Hey! So this is my first story for this archive (which I am way excited for!), and I know this first chapter is small, but it's just a preface. The original first chapter I had, well...I felt like I would be dropping a bomb on you guys, so I decided I'd start this story off with something a (whole lot) smaller, you know? Maybe? ;D

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters! DreamWorks and Disney have that covered. (Yeah...sorry this isn't done in a very "professional" way.) However the storyline, yes, it's mine.

In a world of her own, she would've preferred to be left alone.

But she didn't even know this herself until she met her breaking point. She had been standing on thin ice for so long, yet she never truly ever realized it. After all that's happened, you'd think she'd have learned. But something so pure and white can only do so much to fight off the darkness, let alone realize the bad that's going on. And that's where he came in. But because of the war going on, she barely even realized his hands guiding hers along the slick ice she had been walking on.

It was practically a riot every day in her life.

The way people fought against each other got on her nerves. It was either this or that. There was never any choices in between. Either you were something or you were nothing. But somehow she slipped throughout her whole life going unnoticed—somehow she managed to keep a low profile. No one ever truly noticed her. And the majority of people that did just so happen to notice her were all of the wrong kinds of people.

It was almost as if she were invisible. But that wasn't the case for her. She just knew how to hide.

But there's a problem with someone who always hides: they run as soon as they're found.

And that's all they do.

They run.

They run, run, run. They run as fast as they can, never once stopping to face their chaser. And the thing is they're way too scared to face their chaser because they've never had to deal with this type of situation before, and they've reached a point in their life where they can no longer face their fears. It's brand new and it scares them. The idea that someone has found them from their safe haven pumps their blood faster, making them take off for flight.

They may take a moment to glance behind them when they're getting tired and ready to find a new safe haven, but then they'll see a dark shadow following right after them and they continue running. If only they knew that this dark shadow was their own silhouette following in their footsteps. There was never an escape from your own shadow.

Now for what happened to their chaser, well, the runner would never realize that the chaser had long stopped running after them. But the runner never would know or figure this out because they'd still see that shadow following them. And the whole time they would never notice who they were really running from.

What she never knew was that her time was running out. Someone was going to find her, and it was going to be soon. And it was going to be someone that actually cared... Which the idea of someone holding her heart scared here, which was exactly why she kept her heart lucked up tight.

She never was the type to share who she was with anyone, yet somehow he was able to make his way through her locked doors. He was able to reach to her heart, and his grip was so fierce and strong, yet all at the same time gentle and quiet. And when the moment came for her to discover that he had somehow crept his way past the locks and guards she had protecting her frozen heart, it scared her. When the moment came for her to tell him to back off, he wasn't too easygoing with her. She's never had anyone willing to hold on so tight before.

But what did that matter?

He would soon be forced to let go of her—he be free to go back to the way his life originally was—and there would be no saving her. It would be too late…she would eventually allow the darkness to swallow her up, and she'd be too far deep for anyone to rescue her.

Her time was up.

The ice was beginning to crack…

So tomorrow or the day after, I think I'll post the official "first" chapter...

Anyway! :D Thanks for checking this story out! And I hope you all will stay tuned for more and stick with me through to the end!

Favorite, follow, review - do whatever you're feeling to do - I'd love it all, and again thanks for reading!