Flippy was patiently standing outside the motel he had been staying at for the week. The air of the night was humid with the summer heat, but much cooler than earlier today. His eyes darted to his wrist watch, '11 already?' he thought to himself, 'Where are they...?'. The green bear pressed his cigarette to his lips for one last drag before snuffing it out against the brick wall of the motel. They were late. Very late.

The motel was lonely, attracting very little attention to passers by in their cars; though it was just road stop, after all. But seeing no one around was nice, it was just him...waiting for two of his closest friends who should have been with him over an hour ago.

A sigh of impatience was released. Flippy's thoughts pondered over assumptions; perhaps they'd forgotten about tonight? Or got caught up along the way, leaving them to run late. Either way, Flippy felt disheartened that they didn't show up. With the click of his car key his truck was unlocked, and he flung open the door to get in. Despite the foul feeling of annoyance at the pit of his stomach, he wouldn't allow himself to fuss over tonight, and would maturely be the one to arrange a get together for another time. Right now, a calming drive around the empty roads was all Flippy wanted.

The roads were empty, as expected, so he took this as an advantage to drive in a slow, cruise manner to relax. Of course, he would've enjoyed driving fast and recklessly to ease off some steam, but that just didn't feel right to Flippy; he wasn't so careless towards road safety. On the rare occasion, another lonely car would drive up behind him, its blaring headlights would catch Flippy off guard and alert him not to drive at such a slow pace, so he'd lazily reach his hand out of the open window and gesture the car behind to drive past him. Some would respectfully slow down behind him to await permission to pass him, but others would rudely speed past him instantly. Then again, Flippy is the on driving under the speed limit.

There was an opening towards a cliff coming up as he drove. He'd been to the same place several times during the later or early hours; the view, no matter what the weather had in store, was mesmerising. He turned his truck through the large gap in the fence beside the road, and then slowed down to a halt just before the cliff's edge, pulled back the handbrake and removed the key from ignition to hear the engine die down.

The view of the night sky was soothing. Uncountable stars glittered the navy velvet sky, and there wasn't a cloud in sight, perfecting the view. Beyond and below the cliff was the calmed sea, and a deserted beach. By the looks of the messy trails and marks in the sand, a popped beach ball, and clutters of forgotten litter, the beach would have been packed with people during the daytime - all enjoying the summer in and out of the water.

The veteran exhaled a somewhat loathsome sigh; he'd forgotten what it felt like to have fun, or even enjoy the blaring heat of the summer on a beach ever since his dreadful years in the Weaponized Animal Regiment had came around. Especially the war. That one dreadful war. It left him broken: mentally more than physically. Now he was left with very few positive emotions and feelings, and an inner ego with an insatiable thirst to inflict all of the pain that he'd felt over his years in the army on others. The only things keeping his devious wits at bay so far was his time spent relaxing, and his friends, Sneaky and Mouse Ka-boom (he was nicknamed Kouse more than often) whom had ever so rudely abandoned their plans to meet Flippy tonight for a little catch-up, and a drink.

There was that feeling again. An ache that jabbed at his chest like an attention-seeking child, begging to fill some sort of hole that gaped in his heart, and his head.

Lonely. Flippy was lonely and knew it. Yet he seldom tried to fix this, allowing himself to wither away each day and night. The bear would often tell himself that he didn't need the hole in his heart to be filled, he simply went with the idea that this solitariness was part of the price he'd pay for being a dangerous veteran. So he never moped in his sorrows. Ultimately, he slowly began to doubt that he'd even remember how to treat a woman with the love and kindness that she would deserve; Flippy was almost certain that the past years of hardy treatment, bloodspill, and blinding violence would have easily wiped away his sense of affections.

Flippy lay back against the front window of his truck as he'd sat on top of its dented bonnet. Before engulfing one last image of the luscious night above him, he squeezed his eyes shut and folded his arms behind his head for comfort.

There was something about the night that would often get to him, as if he was vulnerable during the later hours to all these emotions that plunged him further into his remorse. Flippy hated over-thinking, but that's all he did when he had nothing better to do.

His over-thinking was then interrupted by the distant hum of a car engine from the road behind him. Just another passer by, he supposed. Until the tires pierced the ambiance with an awful screech. Curious to such an oddity at this time of the night, Flippy gave in to inspecting. So he shuffled to the edge of his truck to gaze past it..

There was a pale blue muscle car, a Dodge Charger by the looks of it. Its front and rear lights were dim, and its windows tinted. For a second, Flippy presumed that whoever was in the car had taken notice to his own vehicle parked by a cliff, but what happened next told him otherwise.

A door was heard as it was flung open and harshly slammed, perking Flippy's ears. The figure who'd left the car appeared from the side as they rushed towards the boot of the car to retrieve what was in it. The red tail lights illuminated the figure, revealing that she was a female, and she was struggling to heave out a large suitcase, but eventually succeeded. A larger figure stepped out from the driver's side to stroll towards the female, but was meekly shoved away by her.

Flippy's brows furrowed; the situation was tense, and an awkward feeling that he shouldn't be seeing this nestled within him. Yet he continued to study the two strangers.

Angry, raised voices were heard as the odd couple bickered and barked at each other. The female sounded more flustered, and the male's voice dripped with frustration. Their exact words were incoherent due to the distance between Flippy and the two, but there was, without a doubt, an argument erupting between the two.

After a minute of her shoving and his attempts at restraining her arms, the male had turned his back on her to slump back into his car. Then before he could drive off, the female, in a burst of anger, kicked the back of his car, then yelled cursive words as he swerved off; the cloud of smoke from the burning tires and exhaust pipe smothering her where she stood.

A shocked expression painted his features for a brief moment, but was soon tainted by disgust, "Is that bastard actually going to leave her in the middle of nowhere?" Flippy hissed. The woman was still stood in the middle of the road as she watched the muscle car speed off without hesitation. Not long after that, she dropped to here knees, face in her palms as she silently cried.

A small bubble of guilt burst inside of Flippy for simply watching as a female was dumped and abandoned in the middle of a road, and doing nothing about it. She stood up eventually, and clutched the handle of her large bag to carry it as she walked. It was clearly much too heavy for someone with her height.

Mustering up his will to make a move, and pushing aside his previous thoughts from over-thinking, Flippy hopped back into his truck, buckled up, and brought the engine to life once again. He made a U-turn away from the cliff and onto the road. By now she'd only managed to get so far, no thanks to her bag, so it didn't take long for Flippy to pull up beside her.

The woman stopped in her tracks as the illuminating glow of headlights filled the road beside her, and she turned back to scowl through her tears, almost convinced that it was the same vehicle from before until she noticed it was just a truck. Flippy was able to get a good look at her as she stood in the lights from his car. She was a red-furred porcupine, looked a little younger than himself, and she was dressed in a plain, knee-lengthed dress, a pair of brown boots, and an over-sized baseball jacket.

The porcupine must have grew nervous and unsure of what to do, as she stood idly by Flippy's truck fidgeting with the sleeve of her jacket. Figuring he should step out to say something, Flippy exited his truck and approached her. He noticed just how short she was, the top of her head barely managing to measure up to his chin.

Words didn't seemed to merge from either of them. She was clearly in a state where her emotions had practically swallowed her up, but Flippy was simply unsure with his words. They finally shared a brief moment of eye contact before the green bear spoke out.

"I saw what just happened to you," he started. The porcupine blinked her watery eyes and glanced up at him with her pale blue orbs, "Y-…you did?" Flippy nodded, his expression held its typical hardiness despite the concern he had for the girl, "Would you like a ride home?"

The young woman's face twisted into a weak frown, and her lip threatened to tremble, "Thanks, but I can t-take care of myself from here." Flippy was hoping that she wasn't talking seriously; there wasn't another town or even another motel for miles, "Well, look, I'm not about to just drive off and leave you out here to walk by the side of a main road. Please, just let me take you home."

After a long pause of debate, the girl sighed in defeat, "Fine…but there's just one problem," she muttered. Flippy urged her on, "Which is?" Her eyes fell to the ground once again, "I don't exactly want to go back home…he'll..." the lump in her throat and spill of her tears cut her speech short.

Flippy was at a loss of what he could possibly do to help the sobbing girl before him. Was he supposed to hug her? Give her a tissue, or wipe her tears himself? She was just a stranger.

"…I don't want to get hurt again." The porcupine confessed as she soaked up the remaining tears on her sleeve. Flippy's heart seemed to clench at her words, and he began to ponder, 'Is that jerk abusing her…?' Dismissing his judgement, Flippy brushed his instant conclusions to one side; it wasn't his place to assume what was happening between the two after all.

He studied the features on her face and soon noticed the small scratch along her lower cheek, accompanied by the remains of a brown-tainted bruise. The sudden urge to ask about the abusive marks swept over Flippy, but he decided not to brown nose in the situation. Taking in the fact that the two of them have almost been stood idle for 5 minutes in silence, Flippy invited the girl into his truck to drive her somewhere, "Do you have any other place to stay for the night?" he asked.

The girl sighed, her small hand reaching up to rub her eyes, "Not really..." she looked up at Flippy as the itching feeling that she was burdening him nagged at her, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be wasting your time like this."

Flippy frowned for a moment and glanced past her. He didn't feel as though his time was being wasted, he just wanted to help her. This troubled girl is going through personal problems; problems that Flippy feels like he's burdening.

Flippy's patience was fading, and his sleepiness growing, so the last thing he wanted to do right now was stand around and wait, "It's getting colder out here. I suggest you stay in my motel room for the night if there's nowhere else for you to go. I'll drive you home in the morning."

The porcupine didn't seem to have much of a choice as the bear loaded her bag into the boot of his truck. Feeling shameful, she stared down at her boots and folded her arms as she followed him to the passenger's side, "Thank you." Flippy faced her blankly for a moment after they both got into his truck and buckled up, but he soon smiled, "No problem."

Flippy started up the engine and made a U-turn to drive back to the motel. Silence between them had settled once again. Up until Flippy's sudden realisation, "I never asked your name by the way. I'm Flippy." The porcupine's gaze finally managed to properly meet Flippy's, "Flaky. My name is Flaky."


"Well, here we are. I'll take your bags in, so just go on in to the third room upstairs." Flaky did as Flippy instructed and entered the motel before him to wait outside his door.

As she entered, the man by the reception desk shot her an intrigued glance; clearly surprised to see a new face, an upset and bruised one at that. Though fully aware she had a pair of eyes practically drinking up her appearance, the porcupine simply continued her way past the reception to make her way up to the second floor. After taking out her bag from the boot and then locking up his truck, Flippy entered after her, noticing she had already made her way upstairs.

"Who's the lady, Flippy?" the blue moose quizzed with a hintful tone as Flippy passed him by the reception. Flippy spared him a blank glance and a shrug, "Just a troubled stranger in need, Lumpy."

Upon making his way up to the second floor, the porcupine was found lent against the wall, her knees rocking back and forth as she waited. He sighed to himself; she looked so lost. "Make yourself at home. I'll get us some drinks in a minute." Flippy said, gesturing her to enter after unlocking the door.

Timidly, Flaky did as told, and shifted on her feet from the front door to the couch to sit. All the while, she watched as Flippy disappeared into his kitchen. His motel room was typically small; the main room was practically the bedroom as it had a small couch, an outdated television set, and settled at the far end of the room were a old set of printed curtains, closed over the window, a single bed, a small closet, and a bedside table accompanied by a lamp. If anything, it made the porcupine feel cozy - despite the fact she's currently in the room of a stranger.

"Say, uh, do you drink alcohol?" Flippy called out from the kitchen, followed by the chime of clinking glass bottles. Flaky quietly giggled, hearing his clumsiness, "I'll have whatever you're having."

Moments later, the pale green male returned with two bottles of ice cold beer, and he sat down on the empty space of the couch beside Flaky. She thanked him with a small smile as she took the bottle from him, the cold condensation cooled her fingertips. Thirsty for the bitter taste, Flippy placed the tip of the bottle against his lips, but was suddenly drawn to Flaky's even bigger thirst; he watched in bemused awe as she mercilessly chugged down the full bottle in one go, and she didn't even cringe at its rather foul and distilled taste.

The bear couldn't stifle his widening smile as Flaky wiped her hand across her mouth, "You know, if you're thirsty I can get you something nicer to drink?" the porcupine muffled a burp before it escaped, and blushed as she looked at him, "N-No thank you," Flaky placed her empty bottle on the coffee table in front of them, "but do you mind if I have another one?"

Surprised by Flaky's strong liking for beer, Flippy jumbled for words, so he nodded, "...Uh, s-sure thing, I'll bring some more in for both of us." Flaky was then left alone as Flippy made his way into the kitchen once more.


Several bottles of booze later, the two were now lazily slumped on the couch together as the television blared a late night stand-up show. Having drank a little more alcohol than Flippy, Flaky was experiencing its effects far more. So all thoughts and feelings were temporarily numbed; especially those of her abusive boyfriend. Despite her obvious sensitivity when reminded of her boyfriend, the alcohol had seemed to ease her from tearing up as much, because the moment she noticed Flippy's eyes sneak over her injured cheek was the moment Flaky spilled more about 'the jerk'.

"He says he never intentionally hurts me," She began, shifting on the couch to tuck her legs to one side, "but I know that's just a lie. He did this to my face last night when I said I was going to pack up and leave him for good this time...I thought that sneaking out to stay at a cheap hotel tonight by myself would keep him off my tracks, but he found me before I could even book in, and forced me to get in his car..." she paused for a moment and jerked her head back against the couch to stare at the bare ceiling. Flippy lost focus on Flaky's words as his eyes traveled from her eyes down to her throat, and he licked his dry lips; he suddenly started to regret drinking and giving in to six bottles. Now his own intoxication was becoming a little overwhelming.

Yet he still tried his best to seem like the sober one, "S-So, what happened in the car? Before I'd found you o-on the road?" He asked her, realising that he was beginning to slur in his speech. Flaky's half-hearted gaze didn't move from the ceiling, "Pff. That s-stupid jerk tried to grab my face so I'd look at him during another one of his 'you'll-be-nothing-without-me' lectures, that's how I got the s-scratch. I slapped his hand away, and went to open the car door, that's when he finally stopped the car so I could get out..." Flippy watched as she squeezed her eyes shut, and her lip threatened to tremble, "...such things have never bothered me anymore; the threats, the insecurities, the abuse, and not even the way he treats me - I stopped loving him years ago, b-but he's said that he loves me countless times a-and...I...he just drove off!"

The drunken porcupine's sorrowful expression was hidden by the sleeves of her baseball jacket, but Flippy already knew she was crying, and it somewhat managed to wake him up from his drowsiness. As she silently sobbed and sniffled into her jacket, Flippy was unsure of what to do to comfort the crying female, but to see her cry made his chest uncomfortably and unfamiliarly tight. So he slowly edged himself closer to where she was sat and shyly draped his arm over her quivering shoulders.

Expecting her to flinch, or coil away, Flippy was stunned when she instead clung to him, wrapping her thin, shaking arms around his torso. It's been a while since a warm blush had tinted his face from the touch of a female, and even longer since the fluttering sensation of butterflies ached his stomach from the single presence of a female. It had all hit him so suddenly too, and he felt his dizziness mix in with his intoxicated state. Flaky was sobbing uncontrollably, and it was plucking at Flippy's heartstrings.

"Ssshhhh..." he quietly cooed, wrapping another arm around her in an embrace. Eventually, her sobs silenced, but their hug still went on. Until he heard a light sigh of content from Flaky, Flippy didn't realise he was brushing and toying his fingers through the softness of her quills.

Flaky lifted her head from against his chest to look up at him, "I'm really sorry for dumping all of my sobbing on you. I haven't been this drunk since high school." she apologetically murmured, her slurring not so prominent anymore. Flippy reassured her with a smile, "You don't need to be sorry, Flaky."

Flaky smiled back at him, secretly wondering if she was bothering him again...but that could just be her paranoia creeping up on her. Nonetheless, she was rather enjoying the bear's company, despite being far from sober. Their prolonged embrace awakened her from being so sleepy, allowing her to take in their silent situation. Being in his arms had blocked out her pained emotions from her boyfriend, and had made her think more about the man cradling her.

The black and white fuzziness of the television screen was the only light that filled the dark room. The time was unknown to them, but they guessed it was around the early hours after midnight by now. Flippy was closer to his sober state, but that was clearly much more of a struggle for a Flaky. He was still running his fingers through her plum red locks, lost in the continuous motion. Flaky obliviously started to trace her fingertips on the creases of his black undershirt, never expecting it to muster a faint moan from him. It made her hand freeze for a second, but then she shyly continued, curious over his reaction. She must have hit a sensitive spot somewhere on his chest, as a not-so-faint moan parted his closed lips. The sudden growing temperature of his body brought an excitement over Flaky, but her strong intoxication blinded her to see this.

She was fascinated to hear him react to the slightest touch; it brought Flaky closer to seeing that her harmless touches were growing with the intention to hear and feel his shudders of delight. Flaky traced her finger down over his chest towards his solid stomach, and she blinked - he was certainly toned. The tip of her finger moved lower and lower towards the top of his pants, and then stopped to trace back.

'Is she purposely trying to tease me?' Flippy's thoughts wandered. He felt his fur stand as a flood of pleasant goosebumps trailed down each area that Flaky grazed over. The porcupine was clearly aiming to have him responding this way, so he wasn't sure where she was going about this. Such a heightened feeling of lust that slowly creeped to overtake him had made Flippy forget that this girl, whom he had only met tonight, had a boyfriend, and was likely behaving in such a way as she was hardly sober. But having nothing to trigger his lusful desires for so long meant that Flippy was going to struggle to contain himself.

The nightly atmosphere added to their change of mood. Flaky let her hand snake under his top, and began to stroke upwards to his chest, before gently dragging her nails back down near his abdominal area. She smiled to herself when his hand clenched a fistful of her quills. After arching her head up towards his neck, she glided her bottom lip over the sensitive area, then fully planted her lips onto the crook of his throat; he swallowed with anticipation as the sensations from her caressing hand and soft, warm lips threatened to push him over an edge. He released her hair to allow his hand to roam over her shoulder, and then down the arch of her back to press her closer and closer. Flaky hesitantly, but willingly, lifted her leg over Flippy until she was straddling him.

The shared, heated connection was spiraling into even more intimacy than the two had bargained for at all. The green-furred male could feel Flaky's irresistible heat through his pants, and couldn't help but slide his hands under her dress to caress her bare thighs - higher and higher until they were just at the creases of her round and plump rear. He noticed Flaky's pleasure-stricken expression as she brought her head up from his neck to gaze at him with doe-eyes. There was an unusual smile spread across her full, parted lips, but it appeared to be genuine and eager. Flippy had never seen such a smile before, and it made his lips tug into a smirk.

Taken aback by a plunging wave of awareness, Flippy looked deeply into her blue eyes, "Are you sure you want to take this further or-" Flaky's lips silenced him, happy to catch his mouth open as she playfully swirled her tongue around his. Flippy took this as a yes, and kissed her back.

Flippy dug his fingers under her cheeks and eagerly spread them, and Flaky instantly broke their kiss to emit the sweetest moan that ever crossed his ears. It was almost too sweet for him as he found himself strongly wanting to hear more. So he toyed his fingers under and over the line of her panties, tracing his fingers down over her buttocks closer to her delicacy. Flaky ran her fingers through his shaggy hair; the slight rock of her hips urging Flippy onwards until he finally reached her moistened swelling. Just the simple thought that Flippy had lead her to be so wet and aroused was enough for him to grunt out of sheer pleasure. Just as he had wanted, Flaky couldn't contain her moans and sequels of delight as he roamed his fingers through her slick folds. It didn't take long for his own heat to build between his legs.

They both froze in an instant as a rather loud series of knocks sounded from the door. A quick and confused glance was shared between them until Flaky got off of him. Flippy got up to approach the door, and he peeked his eye through the spy hole. An irritant scowl plastered his face the moment he spotted a pair of antlers.

"You better have a good reason for knocking this late, Lumpy." Lumpy was gormlessly stood with a pile of white towels in his arms, "Uhh, you forgot to pick up your towels from the laundrette...so I brought them to you," he then sheepishly peeked over Flippy's shoulder and soon blushed when he realised, "Ohh! Am I interrupting something?" Flippy glared daggers at the blue moose, snatched the towels from him and slammed the door in his face.

Flippy placed the towels on the desk for the time being, and went back to join Flaky on the couch. She smiled shyly at him, almost as if she was embarrassed from their intimacy, but he knew the porcupine didn't want to stop at where they left off.

The atmosphere was once again swarmed with their shared, drunk lust. The two of them removed their jackets and flung them to one side. Flippy allowed the red-furred woman to push him down onto the leathery sofa, and she straddled him again.

Although Lumpy intervening on their unexpected turn of events was a huge annoyance to Flippy, he somewhat thanked him for bringing fresh towels; figuring they'd be useful for when they were done. As the pretty porcupine on his lap left his head spinning, and nether regions aching, Flippy was starting to believe that drinking six bottles each with her wasn't such a bad idea after all.

A.N: So I have yet another story. Even though I have other unfinished ones. Ah well~

I've had an idea for a story for a while, so before it leaves me (like they all do) I decided to plan a little something. I don't know an exact shipping to this story, and that's the fun part, so whilst our little Flaky is stuck with a bunch of men on her tail, I'll let you all secretly pick and choose her likely decision ;D but what if there is no decision?! You'll have to wait and see c;