It has been five weeks since her meeting with her friend at the dock where the fireworks suddenly went off. Although she feigned ignorance she knew they were a sign from Rei that he was watching. As Sakura sat in the café waiting for her date to meet her, she contemplated this great dilemma. After she left the code breakers it was hard to get back to normal, after all she herself is far from a normal woman. She and Rei both were naive to think that she could just slip back into her normal plain life. Especially since learning that she herself has her own special abilities, her life completely changed after learning that she herself is a rare kind. Five years is a long time to reflect on the past and now that she herself was older and wiser she can understand this much more now.

As she sits lost in thought she doesn't see the beautiful slender woman come and sit at her table.

"Did I catch you at a bad time Sakura?" Prince asks with her now long hair pulled into a bun sporting a new dress she just bought herself. Since that time five years ago Rui Hachiouji decided to embrace her femininity, yet she never thought in her wildest dreams she would enjoy being girly this much or embrace it with such furor.

"No of course not Prince, by the way you look beautiful as always today. Ready to order something yummy?"Sakura asks turning her full attention to her friend. Although Rei has been watching from the shadows these five years keeping an eye on her, he doesn't know everything and when he is away on his missions she has taken opportunities to meet up with her friends from time to time and even go on the occasional mission. She knew it was bad to keep it such a big secret from Rei, but she was also sure that even though she hasn't seen Rei in a very long time that if he ever found out that she still saw the code breakers that he would be furious.

"You're thinking about Rei aren't you? Don't lie, I can see if on your face." Prince asks with a sigh. That man, he was so stubborn. She understood that he didn't want Sakura to get hurt and that he thought that staying away was in her best interest, but did he honestly think that Sakura could just blend back into the masses after they all left each other? Sure things were normal for a little while, but Sakura has her own powers. It's not like she can just forget that.

"…You know me to well Prince. It has only started bothering me recently. When I went back to school I missed him, but I was so determined to win our silly little battle that I was able to trudge on. I never thought that he would be so determined to never see me again though. Hell Prince, five years! Five years I've waited for him to step out of the shadow and acknowledge that he's there. Does he just think that I'm going to wait around for him forever?" Sakura demanded from her friend. Although she knows that this is a lot to put on her shoulders, Prince was always there for her when she got lonely or needed to vent.

At hearing this all Rui could do is sigh. " I don't know Sakura, you know how he is? He'll do what he thinks if right even if it isn't necessarily the best thing." She knew this day would come eventually. That Sakura would get tired of waiting for Rei and that she would get tired of constantly feeling watched as well. There was no denying that Sakura still loved Rei Ogami with all of her heart, but she wasn't a child any more either and had grown up a lot. She had spent these past five years denying herself things that any teenager would have enjoyed so that she could make Rei happy even though she couldn't see him. Things like dating and hanging out with friends she kept off limits for five years. No wonder Sakura was feeling frustrated, she hadn't even remotely started to live or was able to move on this way. Being a college student and an adult, but still being stuck in the past by a promise made by a couple of naïve teenagers had started to wear on her.

On top of the usual things Sakura had gotten strong and her rare kind powers blossomed to the point that Sakura could control them a year after the code breakers split up. She even went on a few missions with other code breakers when the threat was another power user and could hold her own in a fight. Although Heike made sure this didn't get in the way of Sakura's medical studies and made double sure that Ogami never found out. He would kill them all if this secret came to light.

" I just wish that he wasn't so stubborn. You know what? I am going to do it, I am going to go on a date even if it kills me. If Rei can't care enough to acknowledge me after five years then he certainly isn't going to care if I finally start seeing other people." Sakura declared after a lull in their conversation. Although she doubted that Rei didn't care completely she was tired of sneaking around. Tired of leading a double life so that Rei wouldn't be hurt by her actions or be worried about her when she was needed to go on a mission or two. She had begun to realize after the fireworks that although Rei meant well in trying to protect her she was starting to feel like he just didn't trust her to make her own decisions. Working with the code breakers and keeping in touch with her friends were parts of her life too. She couldn't imagine life without them and after her she gained control of her rare kind ability, even though it put them at great risk all of the code breakers had been there for her. In fact it hadn't been long after she had moved out of shibuya mansion that she found herself moving right back in it to learn about her powers and train under the president herself. Although at the time she had been grateful no one had really seen her go through that except the Prince and the President. They had managed to keep that from Rei under the pretence that she was spending time with her biological parents, although they had all been surprised that they had been able to keep up that farce.

"You should do exactly that. You've been with the fear of disappointing Rei for too long. I'm sure he'll understand. You can't live under a rock your whole life, you need to get out there and have some fun!" And although Prince didn't say it she added in her mind that it would also be the push he needs to stop pretending they are still young and realize that it isn't possible for Sakura to live by his promise anymore.

"Hey I have an idea, why don't we go shopping the next time Rei has a big mission and get you some new clothes for all of those dates you're going to go on!" Oh this was going to be too good Prince thought. Although she cared for all her friends dearly, watching Rei worry about the male attention Sakura would be opening herself up to was just going to be too much fun. Serves him right for making Sakura live in a bubble for five years.

"That would be great Prince, thanks for the offer!" Sakura was now determined to date. She hadn't felt this revved up about something since her powers finally bloomed. It was nice to finally have something to work on to take her mind off of Ogami. Of course she still loved him, but she also knew that for her to be happy she needed to make a decision to either move on or continue to live as she is now and keep secrets from Rei while he watched from the shadows. She was no longer the naïve timid creature she was during their school days and although she had always been strong of mind and body she was tougher and more grown up now. She always spoke her mind and hurdled head long into whatever she wanted but she also realized that she allowed Rei a lot of control over her actions. This is because she limited herself so much over the years trying to make Rei happy even though he only watched her from a distance. In the end she either hid the things she knew he wouldn't like or refused to do some things all together.

Just as the waiter finally came to take their order Prince's phone rank loudly. "Damn it, looks like Rei is done a little early. I need to get out of here before he starts stalking you again." Prince said as she stood to give Sakura a hug. "Don't worry, I'm sure things will work themselves out. In the mean time try not to worry too much about it. I think your plan to date is great. Well, good luck Sakura." Prince stated as she turned to go. Thinking to herself as she left Sakura to order her coffee that Sakura had grown up a lot over the years. Rei was going to have to eventually realize that Sakura was strong, not in the same way she had been back then, but strong enough to make her own decisions and then to live with the outcome. No one ever died on their missions anymore and the missions Sakura always went on were subdue and capture missions of power uses who had turned criminal. They had even found a way to use the president's rare kind serum in keeping power using prisoners locked up once they used their ability for bad. Sakura had been a lot of help in this as well since her powers had been stronger than any of the other surviving rare kinds left. Indeed she had become a great asset to the new Eden even though she had to do this in secret.