Sakura moaned as she woke up. She was not a morning person and staying up late briefing Heike on her last mission did not help. Yuki and herself had told Heike about how strange it had been to find so few ability users guarding such a large warehouse and that the power users inside had actually been pretty weak. After a few days of contemplation she began to wonder if whoever hired the men in the warehouse had been testing them. This was beginning to look like a bigger problem than she previously thought it would be.

As she went through the motions of getting ready for class she began to get the distinct feeling that something big was going to happen today and that something about this morning was different. As she stood wondering what was so different she felt out for Rei with her power. To her surprise he was not there. He had been there every morning for five years and this was the first time he was absent. Perhaps he was on a morning mission?

As she made her way down the hallway to class she felt Rei in a very unusually place, according to her powers she felt him in the room before her and not outside the school like usual. She had not felt him all morning and now was wondering if she over did herself on her mission and perhaps was experiencing a side effect. She contemplated this as she walked into the classroom and then froze. As a matter of fact she was positive her heart stopped when she went through the threshold.

Rei knew the moment Sakura entered the room, he could feel her eyes on him and as he looked up from his new class schedule to see her standing there in stunned silence he realized he was holding his breath. With a loud whoosh he forced himself to take gulps of air and stood to great her. She was beautiful today, wearing a pink summer dress and a simple pony tail. She was like a magnet and he couldn't help his legs as he moved towards her. "Hello Sakura." Was all he could manage.

When Rei opened his mouth to speak Sakura had no idea what he could possibly say to her after so many years, but a simple hello was certainly not it. Five years and that was all he could think to say? She watched as her body moved in slow motion, first her legs and then her torso and before she could contemplate what had happened she had delivered a perfect round house kick to the side of Rei's head that sent him flying into the nearest desks. Calmer than she had ever felt she slowly walked over to where he lay dazed and calmly said "Hello Rei." Then slowly walked to her usual spot and sat down and took out her books. She could feel the eyes of her classmates on her and as she got ready for the class like nothing had happened she sat and silently berated herself. That was not how she envisioned her first meeting with Rei to go, but she had to admit, it felt a little good. "Serves him right" She mumbled.

Rei had not known what to expect when he first saw Sakura for the first time, but it was not that. He had read that she had continued her martial arts training and by the way she had executed that kick the practice had paid off. It had been a long time someone had bested him, and he knew that begrudgingly he had deserved it. He had the distinct feeling that even though he was on a mission to protect Sakura that there was no one to protect him from her. He slowly pulled himself up and found a seat close to Sakura, but not too close just in case she sent any more of her lithe limbs his way. This was going to be harder than he thought.