"Yo Scotty. Hey, Yo, Scotty, still with me?" Stiles waved a hand in front of Scott's face and I put my book down and turned round in my seat.

"Yeah, sorry. Uh, what's the word?" Scott grunted with his eyes closed.

""Anachronism." Stiles replied.

"Something that exists out of its normal time." Scott answered a hand on his side.

"Nice. Okay, next word... "incongruous."

"Um, can you use it in a sentence?"

"Yes. Yes, I can. It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now, on our way to some stupid cross-country meet after what just happened... incongruous."

"Out of place, ridiculous, absurd." Scott answered.

"Perfect. Okay, next word. Um, Darach. Darach, it's a noun. We have to talk about it sometime, okay? And we're gonna be stuck in this thing for, like, five hours, so why not? Next word... "Intransigent."

Scott grunted in pain and I put my arm of his shoulder reaching over from in front of them.

"Scott? Are you okay?"

"We shouldn't have come. I knew it. We shouldn't have come." Stiles kept fidgeting in his seat, he was so not helping right now.

"We had to. There's safety in numbers."

"Yeah, well, there's also death in numbers, okay? It's called a massacre... or bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery, wow, that's... all right, Scott, I'm telling coach that..."

"No. No, no, no. I'm all right." Scott protested.

Stiles sighed. "Well, you don't look all right Would you just let me see it?"

"I'm okay."

"Just let me see it, okay?"

Scott nodded. "Okay."

Stiles lifted his shirt up and I managed to hold in a gasp. "Oh my God, Scott."

"I know it's bad, but it's because they're from an Alpha. It'll take longer to heal." Scott pulled down his t-shirt and leant his head against the window.

"How come Boyd and Isaac are fine then?"

"I can't believe he's dead. I can't believe Derek's dead."

I flipped around when Scott said those last few words. I saw what had happened that not, but from the boys protesting I went anyway. It was horrible. I saw Derek fall with my own eyes, unable to do anything. I knew I felt some sort of connection with him, I still hadn't figured out what that was yet. And now I guess I will never get to find out. I sighed and jumped in my seat trying to get comfortable.

I re-opened my book and read a few pages. It was for my Biology project, and I hadn't chosen what I wanted to base it off so I was reading this book for inspiration. I rubbed my temples and flipped over a couple of pages, but when I got to one page I scanned the writing and my eyebrows furrowed as I took in what it said.

Black cats can sometimes sence when someone is going to die by sitting next to them until they finally pass.

It is also said, that a black cats blood or tear can heal any wound.

Also, a cats hiss, meow and scream can be heard from miles away.

I slammed the book closed and breathed in deep. That's impossible. A cat?

I followed Scott into Derek's as we had figured out where the Alpha's were hiding.

"I know where they are."

"Same building as the Argents, we know." Derek sighed.

"Cora and I followed the twins." Boyd said.

"Then they want you to know, isn't that obvious?" I asked.

"Or, more likely, they don't care." I stared next to Derek's side as Peter strode past watching me. Scott had told me everything that I had missed. And this Peter was making me feel uncomfortable under his gaze. No wonder I didn't like him when I came here for the first time.

"What is this?" Asked Scott.

"Isn't it obvious? The schemers are scheming, coming up with a coup de main, better known as a pre-emptive strike." Peter replied, his voice sending shivers spine. Not necessarily in a good way either.

"You're going after them?"

"Tomorrow. And you're gonna help us." Derek spoke to Scott and I spoke up.

"How do you suppose we do that?"

Derek shook his head. "Not you."

"Excuse me? Why the hell not?" I answered back.

"Your not even a werewolf Molly, incase you didn't notice, you don't have any super powers."

"I have something!" I sneered back. God this man was infuriating.

"Exactly. Something. And until we find out what that is, you're not coming with us."

"But-" I stopped when Scott took a hold of my hand.

"Molly, Derek's right. I can't put you in danger. Especially when you don't heal."

I didn't want to argue further so I just sighed and nodded my head. But little did Scott and Derek know, there was no way I was just going to sit out of this. But the smirk Peter sent my way made me think he knew exactly what I was doing.

"Two of you, back in your seats. Jared, again, car sick? Every ti... how do you even get on the bus? Look at me. No, don't look at me. Look at the horizon. Keep your eyes... keep your eyes on the horizon. McCall, not you too." Coach moaned.

Scott tried to smile but it came out as a wince. "No, Coach, I'm good."

"Hey, Scott, you're bleeding again. And don't tell me that it's just taking longer to heal, okay? Because I'm pretty sure that still bleeding means not healing, like, at all." Stiles stated.

"He's listening."

"Is he gonna do something?" Asked Stiles.

"Not in front of this many people."

"Okay, well, what about the two ticking time bombs sitting right near him?" Stiles rubbed his cheek in annoyance.

"No, they won't. Not here." Scott opened his eyes and glanced at us.

"Okay, well, what if they do? Are you gonna stop 'em?"

"If I have to."

"They're one floor above them in the penthouse, right above Allison." Derek said pointing to the blue prints in front of them.

"So kill them first, that's the plan?" Scott raised his eyebrows.

"They won't even see it coming." Boyd spoke up.

All the boys stopped talking when they heard crashing coming from behind the door and a voice.

"Stiles, what the hell? Can't you just tell me later? Look after Lyd for me okay, her and I need still need to talk about this whole Banshee thing."

"Stiles, I'm not kidding call me back when you actually have a problem on your hands."

"Oh what, and you do?" Stiles bit back

"As a matter of fact." Molly attempted to balance a few cases in her hands and her phone on her shoulder. "I do, no goodbye Stiles." When she hung up the phone the case dropped from her arm and she cursed. She opened the door to see all the guys staring at her ludicrously, while Derek was glaring at her as she struggled walking in.

"I know you guys are probably pissed, but I don't have any amount of strength so do you mind?" When none of them moved she scowled and chucked the cases on the table in front of them angrily.

"What the hell is this?" Derek glowered.

Molly opened the cases and chucked the opening and the werewolves almost walked back in surprise, and she saw Peter glaring at the weapons in the case.

"Molly! Where the hell did you find all of these?" Scott looked up at her alarmed.

She shrugged. "Let's just say I borrowed them from a friend."

Derek picked up one of the guns with distaste and turned to Molly. "Borrowed or stole?"

Molly sighed. "I thought you guys could use some of this okay?"

"We're werewolves we don't need any of this stuff." Peter said.

"Exactly, Deucalion and the Alpha's won't be expecting you to use any of this stuff, so you can use it to your advantage."

"Do you even know how to use any of it?" Derek asked, his eyes boring into hers.

Molly smirked at him, pulled out a gun and loaded it, and the werewolves stepped back.

"Actually. I do."

When the school bus stopped because Jared puked all over it. Gross. We ended up getting of the bus. Boyd almost ended up ripping Ethan to pieces and we found out that one of the Alpha's could've been deadly hurt, we still had yet to figure out whether he was dead or alive.

I ended up calling Mom to pick me up, I couldn't deal with going on this stupid trip and everything with Derek was making me go overboard. I was too worried about Scott but then Allison stitched him up and he seemed a lot better, so I now I was at home. I had a nice hot shower before laying on the sofa and watching cartoons and I think half way through watching Spongebob I fell asleep, dreaming about Derek falling.

I woke up abruptly when the door bell rang and I looked around before getting up and opening the door.

I gasped.

"Oh, my God."

I gazed into the eyes of my visiter and then he collapsed in front of me, I just managed to catch him but he was heavy. I dragged him through my house and carefully laid him on the sofa.

"Derek. This is bad. What the hell happened? You should be at the hospital."

Derek gasped in a breath and shook his head. "No, no hospital."

"Derek, I have no clue what I'm doing!" I turned back to Derek only to see his eyes falling. "Derek? Derek!"

I rummaged through the cabinets in my bathroom before finding some bandages and then I found some alcohol in the kitchen and I ran over to Derek. I helped him take off his t-shirt and at the look at his beautiful body I sucked in a breath. I'm pretty sure Derek could hear my heart beating faster but that wasn't exactly the right timing.

"Oh, my God." I whispered as my hand ghosted over his wound.

"How bad?" He glanced down at me.

"Derek, you're bleeding black blood! Is that supposed to happen? Oh God, you're not dying again are you!?" Derek noticed my panic as I opened the bottle of alcohol and I glanced up at him. "This is gonna hurt."

I put my thumb in the bottle and the alcohol poured onto Derek's wound and he gritted his teeth in pain.

After the pain had subsided I rubbed Derek's side gently with a cloth and wrapped the bandage around it. Derek had fallen asleep and I left him to it and when I came back he was putting his shirt back on.

"Woah, what are you doing?" I asked alarmed I ran over to him and made sure that he could stand up before releasing him.

"I have to find the others, they think I'm dead."

"I don't think that's a good idea right now."

"They need to know." Derek narrowed his eyes slightly and I began getting angry.

"Do you have any idea how awful you look right now?! You're like one giant open wound. I'm not even entirely sure you aren't really dead Derek." My green eyes blazing into his.

"Molly they have to know."

"Don't you think I know that!? Scott was practically dying earlier all beat up about you! Because he saw you fall, I saw you fall!" I began to silently cry. "We thought you were dead."

Derek limped over towards me and wiped a tear from my cheek. "Don't. Don't cry for me."

I sniffed. "Everyone deserves to be cried for."

Derek shook his head. "Not me. Look, I don't know what we have, but people get hurt around me, and I will not let the same happen to you."

Derek leaned his forehead against mine and I held in a breath. Derek smiled gently.

"I can hear your heart skipping."

"That's because you make me nervous." I whispered as we began to get closer.

"I do?"

I nodded and our lips were only inches apart.


We closed our eyes and Derek held the back of my neck and brought me closer. My mouth was open slightly waiting in anticipation while Derek's was closed as he brought me closer to him, his jaw clenching.

Our lips finally connected and I heard Derek groan. This was officially the best kiss I had ever had. Derek's lips were like heaven. Our tounges found each other and Derek backed me up onto my kitchen counter lifting me up by the back of my thighs.

I ran my hands through his soft, jet black hair, and Derek's hands ran down my legs as mine wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. I gasped for air. We leaned against each other and I bit my lip. And we both breathed quickly, trying to catch our breath back. When I opened my eyes Derek was staring at me and I couldn't look away from his gaze.

Things were finally beginning to turn my way.