Chapter One

'Run, run, run!...' Yui Komori kept chanted in her head, even when she fell to the ground in extaustion. She had to get out of there, she wanted so desperately to get out there. So, when Subaru gave her a chance she didn't hesitate to take it. Her legs and thighs burnt and her lungs felt as if they were on fire! She could finally see the lights from the neighboring town, she was almost there. 'Just a little bit more...' she told herself. Then she could get on a train to Tokyo and get home.

The petite girl got up and started running again. 'I can do this' she told herself. She made it so far, she couldn't give up now. She clutched the knife Subaru gave her in her right hand. Who knew when she would get another opportunity like this? She could only pray to god to help her. Hopefully, he would help her this time. As she neared the train station she put the knife into her jacket pocket. Who knows what people would think if they saw it.

Once she got to the ticket booth she dug into her jacket pocket thankful to find the money she had brought with her the day she came to the mansion. She didn't need to use money for anything as she would only go to school and then back to the mansion. So, she forgot it there. The ticket lady handed her a ticket which she nervously took and got onto the train. The train would be leaving in 2 minutes so she quickly got on and sat down in her seat. She was exhausted, scared, anxious and nervous from here run here and quickly fell asleep. She was going to get back home and that was all she cared about at the moment.


''Oi! Where the fuck is pancake!'' a grumpy Ayato yelled through the halls.

He had woken up feeling thirsty. Last night all 6 vampires weren't themselves because of the full moon, but now all 6 would feel the effect and would crave human blood badly. But he had looked in his room and hadn't found HIS pancake there which meant, someone had gotten to her before him. He clenched his hand into a fist at the thought of anyone besides him drinking from her. He really hated that anyone of his brothers could have her, the only reason why he didn't show that it bothered him was because he didn't want anyone to know that he had a soft spot or weakness.

''Keep it down, so damn noisy'' Shuu grumbled from the couch as Ayato made his way down the stairs. He was always lying around with those damn headphones. Sometimes, Ayato debated ripping them out of his ears, but thought better of it. After all...Shuu could be pretty damn scary sometimes.

''Have you seen pancake anywhere?'' the younger one asked, acting like he really didn't care much for her besides her blood.

''She's probably getting ready for school and you should be to." Reiji said walking into the room.

''Tch'' was Ayato's reply as he walked back to his room. Oh, he would get a good drink out of her later...First he had to get ready before that tableware otaku pissed himself.


Yui woke up to the train attendant shaking her awake, she immediately jumped away from her and smacked her hand away.

''Ummm, Miss? Is everything alright?'' she asked with a frown.

Yui suddenly remembered where she was, she felt as if she would never get use to people in her personal space.

''Oh yes! Of course! I'm sorry about that!'' she squeaked out as she turned red.

The attendant just nodded before she walked away to attend to other matters. Yui looked at the time, she would have been getting ready for school about now. By the time she got home and was asleep, they would be waiting for her at the limo. She nervously chuckled at the thought of them waiting for an hour. The train came to a halt and announced the stop. 'That was faster than I thought' she thought as she got off. She walked out of the train station and got into a taxi. She gave the driver her address and the money. As the car started moving she sat back and relaxed against the seat.

She was finally going home...Which reminded her that her father wasn't home. Good, after he abandoned her like that. What type of father would raise their daughter for a family of masochists? Oh well, she could always use the back door or window to get in and he would never know she came back since he wouldn't be back for a while. All her good stuff was at home so she didn't have to worry about the stuff she left at the Sakamaki's. And her special rosary was in the pocket of her jack- she suddenly remembered she forgot it under her pillow when she was in a rush to get out of there. She couldn't leave it there! It was special to her! She would get it back somehow...As the taxi approached her house she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

She had grown fond of the 6 vampire brothers even though they tortured her so much. Even though she didn't want to admit it she had found them all pretty attractive. Even though they all had their bad qualities and they hurt her pretty bad, they had their good qualities to. Shuu was really peaceful and his music was really soothing. She remembered how he broke the picture frame in the locked room when she first met them and realized what was going on. But in the end he hurt her to.

Subaru like his older brother, Shuu, didn't bug her as much as the others but he had also drunk her blood before. But he also helped her in many ways as well. It was because of him that she made it this far in the first place. The thought made her clutch the knife in her pocket really hard. Raito was the most perverted of the brothers. He would bug her and hurt her in many ways. But he had his good qualities to. His piano music was amazing!

Even though Yui wouldn't admit it out loud, he was also good at pleasuring a women. He knew just what to say to make a girl feel special. Yui blushed as she shoved the thought out of her head. But then her thoughts went to Ayato...He was the one she grew most fond of. She had really liked Ayato even though he had caused most of the pain she went through. She liked how he was so possessive of her and sometimes even his ego. Most would find these things about him annoying but Yui found them quite adorable. Kanato reminded her of a little brother at times, even though he was much taller than her. He would ask her to make him sweets and play with him, she than remembered the time he had started crying and desperately yelling at her to love him. She had instantly made the conclusion that he was love deprived. Reiji was of course really strict but sometimes she was able to catch a glimpse of sadness and guilt in his eyes when he looked at Shuu. Even though all their good qualities were unique, most of their bad qualities were something they had in common.

''Miss? We're here.'' the driver announced to which Yui blushed and squeaked out a thank you while paying him.

As she made her way around the house she couldn't help the smile that came to her face. She had made it so far! Maybe she would survive. She doubted they would come all the way to Tokyo to get her. She opened the back door and stepped inside her house. It was the same as she left it. Clean, beautiful and peaceful. She closed and locked the door along with all the windows and doors of the house, you know, just in case. She went straight to her room after this and got some clean pajamas out of her closet.

She made her way to the bathroom and set her clothes down. She closed and locked the door just in case...You could never be too sure. She took a nice long shower, cleaning head to toe thoroughly. She dried and changed into clean clothes. She took her dirty clothes and tossed them in the laundry after taking out the knife Subaru gave her from the pocket of her jacket. She went to the kitchen and made herself some instant noodles and a cup of fruit punch. 'Finally, actual food that I can actually eat without people drilling holes into my head and insult me about my manners' she thought. After cleaning up she went to her room and got into bed and went straight to sleep. For the first time in a long time, Yui Komori went to sleep with a smile on her face.


Ayato felt a smile come to his face as he made his way outside towards the limo. By now he was really thirsty and his first period was in the library. Yui had first period with him today. 'Pancake is in such deep shit. Can't wait to see the look of pain on her face' he thought to himself while smirking wickedly. He made his way to the limo and waited for the rest of his brothers. Reiji and Shuu were already there and Subaru was just approaching. Ayato couldn't help but notice that Yui hadn't arrived yet. She would usually be one of the first ones here. All of a sudden Raito piped up while approaching the limo.

''I call dibs on Bitch-Chan. Oh, I can already see the look of fear on her face when I slowly work my way up her legs towards her….'' He moaned out while closing his eyes and smiling.

''Raito, keep such improper words to yourself'' Reiji instructed strictly.

''Who the fuck gave you permission to go first!'' Ayato yelled out suddenly ''I already called her before you!''

''Oh well...I guess I'll wait, "Raito said disappointedly ''speaking of Bitch-Chan, where is she? '' he asked.

''Maybe she's coming with Kanato. She and Kanato are the only ones not here yet. And it's not like Kanato to be late'' reasoned Reiji.

''But I'm here." Kanato replied a little irritated that he was being insulted as he walked toward them.

They looked at Reiji for what seemed like forever. Finally, Reiji spoke up breaking the silence.

''Ayato, go get her. She probably slept in.'' He said obviously annoyed that they would be late because of the pathetic human.

''With pleasure'' said the red head.

''Don't wear her out before your dear elder brother gets his turn!'' Raito said pouting.

Ayato ignored him as he transported to the girls room expecting to see her asleep in bed but her room was just as it always was but with no blonde roaming about. He walked towards the bed and noticed the white piece of paper on the pillow. As he picked it up and read it his eyes widened with anger. He couldn't believe what he was reading.

'Whoever finds this, I ran away. Sorry but I can't stay another second in this place anymore.


Ayato transported outside in pure rage.

''What's wrong? Is she coming or what?'' Raito asked seeing Ayato's pissed expression.

''Pancake fucking ran away!'' he yelled at the top of his lungs.

They looked a little surprised for a moment as they took in what he said.

''What?'' Reiji asked.


Yui woke up after a good night's sleep. She smiled after she remembered where she was. She went to her closet and took out a cute modest white dress and happily slipped into it after cleaning up. She went to the kitchen and made herself a grilled cheese sandwich and gulped it down with milk. As she decided on going to the doctor for a checkup since her neck really did hurt she grabbed her things and some money from the safe. She called up a taxi and went downtown. When she went inside the Medical Clinic she walked up to the receptionist.

She asked to see their best doctor. The lady asked for her Health Care Card which Yui gave her. She told her to take a seat and that it would take a few minutes. Yui went to the waiting room where she waited for a bit. After a while the nurse called her name and motioned for her to fallow her. She fallowed the nurse to a room where she waited for a little before the doctor came.

His eyes were a pretty blue and his hair was a dusty blonde. His skin was a nice olive colour but despite his good looks you could tell he was around her father's age. He wore a white doctor's coat over a white dress shirt with black dress pants and dress shoes.

''So, what seems to be the problem today?'' he asked as he put his stuff down and sat on the chair across from the bed she was sitting on.

''My neck really hurts for some reason.'' was her reply. She didn't want to reveal too much. But as he checked her neck she realized that he would see the bite marks on her neck. She got really nervous and hoped he wouldn't notice. But who was she kidding. They were too easy to see.

''Do you know how you got the bite marks on your neck?'' he asked with a serious face.

''Y-Yes'' she stuttered nervously.

''So aren't you going to tell me because I am certainly not going to mention anything absurd.'' he said.

Realization struck her. 'He knows about vampires' she thought.

''D-D-Do you k-know about THEM?'' she asked cautiously.

''Yes, I do know about THEM'' he stated simply.

''W-Who i-is THEM?'' she asked still nervous.

''You tell me. I already told you I wasn't about to mention anything absurd.'' He said.

Yui decided that it was ok because he probably was talking about the same thing she was. And if he wasn't she could just say she was kidding and laugh it off.

''V-V-Vampires'' she stated

''Yes, so you really do know about them then?'' he asked

''I h-had to l-l-live with them f-f-for the p-past few m-m-months. The day before yesterday n-n-night was a full m-moon night, it gave me a chance to run away. I got h-h-home yesterday evening and d-decided to get a c-checkup.'' She confessed as she broke down.

''If, and only if, you want. Can you tell me your whole story, please.'' he asked gently.

Yui looked up and met his eyes they were soft and warm. She nodded and told him everything from when her father sent her to live with the Sakamaki's and how they would hurt her to how she ran away and came home and was living alone.

''Please do not tell anyone unless it's necessary.'' She pleaded with fear.

He nodded his head and opened his mouth to ask her something.

''Komori-san, I have request for you.'' he said.

''P-Please, call me Yui and yes, what is it?'' the blonde asked smiling slightly.

''I might be a doctor but I'm also the president of 'The BCI' also known as 'The Building of Crime Investigation'. And I was wondering if you could help me by working for me, please.'' he asked

''W-What do y-you mean by 'working for you'?'' she asked fearing the worst.

''Just so you know Yui-San this is confidential information. No one except high ranked people in the building know about this,'' he took a deep breath ''you see Yui-San 'The BCI' train assassins but we don't just pick random people, if that's what you're thinking. If we think someone has what it takes, then and only then. You have been through a lot and have a lot of knowledge. And there's something else I see in you...I think with some training and hard work you can become our best assassin in a couple of months. And if you didn't know, we have the best of the best. This means if you're the best here, you're the best in the world. We only have one other assassin right now, it's a male. Since our female assassin died a few months ago we need another female. Will you help us Yui-San?'' he asked

'I need to become stronger and braver so I can stand up to them one day and get my rosary back.' She thought. She didn't have to think twice as she gave him her answer.

''Y-Yes, I w-would love to h-h-help you b-but, that n-night I l-left something i-important back there. When I would like, c-could I go b-back and get it?'' she asked.

''Yes, of course'' he said smiling widely.

''Thank You'' was the girl's reply.

''Everything will be provided for you. You will have a place to live and enough for anything you want. But you won't need to use the money because you'll already have everything.'' He said chuckling lightly

He gave her a card that had his name and number on it. She then realized his name was Yamato Hirokawa by looking at the card

''These are also yours,'' he said handing her a pair of keys and an iPhone with a black protection case with glitter on it. ''There's a car waiting outside for you to take you to your new house, everything will be there so don't worry. And also...Yui-San, I need to tell the other assassin about everything so he understands, is that ok?'' he asked

''Yes, but only tell people you really need to tell, please, okay?'' she asked

''Okay,'' he said with a reassuring smile. '' And be ready at noon tomorrow, a car will come pick you up to take you to the building to start your lessons, okay? He asked.

''Okay, I'll be there, thank you Hirokawa-San'' Yui said

''Please, call me Yamato, and your welcome, Yui-San'' he said

Yui got up and made her way to the door.

''Oh, and Yui-San, the neck pain will go away after a while along with marks. That goes for any other part of your body as well.'' he said

''Okay, thanks again Yamato-San'' she said as she made her way out the hall.

Her life was going to change drastically now. She could sense it. But as she got into the black car to go to her new home, she prayed to god to help her and stay with her threw the goods and bads. As she reached her new home she couldn't help but gape. It was huge! It had a huge driveway, a huge pool with a water slide and diving board out back with a garden. And the house was beautifully perched on a hill with lots of windows. And as she looked she thought she could make out a wave pool and a flow rider out back as well!

She went to the door and used the key to get in. As she stepped in her eyes widened and her mouth formed an 'o' shape. She took off her shoes and moved past the huge living room and kitchen to the dining room. She then found the stairs to the second floor and went up. As she went up the stairs she had this feeling that someone was watching her. She ignored it and went to the first room, as she put her hand on the door knob she felt something cool on the back of her neck.

''Turn around'' said an unfamiliar male's voice.

Yui turned around nervously, past memories flooding her brain. There standing in front of her was a guy her age with jet black hair falling onto his face partly covering one eye. And his eyes were the most amazing, stunning shade of violet she had ever seen. He was wearing black knee long shorts with a white wife beater that showed off the tattoos on both his biceps and his chest. He was well built and bronzed to perfection. He was by far one of the hottest guys she had ever seen. And he was standing in front of her and pointing a gun at her throat!

''Who are you?'' he asked coldly

''I-I'm Y-Y-Yui K-Komori, I was t-told by Yamato-San that I w-w-would be living here n-now'' she squeaked out.

''Oh, so you're the girl he was talking about,'' he said lowering his gun and putting it in the back of the waistband of his boxer's and grabbing her chin and forcing her to meet his eyes.

He was a whole head taller than her and his face was a few centimeters away from hers. And the smirk he had on his face wasn't helping her heart beat calm down and the huge blush on her face. Oh god! She probably looked like a tomato! How embarrassing!

''I'm Tokiya Kurosawa, you can call me Tokiya. I'm the other assassin Yamato told you about.'' He said letting go of her chin.'' We'll be working together as well as living together from now on. Yamato told me to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't get into any trouble.'' He said in his unnaturally dreamy voice, as he walked down the hall motioning for her to follow him.

They walked to the end of the hall and stopped in front of a pair of wooden double doors. He opened them up and stepped to the side motioning for her to go inside. She walked inside and gaped at the room. There was a king size black 4 pillar leather bed with blood red curtains draped around it. The sheets and pillow covers were the same red but the comforter was a deep black like the leather bed. To either side of the bed were matching black leather night stands with red lamps. In the right corner of the room was a black writing desk with a black leather chair. On the desk was a black computer and laptop. To the left corner was a huge black vanity.

There was a black plasma flat screen TV across from the bed and the wall on the other side of the room wasn't exactly a wall...It was more like a huge window with a huge balcony, with furniture on it! And in front of the window was a huge black leather sofa with two other sofas the exact same but smaller on each side of it but vertical to it, so it formed a 'U'. There was a black coffee table in the center and there were black leather bean bags parallel to the big sofa. She noticed that everything was black or red in the room including, the black carpet and same blood red walls. Except for the three white doors. She was guessing one was the bathroom and the other was probably the closet.

''This is your room'' Tokiya said from the door.

''It's amazing'' she said

''I'm glad you think so,'' He said with a smile on his face. ''Dinner's at 8 pm. You should clean up and come down stairs.''

''Okay, thank you Kurosawa-Kun'' she said smiling.

''No problem, and call me Tokiya. I was raised in America so the honorifics and last name thing makes me feel kind of uncomfortable because it sounds like your referring to my dad.'' he said smiling but started laughing as soon as Yui did.

It was after he left that she realized that she would have to call him by his given name. She blushed several shades of scarlet but calmed down after she told herself that he hadn't minded. She went to the closet and opened the door to a walk in closet with every piece of clothing she had ever seen and some she never saw before.

She gasped, 'They really did mean it when they said they would provide me with everything' she thought. She made a mental note to make a protest about this to Yamato-San. She went to the vanity and found it to be full of makeup and hair stuff. She went to the desk and opened the drawer and it was full of stationary. When she went to the bathroom with a t-shirt and pajama pants in her hand she almost dropped them when she saw the bathroom.

The bathtub was huge! It was next to a huge shower, bath tub, hot tub, Jacuzzi, mini pool,toilet and the sink. She opened the sink drawers and found them full of toiletries and makeup and such. She washed up and dried off changing into clean clothes and blow drying her wet hair. She looked at the alarm clock next to her bed and it was 3 minutes before 8 o'clock. Perfect timing. She put on some slippers and made her way downstairs to find Tokiya already seated in front of a dining table full of food.

''Right on time'' he said motioning for her to sit across from him.

She sat down and they started eating. She couldn't help but notice how he was staring at whatever parts of her body that were bare to the world. She blushed and squirmed uncomfortably in her seat.

''Umm…'' she mumbled uncomfortably.

''Oh sorry, I really think you should wear something that shows less skin at the dinner table. You wouldn't want me to have you for dinner, now would you?'' he teased while smirking.

''W-What?! I-I'm w-wearing a-a t-shirt and p-pants!'' she squeaked out as red as a tomato.

He laughed at how flustered she got as they both started finishing their dinner. They carried their dishes to the sink where the maid was washing them. While they were making their way back upstairs.

''D-Did you k-know the f-f-female assassin who d-died?'' Yui asked curiously.

''Not really but she was really rude. She only cared about her looks and was always out selling her body to men. She would also beat up the maids and workers at 'The BCI'. We didn't meet much because she lived somewhere else but we went on some missions together.'' Tokiya said

''How did she die?'' Yui asked

''She was out selling her body to one of her clients. That client turned out to be an enemy. He killed her with a knife. We were able to hunt him down and kill him but yah, that's all I know.'' He said apologetically.

They walked down the hall and stopped at a set of double doors like hers.

''This is my room, if you need anything just come on over okay? So I'll see you tomorrow at noon up front, goodnight.'' He said leaning down and kissing her cheek.

She blushed at the contact. He pulled away and smirked before he walked into his room and closed the door. She walked back to her room and went to the bathroom still blushing from what happened. She cleaned up and then got into her bed. She set her alarm for 11 am. She was nervous but excited for tomorrow. It would be different, a good different. She fell asleep with a smile on her face and had wonderful dreams.


6 angry vampires sat in the living room that afternoon after they got back from school, trying to figure out what to do about their food.

''We let our guard down yesterday. We thought Miss. Komori wouldn't notice our strange behavior. We were mistaken. Now she used that chance to run away. It was technically our mistake.'' said an irritated Reiji.

The others stayed silent knowing it was true. None of them new about her escape except Subaru who was acting along with the situation. He wasn't going to tell them anything now. The story was that she ran away while they had their guard down and now she was god-knows-where.

''We can always use the sacrifices in the dungeon. There's enough to last us at least a year.'' said a lazy Shuu who was resting on the couch.

''We can use those while we try looking for Bitch-Chan.'' said Raito.

They all agreed but silently they all missed her. Her blood was of the finest quality and she was different from the other sacrifices and girls. She would resist and wouldn't just give up her body like the other, and this drove them wild for her. They wouldn't admit it out loud but each of them had a slight crush on her.

So as they went outside to try to track down her trail they shoved everything to the back of their heads. They could punish her till she was so frail that a single touch could break her after they found her.