Note from the Author: I am seriously running out of ideas for this story, so expect it to start wrapping up real soon... You'll see what I mean.

"Alright, we gotta get ourselves together y'all," said Applejack to her crew. "The show is starting real soon." She found Rian, "I told you, we don't have enough crew members for this."

"Relax," responded Rian, "Everything will turn out fine. Just relax and do what you know to do."

"But I never done anything like this before."

"Everything will be fine, alright? Just relax."

"Fine..." After a few seconds, a thought came to her mind, "By the way, Rian... What were you talking about from awhile ago?"

"What thing? We've talked a lot."

"I mean when you said 'I'm sorry' then just left."

Rian tried to think about it. Realizing she was talking about when he broke up with her. "Ignore it, I'll tell you tomorrow," he said, knowing good and well he wouldn't.

Applejack sighed, "Fine."

The lights dimmed as the show started. Rian walked to the center of the stage as a spot light shined on him. "Whoa," he held up his hand, "didn't know these were so bright."

"Anyway," he stated as he turned on his wireless mic. "Welcome ladies and gentle-people. This is our, what I'm told, annual talent show. However there is one slight difference. I'm running it. So it will be completely different since I," he pulled a card out of no where, "will be doing magic for these small intermissions. And without further ado, our first act is up." Rian turned his mic off as he walked off stage.

He talked to no one in particular when he said, "I never used that before, and now I know why."


The talent show passed by quickly, or at least that's what it seemed like. Rian went up on stage for his last announcement, "Finally, it's time for voting. Of course I'm basing this off on the applause from all of you. But since you didn't know, my magic acts actually played a part in everything. So, clap if you liked my magic performances as well."

The crowd started clapping, Rian always liked getting cheap claps for no reason what-so-ever. As the clapping died down he said, "I know this is a bit retro, but that was the loudest clap I've heard. Since my magic performances were during the whole show, you guys actually said you like the whole show as well. So, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies are all going into the schools trophy case. Not like they were gonna go anywhere else anyway."

The crowd laughed slightly, "Anyway, the was our show." Smoke started forming around Rian as he spoke, "So, I'll leave you with one more act."

He began to walk away as smoke enveloped him, "And it is-" his voice cut off as he just disappeared from the stage. The crowd clapped once more as some already began to leave.


Rian walked up to Applejack as they all started cleaning up, "It wasn't too hard now was it?"

"Nah, I guess not. But still, it was a pretty difficult job to do, makin' sure all the acts were ready."

"Yeah, I hear ya. I was in a talent show once, and I saw all the crew going around. They had more people than we do, and if they had trouble, I knew we would as well."

Applejack glanced off into the distances, "Hey, that's not suppose to be there!" She looked back at Rian, "I gotta go." She ran off without another breath.

Rian sighed, school was over, and he didn't have to do anything anymore. He walked out of school, to be greeted by Gallade, "Hey, Rian."

"Hey," he continued to walk away, he had a depressed look on his face.

"Something wrong?"

"No... Well, yes, well... Yes and no."

"Yes and no?"

"Yeah, it's just something that shouldn't be a big deal, but it is."

"What are you talking about?"

"Thing is..." he sighed again, "I'm moving."

"Oh, cool. What's so bad about it?"

"I'm not gonna be around here anymore. I'm moving out of state."

"Oh..." Gallade's voice became quiet, "I guess we won't be seeing each other around any more..."


"Well, um... How long do you have before you leave?"

"Tomorrow. I didn't want to say anything to anyone because of upset people can get." He looked over at Gallade, "I can see you're even tearing up now. This is why I didn't want to say anything."

"No, no," she wiped her eye, "it's fine. I'm not too upset that you're leaving. I've moved quite a few times myself." A hint of sadness hid in her voice.

"Look, I uh... I gotta go," Rian said, pointing into the direction of his house. They both knew it was in the opposite direction of Gallade's house.

"Okay... Goodbye..." Gallade wiped another tear.

"See ya..." Rian turned around and looked down as he walked.


Rian finished packing up his stuff. Now his room is only filled with boxes, and a bed. He laid on the bed, and started remembering everything that happened.


"Well, if we're being honest, you look cute as well. Not a bad kisser as I might add."

"I only kissed you for a 10th of a second."

He lightly grabbed her shoulders, keeping her still, as he kissed her for a few seconds. When he stopped and let go, "I was right, not a bad kisser."

"What gives you the right to kiss me?"

He leaned against a wall, "Well you kissed me first so..."

"You tricked me to."

"I guess your right-" she suddenly kissed him. He lightly wrapped his arms around her, she did the same.


"This place, is my second home so to speak. Sometimes I don't even return home at night and pass out here."

"But why are you telling me this?"

"Because I think too far into the future of what I do... It doesn't make sense now, but it will later." He began walking closer to her, "There is one thing that has to happen before this future happens."

"What is that?" Applejack blushed feeling his breath.

He gave a few seconds of a kiss, after it broke he asked, "You wanna go out with me?"


"Break up with Applejack," Sarah responded, changing the topic.

"Wait, what? The hell are you talking about?"

"Just shut up and break up with Applejack." Rian noticed she was on the virge of tears.

"Why would you say that?"

"Just do it!" Sarah shouted as a tear dropped from her eye.

"Why do you want me to?"

Sarah didn't give a verbal response. But had kissed him instead, her face flushed red. From this unexpected gesture, Rian was blushing as well.


"Yeah." Rian looked up at the sky once more. "It doesn't bother me all to much that I don't have one though. I know I'll find the one for me eventually."

"Maybe you don't have to look much longer."

"Why do you say that?" Rian's gaze was still locked on the sky, his arms laid behind his head.

Out of seemingly nowhere, Gallade softly kissed Rian. As it caught him by surprise, a small blush appeared on his face.

(Back to normal)

As he recalled all these times he spent at the school, he knew for sure, "I'm gonna miss that place. This certainly isn't gonna leave my memory."

He got up from his bed as he heard his name called from downstairs. He left his room, leaving only sadness behind. His happy memories, followed him out the door.