After catching up for the rest of the hour Dr G came in to say he had lunch ready if any of us were hungry, which was immediately answered by everyone jumping up to go to the dining room. I stayed towards the back of the group, still with the recap session. It's really sad that with how we started together we're just going to get separated again after this trip is over but I guess that's how life is. Well at least I know that we'll all be alright. Especially Shun and Alice. They're walking in front of me now talking in hushed tones as if trying to hide but the obvious blush on Alice's face and Shun's smile clearly shows that their relationship is going to be just fine. My relationship on the other hand is another thing.

Walking towards the table I can already tell that this meal is going to be a disaster. The last seat left is smack between Julie and Dan. It'll be alright with Julie even with her constant chatter but with Dan on my immediate right I think I might remain a mute for the rest of the evening. I slide on to the wooden chair and start helping myself to the buffet style dishes set on the table and begin eating before anyone starts to initiate conversation with me. The food is quite good despite the little warning from Alice that it might be a bit inedible. Although, that was about her grandfather's baking which is probably the reason for the slight scent of burnt pastry coming from the kitchen.

Half the meal passes with me only having to say short responses with the excuse that my mouth is full. I'm still avoiding looking to my right where I can feel Dan glancing at me from time to time. It also doesn't help that the table isn't really suited to fit six brawlers so our knees keep bumping into each other no matter how much I try to avoid contact. I bet he can tell how I tense up whenever he speaks or when he reaches for a dish close to me. He isn't trying to talk to me though which is a bit weird. I wonder if anyone noticed that we aren't talking. I casually look up when there is a brief pause on the ongoing conversation and everyone is looking at us. Expressions ranging from confusion to concern which I try to shake off with a nervous smile to show that everything's fine. Then the discussion on Julie's school slowly returns and I turn back to my food that I no longer have an appetite for so I just nibble on a carrot until it looks like everyone has finished and I volunteer to wash the dishes with Julie while everyone returns to the living room where they want to share some picture of New Vestroia with Alice.

As I get the water running to fill the sink Julie grabs a towel to dry the plates and starts the conversation I've been dreading since I arrived.

"Ok, What's up Runo? Why are you ignoring Dan?" Julie asks worriedly hands planted on the counter as she looks at me while I'm busy with washing the bubbles from the plates and calmly hand to her one by one which she accepts but doesn't lose focus as she continues to stare at me.

"I don't know"


"Its just that its been so long and I just cant after after all that"

"Runo, that was in the past I thought you two made up after all that"

"Well he said sorry but-Its just not the same I don't know"

"But he still loves you ya know and I know you still love him. So whats the problem?"

I know he does and but to be honest I just don't know. Julie won't accept that, I think to myself.

"I just need a little time to adjust back to everyone being back again ok? Just give me some time." I bargain with her while handing her the last plate.

"…Fine but you at least have to try talking to him alright? You can't just leave it hanging in the air and if you don't I'm going to do everything in my power to get you guys to talk. No matter what" Julie says with finality in this conversation.


"Hey, so you still haven't told me who my brother in law's going to be"


"Runo com'on"

"It's a surprise"


"Shh look over there" I cut her off to point to the window as a happy scene catches my attention.

She turns grins and promptly gets out her phone to snap this perfect moment.

A shy couple are sitting on the back porch, probably tired of the teasing from Dan, I think fondly. Their hands are linked and they're not talking but merely enjoying each other's company and that's enough.

While Julie continues to fan girl about the pair her constant squealing eventually becomes loud enough that though an open window her voice reaches the two outside who then turn in the direction of Julie's phone as she manages to snap a picture of their blushing faces. And I just release a bittersweet sigh while the Shun and Julie start to bicker about deleting the photo with Alice happily asks for Julie to send the picture to her.


...sooo um haha sorry. Hi, its been a while and I've lost some followers... GOMEN!

I don't know when I'll be able to update next so until then thanks for reading, sorry its so short...