I have been wanting to redo this story for a long time and I finally found the time. I know that a lot of you enjoyed the original, but I'm really hoping you like this one as well. Please tell me what you think!

I hope you enjoy!

Warnings: None that I can think of right now. Tell me if you see any!

If you want to be kept up to date with any upcoming stories or want to ask me to write a story for you please follow me on Facebook 'SilverMidnight52' or on Tumblr under SilverMidnightWrite! I own nothing.

Clenching his jaw Sam closed his eyes his body shaking as he tried to rein in his anger. Behind him he heard his dad scoff before he slammed the motel door behind him and Dean cutting him off from the great hunting duo.

His hands curled into fists by his side keeping him from throwing anything he could get a hold of. The urge to completely destroy everything around him was almost too powerful to keep a hold of. If it wasn't for the fact that he'd have to pay for whatever it was he broke he'd do it.

He could already hear his father yelling at him for being so inconsiderate and stupid. How could he possibly lose control over himself like that? Didn't he realize that hunting things most people didn't believe in didn't put money on the table?

Falling onto the bed Sam laughed at the irony of that. Didn't his dad remember the hole he punched in a wall in the last motel? Or the one from a throwing a beer can at the wall in the one before that? Or basically every motel they had ever been in!

The amount of times he had been yelled at for doing exactly what his dad or Dean did caused him more anger than he could ever express. How was he supposed to be anything like them if they both decided to yell at him when he was?

He didn't want to be like them though. That was the last thing that he wanted. Not if it meant that he was going to ignore everyone else's wants and needs because his obviously meant more than any of them.

At least that's who his father was. Getting into a fight with the man happened so often that it had become a routine for them. It was basically every single time that they were in the same room together anymore. Even just walking past each other sent one of them off.

Sam had no idea why he kept trying to get through to him. It was like talking to a brick wall. A brick wall that was in control of how much he trained and could work him to the bone if he thought it 'would get through his thick skull'.

If it wasn't for Dean Sam had no idea if the two of them wouldn't have already just killed each other. His brother not only saved him more times than he could count, but he also kept him sane during the harder times.

Even as he thought that though Sam knew that it wasn't as black and white as that. Yes, Dean helped him and there was no doubt that he loved his brother with all of his heart, but there was a voice deep down that always brought up questions that he hated.

The only reason that he had the life that he did was because Dean did everything in his power to give him that life. He was the one that worked his ass off making sure that Sam was as okay as he could possibly be was his top priority.

At least it was until their dad gave him a direct order. Then it was as if he didn't care about anything else. He needed to make the older man proud and the only way to do that was to be the perfect little hunter.

That was something that Sam never got. Yeah, he wanted to make his father proud, but not at the risk of losing the person that he was along the way. It wasn't worth it to him. So what if he was never going to be the worlds greatest son or greatest hunter. He'd still be himself.

Something that never failed pissing off not just his Dad, but Dean as well. Which he didn't get. Just because he wanted to be his own person and think for himself didn't mean that he was throwing away everything that they had ever taught him.

If he was honest though he didn't mind hunting all that much. It wasn't his favorite thing, but knowing that he was stopping those things from killing innocent people made it worth it in his eyes. Even training could be pretty fun. When he was given a choice and it wasn't being rammed down his throat. Hell, he had gotten used to it so much he would have missed it if it wasn't there.

No, the thing that always got to him was moving around. He couldn't stand getting used to one place and then leaving without a second thought as if everything that they had been doing just no longer mattered.

It was always just as he started to feel safe and comfortable too. When he knew a place well enough that he didn't feel like he had to look over his shoulder expecting something to jump out and attack. Then that would be ripped away from him and no one seemed to care.

That seemed to be a running theme in his life though. As long as he was not actively dying than there was no point in complaining. And if he was bleeding than he probably did something stupid and he needed to be training harder or paying more attention to what they were doing.

Not that any of it mattered though. For years he had had that very conversation with himself, with Dean, even with his father and still nothing changed. He was just an unappreciative brat that needed to be happy with everything he had.

There was nothing he could do. He had tried and tried again and nothing. The amount of times he wanted nothing more than to grab his bag and just head out on his own was too high to count. He always wondered if his family would look or just accept that he was gone and leave it at that.

A sigh fell from Sam as he looked over at the clock and saw that he needed to start walking if he wanted to get to school before the bell rang. Standing up he threw his bag over his shoulder and started to walk.

His feet took him down the familiar path even though he found himself not really noticing what was going on around him. Taking an alley that he knew his brother would yell at him for he forced himself to take a deep breath and try to relax.

Slowing down a little he looked up at the sky watching as the clouds slowly rolled in and out as if it was still deciding whether or not it wanted to rain. Halfway down the alley the feeling as if he was being watched had his hairs raising.

Doing his best to make it seem as if he hadn't noticed he reached into his pocket gripped his knife tightly. His mind ran through all the different scenarios trying to figure out what it was he should be expecting.

Swallowing roughly he forced himself to take a deep breath before turning around expecting to see someone. His heart picked up when an empty alleyway greeted him. He was so sure that someone had been there.

"Sam," an almost musical voice greeted from behind him.

Without a second thought Sam flicked his knife out and spun towards the voice. The man in front of him simply held his empty hands up a smile playing on his lips. It was as if he wasn't all that concerned by a blade being pointed at him.

That instantly put him even more on edge. He had been taught long ago to not judge a book by its cover. If a demon was smart than they'd choose someone that either blended in so no one took a second glance or they'd pick someone that looked innocent.

The man in front of him looked rather harmless, even nice, but he knew how quickly that could change. He would have been the perfect victim for a demon to possess. Even as he thought that though Sam felt as if there was something else. Something more.

Shaking his head to knock the thoughts away knowing that they would send him down a hole he wasn't sure he could get out of Sam forced himself to focus on the man in front of him. It was then that he remembered the conversation he had with his brother that morning.

A series of strange killings had been reported a few towns over. Demon attacks weren't nearly as uncommon as one would think so he hadn't thought about it all that much. Looking at the man in front of him though he couldn't help but wonder.

From what he remembered from the headlines the deaths had been obvious. Obvious to the point that anyone that was looking would have found them. He had just thought that they ran into a demon that didn't give a damn.

Now though… It had been a trap. The man, demon, in front of him had been the reason behind it all. Whether he was the demon that had done the killing or he had paid someone to do it for him it was painfully clear that he had wanted to get him away from his family.

In that moment Sam found himself wishing he had his gun on him. It wasn't like he could bring it into a school though. Still he wanted nothing more than to protect himself from whatever the hell was happening. Whatever it was that the man wanted to do to him.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Sam," the man offered softly taking a step forward, "I just want to talk."

"Yeah," Sam replied rolling his eyes, "I totally believe that."

"It's true. I would never hurt you."

Glaring at the man Sam found himself gripping his knife a little tighter more than ready to fight if he got any closer. Acting as if he wasn't going to hurt him was a different way to get him to trust someone, but he could at least say that he had seen everything now.

It didn't make any sense though. He had already shown how much he was willing to do by finding a way to get him separated from his family. Someone would only do that if they had bad intentions.

Now he just had to find a way to get the man to talk without putting himself and his family in more danger. Which was totally going to be an easy thing to do. Demons were quite known for their need to be like villains in action hero movies and monologue everything!

"What have you done to my dad and Dean?" Sam questioned shifting from one foot to the other.

"Nothing," the man replied instantly, "They are just on another hunt."


"Well, they believe it's just another hunt."

From the way the man spoke Sam could tell that he was trying to be comforting. It was ridiculous to even think. After everything that he had already done why would he try to be comforting? It made no sense.

Even as he thought that though he could feel himself relax a little. It was almost as if there was something in him that wanted to believe everything that was being said to him. Like he wanted the man to not be everything his mind was telling him he was.

It was wrong on every level. A demon, maybe demon, he still wasn't sure what the man was, had pretty much admitted to organizing a plan that got him away from his family and he was actually listening to him.

What the hell was wrong with him? Even if the guy was just a normal human the last thing he should feel is any kind of comfort or trust. A voice that sounded shockingly like Dean yelled at him to stop standing around and get out of there. No matter what it took.

As soon as that thought entered his mind though Sam found himself dismissing it. He knew the smart thing to do would be getting away, but he found himself slowly lowering his knife to his side. He couldn't begin to understand why he thought it was a good idea but he felt like he had to.

Once the knife was down a breathtaking smile bloomed on the mans lips. Swallowing roughly Sam found himself truly looking at the man for the first time. He had been so caught up in trying to figure out what was going on that he had missed how handsome he was.

His blond hair was cut short and slightly spiked though it still looked soft to the touch. Icy blue eyes seemed to radiate this warmth that he found he couldn't look at for long. He wore a suit that made him look both completely in control and as if he had no cares in the world.

"Thank you, Sam," he smiled putting his hands down.

"Who are you?" Sam questioned glaring at the man, "How do you know my name?"

"It's a long story. Would you join me for some breakfast? I promise I'll explain everything."

Scoffing Sam flicked his knife closed and shoved it into his pocket before crossing his arms over his chest. A soft chuckle slipped from the mans lips as he moved to lean against the wall of one of the buildings. In a nice suit. Who the hell leaned on the wall of an alley in a nice suit?

"You know what they say about going places with strangers," Sam replied sarcastically forcing himself to focus on questioning him, "So I'll ask again. Who the hell are you?"

"I'm offering to answer all your questions," the man smiled almost peacefully.

"If I follow you blindly. Let me guess. I should also take my knife out and throw it into the dumpster."

"They did tell me you were stubborn."

Sam felt himself stiffen at that his hand automatically going back to his knife. It shouldn't have been that shocking that the man had people watching him. It was. He had wanted nothing more than to trust him for some reason that he couldn't explain. That feeling was fading quickly.

"Sam, no," the man practically pleaded pushing off the wall and moving closer to him, "Please don't shut me out before we even start talking."

"Why should I listen to anything you say?" Sam asked shaking his head a low, fake laugh slipping from him, "You won't even-"

"Lucifer. My name is Lucifer."

Sam felt himself freeze hearing the man answer the question he felt he asked a hundred times so far. He had honestly figured that he was never going to find out what was going on. That all of it was a ploy to kidnap and torture him and his family.

It wasn't as if that hadn't happened before. Some of the things they hunted were smart and it was clear that the three of them cared about each other. It was their biggest weakness along with their biggest strength. Using that against them wasn't new.

That was when the mans words hit him. Lucifer. He had called himself Lucifer. As in… He was standing in front of Lucifer? The angel that had fallen from Heaven during the fight and now ruled over Hell. Lucifer.

No, that was not what was going on. It couldn't be. He had to be just some weirdo that thought calling himself that bought him some credibility along with freaking people out. It was all just a lie. It had to be. Right?

At the same time though he had seen a lot of things in his life that people would say the same thing about. Was it really all that hard to believe that he was talking to Lucifer himself? Could he really say that it was impossible?

"Will you have breakfast with me now?" Lucifer asked hopefully.

"Do I have a choice?" Sam responded not looking at the… angel?

"Of course. Sam, if you tell me to leave I will. I won't hold it against you or your family. I know it's hard to believe me. That's why I didn't want to tell you who I was. I truly do just want to talk to you. Please? It's just breakfast. Keep your knife if you'd like. Just talk with me and we'll go from there."

For a moment all Sam could do was stare at the man and try to figure out what he had just said. No, that wasn't right. He understood the words perfectly fine. Big bad acting like they weren't big bad wanted him to follow. Nothing new there.

The thing that made him freeze was the tone. It was almost like Lucifer was begging him to talk. There was no way that could be true though. It had to be some elaborate ruse or a way to distract him from what was going on.

He could feel a headache starting to build as his mind raced. For the first time in a long time he found it impossible to grab a hold of any of his thoughts and put them into words. All he wanted was to know what he was thinking.

Except he wasn't sure that would be a good idea. It didn't make any sense, but nothing at the moment was making sense. He was running on instinct and that instinct was tell him to listen to what the fallen angel had to say.

Knowing what he was going to do Sam lifted his head and locked eyes with the older man. He was watching him closely hope clearly playing in his eyes. A shaky breath left him knowing that he was about to either make a horrible mistake or…

"Okay," Sam found himself muttering softly, "I'm in."

A brilliant smile came to Lucifer's lips as he moved forward so he was barely a foot away from Sam. Letting out a shaky breath he looked up at the fallen angel feeling as if the air had been forced out of him. It was almost as if it was electrified.

"Thank you, Sam," Lucifer smiled his hand coming to a rest on his shoulder.

A shiver ran down his spine at the touch. He wanted to play everything he was feeling off as fear. It would be the smart reaction after all. He knew that wasn't what was happening though and that scared him more than he wanted to admit.

Icy blue eyes stared at him for a moment almost as if the man was trying to see through to his very soul. Was that something that he could do? His heart picked up speed at the very thought of Lucifer seeing through him.

All of his life he had felt like an outsider. Whether it was with his family or at school. He never fit in with the people around him. It was all he wanted though. Just one person to look at him and see him without feeling like he was manipulating them into believing a lie.

Just thinking that made him want to crawl into a hole and away from everyone around him. Maybe it was just him being stupid, but sometimes he wondered if it would be for the best to try to protect everyone from him.

"Sam?" Lucifer called out to him in concern.

"Are we going or not?" Sam snarked pulling away moving so there was distance between them.

"If you're sure. Follow me."

Steeling himself up for whatever it was to come Sam followed the fallen angel to the back door of one of the building. He had walked the alley so many times, but he realized then that he had never bothered to learn what any of the buildings actually were. Would that have even mattered or would Lucifer change it for whatever he wanted?

Researching and learning everything he could about the things his family hunted had always been fun for him. He liked knowing that he could go into practically any situation and know how to get out fairly easily.

He had never thought to try to look up anything about angels though. Yes, he believed in God and angels and all of that, but those beings were different than the run of the mill demons or vampires or whatever else they came across. He had no idea about their powers.

Opening the door fully Lucifer offered him a wide smile as he let Sam through. Rolling his eyes at the ridiculousness of the man he brushed past him and into what looked like a kitchen. The first thing he noticed was that no one was there.

Feeling a little off kilter he looked around trying to find something he could latch onto for information. There was nothing. It looked brand new. As if no one had been there before them. There was something that felt off. Like everything that seemed to come with Lucifer.

Before he could think to much on it a door opened. Jerking back he pulled out his knife ready to fight. A gasp fell from the woman coming in. Sam instantly felt horrible for scaring her; until he saw the green eyes flicker black making him rolling his own eye and look back at Lucifer.

"Seriously?" Sam questioned putting his knife away once more.

"Are you actually surprised?" Lucifer chuckled nodding his head to the demon.

Sam couldn't help but be amused by his words. Both his father and brother always got annoyed with him when he was 'in one of his moods'. Apparently he was… No, he was not going to think about them while he was with… Lucifer… Why did he care about that?

Once again he was reminded of how wrong the entire situation was. The last thing Sam should be doing was talking with Lucifer. He was the biggest bad to have ever gone bad! Staying away from him would be the best idea.

Yet he couldn't bring himself to do that. As much as he hated to admit it he wanted to be around him. He liked that he seemed to be listening to him and not getting angry at every little thing. He felt as if he was wanted around him.

It wasn't as if he never felt that around his family. He did. He knew that they loved him and that nothing would ever change that. Yes, they had their ups and downs, but every relationship had that. It was normal. Being around Lucifer though didn't feel like that.

Except that it felt exactly like that. He wasn't fighting for attention or for the right words. He wasn't pretending to be some version of him that didn't exist. He was just him and that was all he needed to be.

Clearing his thoughts with a jerk of his head he followed the fallen angel to the only table in the room and sat down. Lucifer smiled happily as the demon came up to them and placed menus down. Sam watched her carefully as she bowed her head and made her way back to the kitchen.

"Order whatever you'd like," Lucifer offered the smile never leaving his face.

"I normally don't eat this early," Sam replied even as he stared longingly at the menu.

"You normally don't dine with me either. Don't worry about normal, Sam."

Nodding his head slowly he grabbed the menu and took in everything there was to order. Seeing everything there was he heard his stomach rumble. A blush warmed his cheeks at the sound. It was embarrassing for reasons that he didn't want to think about. That seemed to be the theme of the day though.

"Do you know what you'd like?" Lucifer asked as if nothing had happened.

"Okay, no," Sam snapped dropping the menu to the table and glaring, "We're not doing this."

"Not doing what?"

"Whatever it is you're trying to do. Just tell me what you want or kill me. Don't do this buddy buddy bull."

A low sigh fell from Lucifer before he focused on Sam fully. The teen swallowed roughly at the obvious sadness that was now in the beautiful eyes. A part of Sam wanted to take back what he said. Anything to wipe that look away. He hated knowing that he was the cause of it all.

There was something about being around Lucifer that he had no idea how to explain. It was like everything that he thought he knew about the supernatural had decided to leave his brain. He had no clue what he was supposed to be thinking or feeling at the moment.

"Sam," Lucifer started before shaking his head, "I don't know what your father has told you about me."

"Told me about you?" Sam repeated cocking his head to the side, "Why would my dad tell me about you?"

His words seemed to knock Lucifer into a stunned silence for a moment before a disbelieving laugh escaped him. Leaning back in his chair Sam looked up at the demon waitress as she stopped next to the table. They shared a worried look before looked at Sam with a smile on her lips.

"Hello," she started her eyes trying to stay on his but flickering to Lucifer, "My name is Josie and I'll be your server today. Can I start you off with a drink, Mr. Winchester?"

"Umm," Sam stuttered not expecting the formality of his name, "Right. Of course. Do you have any root beer?"

"We do. And you, Sire?"

"Coffee," Lucifer answered not looking at her.

Nodding her head Josie quickly left the to kitchen only to come back just as quickly with the drinks. After placing them down she lifted her notebook as if she was going to ask them about food. With a subtle shake of his head Sam looked back at the kitchen.

A grateful look filled her eyes before she bowed once more and purposefully did not run into the kitchen. He knew it was weird that he was trying to protect the demon, but she looked so scared and if anyone should have to deal with Lucifer it was him.

"I know you love your father, Sam," Lucifer said finally looking at him, "But he is an idiot of a man."

"Lucifer," Sam sighed tiredly.

"Over a year. He's known of my presence and intentions towards you for over a year and he hadn't thought to tell you."

"Why would he? I mean, I know you're Lucifer. You're probably the most evil person we'll ever go up against and, yes, a warning would have been nice, but… Wait. You're intentions towards me? What the hell does that mean?"

"It means if your father truly cared about something other than finding the demon that killed your mother he should have told you about me."

For the first time since meeting him Sam heard pure anger in the fallen angels voice. He wished that he could say it didn't affect him, but that was a lie. It was as if his entire body had decided to stop working in that moment.

It wasn't as if he had ever forgotten that he was sitting across from Lucifer and that he was the King of Hell. In fact, he had done everything in his power to make sure he didn't forget who he was dealing with.

It was just up until that point he hadn't really seemed like the being he had read about. He had always imagined someone that was pure evil. From the very moment he looked at someone they'd be able to tell that they needed to get out of there.

The being in front of him though seemed kind. It was like he really cared about what was going on around him. Like he was listening to what Sam said. Truly listening. Maybe it was ridiculous of Sam to think, but he hadn't…

He hadn't really known what to think about Lucifer. At every turn he felt as if he was being pulled in different directions and he never knew which way he should go. The one thing he had believed though was that he was never in any real danger. At least not at that moment.

He wasn't sure exactly what he felt anymore. He still wasn't completely afraid of what might happen to him, but he was a little worried about how Lucifer might lash out. Not knowing how that might look put him in a very concerning position.

"Lucifer?" Sam found himself asking.

"My apologies," the fallen angel offered running a hand over his face, "I had truly believed that you father had told you what he had found."

"He didn't. So why don't you?"

Blinking a few times Lucifer turned all of his attention back on Sam. The teen found himself wondering if he had been wrong about everything when the being sent him that smile that made his heart pick up speed.

Clearing his throat Lucifer straightened up in his chair. He looked so confident and happy in that moment that. It was like he was in the middle of the most important conversation on the planet. Sam couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"As you are aware I am an archangel," Lucifer started to explain resting his elbows on the table and leaning forward, "Because of that I work slightly different than normal angels and demons."

"How so?" Sam asked cocking his head to the side.

"In a few different ways. First being I cannot enter someones body without their permission. If they say no than there's nothing I can do."

"Why? Aren't you more powerful than anything else? Shouldn't you be able to do what you want?"

"In theory, but as you said I am strong. Because of that I have more rules, more responsibility."

Sam nodded his head letting the words fully sink in. It made sense in a way that archangels would work that way. If something was as powerful as them than there needed to be ways to keep everyone else safe or there would probably not be anyone else.

"Alright," Sam nodded his head, "What's the second reason?"

"The second reason is because of how strong I am my grace burns through most humans," Lucifer offered waving his hand, "My power will kill them and leave me without a vessel."

Sam's eyes went a little wide at that. He knew objectively that archangels had to be some of the strongest beings to ever exist, but to know that just being in a humans body could kill the human was something else.

At the same time though it was understandable. They were being of pure power. Very few things on the planet could contain that much power let alone harness it without destroying any- and everything around them. Why should archangels be any different?

"So you need a really strong human?" Sam questioned more to himself than Lucifer.

"No," the being shook his head suddenly sounding hesitant, "What I need is a very specific human. The one that has been created for me. One that had been born to handle my grace without dying."

Lucifer's words trailed off leaving them in silence once more. The icy eyes stared at Sam as if waiting for him to say something though he was waiting for the man to finish what he was saying. Learning about archangels was actually really interesting.

Dean loved to make fun of him for being a nerd, but…

Archangels had a very specific human that they had the ability to possess without killing them. His father knew about Lucifer's intentions. Lucifer specifically came to him with the promise that he would never hurt him.

A broken laugh fell from Sam as he ran a hand over his face. All the pieces were suddenly slotting into place making a picture that he couldn't deny and he hated it. He should have known that something was going on after everything that happened with him and his dad.

Yes they had always fought, but recently it had been worse. It was like the older man was trying to keep him hidden away. Was it all because he knew this big secret and was trying to figure out how to fix it or…

"Sam?" Lucifer called softly.

"You're sure Dad knew?" he asked forcing himself to take a deep breath even as his hands clenched into fists.

"I'm sorry."

Shaking his head Sam let his head drop to his chest his arms crossing over his stomach. He felt so much shakier than he liked. At that moment he couldn't tell if he was angry or sad or what, but he was so tired. He wanted to stop the world so he could breathe.

His thoughts were bouncing around his mind giving him a headache. He tried to go over all the conversations that he and his dad had recently to see if he had just missed something, but he couldn't find anything. If he said anything Sam didn't remember.

Did that matter though? He shouldn't have had to try to remember something as important as him being Lucifer's vessel. That should have been a blatant conversation that they had. He should have known.

"You should order something," Lucifer stated breaking through his thoughts.

"I'm not hungry," Sam muttered shaking his head.

From across the table he heard a sigh before the chair pushed back and Lucifer moved so he was standing right next to him. A hand rested on his back gently kneading at the tense muscles before the being moved so he was kneeling.

For a moment he thought of ignoring the man. He just wanted to be alone with his thoughts for a little bit and try to figure out what he was supposed to be feeling. If it was anyone else he might have just done that. It was Lucifer though. He had been too nice for him to do that.

Turning his head Sam opened his eyes not bothering to hide how effected he was. A sad smile was on the fallen angels lips as he pushed Sam's hair from his face. The motion was so similar to something Dean used to do when he was younger. It was such a nice feeling.

"I know you're upset, Sam," Lucifer offered continuing to massage his scalp soothingly.

"He lied to me," he replied barely over a whisper.

"I know."

"Why would he do that?"

"Maybe he wanted to protect you."

Shaking his head Sam slowly pulled away from the man and stood up. Even with all that was going on in his head there was one thing that he felt sure on though he wished he didn't. He really wished he didn't.

"Yeah. That worked out so well for him," Sam said before taking a deep breath, "It's more likely that he was trying to find a way to use it to his advantage. To somehow get the yellow-eyed demon to come me so he could kill it."

"Sam," Lucifer tried to start.

"I'm just a burden to him. I'm not a hunter like Dean. I'm just me and me is never enough."

"You're just a child."

"I'm not a child. Dean tried to let me be one, but Dad… Anyway, I'm sixteen now. My childhood is long over."

"What if I could change that?"

Stopping completely Sam turned to look at the fallen angel. He didn't know what he was looking for, but he felt himself calm down slightly at the look. There was just something about the fallen angel that made him stop and breathe.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked confused.

"If I could give you a childhood," Lucifer started making his way closer to Sam a hopeful smile on his lips, "Would you want it?"

"Like what? Go back in time? Turn me into a child? Then what? Would that really change anything? Dad would still be-"

"You wouldn't go back to him. I could turn you in a child once more. I could give you the life you should have always had. We'd be together, Sam. Just like we should have been in the beginning. I'd take care of you. I'd protect you. I'd love you."

Staring at Lucifer Sam wondered if he was hearing the being correctly. There was no way he was actually offering to turn him into a child and then raise him all over again. It was just too bizarre to be happening. Except…

"You'd do that?" Sam found himself answering moving closer to the fallen angel without thinking.

"Of course, Sam," Lucifer grinned leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his head before wrapping him into a hug, "You're my vessel. I'd do anything for you."

Closing his eyes Sam let himself relax into the hold. The only time he felt as safe as he did at the moment was when Dean hugged him. That hadn't happened in awhile though. He had thought it was just because they were growing up, but he wasn't so sure about that anymore.

"Okay," Sam muttered his head coming to rest on Lucifer's chest, "Let's do it."