Hey there, everyone! :D I`m here with another story for you guys and gals. It`s a big mess, but I think the idea it`s not half bad. I wanted to improvise a little and so I did, a Fairy Tail x Campione fanfiction. The idea came out from watching too much the anime Fairy Tail and Campione, so here you have it, black and white on a paper. xD There will a be main couple of the story and that will be Natsu x Erica and other will be Godou x Liliana. There might be more, but that`s all for now. Gonna write a little more at the end, so enjoy my work full of randomness. : )

Last chance, a new beginning

Natsu slowly opened his eyes and got up in a sitting position, remained like this for an minute or two, until he decided to get up from his bed. He then slowly went to the only place an light could have possible enter from, a small window, placed on the wall next to the right side of the bed. When he reached the it, the boy lifted an sign that was placed in front of the window and then opened it in order to look outside. It was another of the sunny days that were often phenomenon for the last two weeks. But yet, it was a dark, gloomy day. In fact to Natsu, every day seemed like this for the past two years. Ever since the war with the dragons and Future Rouge two years ago, when all of his friends died and just not his friends, great amount of the capital`s population was killed back then, leaving him to wander as a lone survivor. It was back then, the Dragon Slayer felt everything he treasured and love, getting taken away from him just for less an day and no matter how hard he tried and how many times he got up on his legs, he couldn`t defeat his enemy and stop the him from completing his goal. Future Rouge together with the dragons he controlled thanks to his Dragon Manipulating Magic overwhelmed him and everyone who opposed the future person`s will and ambitions, yearning not but death and death alone.

Natsu turned back and went to a desk, near the room`s door. The desk was messed up that even the boy put his left on his forehead and left a sign of disappointment. After that he stretched towards the chair in front of the desk, where his clothes were and started get himself ready. When that was done, he returned back to back and took his precious scarf, which was placed right next to the pillow and wrapped it around his neck. His clothes were torn at many times, giving him an simple look, but he didn`t seem to mind.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew right through the window, lifting the paper on the desk in air, angering Natsu, who immediately started jumping around chasing after the papers. That continued for an minute and when the wind finally stopped, he gathered the papers on two piles and put them back on the desk, placing a bag over them.

"Damn, this wind." Natsu cursed under his nose. "It`s taking the best of me this early in the morning." He finished and ducked under the desk, taking out another bag from there.

The boy opened the bag and took out a some bread and little meat from it and started eating it. After the breakfast that continued for not more than three minutes, Salamander cleaned the desk, went to the bathroom and washed his face and hair. Then reached his head right hand forward and grabbed an toothbrush that was place on a cupboard in front of him and used it to was his teeth. When he was done, the wizard went out of the bathroom and headed straight to the desk, there he took one of the bags and placed it on his back and left the room, not locking after that and started walking downstairs, suggesting that he lives on at least the second floor.

In less than a minute, he was already outside the building and started his way to somewhere. The Dragon Slayer walked straight for more than twenty minutes, not turning neither left nor right, just straight ahead. The atmosphere around him was depressing, destroyed building were everywhere as only couple of them could have been called 'buildings', although being damaged as well. The street on which Natsu was walking, was also affected by damage, making it hard to walk on it, pieces of the destroyed building were scattered all over it.

All of a sudden, a loud roar disturbed the peace and the depressing feeling that flowed in the area, catching Natsu`s attention immediately. He quickly turned 360 decrees and jumped of the road, landing between two big stones hided himself in a small hole created by them. A minute after that the roar echoed through the air again, making the whole area to shake, which confirmed the pink-haired boy`s fear. He knew that this roar no doubt belonged to a dragon. Soon enough a huge shadow appeared on the ground around him, making Natsu lift his head. Few meters above a dragon was circling in the air. The dragon had a stone like skin and was big almost like a building with four floors. It continued flying like that for the next five or six minutes, until it turned and slowly left the area, bringing the silence and the depressing feeling again. Salamander remained unmoving for a while and then got out of the hole and returned on his way.

After an hour of walking, the boy found himself in front of what it looked to be a garden, the bushes were burned at most part of the place, leaving a dry land after them. It was the glorious garden that lied in the royal castle in the capital of Fiore two years ago. In less than five minutes, Salamander found himself standing before what he came for, the Eclipse Portal. The very portal that led the world to how it was today, destroyed and ruled by the man that used it to accomplish his goal, Rouge Cheney from the future. The portal didn`t remain undamaged as well, the left part of it was destroyed and gate itself had few holes here and there.

As Natsu stood before the gate, a voice made him break the eye contact with it. He turned right and saw a little girl. She had a pale blonde hair, long all the way to her feet, her eyes were colored green and she wore a frilly, pink layered robe with a red ribbon tied in a bow around her neck with three blue diamond patterns around the chest.

"Master Mavis?!" Natsu said in a surprise.

"It`s been two years, hasn`t it?!" The girl greeted with a smile, but received only a nod with head from the Dragon Slayer.

"What are you doing here?" Natsu asked with a surprised tone in his voice.

"You know what yourself, don`t you?!" Mavis replayed and her face turned serious all of a sudden.

The boy didn`t answer her question, just turned back and looked at the gate and then bowed his head down as silence moved in and lasted for couple of minutes, after which the pink-haired mage went to the portal and took the bag from his back and dropped in on the ground.

"Are you serious about using it?" Fairy Tail`s first master asked with a calm voice. "This isn`t something ordinary to be taken lightly, traveling in time."

"I`m serious. I don`t accept what happened, neither I will in the future. That`s why I have to change the past." Salamander answered with a serious and determined voice that left no room for further arguments.

"If that`s case, then I can`t stop, nor I will." Mavis said and smiled at the Fairy Tail member in front of her. "Just remember that you must be prepared for any kind result after using this machine. It may take more than two years in the past and it`s possible to take you even 400 years ago. You understand?!" She finished, looking at Natsu.

"Yes, I do." Natsu gave an short answer, opened the bag and took out a long coat with a hood and quickly put in on him.

Natsu searched his left pocket and took out 12 golden keys from it, went in the center of portal and threw them in the air. The keys went in all 12 holes on the gate. Suddenly, a light sound echoed in the air and the portal started slowly opening.

"Were those keys?" Mavis asked in a surprise.

"Yes, those were Lucy`s and Yukino`s celestial keys. I took them right after the accident." The boy commented as memories of the two girls started rolling in his head.

"What do you plan to do when you arrive?" The first guild`s master asked with a calm voice.

"Find Future Rouge and beat the crap out of him before the princess opens the Eclipse. That`s all." Salamander replayed with a short answer, but yet the motivation in his voice, was more than reassuring, which even made Mavis smile again.

"You are really an interesting person. I can see why that woman fell in love with you." Mavis said and started walking forward to the boy, until she was just a meter away from him.

"I`m not anything special. After all, I failed to protect those who I loved back then." Dragneel said and bowed his head down, thinking about him being of no help, no matter how hard he tried back at the Grand Magic Games.

"That`s not true." Mavis replayed, using an little louder voice than usual. "You are Fairy Tail`s Natsu Dragneel and no one could every replace you." She stopped for a second and continued. "Go now, Natsu! The last hope of the world is in your hands. No, rather you are the last hope itself." By saying that, the girl disappeared from his sight.

After hearing what the first master, he turned around and disappeared in the white light of the portal, just before the doors closed behind him, leaving no way to go back.

Inside the Eclipse Portal, the white space completely covered Natsu and left him floating in it. A strange feeling came to his senses, a feeling like he was in time itself, not growing older, nor younger. He got the feeling like his mind was spinning and never going to stop and any concept of how much time it has passed since his been here totally disappeared.

Suddenly, images started to appear from every side, making Salamander to began to turn around to look at each of them. It was then, when he realized what those images were. They were images of past experience from his life, battles, important dates of his life, memories of him together with his friends, memories of the time he alone, memories of his life when Igneel took care of him and more. They seem to never stop as on the place of every disappeared one, appeared a new one. The images confused Natsu even more, making him absolutely forgetting about the concept of time.

As he floated in the white space, an certain image cough his eyes. It was the image he was looking forward, the one that showed him the time when he and Fairy Tail arrived at Crocus to participate in the Grand Magic Games. It was his window with that exact time he wanted to travel to. The boy stretched his right hand in order to reach the image, figuring that this must be the way how to travel in time, but as he started stretching, the image started disappearing in the distance, until it vanished from his sight.

"Damn, this was tricky." Natsu cursed under his nose. "I admit, I didn`t thought it would be that hard."

Dragneel closed his eyes and tried to remember about the desired by him time, and first it looked like it had affect. He managed to remember the fight with day when Erza defeated one hundred monster, the battle between Wendy and Sheria and the match against Sting and Rouge. He felt like he was with one foot there when his mind started spinning even more and the images faded away.

"This is getting annoying." The mage cursed again, grabbing his scarf.

Floating just like that, something hit him. He remembered just one week before the beginning of the games, when Team Natsu together with Levi, Jet and Droy at the training came at the beach. Mostly about the meeting with Ultear, Jellal and Meredy.


It was a sunny day, a week before the start of the games and Fairy Tail`s strongest team was about to ran dry thanks to little party at the Celestial world. However, thanks to Crime Sociere, they were saved at the last moment and while the rest were of somewhere talking with ex-dark wizards, Natsu was alone in the little house that the team stayed over at night, having hard time holding up the pain that surfaced after he was given the Second Origin. As he was occupied by the pain, sitting in the left corner of the room, a slight laughter cough his attention, making turn to the source. Right at the door`s entrance stood Ultear, the very mage that he fought with two times. It was also the woman that he couldn`t get no matter how hard he tried, she always surprised him with her behavior.

"You alive or what?" The woman asked with a hint of a mocking tone in her voice.

"Unfortunately for you and Gray, I`m alive and don`t plan on dying any time soon." Natsu replayed and turned his head in the other direction.

"Now now, don`t be like that." Ultear said and went closer to the pink-haired mage. "I know we didn`t get along at first, but let`s forget about it and start a new relationship."

The boy didn`t answer immediately and bowed his head down, staring at the floor. It was then, he noticed his pain becoming less than a moment ago. He lifted his head and looked at the woman and smiled.

"Deal." He said and gave one of his famous big grins. "By the way, I was wondering, how did you think a person shall travel through time?"

Ultear giggled slightly, placing an hand before her mouth, then looked at the mage and kneeled next to him.

"Honestly, I didn`t expect you to ask something like that." She said and placed herself in front of him in a kneeling position.

"I mean, you`re a time mage, right?! I though you must know the answer to this question." Natsu said, turning his head to his left.

"I always though your way of thinking interesting." The time wizard replayed. "To be honest, I haven`t performed time travel myself, but now that you ask it. I guess you should focus on remembering an certain object, that doesn`t move, because for example, a stone would remain the same in the years, except if something doesn`t happen to it, like being destroyed by you." She stopped for a second to see his reaction, which was him making up a lip. In other words, the object acts as a window to the past that you want to travel."

"Thanks for answering." The boy thanked and smiled at the woman.

"No problem!" Ultear said and smiled as well.


"Guess making up with Ultear was the right thing." Natsu said and closed his eyes, trying to picture an object that he saw during the Grand Magic Games that could use as a window to that time.

The answer didn`t came long after, his eyes widened, realizing how simple it actually was. The object was none other than the Eclipse Portal, even being damaged a little, it was still there and that was what he needed. Just like thinking about it, an image of the portal two years ago appeared.

"Honestly, I`m so pathetic at times." The Dragon Slayer said while a smirk formed on his face. "Thanks. Ul!" He said and stretched his left hand and grabbed the image.

Right after doing so, his eyes began slowly closing and the other images started disappearing, until he felt unconsciousness taking over, leaving the rest to his fate.

"What we have hear?!" A voice ringed in Salamander`s ears.

The mage slowly opened his eyes to see a violet haired girl with green eyes leaning over his face. He jumped, pushing her aside and started looking around and was really surprised at what he saw, everything was in light and the only living thing he could see was that girl.

"Where am I?" Natsu asked under his nose.

"This is the Netherworld. The border between life and death." The girl answered as she walked next to him.

"The border between life and death?!" The boy asked, turning so he could face her. "Who are you?"

"I`m Pandora, the ever generous woman." The girl said and smiled at the Natsu.

"Wait, what happened with the time travel? Did it have success?" Natsu asked, turning 360 decrees.

"Your try to travel in time resulted in you, leading out of the way, sending you in this place." She stated.

"But that`s impossible, I did everything exactly like I should have. There`s no way I have failed." Dragneel started shouted, but only for a while, after that he bowed his head down. "I must not fail." He whispered, but enough to be heard by the girl.

"You failed, but I assure you that this is not the end. For now you shall receive the last chance to change your life." The Pandora said in a whisper. "Now go forth, son of a human, raised by a dragon."

With her saying, the boy`s eyes closed in a instant, taking him in the dreamland. He felt his body becoming numb, strange chills ran down his spine and the sound of silence echoed in his ears, until he lost any sense and unconsciousness moved in again.

When Natsu opened his eyes, he immediately jumped of the ground, standing up and started looking around, but was surprised at what he saw. Everything was different from what he remembered of how Crocus used to be before the accident. They were huge buildings everywhere, none of which with less than six floors. They were too modern for him as well. He was on the middle of an street, that had no exit from one of the sides and lead to another from the other one. There strange objects around him, none of which known to the boy.

Slowly, the Dragon Slayer headed forward to the only exit of the street, still looking around and walking. When he reached the end of it, he was shocked at what he saw, some kind of strange transportation dashed around him in incredible speed, a lot of people started walking pass him, dressed strangely for his tastes and knowledge of clothes. No one seemed to pay attention at him, so he decided to turn right and head down the street. He walked and walked, but the street just didn`t seem to have an end. As Salamander continued his way, he passed by many shops, some of which, more or less strange to him. The huge buildings also didn`t seem to stop, they just popped up one of another and surprised the boy with their heights.

Natsu continued walking in the next thirty or more minutes, staring at the surroundings, which confused him even further and further, making the pink-haired mage doubt that this the desired by him and that he must travelled somewhere in the future, but as soon as that though came to his mind, she stopped, shook his head left and right, remembering that in the future, the world was ruled by rather Rouge or Acnologia. He started moving again, thinking at where he has ended after using the Eclipse Portal and what`s he supposed to do here and what was the violet-haired talking about before he woke up again. Many conclusions passed by his mind and went away, meaning that they are not the right ones and that lasted and lasted as he walked down the street. Unable to figure out the answer, Natsu kicked a little stone that he found on the road, which hit the shoe of a passing by person.

"I`m sorry." Natsu blurted something under his nose and lifted his head to take a look and immediately backed a step or two. Before him stood two girls.

One of them had brown chestnut hair, long all the way down to her waist, big brown eyes and wore brown shoes, black socks all the way to the knees, short purple skirt, dark blue chemise with purple collar and white sleeves. In the middle of the chemise, there was a red ribbon. The other girl had exactly the same outfit, but what made bigger impression, was her blonde hair and violet colored eyes. Pne thing came out at first look and that was that this girl remained him of one his best friends ever, Lucy Heartfilia.

"It`s nothing." The blonde-haired girl spoke up.

"Is something wrong?" The other one asked, looking at the expression on his face.

"No, nothing." Natsu replayed and his face became serious once more. "I just…" He tried to say something, but was interrupted by a quake as the ground around them started to shake.

Suddenly, a white light appeared just for a second and after it faded, everything around him and the girls turned gray, leaving their bodies to glow strangely. Soon after it another quake shook the ground, in result the blonde girl, lurching forward and found herself in the boy`s arms.

"Are you okay?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah, thank you." She lifted her head up and got surprised at what was in front of her.

It was probably the first time she saw someone like that boy. It had a pink, spiky hair with black colored eyes. And around his neck there was white scale-patterned scarf, but couldn`t see under, because of the coat he wore, except for the black open-toed sandals. After appearance, the girl was obviously shocked by the fact that Natsu`s body glowed alongside theirs, confusing her in the progress.

Another strong quake followed a minute later, making the girl to bury her head in the boy`s chest. As soon as that happened, a warm feeling started overwhelming her senses, she felt like the sun was hugging her with all it`s might like it was the end of the world. Warmth spread through her entire body and continued to do so, until a cold shiver ran through her spine, making the girl to back off from his arms.

"Who are you?" The other girl questioned, looking at the boy

"Let`s leave that for now." The blonde girl interrupted. "First we need to check out what`s going on. Will you land a hand?" She finished and turned towards the Dragon Slayer.

"With what`s possible for my hands." Natsu said and nodded in agreement.

"Yuri. You stay here ." The blonde said to the other girl and lead the way with Natsu running behind her.

"What was that quake earlier?" Dragneel asked catching up to girl.

"You don`t know?!" She responded to the question with question. "I though you should, after all you are able to remain unaffected by the field."

"I don`t have any idea and what field?" The boy asked

"Just who and what are you?" She asked in a mean tone, that Natsu didn`t felt to notice.

'This girl looks like Lucy, but behaves like Erza.' The pink-haired mage though in his mind. "I`m Natsu and I`m..," He tried to finish, but was interrupted by a explosion that erupted just few meters before them.

The explosion sent the two at least five meters back, crashing at the ground, creating a thick smoke after it, which lasted for about a minute or two. After the smoke faded away, Salamander saw the girl wearing a black and red, stripped uniform and holding an sword in her right hand. The impact from the ground also teared the boy`s coat, leaving no choice, but to took it off and threw it aside.

Natsu got on his feat and fixed up his scarf, which was about to fall off on the ground, then bended his both hands in fists and prepared for battle.

"Looks like I ran onto another beautiful maiden." A voice cough their attention, making them look above. In the air floated a boy, wearing white clothing, including a cloak with blonde hair and green eyes.

"Persues!" The girl shouted. "What do you mean by 'another'?"

"That." Perseus replayed and pointed with a finger down.

Under him, on the ground lied a silver hair girl, dressed in a black-purple outfit. By the looks she was unconsciousness. She had several wounds on her face and hands, as little blood streamed down her right hand, creating a small puddle of blood.

"Lili!" The blonde screamed and ran next to the girl "What have you done?" She asked, turning to the floating in the air boy.

"I was here to have a battle with Kusunagi Godou, but the beautiful maiden got in the way, so I needed to take her out of the way. "Now I shall take care of both of you." He said and suddenly a sword appeared in his right hand and dashed down forward the two girls.

Just a second before the boy made a hit on his target, Natsu jumped at him, hitting with his head, sending Perseus crashing in the nearest wall, breaking the wall, after which, the blonde-haired boy pulled down, crashing on the ground.

"You?!" The girl asked in a surprise, turning her attention to the pink-haired mage.

"Call me, Natsu!" Salamander replayed with a serious face.

But the girl didn`t had time to replay, as Perseus came dashing towards the girls, but again when he neared them, the Dragon Slayer jumped in front of him. The blonde man swung his sword. However, Natsu successfully ducked under in and aimed a quick punch at the opponent`s stomach, sending him few meters back. After that, the mage jumped in the air and swung his left left, which landed directly at Perseus`s face, which sent him crashing on the ground again.

The enemy got up on his feat and suddenly the sword transformed into a bow. He aimed it straight at Dragneel. After which an arrow appeared on the bow and he fired. The arrow flew in a incredible speed, that even Natsu couldn`t follow, so he decided to move on it`s instincts and leaned left, but wasn`t enough. The enemy`s attack found his right shoulder and sent him into the wall behind him.

"Now that was fast and it hurt." The Dragon mage stated, taking the arrow out of his shoulder, revealing a little blood after it.

"Don`t understand me, human!" Perseus shouted and prepared a couple more arrows.

"Human?! You talk like you are not human yourself." The pink-haired said standing up on his legs.

"He`s not. He`s a god." The blonde girl commented from behind, making Natsu`s eyes to widen.

'A god?!' He asked surprised in his mind. 'That`s right stupid, if there are God-Slayers, there must Gods as well.' He scolded himself in his mind.

"Die!" Perseus`s voice brought him back to reality, just before couple more arrows hit him. "It`s over, boy."

However, Natsu didn`t flinch at all and his lips formed a smirk. He closed his eyes and ducked under, then left and finally jumped over the last one. Landing on the ground he immediately dashed towards the opponent. The blonde man fired another couple of arrows, but they appeared useless as well.

"It`s impossible for you to see them." The god screamed.

"That may be true, but I can hear them. That`s all I need to know to avoid them." Salamander said ducking under another arrow, that was headed in his head.

In less than a second, the mage was in front of his target and just when he was about to land a hit, an bright light stopped him. Both him and the god turned to find the source, to see some kind of flame hours going down on them.

"You there with the pink hair, dodge!" A scream ran through the air.

Persues didn`t waste a second and backed few meters in order to avoid. However, the Dragon Slayer remained unmoving and waited for the attack. Not so long after, the impact was fact, putting the area around in fire and destroying the nearest buildings.

"I told him to dodge" Someone spoke up from above.

The blonde-haired girl lifted her head to see the source of the voice. On the rooftop of one of the buildings stood a man. He had black hair and black eyes and wore black jeans, white shirt with short sleeves and another black shirt under it, but with long sleeves.

"Godou!" The blonde girl said in a surprise.

"Humans are really foolish creatures." Perseus commented with a mocking tone.

"Don`t strike my name out of the list with your opponents yet." Natsu voice ran through the fire.

"What?" The god asked in astonishment.

Suddenly, the flames started moving in a circle like direction, which continued for a minute. After which, their amount slowly started decreasing. Everyone gasped shocked at what they saw, for the flames were going down Natsu`s moath, until not even a trace remained after them. The boy bowed his head forward as a smile appeared on his face.

"He ate the flames of heaven, just like Voban?!" Godou asked, being surprised.

"Just who are you, boy?" Perseus questioned in a calm voice.

"I`m Natsu Dragneel. A Dragon Slayer mage." Salamander replayed getting on his feat. "And sorry, but I don`t have to fight with you all day long."

"You damn human!" The blonde-haired god screamed and transformed his bow into an sword again and launched himself at the boy.

After less than a second, he was already a meter away, then he summoned another sword and swung both of them at Natsu, who jumped from the ground, avoiding the opponents attack, then landed on the wall behind and used it to push himself, directly at the God. Perseus swung with his swords again, but Natsu just used the enemy`s hands to push himself again, jumping at least three meters in the air.

"Fire Dragon`s Roar!" The mage shouted and sent an breath in the form of a fire-like tornado at the man under him.

His attack found it`s target, destroying the area around it as well. Smoke appeared, the wall next to the mage, cracked up from the wave of the attack and couple of big bricks fell on where Perseus was before the impact. After the smoked vanished, it revealed a huge hole on it`s place, on the bottom of which lied the God. The pink-haired stepped on one of the fallings bricks and used it as a tranplin in order to avoid landing in the hole and landed next to instead.

"Impressive!" Persues complimented as he climbed from the hole and all of a sudden, he disappeared, leaving only a blue light behind him.

Just like that, less than a second he reappeared behind the Dragon Slayer and swung his sword. Salamander dodged to his right, getting bruised on his right shoulder again, which resulted in him crashing in the on the ground. Perseus used this chance and swung his sword again. But the boy flipped over, kick with his feat the enemy, sending in the air. Then he started jumping from wall to wall, getting higher and higher, until he was right above the God.

"Fire Dragon`s Brilliant Flame!" Natsu said and clappsed both of his hands together, creating a huge ball of fire. After he though it was enough, Natsu threw it at the enemy that sent him, hitting the ground, flaming the area around.

As the boy was about to step on the ground, Perseus came out of the smoke and headed towards his enemy. The fact of surprise left the pink-haired boy with no time to either dodge or block.

"Catch!" The girl screamed and threw some kind of spear that flew between him and the blonde man, making him to stop his sprint.

Natsu grabbed the spear with his left hand, ducked almost all the way to ground, then leaned forward and threw the spear, piercing the opponent in the stomach. But the Dragon Slayer wasn`t done, he jumped forward and when he was close enough, he sent few flame punches and kicks at Perseus, forcing the god to drop completely his guard and he waited just for that.

"Secret Dragon Art! Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon`s Fist!" Salamander said in a low voice and started rapidly punching the his target, with his hands lit ablaze, creating a fiery explosion after each subsequent contact.

After the attack ended, the body of Perseus crashed on the ground, confirming Natsu`s victory. The boy stood there for a while, preparing if the somehow manages to stand again, but that didn`t happened. As soon as he was sure of his victory, he loosened his body, falling on the ground in the form of an sea star. Silence moved in for the next one or two minutes. That was until the blonde girl leaned over his face.

"Congratulations on your victory." She said and stretched her right hand.

"Thanks!" The boy thanked and reached and took her hand and she helped him get up.

"Well done, Dragon Slayer, no I should say Dragon-God Slayer. You fought fair and square and by that you earned my authorities. Take them and grow stronger. " By saying that, Perseus closed his eyes and his body disappeared, leaving only a strange circle after him.

"Authorities?!" The boy questioned, looking at the girl.

"Yes, authorities. In other words his powers, for that`s a right for whoever slays a God." The girl explained. "By the way, the fire you ate was also an authority."

"Yeah, it was." A voice cough his attention, making him turn right.

"Who are you?" Natsu asked with tone of doubt in his voice.

"I`m Kusunagi Godou! Call me, Godou." The boy answered. "And you are Night, right?!"

"Yeah." The pink-haired mage replayed still doubting the man in front of him.

"Nice to meet you!" Godou said and stretched his hand forward, looking at the person the he faced directly.

"Likewise." Dragneel replayed and took the hand, forming the handshake.

"And I`m Erica. Erica Blandelli." The blonde introduced herself and winked to the boy.

"That`s a pretty name you got there." Natsu said in low voice, but enough for her to hear him.

"Thanks!" She thanked with a smile.

"Let`s go to my house. Liliana needs to rest and I`m sure you two. Besides there`s no doubt that we have a lot to talk about." Godou said and went to the unconsciousness silver-haired girl and lifted her on in his hand.

After which, the three met up with the girl that stayed behind and together they started their way towards to the house of Kusunagi Godou.

So basically that`s chapter one. I really wanted to try something new and experiment with this story, so I took the liberty in doing so, which resulted in crossing the two anime in one story. Shortly put this story is about Natsu being a lone survivor from the war at the Grand Magic Games and two years later he comes up with a plan to change the past, but during his try time traveling he ends up sent in another world, where Gods disturb the peace of the humans. Together with his new friends he will try to stop every God, while looking for a way back to his world. If your interested, stay tuned to find out more.

All in all, that`s my idea and I hope you liked my chapter and the idea itself. I would be glad on your feedback, even at helpful critiques. But please, no HATE! That`s the only thing I don`t want to see in the comments.

Well, that`s all I wanted to share with you people. See ya! : )