Heartz here and this is my first fanfic so plz be nice! edit

Heartz: So, I totally needed to redo this thing to get back into it, so ... shrugs sholders.

Kat and Grace: FINALLY!

Heartz: Shut up you too...Piece Lovers- take two!

Chapter 1: Falling onto the Thousand Sunny Go!?

No one's POV:

In a nice big house in the country side of North Carolina, in the second biggest bedroom of the house, three teen girls were sitting around together eating and talking about their favorite thing. No, not boys or music, or even their fighting classes that they all (and one other) take together, somewhat. No they were talking about 'One Piece', their favorite anime/manga. The owner of the room was the smallest of the three, standing at 5'2 feet. She had beautiful, big hazel eyes (think Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh in size and such), bow-like lips, and long curly brown hair that goes down to her butt. In her hair was her blue rose hairpin (as always), and she was in an ocean-blue sundress with sandals the same color. Her name was Maddie. Next to Maddie, and sitting in front of the door to the room, was one of her bff's, Kat. Kat was two inches taller than Maddie, eyes a bit smaller and orb-like and an orange-brown color, and light brown hair that was as long as Maddie's, but strait. In her hair was a cat-ears headband and she wore jeans and tiger striped t-shirt with trainers on and her cat-claw gloves clipped to her jeans. In front of her on Maddie's other side was the last and oldest of the group, Grace. Grace was the tallest at 5'6, just two inches taller than Kat and four more than Maddie. Her eyes were smaller than Kat's and brown and her hair is like Kat's is, but only going down to her shoulders. Kat says she should let it grow, but Grace says it would get in the way of her scythe training


Grace- ...hell no, don't feel like it.

Maddie- Guys don't fight 'bout it, please?

Kat and Grace- okay...I guess.


Maddie, Kat, and Grace- ack!).

She was wearing spiked ankle boots, baggy keen-length shorts, and a midnight-blue t-shirt with her scythe sitting next to her.

The three girls just got to Maddie's uncle's place a few minutes ago and were waiting for Maddie's cousin Nicole to get there. Kat was talking about this 'super cool' ...something that she said they all had to try out, Grace was eating up all the chocolate Maddie hid in the room just for her, and Maddie was reading her science notebook and doing, and not seeing that she was in fact doing it at all, a very good impression of Nami from 'One Piece', only without the greed. She was counting and shining gems from a bag she was left by her grandma, Rosetta. She was the one to give Maddie her blue rose hairpin, which is also a gem, the only one she says she will never give up. Both Grace and Maddie were only half-way listening to Kat after the first three minutes, because she would not tell them anything about what the hell she was really talking about until Nicole got there too. Maddie's cousin needed to go get her 'sword-making' kit that she made so Maddie could see the new things she got for it, as well as add some more to it herself.

Maddie's POV:

"Nicky sure is taking a long time", I said as I mark off my last 'science project' and writing a new way to go about it in my notebook. "She be here soon, don't get your pants in a bunch!", Kat says, ... ok so, yelled. Loudly. "Kat, stop yelling in my room, or I will scream ", I said as calmly as I could, which if I am being for real with myself is not a lot at the moment. Hey, cut me some slack, I deal with her shit on the daily! "So back onto the real topic of the day if you please.", Grace said in an authoritative tone of voice. "Ok your right, so Luffy can now completely control second and third gear. Do you think he will get a forth gear or something or is that it?" I asked them both. "No way in hell, he badass as it is, he don't need no more gears!" Kat yelled in my ear. "Ahhhhh, FOR THE LAST TIME DON'T YELL IN MY GOD DAMN ROOM, BITCH!" I screamed at her. "Okay, okay calm down. We come over to talk about one piece and chill, not to yell each other's ears off, okay girls." Grace, the (not really but is the oldest) leader, says to me and Kat. "Yes, yes, you're right, Grace." I relent. "Kiss ass." Kat whispers to herself. "What was that.", I said in an evil tone of voice. Suddenly, my little badass cousin Nicole came bursting into my bedroom and yelled, " Hey hey hey everyone!" The thing is Kat was sitting in front of the door, so when Nicole burst into the room, Kat was sent flying into the wall. Nicole blinked repeatedly, and Grace just rolled her eyes at me because I was rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" "IT'S NOT FUNNY BITCH!" Kat screams at me. "... yes it was kitty." Grace says in the calmest of ways. All three of us looked at her like she was crazy, but of course all of us are. "Okay than..." I say. "Soooooooooo, what you all doin' ", Nicole asks as if nothing happened. "We were talking about One Piece, you want to join in Nicole?" I ask my ten-and-a-half-year-old cousin. Nicole has blonde hair that goes mid-way down her back, big blue-green eyes and the face of a baby angel. The thing is, she is a total badass, dare-devil, and always in skorts (you know thoughts half skirt half shorts things). Today she was in a lite red t-shirt and yellow skort with the neckless with a charm of purple twin swords that I gave her for her ninth birthday "YES YES YES!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. But it didn't affect us, er not anymore at least. "Hey, water rose pass the salt G.", Grace asks me. You see Kat is not the only one with a nickname, we all have one in the group. I am water rose (or rose for short), because I 'live' in the water, or so the others say, and I always have my blue rose hair pin in my hair. Kat is called kitty because her name is Kat like the cat, she loves cats, and she even wears a cat ears hair band and acts like a kitten (if she is in the mood). Grace is mama or mommy because she the leader-like person that everyone listens to. Nicole is Nicky or G-lu, for girl-Luffy, because we all think that is what she is like, a small girl Luffy. "Kay, kay mama!" I happily chirp as I hand her the chips. "Thanks rose." "Hey, why is Nami and Robin's hair long and wavy after the two-year gap? I mean it looks better, especially on Nami, but why didn't they cut it or something?" Nicky asked after a second of thinking. " I think it was to show that two whole years had passed, Nicky. I mean if you think about almost everyone has something different in their looks and the only reason that Luffy didn't change all that much in appearances is because he got that big X-shaped scar on his chest right before the two-year gap.", was my reply. "Hum…, sōdesu ka.", Nicole said in a thinking pose. "Hey, now that we are all here, I can tell you guys about the cool thing! I read online that this spell can open a portal into your favorite anime!" Kat said next. We all look at her like she had FINILLY COMPLETLY lost her mind. "Okay, prove it!" Nicky challenges her. "Ok, fine then! Nobis inde, ubi somnia! " Kat yells. At first, nothing happens. "HA, I knew it..." Nicky starts off, but she was cut off by the floor going out from all four of us. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Luffy's POV:

I was playing with Chopper and Usopp, Robin was reading a book, and Brooke was playing music. "Tag! You're it Chopper!", I yelled. "Dangit! Come back here Luffy!", Chopper yelled at me. "Usopp, wait up!", I laughed. "Oh hell, his gaining on us, Luffy!", Usopp screamed while looking back.

Then suddenly, Nami called everyone out and said that the air currents were going crazy. "What does that mean?" I asked her. "I don't know Luffy, the air currents are going crazy, but not the sea currents. I don't know what to make of it! ", Nami yells. Next thing everyone knew, a big fat hole appeared in the sky right above us! Then four girls fell out of it! I caught a pretty girl with wavy milk coco hair that goes a little past her butt, with very big hazel brown eyes, big, full lips, and looked to be a little on the small side. Zoro caught a girl with lighter color hair that was straight and went a little passed her shoulders and about four inches taller than the one I caught. Sanji caught a girl with cat ears on her head, with hair the same shade as the girl Zoro caught, but was as long as the one I caught. Chopper also caught one, a little girl about nine or ten with blonde hair. "Wha...WHAT THE HELL!" Zoro shouted after a minute. Sanji swooned at the cat-girl as she jumped from Zoro's yelling, the girl Zoro had, the one Chopper had, and the one I had all got out of our arms gracefully. "Okay, you need to say sorry to Kat now Nicole." the one Zoro was holding said to the one Chopper was. "Yes Grace." the one now known as Nicole said then turned to the one Sanji was holding and said, "Gomen'nasai Kat." "Sorede īdesu Nicky." was the reply. "Hey, where did the other girl go?" Robin asked. "Oh no, " Grace said, " you don't think Maddie went anywhere else on the ship do you?" "No, I didn't mama, don't worry." the girl (Maddie) said next to me. "Where were you, who are you four, and how did you four do the hole in the sky trick?" I ask the girls. " I was behind you, I am Maddie, the blonde ten-year-old is Nicole, the one with cat ears is Kat, and the other girl is Grace, and we don't really know. Kat said this odd spell-thing and that hole showed up right under us and we fell down it and here we are." Maddie says fast. Everyone (even the other new girls on the ship) looked at her. "Okay than..."was Usopp's reply to that. "Cool, you four want to join my crew?" I ask. Sanji is swooning and telling me that is a great idea; Robin, Franky, Brooke, Chopper, and Usopp seem to be okay with it (if all of them smiling at me and the girls say anything on how they feel about it). But Nami and Zoro looked at me like I was stupid (again), and the girls..., well they all looked like they could all die of happiness. "Hai!", The four girls yelled.