...

HICCUP (CONT'D) Gronckle. Zippleback. The Skrill. Bone Knapper. Whispering Death.

Astrid couldn't help but frown, it's as if he was looking for something.

Burns its victims. Buries its victims. Chokes its victims. Turns its victims inside-out. Extremely dangerous. Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight. Kill on sight. Kill on sight...

Hiccup finally lands upon the page he's been looking for.

HICCUP (V.O.) (CONT'D) Night Fury.

It's almost as if a light bulb goes off in everyone's heads, that's what he was doing.

It's BLANK - no image, save for a few, sparse details.

HICCUP (CONT'D) Speed unknown. Size unknown. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself.

Toothless snorts in amusement, 'hardly' he says, 'I hate lightning'

HICCUP (CONT'D) Never engage this dragon. Your only chance, hide and pray it does not find you

'Option two, bring it fish while its grounded' Hiccup says quietly, though his muttering didn't go completely unnoticed by everyone.

Hiccup pulls his sketchbook out of his vest and opens it to his drawing of Toothless. He lays it over the book's blank page and considers it.

CLOSE SCENE on the drawing of Toothless...


A painted DRAGON, with a sword run through it. It's the billowing sail of Stoick's ship. Stoick hovers over the familiar nautical map - his eyes on the uncharted corner, swirling in mist and illustrations of dragons.

'Wow, they really need some redecoration' Hiccup overhears the skrill. Hiccup couldn't help but snort in agreement, earning him another strange look from Astrid.

STOICK: I can almost smell them. They're close. Steady.

One small terror pipes up 'More like the unholy stench of the queen, it's horrible!' This extracts some nervous chuckles from the other dragons and some not so nervous ones from Kxguldut and Shadow.

Stoick raises his gaze to... An epic fog bank, towering from sky to sea like a bruised, daunting curtain, beyond which nothing is visible. The three ships drift alongside it, skirting its solid edge, looking for an opening.

ON DECK the crewmen mill nervously, all too aware of what Stoick is considering.

STOICK (CONT'D) Take us in.

'And you're screwed' Shadow quotes, amused.

The helmsman steers Stoick's ship into the fog. The men draw their weapons, prepping for the worst.

VIKING: Hard to port... for Helheim's gate.

The first ship disappears into the whiteout, followed by the other two.

A beat passes.

Suddenly a flash of light. A silhouette of a dragon. Hollers. Sounds of splitting and shattering wood. Plunges into the water. Another bright flash.

A few of the vikings shiver in memory of the moment.


CLOSE ON a DRAGON painted onto a shield. Hiccup runs his finger over its outline.

HICCUP: You know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies. Is there another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet?

'Night fury pamphlet?' Toothless asks, before flinching a moment later. 'That's what you were doing?!' Hiccup also flinches at Astrid's tone, before hiding behind Toothless, who was growling slightly at Astrid.

KABLAM! A blast takes the axe head off of Hiccup's hilt, leaving a smoking hole behind him. Hiccup yelps and turns.

A few vikings jump.

GOBBER (O.S.) FOCUS Hiccup! You're not even trying.

CUT BACK to reveal a Deadly Nadder, Hiccup recovers and runs,

NADDER (awkwardly) ... Uhh... Bye?

A few dragons snigger.

ZOOM OUT to show the Nadder loose in a maze-like arrangement of moveable walls.

Gobber calls orders from above.

GOBBER (CONT'D) Today... is all about attack.

The Nadder hops from wall to wall, sending the recruits scurrying.

'Very useful Gobber, how's Hiccup gonna survive though?' Snotlout says arrogantly. Kxguldut looks back to a small blue terror which chirps happily and dissapears from sight.

GOBBER (CONT'D) Nadders are quick and light on their feet. Your job is to be quicker and lighter.

The teens move in, stumbling over Hiccup and his unwieldy shield. The Nadder spots Fishlegs' ample rear hiding behind a wall. It whips its tail of spikes.


Fishlegs screams and lifts his shield to stop himself from becoming a mixture between a shish Kebab and a pincushion.

'Aaaahhhh!' The mortified scream pierces through the sound of the movie, startling everyone. The movie pauses as everyone turns to Snotlout, who is running backwards, tripping over things, with a chirruping blue terror perched in front of his face, hanging on for dear life.

'Get it off! Somebody get it off!' Snotlout starts yelling, as he falls to the ground. Some of the viking and all of the dragons start laughing at his predicament while the terror disappears, leaving Snotlout sitting there, half hyperventilating.

The movie starts again as the terror makes it back to Kxguldut, who gives it a friendly scratch under the chin.

FISHLEGS (panicked) I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods.

'And you weren't before, why?' Hiccup asks. Fishlegs looks sheepishly at Hiccup.

GOBBER: Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it, and strike.

Ruff and Tuff rush in, diving and rolling up to the Nadder's nose. The Nadder sniffs the air - it can't see them. Tuff and Ruff are smashed together - too close for comfort.

NADDER (confused) huh? Where are they? They were right here!

RUFFNUT (WHISPERED) Do you ever bathe?

TUFFNUT: If you don't like it, then just get your own blind spot.

RUFFNUT: How about I give you one!

NADDER: oh right, blind spot.

Ruff and Tuff SHOVE each other, till their movement and noise Finally aggravates the Nadder. The Nadder ATTACKS, SNAPPING at both of them.


Most of the dragons, Hiccup, Kxguldut and Shadow, all laugh at this.

GOBBER: Blind spot? Yes. Deaf spot? Not so much.

NADDER (at Gobber) duh!

Hiccup wanders up to Gobber, while the others dart past.

HICCUP: Hey, so how would one sneak up on a Night Fury?

GOBBER None one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale. NOW GET IN THERE!

HICCUP: I know, I know, but hypothetically...

'You really do have to know everything don't you?' Toothless elaborates. Hiccup rubs the back of his neck, 'yeah, kinda.' Toothless chuckles and gives Hiccup an affectionate lick on the side of his face. 'Yuck! Toooothless!' Hiccup whines. Unnoticed by the duo, Astrid watches this exchange, confused.


She puts her finger to her lips and gestures for him to hide. A moment later, the Nadder leaps over the walls, surprising them by landing in front of her. Astrid somersaults into its blind spot, confusing it. She rears back to strike - just as Snotlout leaps in, protectively sweeping Astrid behind him.

SNOTLOUT: Watch out babe. I'll take care of this.

Snotlout rears back his arm, readying to throw.

NADDER: uh oh!


Snotlout misses. Astrid glares at him.

NADDER (laughing) lame!

SNOTLOUT (DEFENSIVE) The sun was in my eyes, Astrid. What do you want me to do, block out the sun? I could do that, but I don't have time right now!

NADDER: aren't these meant to be vikings?

More chuckles come from the dragons.

The Nadder tears off after Astrid knocking down walls in pursuit. She leaps and dives like a highly trained gymnast. Hiccup wanders up to Gobber again.

'Again?' Toothless whines.

HICCUP: They probably take the daytime off. You know, like a cat. Has anyone ever seen one napping?

'A cat! I am not a ca- mmph!' Toothless get cut off by Hiccup's hand over his mouth. 'Actually, it more like a mix between a cat, dog, bird and lizard' he teases. Toothless harrumphs and turns his head away.

GOBBER: Hiccup!

ASTRID: -Hiccup!

Hiccup spins around to see the maze walls collapsing like dominos toward him. Astrid comes flying through the dust and crash-lands on top of him, laying him out in a limb-tangled mess.

'And he's down and dirty!' Toothless comments to Hiccup, the latter blushing furiously. Hiccup whacks Toothless' nose lightly with his hand.

TUFFNUT: Oooh! Love on the battlefield!

RUFFNUT: She could do better.

Toothless growls at the twins with a sudden change of heart after the comment. Only 'he' was allowed to tease Hiccup

The Nadder closes in, emerging through the cloud of dust.

NADDER: okay, I don't even wanna know what that is meant to be!

HICCUP (struggling to untangle) Just... let me... why don't you...

The Nadder spins around and races back toward them like a... Well... Like a Nadder I suppose.

NADDER: will you get off each other already!

Astrid untangles herself and tries to pull her axe from Hiccup's shield... which is attached to his limp, gangly arm.

She plants her foot on his torso and yanks the axe free, still burrowed into the shield. She spins and swings the axe and shield, scoring a direct hit on the oncoming Nadder's nose. It yelps and scurries off.

'Well that wasn't very nice' one of the terrors decides to comment. Hiccup nods in agreement.

NADDER: Aaaiiii!... Youch!

Said Nadder winces in remembrance of the blow.

GOBBER: Well done, Astrid.

Gobber hobbles off to wrestle the Nadder back into his cave. Hiccup gets to his feet - all eyes are upon him. He turns to find Astrid glaring at him, winded.

'Oooh no' Kxguldut comments, getting a snicker out of Shadow.

ASTRID: Is this some kind of a joke to you? Our parents' war is about to become ours. Figure out which side you're on.

She grabs her axe and stomps off. Hiccup watches, stung.

'I think he already has thanks' Toothless growls, curling protectively around Hiccup.


'Oh no, you went back there again!' Fishlegs comments worriedly, concerned for Hiccup.

'What a loser' Snotlout says arrogantly, Kxguldut frowns.


A fish... being thrown into the cove. It hits the ground and slides. A moment later, Hiccup peeks through a gap in the rock, looking around cautiously. Nothing. Hiccup squeezes through and enters the cove.

'Wait... That's what you meant by bring it fish earlier?' Fishlegs asks curiously. Hiccup nods.

A BEAT, then Hiccup hears a SNORT from behind him. Hiccup turns to see the Night Fury, crouched on a rock like a stealthy panther. It descends, approaching him... ready to pounce.

NIGHT FURY: You again? Why are you here?

'Oh no, he's gonna bet eaten!' Fishlegs cries out, covering his eyes, meanwhile the twins lean forward in the hope for some goriness.

Hiccup swallows his fear and offers the fish.

NIGHT FURY: you brought... fish?

In doing so reveals the dagger at his waist. The dragon sees it and hisses.

NIGHT FURY: weapon!

Hiccup reaches for it, eliciting a growl.


Fishlegs yelps and recovers his eyes as his curiosity had gotten to him and he was peeking.

He pauses, carefully lifts it by the handle, and tosses it away. The dragon calms. As it approaches the fish, Hiccup notices that it's missing teeth.

NIGHT FURY: much better, now food.

'Wait, you got rid of your weapon while with the most dangerous dragon there is?' Astrid calls out. Kxguldut decides to answer, pointing at the screen, 'yeah of course!'

HICCUP: Huh. Toothless. I could've sworn you had...

A set of razor sharp teeth emerge from its gums to grab the fish. Toothless snatches and gnashes it up, swallowing it.

TOOTHLESS: finally! (A.N: finally been named)

HICCUP (CONT'D) ... teeth.

The teeth retract again.

TOOTHLESS (CONT'D) of course I do little human, I wouldn't be much of a dragon without them.

'Woah, retractable teeth, fascinating' Fishlegs had taken his hands away from his eyes after he noticed the absence of the twins excited cheering. Meanwhile Hiccup looks on, fascinated.

Toothless presses closer with an expectant look. Hiccup retreats nervously.

HICCUP (CONT'D) Uh, no. No, I don't have any more.

'I really shouldn't have said that' Hiccup complains. 'Uhh why not?' Gobber asks, Hiccup remains mysterious, 'you'll find out'

TOOTHLESS: wait... You gave me all of yours?

The Fury backs Hiccup against a rock, placing himself the same position as before. The dragon closes in over him, staring blankly.

TOOTHLESS (CONT'D) here you can have some.

A tense moment passes... then Toothless regurgitates a chunk of fish onto Hiccup's lap. They exchange stares.


Hiccup realizes what Toothless wants him to do. Hiccup crouches slowly and squeamishly picks it up.

'Wait... You're not going to...?' Fishlegs looks squeamish when Hiccup nods.

The dragon waits expectantly. Hiccup gags and gnaws off a bite of the slimy fish, and, with slight disgust, swallows.

Cries of disgust run through the vikings, Fishlegs gags.

TOOTHLESS: is it good?

He forces a smile. Toothless mimics him. Amazed, Hiccup sits up and tries to touch him.

TOOTHLESS: hand away, no touching!

'You could have lost your hand lad!' Gobber cries, both Kxguldut and Shadow flinch in sympathy, knowing what was to come. This action was only noticed by Astrid, who frowned, trying to figure something out.

Toothless HISSES and flaps off to a crash on the other side of the cove. He BLASTS the mossy ground to a red-hot temperature... and curls up on it like a giant dog.

He turns to find Hiccup seated beside him. Toothless tolerates his persistent presence...

TOOTHLESS: oh great, what now?

until Hiccup tries to touch his damaged tail. Toothless SNAPS at him. Hiccup takes the hint and leaves.

Gobber sighs, 'always the stubborn one' Hiccup smiles sheepishly.


It's MAGIC HOUR. Toothless wakes, hanging upside down from a tree.

'Maybe I should add bat to the list of animals that makes you up' Hiccup quotes, causing some of the nearby dragons to chuckle.

He spots Hiccup sitting on the other side of the cove. Sketching in the sand.

CLOSE ON a sketch of Toothless. Hiccup draws with a stick, minding his own business. Toothless appears behind him, watching carefully. Aware of his presence, Hiccup continues, trying not to scare him off.

TOOTHLESS: what are you doing? Hey! That's me!

Toothless walks off. A moment later, he reappears with an entire sapling, drawing lines in the sand. He rushes here and there, making haphazard lines in every direction. Finally, Toothless drops the tree and inspects his work. He seems pleased.

TOOTHLESS: you draw me, I draw you!

Hiccup stands and takes in the sprawling scribble, amazed by it.

'Hey, that actually looks kinda like you Hiccup' Fishlegs quips. Hiccup looks amazed, seeing it from this angle he could actually see the resemblance.

He accidentally steps onto one of the lines, eliciting aninstant growl from Toothless. He steps on it again. Toothless growls again.

'Sensitive much' Hiccup says to Toothless.

Realizing how sensitive he is, Hiccup steps carefully between each line, turning round and round until he unwittingly bumps into Toothless.

The vikings gasp, surely Hiccup's luck (or lack thereof) has run out. Meanwhile the dragons look on attentively, waiting to see what happens.

Toothless snorts. Once again, they're face to face. Hiccup slowly extends his hand. Toothless hesitates. Hiccup turns his head away and closes his eyes.

TOOTHLESS: ok human, I will trust you.

Hiccup again is amazed at the amount of trust Toothless was showing this early on in their friendship.

To his amazement, Toothless bridges the gap and presses his muzzle against Hiccup's hand. In a flash, the dragon is gone, leaving Hiccup astounded.

All the Vikings are astounded by the development, and both Kxguldut and Shadow share a smile.


Gobber and the recruits are seated at the top of an abandoned catapult tower, toasting campfire food around a roaring bonfire.

GOBBER: ...and with one twist he took my hand and swallowed it whole. And I saw the look on his face. (can't deny it) I was delicious. He must have passed the word, because it wasn't a month before another one of them took my leg.

'You really do love telling that story don't you Gobber' Stoick says to his best friend.

FISHLEGS: Isn't it weird to think that your hand was inside a dragon. Like if your mind was still in control of it you could have killed the dragon from the inside by crushing his heart or something.

'Uhh, Fishlegs... You have some serious problems' Hiccup comments.

SNOTLOUT: I swear I'm so angry right now. I'll avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot. I'll chop off the legs of every dragon I fight, with my face.

'Didn't this come up earlier?' Shadow asks.

He postures to Astrid. She rolls her eyes.

GOBBER (with a mouthful tone) Un-unh. It's the wings and the tails you really want. If it can't fly, it can't get away. A downed dragon is a dead dragon.

'Wait, isn't the Night Fury grounded?' Astrid asks curiously, 'what happens to it?'

ON HICCUP hiding his horrified look form the others.

Gobber stands and stretches.

GOBBER (CONT'D) Alright. I'm off to bed. You should be too. Tomorrow we get into the big boys. Slowly but surely making our way up to the Monstrous Nightmare. (playful, taunting) But who'll win the honour of killing it?

'What honour is there in killing a dragon?' An intrigued green terror asks.

He hobbles off. The teens reflect.

TUFFNUT (very matter of fact) It's gonna be me.

'Yeah right, it's totally gonna be me' Ruffnut argues, the two were about to fall into a fist fight when a burst of flame from Shadow interrupts them

(BEAT) It's my destiny. See?

Tuffnut rolls up his sleeve to reveal a red dragon on his arm.

FISHLEGS (GASPS) Your mom let you get a tattoo?

The Thorston parents both turn to glower at Tuffnut, who in turn hid behind his sister. 'Ugh, will you stop it you wimp' Ruffnut complains to her brother. Only Hiccup seemed to notice the smallest tone of affection hidden within the statement.

TUFFNUT: It's not a tattoo. It's a birthmark.

RUFFNUT: Okay, I've been stuck with you since birth, and that was never there before.

TUFFNUT: Yes it was. You've just never seen me from the left side until now.

'Uh, I've seen you from the left side plenty of times, but since I'm always right...' Ruffnut trails off. Some of the Vikings couldn't help but chuckle.

SNOTLOUT: It wasn't there yesterday. Is it a birthmark or a today-mark?

'As much as I hate to admit it, that comment was starting to get a bit closer to chair intelligence' Shadow comments, looking at the empty chair fondly. Kxguldut whistles while twirling his finger at his head, making quite a few of the members in the room laugh, though some vikings were still confused about the chair issue.

Hiccup gets up and walks away from the group. Astrid watches him as he leaves the bonfire.


The light turn on and Kxguldut appears at the front of the room. 'Now I know you all have many questions, but they will have to wait. Meanwhile I will let you lot mull over what you have seen for a while'

Hiccup and Toothless just sit back and watch the rest of the Vikings and dragons, chatter amongst themselves, before a few small terrors come bounding up to Hiccup to play with him. Hiccup smiles and joins in as best as he can as they wait for the next part of the movie.

After all, Hiccup has a saddle to make.

«Line break»

There we go guys, I know I haven't posted for a while, but I seem to like reading just a bit better than writing, so I got distracted. Anyways, I wish you all a merry Christmas, whether it be in snow, and winter, or heatwaves and summer, and hope you all enjoy your holidays. Please give some feedback for me so I know what you think, just for a present.

This is Kxguldut, TCLD, signing out.


Edited version posted on the 25th of December, 2014.