(A/N) Testing the waters for this couple so the first chapter might be kinda strange. However, I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
She's demanding he tells her her good traits, and he's confused as to why she's upset. Her uncharacteristic silence is deafening him and she hates to think that he only sees her as just an actress.
Good Things
Masayuki didn't mind the chatter of girls filling the air. He didn't mind their fragrant perfume or their joyful giggles. As long as they weren't being too loud, he wouldn't have a reason to scold them.
However, he did mind it when it was in the middle of club activities and he, being the freaking president, couldn't get them to listen to him.
"Girls! I said you could stay to watch, but you need to quiet down!" he exclaimed. The group of girls lowered their tone, but their excited chittering didn't stop.
The brunette sighed to himself, irritated. Normally he would kick them out like any other day- he didn't like non-members to see what they were preparing beforehand- but today he could use the help of people like them. He wanted to know exactly what kind of stories the student body would be interested in. Masayuki already had a general idea, but someone pitched the idea of polling the students and inviting them to see some short skits. It was a win-win situation. They could use the information for later, bigger performances and the actors could get some practice. It was a smart idea.
But now, as he tried to concentrate on the characters on the stage so he could give them pointers later on, the girls' blabbering would make him lose focus. Were they even respecting the actors at all? He felt like he was babysitting a bunch of toddlers at a funeral. They didn't really understand and they didn't really shut up.
And then, the main character of the scene, appeared and the small audience of females started squealing.
"Thank you for coming to see me today, princesses!" the blue-haired girl called, blowing a kiss to her fans. She was dressed in regal manner, representing the handsome prince of the story (of course).
"Kashima! Focus!" Masayuki barked. The tall girl on stage gave him a small wave and a smile to counter his glare before delivering her lines, the aura around her instantly changing. The short male bit the inside of his cheek. How did he have such good luck finding her? She had the perfect look as a leading character and the skill to match it- when she wasn't goofing off. This time, when the mini fanclub excitedly cheered for the girl, he felt a swell of pride. Of course, the annoyance was still there, but he once again praised his fate of finding her.
Soon, the short plays were over and the girls excitedly told him their opinions. After their leave, Masayuki talked with the actors as everyone else started cleaning up and getting ready to make their own exits.
Finally, the brown-eyed boy was alone and the air was still and quiet.
"Well, I guess that's the last of the performances," he muttered to himself. He was quickly putting away the short scripts and looking through the results of his research. As the boy had expected, adventure tales with a hint of fairytale-like romance would be the best choice for future plays. He hummed a soft song to himself as he looked to see if there was already a script that would fit his image of a perfect play.
Then again, as long as Kashima was playing the prince, the play would be well on it's way to being perfect.
"Hori-senpai, what are you smiling to yourself about?"
Masayuki felt his heart jump as he whipped his head to the right. He almost dropped the papers in his hand at the surprise.
"Kashima! What are you still doing here?"
"I left my tie," the blue-haired girl explained, holding up the red fabric. "Anyway, what about you? I thought you would've left by now too."
"I'm looking for choices for our next play. I was thinking maybe there were some scripts left around by the alumni that we haven't used yet," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I found a whole bin of them. It's gonna take awhile."
"So does that mean we won't be doing anything for awhile?" she asked, moving to tie her tie around her neck.
"Oi, don't you even dare think of skipping," the president glared. Kashima avoided eye contact and simply laughed. Masayuki clicked his tongue. She definitely was going to at least try.
"Can't you look at those tomorrow though, what's so important at looking at them now?"
"I'm looking at them now so you'll have something you're good at to do."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Exactly what it sounds like," the Hori smirked. The green-eyed girl pouted.
"Am I not helpful enough?"
"Are you really asking me that?" At his response, the female furrowed her eyebrows.
"Then what am I good at?"
The air was quiet for a moment. Kashima had her arms crossed over her chest as she narrowed her eyes at him. Masayuki sighed.
"Not tying ties, that's for sure," he chuckled. He put down the scripts and faced her. Stepping closer, he gently grabbed her wrists and put them to her sides before straightening out the accessory himself.
"That isn't what I asked, Hori-senpai," The female muttered.
"Isn't it obvious already? You're good at acting. Why else would I make you the lead every time?"
Kashima was silent as he kept his eyes focused on the cloth between his fingers. Successfully, he tightened the material around the taller female's neck and placed his hands on his hips in accomplishment.
"There. Now tuck it behind your vest, it still looks messy if you keep it hanging like that," he ordered, finally meeting her eyes. He was immediately aware of the close distance between them and felt that he should move. But his legs stayed as if they were weighed down by bricks. In reality, it was the expression Kashima was showing him that made him unable to step away.
"Hori-senpai, what are my good traits?" she asked. Her face didn't look totally sad, but it did look upset. It was so uncharacteristically different from her normal cheery personality, he didn't know what to do. She looked solemn, as if something was bothering her, and for some reason it hurt that he didn't know what it was.
"What? What are you asking about now?" he retorted, a vain attempt to get her to act like her usual self. Normally, she would stupidly smile or stupidly pout or stupidly groan at his inability to understand but instead she just stood there and he was pretty sure the only thing stupid in the room was Hori himself.
Again, the room was quiet and Hori was still rooted in place.
"Do you hate me?"
The question came like a pin drop. Kashima spoke softly and finally looked away and Hori felt like that pin breaking the silence was actually breaking him.
"How did you come to that conclusion, idiot? Why would I hate you?"
The girl crossed her arms again and her eyebrows furrowed. "Then what do you think of me?"
"Of you? Well... You have the perfect look to draw people's attention to the club and close to perfect acting ability to make them stay."
Now, (finally, Masayuki almost thought to himself) the girl groaned.
"You always say that!" she exclaimed. "I just don't get you. Is that the only thing good about me, Hori-senpai?"
Then, Masayuki understood where her frustration was coming from.
"Hmm... Okay, honestly, I think you're lazy, you always skip club activities, your harassment is infuriating, you're really good at annoying people," each thing the brunette listed off added color to her face as her eyebrows knitted closer together and her pout became stronger. Masayuki smirked as he riled her up, "You suck at painting props- not to mention making them- you easily break things in the clubroom, you're so annoyingly tall-"
"Wait, didn't you say my looks were a good thing?" she interrupted.
"I'm honestly not saying it's a bad thing."
"Yes you are!"
Ignoring her, the boy continued "Also, you always smell like perfume because of that crowd of fangirls you hang around with-"
"That's barely even my fault."
"But you're also one of the best actresses I know and you're a relatively fun person to be around. When you usually make an attempt to be helpful, you are, and you're caring and respectful. I enjoy being friends with you."
Kashima's irritated defence fell, and she froze for a moment before smiling. She understood.
"Hori-senpai, I don't think you know how to compliment people without bringing acting or looks into it." she laughed. "Why is that you're highest form of compliment? Does your whole world rotate around drama?"
"Shut up, dumbass. Of course it doesn't."
"Hey, I think you're a good actor too!"
"Ah, well, thanks I guess."
"...Shouldn't you be happier about it?"
Hori smiled at her. "Who says I'm not?"
(A/N) Thank you for reading!
I honestly have no idea what I was trying to write here I was just listening to the Check Yes Juliet, Count Me In mashup on repeat and it drove me to feel a deafening need to write some horikashi.
i really wanna write more of them but idk how to so this is basically me just testing the waters;;; idk if i wanna make this a bunch of one shots or continue it (it'll probably be the former) but for now i'm gonna go back to doing homework because i need to focus less on them and more on the insightful passages of this one play im reading
I hope you enjoyed! Please leave a review of feedback if you can! (suggestions and such would also be helpful!)