Hello everyone. I am glad that I am able to think up a new story based one of my favorite anime. Ever since I got into the Digimon series, I felt this sudden urge to write my version of things. I am sure you all know of my earlier work of a cute fluffy Taiora coupling (for those who are fans anyway) based on my inspiration on the first movie, and already a couple of reviews because of it. So now, I am giving a shot on this new piece of work. I know there is going to be some confusion among you, so please leave some reviews after reading my new series of amazing events. And without further ado, let's get on with the show.


Meet Raine

My name is Raine. Raine Hanagata. I am fourteen years old and attending Middle School in Japan. I have lived here with my father for some time now, about 12 years I think. Dad works in a bakery here in Shibuya, though he works at a minimum wage, and I do emphasize the word, he never gave. Working double shifts 5 days a week and open 24/7 for fresh bread and pastries may sound good, but really it doesn't mean much when you actually notice that he is an American turned Japanese citizen. He's not a bad guy, but most of the time he gets teased all the time for his ethnicity and poor attempt to pronounce his Japanese, especially with his thick western accent. I'm just glad Mom's love for him made her see past all that. Her name was Yui. She was an officer in the police force before they met, and was one of the most respected women ever to serve in the force, for a good reason. She's done her time protecting public officials who need protection during their travel via vehicle and of need of escort. A well-aimed shot to the head is enough to convince any other officer to have her cover their backs covered. But one day, she met up with my Dad, Johnathan, after he was getting robbed and beaten by some punk who first held him by gunpoint and then used as a human shield against the police who caught up with him. Turned out he was a wanted junkie for hurting innocent people and robbing them of their money just so he could by more drugs. And even with four other officers to come help, he still wouldn't budge. And after finally letting off one bullet that missed my Mom by an inch, Dad tried his best to overpower him thanks to his experience in the United States Marine Corps, but ended up having his left leg shot by the creep. That didn't leave Mom any choice but to take him out before he would take another life. So, she..killed him, "one shot; one kill" was Dads favorite motto, and she did just that. Afterwards, they meet up again in the emergency room. Mom wanted to make sure he was alright after the ordeal. And after a few minutes of talking and joking around and sharing their stories, they decided to keep seeing each other and hang out. And I don't mean doing as friends.

Years later, I was born in March. Mom being...well, a loving mom, and Dad being he's usual goofy self. We lived a happy life during those first two years. That is until Mom sacrificed herself to save someone. Now me and Dad live in a small apartment and living to the fullest everyday when and however we can. In a small neighborhood like mine, you hardly have anything to do except meeting up with other vendors, playing sports after school and everyday I've been working on my martial arts in the works of Jujitsu and Parkour. Being a daughter of an old Marine and an experienced police officer, it was well recommended. Dad supports me one hundred percent, hell, he even gave me a job in the bakery as a quick delivery girl and bought me a sports bike to do it. That meant doing my homework before school hours and during lunch time. Dad made sure that I have flexible hours for my delivery business and learning responsibility on my own. But Things weren't going to be like that for long...

"Dad! I'm home!", I cried out as I left my book bag near the dinner table and taking off my shoes as I got inside.

A man in a white hat and apron pops his head from the kitchen.

"Hey there, kiddo! How was school?"

I shrugged, "It was okay. Just your average algebra and literature classes making life more boring"

He chuckled, "That bad, huh?", and turned back into the kitchen.

"Just today. There wasn't even practice like we planned!"

The man stopped half-way from placing a tray of bread on the table, "No practice?"

"No practice", I shook my head confirming him.

"Well that's a cryin' shame. Maybe yer coach caught something and forgot to say somethin'".

"Nah, I don't think so", I answered as I made my way up to m room to change.

I quickly changed to my favorite delivery/social clothes, a thin white tank top while I placed a white long-sleeved turtle-neck shirt over it. Wearing layers like I do may sound weird, but you live in Japan like I do, the cold nights are unbearable. A pair of light blue jeans and black belt with metal squares across it to state my love for being a rocker, and wearing my favorite green jacket with white fur in the inside along with a hoodie. Plus, I wore a white and blue sport shoes that are perfect for any terrain. I made my way downstairs to have Dad call out to me.

"Hey, kiddo, Mrs. Yamauchi ordered a dozen bagels and a couple of loaves of bread. Go out and make some dough fer yourself, huh?"

"Sure, Dad", grabbing the bags and quickly strapping them neatly in the side bags on my bike and putting my helmet on. As I went outside, Dad called out again, this time with a little seriousness in his voice.

"And I don't wanna think about some boy tryin' to hit on ya like the last one, right?"

I rolled my eyes at his comment. 'Thanks for putting your trust in me Dad!'

Actually, thinking back it was my fault when that happened. It was only a few weeks ago when one of the popular boys in school took a liking to me considering I was the most athletic and gifted student since, well ever. Being the only girl who can fight, play sports and keep outstanding grades is no easy feat, but it was enough to have the entire school look to you for some well-trained advice in physical fitness and fighting skills. Seriously, if this was in the middle ages, I would be in some warrior clan or something. Anyway, the guy turned out as a real jerk and only wanted some 'trophy' material to show off to his peers.

"YA HEAR ME?!", I jumped back into reality when he bellowed.

"YES! Jeez, you're gonna give me a heart attack before you do it yourself...", I saw the angry look in his eyes, 'Now I've done it...'

Too late, I felt a full fist rubbing against my head...hard.

"I don't wanna hear any more sass young lady!", the doors opens with him shoving me right out of it, "NOW GIT!"

"I'm gittin'! I'm gittin'!", mocking his accent as I rode off.

After a few minutes of riding my bike down the road to the residential district, I met up with the elderly woman and her cat next to her owners leg at the door.

"Thank you so much for bringing these. I can't imagine how you manage to keep yourself so fit at a young age".

I waved her off, "Oh, really it was nothing ma'am. I'm just trying to keep myself busy now that soccer season is almost over".

She smiled at my comment and handed me my payment, "Well, it's good to know that you're keeping your life well-rounded. I'm sure your mother would be really proud of you, if she were alive", I felt hurt when she said that. "Oh my! Dearie, I'm so sorry that was rude of me...!"

I lifted my hand to stop her, "Mrs. Yamauchi", I said, "You don't have to apologize. Things happen all the time, and I'm doing my best to work it out any way I can think of. I'm even considering of joining the military, if thing's don't work out."

It made her worry when I said that, she looked over me for any more signs of sadness before finally replying.

"Are you sure dear?", she asked, "It's never easy, choosing this path. I have known your mother for as long as I can remember and even she told me how difficult it was to live up to standards".

I gave myself some deep thought. I remember some tales that Dad told me when Mom had to give all her blood, sweat and tears just to serve and protect the people she grew up with and many other people who want to live their lives in peace. I knew having both parents who were experts of being physically fit, one military and the other that was once in the police force, living to those expectations could be a bit difficult.

"Mrs. Yamauchi, I..."

Breeeeep. Breeeep...Breeeeep. Breeeep

"Huh?", I stuck my hand into my left pocket from my jacket to bring out my cell phone, "would you excuse me, ma'am?"

She nodded and headed inside before wishing me a good evening. I waved her goodbye and made my way to my bike and opened the phone to see a message.

Incoming message. Sender: Unknown

The text read: Would you like to begin?

'Begin what?', I wondered. I saw the yes and no options below the message. 'Well, don't knock it 'til you try it...I guess'.

I pressed the yes option, and then, she called out:

"Raine Hanagata. It's time to decide your future"

So there you have it folks! my first Digimon Frontier fanfic. Not sure if it's up to par, but I'm gonna let that fall into your hands. Please let me know if you want any more sentences, depth of my OC or anything you can think of that may help improve my writing skill. After all, the world of FanFiction is about showing what you can do, right? Thank you for reading a I will update soon. See ya!