Italics=phone conversation

"Hi Alice, what's up?"

"Really, Shun's back? Hehe you must be happy"

"So they're coming back for Daisy's wedding; what did Julie do?"

"Ouch must have been loud I feel sorry for Billy"

"Yeah I'll ask Kato to bring me over soon. The restaurant's busy today"

"Oh, Dan said hi…'kay"

"I'm fine Alice, just a bit tired. I gotta go now customers are calling"


Huh, so everyone's coming back. After all those years they're finally coming back. I guess I need to plan a welcome party but I'm gonna be busy planning the food for Daisy's wedding…Oh I know I'll call Chan Lee and Joe. Hopefully they can help.

Alright, back to work. Well, not really work the last customer I had was around lunch. Maybe I should close up for the day? It's been like this for two weeks now. This must be what mum and dad were warning me about-no customers; no business.

I shouldn't have lied to Alice like that she's one of my best friends after all. But I just needed to have a breather. It's kinda shocking that everyone is coming home. We haven't been together for so long. I wonder what's changed. Is Marucho still the computer genius? Has Billy gone deaf? Have they gotten new members?

Have they forgotten us?

It seems like it. Dan does send a letter every once in a while but it's become less frequent over the past year. Also, I think he's mad at me.

Maybe I shouldn't have left so suddenly.

The original plan, when we girls decided to leave, was that we would all return some day. For me it was to be just a month's break from Bakugan. But I didn't really have a choice. My parents needed me to help with the restaurant because the bills were getting big and the rent was due and well, I couldn't leave them. I'm their only daughter so it's expected that I help them right? I told Dan this the same day Alice told me she was staying. I told him that I decided to quit playing Bakugan. I told him I was staying.

I don't know how it happened but I got mad for some reason when he told me to come back. Then he got mad then he cut the call. I got a letter the next day saying that he was sorry but his messages were never the same after that. Sure, they were always full of energy and laughter but he never talked to me anymore. Not like he used to.

Yeah, I know you think all he thinks about is Bakugan this and Bakugan that right? Well sort of but not quite. Inside that head is actually a pretty decent mind. If only more people would see that.

We never really discussed it but I guess you could say that we are a couple. A couple with many problems, mainly due to the fact that we are literally in different worlds but we also find it hard to understand each other.

I wish I was Alice at times like this. She can understand anyone, even emotionless Shun.

Well I'd better close up and start packing for a trip to Russia. Oh and I need to take my wedding catering planner stuff with me. So when Julie arrives I can ask her for help, it is her sister's wedding.

Ding ding

"Sorry the shop's closed for the day"

"Really? Even for your own parents?"

I turn and there they are. They look old. I'm not trying to be rude but they've changed so much. Mum's hair has gotten a bit grey and dad is nearly bald. They both look tired. But they never visit without calling first.

Something's wrong.

"Daddy? Mummy? What's happened?"

They smile at me weakly.

And that's when everything takes a turn for the worse.

I'm sitting on my bed now with my suitcase open and empty on the floor. I can't bring myself to pack.

How could everything be so horrible?

How can the café be closing?

They were doing fine when I saw them last week. But then dad said that the bank had sent them a final notice to pay up or they had to close down the café.

The debt is too much. We'll never find enough money to pay it. Then they'll lose the apartment above the café as well. I've been living in a small one not too far from my restaurant so I'm not really losing my home but even so I'll lose the place I grew up in. The place that gave me so many memories, friends, even Bakugan.

I don't know what to do now.

I told my parents about Alice's call but I'm not up for a trip right now. At least the flight will be free. I'm gratefull to Marucho's parents that they have allowed Alice and me to use their family jet. My parents told me to go anyway. They said it's their trouble not mine. But it's as much as mine as it is theirs. We're family; we have to support each other.

For now I need to help them as much as possible. The bank said that they have a month to pay the bill. I have some savings that would help if I don't use any of it. Also the money I get from Daisy for catering her wedding would add to that. After that well, we just have to see what happens.

Alright, okay now I have a plan. I just need to calm down.

(inhales and exhales deeply)

Okay so if I leave for Alice's tonight then I can probably stay for a week. Afterwards, when I get back I'll try and find a part time job to save up some more money. Then…oh I need to convince my parents to take the money first…uhhh.

Like me, my mum is very stubborn and doesn't really take to taking or even receiving things from other people. It's going to be a long argume-err-sorry I mean talk.

Okay here it goes.

Ring ring ring [telephone conversation]

"Hello, Misaki here"

"Hi mum it's me"

(One hour later)

"Bye mum. Take that money and use it to pay the debt okay? I'll see you next week. No mum don't you dare try to sneak it back into my account. Love you, bye"

Finally done, now time to pack. Now that I think about it it's been a while since I went to visit Alice, usually she visits me. I wonder how things are going on with Shun and her. From her tone when we spoke just now she seemed really happy. I guess one of them must have finally said it. At least I hope someone said "I love you" or something like that. I can't really imagine Shun saying that though. Think about it, can you see Shun with a big lovey dovey smile and hearts in his eyes saying "I love you soooo much" I'm probably exaggerating my description and maybe I'm wrong maybe he really was the one to say it.

Yak! I probably shouldn't be commenting on someone else's love life if I can't even sort out mine. Is Dan still mad at me? I want to know but I really don't want to talk about it.

It's going to be like that time when the guys were in New Vestroia and we girls were trapped on Earth with no contact from them. I kept bottling up my feelings because of my idiotic pride. I told myself that I didn't need anyone and that I couldn't break down.

I promise this time I won't.

Anyway I'm going to turn over a new leave. I don't (well maybe just a bit) care what Dan or even anyone else says or does I'm going to make those guys pay for leaving Alice and me here alone living a normal live while they're just playing Bakugan.

As I have said before, I stopped watching the series after the end of the first season so my story doesn't really follow whats going on in the real series. So lets say this takes place about 8 years afer the first season, which I will try to include...and figure how to fix the fact that half the group are in another world and are neeither working or studying...for what? 5/6 years..oops. Sorry for any mistakes. I didn't have much time to proof read but I'll try and fix any if I have time. Also if you haven't already you should read my other bakugan stories before this one. Gomenasai is kinda continueing the background story that I made for Tadaima and Okaerinasai.

Reviews would help cause I kinda need help to keep the plot interesting. I'll try to update as soon as I can.

- Wing :)

p.s incase you didn't know Gomenasai=Sorry