~Flashback 1 Start~
"Kaname nii-chan!" A young boy with dark brown hair and red wine eyes looked up from his book, to look at the little boy with near black hair and crimson eyes. "Yes Kokuyo? What is it?" "Will you play with me?" The older of the two looked down at his younger sibling, feeling bad for what he was about to say when he saw the hopeful look in those crimson eyes. "I'm sorry Kokuyo, I can't. I'm going to read to Yuki again." Kokuyo scowled at the thought of his younger twin, but stopped when he saw the stern look in Kaname's eyes. Sighing, Kaname gently picked his little brother up and sat him on his lap. "Kokuyo, why are you so annoyed about Yuki?" He questioned as he looked into his sibling's blood red eyes. Pouting slightly, Kokuyo picked at his shirt and replied, "Because." Raising an eyebrow, Kaname questioned the small boy further and was surprised by the answer. "Because nii-chan, Yuki is stealing you, kaa-san and tou-san away!" As he explained his reason, Kokuyo's eyes began to tear up as he sniffled. "When I try to get their attention, they tell me, 'Not now Kokuyo, we're busy with Yuki!' " The tears began to fall from his crimson eyes and down his porcelain cheeks, as he turned his face away from Kaname's view. Kaname embraced the small boy tightly in his arms and whispered, "You should have told me earlier that you were sad, Kokuyo." Raising his hand and gently wiping away the tears, Kaname stared into the bright red eyes of his brother and smiled softly. "I promise, that I will never leave you or make you feel alone. And I will always be there to make you happy again. Ok?"
Kokuyo stared at him for a moment or two, before tackling him out of his chair in a large hug. "Thank you so much nii-chan! I promise that I will be by your side when you need it and love you even when I have a reason not to!" Kokuyo exclaimed happily and nuzzled his head into Kaname's chest, smiling happily. Chuckling, Kaname stroked his brother's hair and stated, "I'm sure you will Kokuyo. I'm sure you will."
~Flashback 1 End~
Bright red eyes were opened and full of anger, betrayal and unshed tears. "Dammit." The young man snarled out, wiping his eyes in clear anger. Taking a deep breath in and out, the young man brushed his messy, curly near black hair from his eyes. Smiling a bitter smile, the young man laughed and inwardly winced at the cold, emotionless noise it came out as. 'Well nii-chan. Since YOU didn't keep you're promise, it means that I don't have to keep mine.' He thought darkly, as his new school came into view. "Oh yes." He drawled out, his eyes blazing with vengeance. "I wonder how surprised you will be when you see me again, KANAME. And see what you did to your little brother, Kokuyo Kuran." He whispered as the car stopped in front of the gates. The driver stepped out, opened the door and announced, "Kokuyo-san. We have arrived." Smiling softly, Kokuyo thanked him and stood out of the car and into the sun, staring at his new home. Smirking as he grasped his luggage, he walked through the gates and headed straight to the headmaster's home. 'This year will be an interesting one. I can feel it.' He mentally whispered to himself, as the wind blew around him.
Sorry if it's crappy xC I hope that you like the idea though :D I've been wanting to write this for a while now and I hope that it's fine. Please R&R, maybe fav if you want, and send me some suggestions if you think that it could be better. That would be a HUGE help for me xD I will explain Kokuyo more better in later chapters and why he wants vengeance against Kaname. Oh, and if you guys are wondering about his name, it means 'Black Night'. :)
Kind Regards And Wishes
Newzealandgurl ^_^