Since "Till Death" I have been mulling this story around in my head. How much more revealing could Joss have been when she confessed to Reese that she has no social life? And that look he gave her said it all. But what if he wanted to make things better for her by giving her the ultimate gift: Himself - to use any time she wanted? Hmmm….

Hopefully once I get this and "Kiss of Life" done, I can get back to my other stories.

I don't own "Person of Interest".

Song prompt: "Use Me" by George Benson

Alternate post-ep to "Till Death"

Use Me

What John Reese was about to do could land him in jail or shot or both. But if his plan worked out the way he hoped, then a bullet would be okay with him. But he had a mission and it involved Joss Carter.

From the moment he had listened to her say that she had practically said good-bye to dating and marriage, his brain had spun trying to figure out a way to show her that she mattered. And then one night while he lay in bed, the thought came to him: He would give himself to her.

As he let himself into her house, Reese didn't have any second thoughts about his plan. Joss worked too hard and was never given the appreciation she deserved. She was always too busy being a detective or a mother or - whatever it was that she did with him and Finch - that she didn't have time to be a woman. And to make matters worse, she didn't think anyone cared. But he cared.

Climbing the stairs to the second floor, Reese smiled. Yeah, he thought to himself, it was time she knew how much she was appreciated for all she did. He had heard the wistful tone in her voice that night in the car during the stakeout and how she tried to cover it up by deflecting it back on him. Joss was holding back, and tonight he was going to break down a wall and find out why.

Looking at his watch, he noticed the time. From what he overheard, she was leaving the precinct in fifteen minutes. If his plan was going to work, he was going to have to hurry.

Undressing quickly, Reese folded and placed his clothes on the chair, and then tried to make himself comfortable on the Queen-sized bed as he waited for Joss to arrive home. Lying in the dark, Reese took a deep breath and let himself relax. No CIA mission he had ever been on ever had the level of danger nor as serious a fall-out as what awaited him should he fail. He took another deep breath.

Closing his eyes, he heard the front door open.

Joss Carter opened the front door of her home and stepped inside the foyer. Laying her keys and purse on the table, she leaned her head against the hard wood and closed her eyes. It had been a long day at work and she was ready to just take a shower and crash. Yes, she could have feigned the energy to take Taylor out to dinner, but her mother had assured her Taylor was already settled in for the night and to take the time to rest.

Burying her face in her hands, Joss tried to take a deep breath to clear her thoughts. Sometimes she felt so overwhelmed by everything that she didn't know which way was up. She missed the days of being able to kick up her heels and throwing back some shots with the girls. But that was yesterday, and life had moved on without her. Those friends were married or had moved away, and she was a divorced mother of a teenage son. Sex and dating were words that were no longer part of her vocabulary.

How long had it been since she had been touched by a man - or for that matter been made loved to? Joss shook her head. Too long to remember. It had nothing to do with being a divorced mother - hell, she could be discreet if need be - no, it had to do with her scar. First base was always a piece of cake until the blouse was removed. Then came the questions - inquiring questions - preceded by the looks of horror, disgust, or pity. She didn't want any of those, she wanted to be loved.

Resetting the alarm, Joss debated getting something to eat. No, she was too tired, and besides, it wasn't worth dirtying dishes for a meal for one. She would eat in the morning, she consoled herself. And with heavy steps, she climbed the staircase to her bedroom.

She wasn't sure what set her feelers up, but the moment she stepped into the hallway, she could tell something was amiss. With her hand resting on the butt of her service weapon, she crept silently down the carpeted hall and thanked God that her sounds were muffled by the heavy plush.

Standing outside the door of her bedroom, she took a deep breath to steel her nerves and gave the door a push. In one second she was in the room and the light was on.

"Freeze!" she commanded in the most authoritarian tone she could muster. Then it was her turn to freeze.

"Am I under arrest?" Reese asked calmly from his place on the bed.

Joss blinked in disbelief. "John?" She kept her weapon trained on the man in the non-existent suit. Her hand shook slightly and she tried to avert her eyes from the glorious naked male lying on her bed. "What the hell are you doing in my house?"

"Waiting for you," he replied with a smile. His eyes locked with Joss's. "You're late."

Joss placed her weapon on the dresser. "And you're trespassing," she threw back. "Did you break into my house again?"

"No." Joss raised her eyebrow in challenge. "I used a key, Joss," Reese confessed.

"Heh. I'm not even going to ask where you got a key." Taking off her jacket, she hung it in the closet. "Why are you here, John?"


Joss turned around in surprise. "Me?" A faint rose coloured her cheeks as she averted her eyes anywhere but the bed.

"Yes, you," Reese drawled. "I know you're lonely and you probably haven't had a break from life in a while, so I thought I'd help."

"By breaking into my house and getting naked?" Joss quipped sarcastically.

"Sometimes you have to get naked-"

Joss held up her hand. "Stop right there, John. No matter how you phrase it, I'm pretty sure that's not the quote." She took a step toward the bed. "You need to get dressed."

Reese threw her a saucy look. "Why?"

"Because I'm tired and I want to go to bed."

"Nothing's stopping you."

"You are." She took another step. She tried to keep her eyes on anything but Reese's long muscular legs. She licked her lips and swallowed hard. God, what she would give for a drink right now. "Don't you have some bad guy to track down and shoot in the kneecap?" she challenged.

"No. My night's free. And from what I heard, so is yours."

"You really need to quit bugging my phone. You have to go. I'm serious." Joss reached out and touched Reese's shoulder. Big mistake. Her fingers tingled as electricity coursed thru her body to leave her stunned.

Reese grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. "No, you aren't, Joss. You want me to stay."

"John, so help me…"

Reese pressed kisses along the inside of her wrist and took small triumphant when her pulse quickened. "No, I'm here to help you." He tugged gently to bring her closer.

"What do you mean?" Joss tried not to sound breathless, but the man was driving her mad. And causing her blood to boil in a way no man had ever done before.

"You need to let go and direct a lot of your emotions toward something positive."

"And how do you suggest I do that?" It was taking everything she had to remember to breathe.

"Use me."

Joss blinked hard. "Say again?"

"Use me. How ever you want, whenever you want," he offered. His blue eyes darkened with desire. "I am yours to do with how ever you see fit."

"Even if it means handcuffing you and throwing your ass in jail?" Joss replied with a snort.

Reese considered the comment. "I was hoping you weren't going to offer anything quite that kinky, but…if it makes you happy, I'm game."

"You're insane."

"Compliments of the CIA and a beautiful detective." Reese brought Joss's hand to his lips and slowly kissed each one of her fingers. "A very...beautiful...detective, I may add." He pressed her palm to his mouth and let his lips linger.

"John…" Joss made a feeble attempt to pull away, but her knocking knees refused to cooperate.

"What are you afraid of, Joss?"

"I'm not afraid," she said with more bravado than she felt.

"Then what are you waiting for?" he asked and drew her down for a kiss.