Title: Finding Home

Chapter 24: Welcome Home

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Star Ocean. This work is not for profit.

A/N: Let's do this.

Fayt closed the manor door behind him. He found Nel sitting at the dining table, parchment laid out in front of her and pen in hand. Her eyes were on the hallway when he entered the room, no doubt having heard his approach. She must have known it was him. Who else would dare enter the manor unannounced? Still, Nel brightened at the sight of him.

"All by yourself?"

"Clair's packing her things."

Fayt inwardly cringed. If Clair was anything like Sophia they'd need a second carriage.

"Tea?" She gestured at the tray before her. A half-filled cup sat within reach and two more were set out, upside down on their saucers.

"Thank you."

Fayt took the chair next to hers and draped his cloak over the back. By the time he was seated she had righted one cup and had the kettle in hand. He smiled in thanks and added a slice of lemon. It seemed he was the only one that preferred tart to sweet.

He nodded toward the sheet in front of her. "Another dispatch?" It couldn't be meant for Aquios. Why send a message when they'd be there by nightfall?

Nel gave a slight shake of her head. "Instructions for Farleen." She reached for her cup, held it in both hands, and glanced at him over the rim of it. "You need a new cloak."

Fayt took a sip. "It was a gift," of sorts.

"Someone gave you an old cloak as a gift?"

"I wasn't quite prepared for the weather." Nor was he in the right state of mind.

"Aquaira in autumn." Nel gave rueful smile. "The worst is passed. The winters are mild."

They couldn't be worse than escaping through Airyglyph's aqueducts in winter. "I'll need winter clothes. Hadn't thought about that." He'd left most of his clothes behind in Aquios, expecting to leave the planet and never return. Assuming they weren't thrown away, he'd yet to outfit himself for winter. "I'll speak to a tailor when we get to Aquios. Or maybe Lady Sara." He'd prefer a jacket. A cloak did a good job of keeping the wind and rain off your back but he'd kept to his earth inspired clothing.

"You've met Lady Sara?"

"She seemed nice." The royal seamstress was a bit of a character but he appreciated her honesty and no one disputed her talent.

"It must just be me." Nel muttered dryly.

Fayt smiled. He reached out to tuck a lock of red hair behind her ear. "Something you want to share?"

"Absolutely not." But she leaned into his touch all the same.

Fayt cupped her cheek. Slowly, they drifted closer-


There was a sharp rap at the door. Nel gave the slightest sigh but he stole a kiss from her before she could pull away.

"Lady Nel?" A distinctly high pitched voice called into the house.

They shared a look of surprise. Sure enough, a purple haired figure appeared in the archway.

"Lady Nel." Farleen bowed before entering the room.

"Farleen, we didn't expect you for another day." Nel's tone was light and Fayt was glad she didn't feel the need to don her professional mask.

Farleen didn't respond. She practically ripped open her traveling bag. A grin spread across her face as she pulled out a polished white box. "Master Fayt." She bowed, deeper than before, and held it out to him with both hands.

Fayt stared at the box for a moment. The golden Aquarian sun stared back at him, either from the Queen or someone speaking with her voice. Cautiously, he took the container from her. "Thank you."

The lid slide back smoothly, revealing something round wrapped in white cloth. Like the Queen's amulet, it carried some enchantment. Even wrapped, the tips of his fingers tingled with symbological energy. Fayt peeled back the cloth and found a polished blue disc. A golden comet streaked across its dark blue-

"A noble crest! What do you think Master Fayt? A shooting star!"

Nel narrowed her eyes."And how did you know that?"

Farleen flinched. "Erm. I… I." She shifted nervously, one hand reached across her stomach, holding the other by the elbow. "I'm sorry Lady Nel!" As an afterthought, she looked at him. "I carried the crest for five hours!"

Nel pinned Farleen to the wall with a silent glare. Finally, she turned back to him. "I'm sorry about that Fayt." She laid her hand across his bicep. "She should have known better."

Farleen muttered softly behind them. "You trained me to be a spy."

Nel's eyes blazed. "What was that?!"

"Nothing, Lady Nel!"

Fayt bit his cheek not to laugh. It shouldn't have been funny. He didn't want to undermine Nel in front of her subordinates. But he couldn't help it if Nel was adorable when angry. Watching Farleen stare at the ground, looking for salvation in the floor boards, he suspected she didn't share that opinion.

Fayt turned the scroll over in his hands. "At least the seal is unbroken."

"Miracle of miracles."

He almost kissed Nel there. Instead, he split the seal and laid the scroll flat. Instantly, Nel was at his side, pouring over the letter. Occupational hazard, he supposed. Fayt wrapped his arm around Nel's slender waist and drew her against him.

By order of Romeria Zin Emurille. Queen of the Sacred Kingdom of Aquaria, Holy Mother of the Church of Apris.

Sir Fayt Leingod, Hero of Aquaria, and Savior of the Kingdom.

In recognition of his deeds and valor…

They didn't call him the Arrow of Apris. That was always a minor blessing. Something twisted in his stomach as his list of "deeds" went on and on.

personally defended Her Majesty, Romeria Zin Emurille, against man and beast.

That felt like a stretch. Technically, yes, the Dragon Brigade counted as man and beast.

having defeated the Captains of both the Black and Dragon Brigades… storming the Kirsla stronghold to rescue members of the Crimson Blades…

Nel's head was bowed, too engrossed in the royal decree, so he stared at the top of her red hair. Was that how it all started?

"Fayt," Nel murmured in wonder. "High Lord."

His eyes jumped back to the scroll. He skimmed over the section about technological assistance "in times of peace and war." That was fair enough. Rebuilding Arias had taken a lot more work than just improving the Thunder Arrow. Stopping the Vile Wind… There was even a line mentioning his tournament victory.

Geez, when you laid everything out like that…

It is the will of the Crown, with the blessing of the Church of Apris… by this edict… by this crest…

All properties, all titles, all powers, bound to the High Lord of Peterny are bestowed to Lord Fayt and his heirs in perpetuity. He is charged to dispense the Crown's Justice, make safe his lands, and defend the realm and his people, till the end of time.

Defend the realm and his people? What people? The Crown's Justice?

"Fayt… I…" Beside him, Nel shook her head. "It's likely politically driven." Fayt said nothing, trying to figure out exactly what he'd read. "Though you deserve all the honors Her Majesty can bestow." She added quickly.

Fayt almost scoffed but Nel was watching him, concern written plainly across her face. "I'm not angry at the Queen," he paused, "anymore." If only because Nel and Clair meant so much more to him. It was hard to be angry at anything right now. He knew he couldn't be an outsider forever, or ever again. Nel, Clair, and Aquarian society, they were a package deal. Fayt brushed his thumb across Nel's lips. "I've been distracted lately."

"Oh?" Nel asked softly, a coy smile on her lips.

Fayt claimed those lips. There was the faintest taste of sweet-

"I never doubted you Lady Nel!" Farleen was almost giddy. "I can't wait to tell Tynave and Roza!"

They parted slowly. Nel pressed her head against his chest. "So it begins." She muttered.

Footfalls on the staircase drew everyone's attention. Seconds later Clair descended stairs, a small traveling bag slung over one shoulder. "All packed." Clair came to a stop at the bottom of the steps. "Hello Farleen."

Farleen paled. She stared nervously at the silver haired beauty. "Lady Clair!? What are you doing here?"

Clair gave Farleen a blank look. "I was stationed here," she began slowly. "There was a war, you see."

Fayt grinned. Poor Farleen. He met Clair at the foot of the steps and cast a glance at her traveling bag. "Please tell me those are all your clothes."

"Upstairs. I only have two chests."

That was a good sign, a very good sign after living in Arias for so long. "We might make it out of here yet." Clair narrowed her eyes playfully at that. Fayt cupped her chin. "I suppose I can bring them down for you."

Clair made a soft huff but shifted closer all the same. Fayt took her by the hips and pulled her against him. Clair gasped, eyes wide. Fayt kissed her before she could recover. There was a muffled thump as Clair's bag fell to the floor. Her arms found their way around his neck.

There was a larger thump as Farleen fainted.

"She'll be fine." Nel waved off their concerns, gently prodding Farleen's ribs with her boot. A positively malevolent smile spread across Nel's face. She returned to the table and jotted something down on the parchment. "I'm going to extend her posting through the entire resettlement."

"That will be months. Nel, that's cruel." Clair admonished.

"Poor Farleen. So much gossip and no one to share it with."

"You're enjoying this far too much."

"I know."

Clair stared out the carriage window. She gave a soft sigh as Arias slowly disappeared from view. It was silly, feeling as if she was leaving some part of her behind. The war was over and it was time for new challenges. There was nothing to stop her from visiting the small town, should she choose to. Arias was not so far from the royal city. Clair unfolded Fayt's royal letter in her lap. Apparently, the three of them would be closer to Arias than they'd thought.

By order of Romeria Zin Emurille. Queen of the Sacred Kingdom of Aquar-

"I was just getting used to being a knight." On her left, Fayt traced the shooting star at the center of his sigil. "Lord Fayt." He didn't quite seem to believe it.

"Technically, you're a Marquis."

Fayt blinked. "Hmm? A Marquis?"

On Fayt's other side, Nel smirked at him. "You're thinking of Lord Crossel, aren't you?"


"Somewhere between a Count and a Duke." Clair offered. At least in Glyphan terms. Aquaria did not use such titles but the distinction was not to be overlooked. All noble families kept a household guard, some greater than others. A High Lord would have men-at-arms, landed knights, and lesser lords, all sworn to his service.

Which, technically, put Fayt above herself and Nel, at least in terms of court etiquette.

Clair sorted through the edict and the long list of Fayt's deeds.

storming the Kirsla stronghold to rescue members of the Crimson Blades…

"Her Majesty was quite thorough. Everything from rebuilding Arias to saving errant redheads." That earned her a sidelong glance from said redhead. Clair couldn't help but smile. "Honestly Nel, I never thought you would end up a damsel in distress."

Nel crossed her arms with a disdainful sigh. "Let's hope the properties aren't in complete disarray after all this time." She remarked casually. "Understocked, disorganized, covered in dust-"

Her smile fell. "Stop it."

Sisters save her. Peterny was the problem. A high lord's manor in Aquios would be larger than her family manor but manageable in size. Besides, in Aquios she and Nel could draw upon the servants from their family homes, until a proper house staff was hired. The land itself would be fine. The Crown would have maintained them in order to tax the occupants. But the estate would be vast. High lords traditionally hosted the royal family when they graced their provinces. And, in Peterny, they had fewer resources at their disposal.

"Clair… Clair? See what you did Nel?"

They should move quickly to supply themselves for winter. Food was readily available just after the harvest. They would need everything from linens to firewood. She just prayed there were no major repairs to make.

"Hey." Fayt nudged her shoulder. "Clair, it's going to be okay."

Clair placed a teacup in front of Fayt, as she had for her father, all smiles and grace. Fayt glanced about the sitting room and his thoughts turned to his last meeting with Adray, within the same four walls.

"Wanna marry my daughter?"

Did Clair have feelings for him then? Clair disappeared into the hallway but returned shortly carrying a small tray. She set out a small pot of honey in the center of the table and a saucer of lemon slices next to Fayt's cup. Fayt nodded in thanks. Clair just smiled softly, though her eyes were bright.

"If you will excuse me father, I have some matters to attend to."

"Thank you, Clair."

Another smile, just for him, and Clair closed the door behind her.

"Now then Master Fayt." Adray stirred a spoonful of honey into his tea. "What did you wish to discuss with me?"

Was Adray playing with him or could he really be that dense? From the groundskeepers to the maids, everyone seemed to know why he was here. Worst of all was the old woman that greeted them at the door. The housekeeper, he assumed. One look at him, walking hand in hand with Clair, and it was obvious she was sizing him up.

For all he knew the maids were eavesdropping on the other side of the door, unless Clair had already conscripted them for their new properties. She was determined to have both ready before the winter solstice. Or maybe, she didn't want to be around her father when he said "I told you so."

"I know my daughter. She would not say no."

"Well… erm." He could do this. How to get the ball rolling? Adray stared back, his face blank. "I'm going to marry your daughter." Fayt blurted out. He took a deep breath. "Clair-"

"Ha!" The Aquarian clapped his hands together, shoulders shaking as he laughed. "I knew it!" Thankfully, Adray Lasbard liked the direct approach. "It took you two long enough." That didn't seem fair. Adray raised his cup, not quite a salute. "The Lasbard line is assured."

Fayt almost winced. Too early to think about that. He really hoped it was too early. There was one more detail to mention. "I will also marry Nel." Fayt cleared his throat. "The three of us will marry in spring."


Adray stared at him for a long moment."I did not realize you had such a healthy appetite." He shrugged his shoulders easily, as if they weren't discussing the marriage of his only child. "You had my approval months ago. Not that you need it." Adray returned his cup to the table. "I wouldn't test my daughter's wrath again, or yours. I recall what you did to Sir Reynard."

The knot in Fayt's stomach dissolved. He almost breathed a sigh of relief. To say, he'd feared Adray would take the news badly, was an understatement.

"We can have the engagement party tonight!"

He was supposed to say something here. "That would be too much trouble." Fayt offered, a halfhearted refusal. Nothing short of an armed response would dissuade Adray Lasbard. Traditionally, the brides' family would host it, at least on Elicoor. Earth might have held similar traditions, a very very long time ago. The Federation was… more flexible, indeed, weddings had fallen out of fashion on most worlds. Either way, Nel's parents were dead and some respect had to be paid to his father-in-law.


"Nonsense! I insist." Surprise. Surprise.


Fayt tried to ignore the chill that ran down his spine. He could manage. Clair had no reservations of violently correcting her father's behavior. Besides, his new station allowed him to employ an armed guard. "Can we postpone it? My friends are scheduled to visit soon."

"Ha! So be it. We can wait for their arrival!" Adray slapped his hand down on the table, spilling tea and rattling porcelain. "It will give my daughter a chance to obsess over every little detail." He crossed his arms and took on a pensive look, oblivious to the liquid running off the table. "She gets that from her mother."

No kidding.

Fayt thought of his own mother. He needed to reach out to her. Best she hear from him first. He didn't have a lot of time. Knowing Sophia, once she learned of the wedding, everyone would know.

"Have you brought the union before Her Majesty?" There was a dangerous glint in the Aquarian's eye. "I would-"

"I have an audience with the Queen tomorrow morning." Fayt cut in quickly.

Fayt, like Clair, preferred Adray not be too involved.

"Enough of his pigheaded meddling!"

Adray smirked. "Why Master Fayt, you are wasting little time."

She requested the audience. His first instinct was to deflect the comment. Instead, "I've waited long enough." He had, they had. "There's more to it than a wedding announcement." No reason to hide the truth, certainly not from Adray. "Her Majesty has gifted me with the high lord's seat in Peterny."

"Well, well." He stroked his beard thoughtfully. "That will have most of Peterny's nobles foaming at the mouth."

Yes, it would. Her Majesty was playing her cards close to the vest, likely to postpone the inevitable. Fortunately, marrying the head of the Secret Legion had its advantages. Tomorrow he would meet with the butler for the manor in Aquios and the steward for the estate in Peterny.

They had a steward...

Traveling from Arias had taken them near his new lands, so a minor detour was in order. They even managed to pass by their new house or what Fayt thought was their new house…

"Fayt, that's the steward's house."

The steward's house. That was a sobering revelation.

Fayt didn't fully understand the nuances of the aristocracy or their servants, though he knew a steward was something more than a servant. A steward was treated like a professional scholar and granted certain luxuries due to their station. One such luxury was their own home on their lord's property, a home that was larger than the house Fayt was renting in Peterny!

What would the estate be like?

The thought of needing a map to navigate his own home or the small army of servants necessary to keep it running were the least of his worries. Then there were the "residents" of his lands. They would look to him to mediate disputes, protect them harm, and tax their earnings.

He was in over his head, way over his head.

But he had Clair and Nel at his side. Both were extremely capable and both understood the responsibilities of running a noble household, even if they'd never managed one on such a scale before. The immediate challenge was to get the estate livable; fixed, stocked, and staffed.

"Congratulations High Lord Fayt." Adray actually rose to his feet and executed a quick bow. "Let me know if I can be of help."

That's right. He was far from alone. He'd already reached out to the workers still in Peterny, in case their help was needed. They were happy to assist. He knew most of them well and his coin was as good as the Crown's. Worst case, the estate required a major refit, and they would use his rented home as long as necessary.

"Thank you." He stood up and bowed as well, if only to be respectful to his new father-in-law. For all Adray's eccentricities, he had his uses. "Just Fayt."


Cliff Fittir took a deep breath. He leaned back in his chair with a smile. There was something about being on a real planet. The recycled air on the Diplo couldn't compete. The peace had been good to Peterny. The city was busier than ever. Cliff took a seat outside one of the smaller cafes in the promenade. He was a dedicated guy but a few extra days of R&R were just what the doctor ordered, even if Quark's days weren't as exciting as before.

"Lord Fayt!"

Cliff's head spun, looking for the voice or, better yet, the man in question. He saw two men, standing beside a wagon laden with goods. Mostly foodstuffs, if he had to guess. Grain. Vegetables. One was clearly the driver while the other was someone more important. The second man wore a long coat and scarf, both in gray. From where he sat, Cliff could see there was some sort of image on the back of his coat.

The gray figure raised his hand, waving across the city square.

Cliff followed their gaze, on the other end of the city center a familiar figure made his way toward them. Fayt usually stood out in a crowd. He wore a dark blue coat, with a distinctly modern cut. Its edges were trimmed in gold and on his back was the same image as the man in gray, though Fayt's symbol was in gold.

Cliff raised an eyebrow. There was a definite connection there.

The two men bowed to Fayt as one.

Cliff plopped down a few Fol as a tip. Lady luck was on his side. It was the perfect opportunity to surprise him. He got a little ahead of himself and bumped into someone as he turned from his table.

"Sorry about that." No crashing plates was a good sign but Cliff looked back worriedly. A young man, early twenties, in a dull brown coat. Not any of the wait staff. Jaw clenched and eyes narrowed, the guy glared at something across the square.

He just so happened to be staring in Fayt's direction.

Cliff wasn't one to jump to conclusions but he always followed his hunches. So he took a sharp left turn and walked over to a nearby stall. He pretended to inspect the produce and waited, watching the stranger watching Fayt.

On the other side of the promenade Fayt concluded his business with the two men. They climbed into the wagon and guided the horses toward Peterny's eastern gate. Fayt saw them off before making his way to a vendor selling fresh baked goods. Fayt moved between the shops, buying a few small items as he went. Finally, he walked to the northern exit.

And the stranger followed after him.

Cliff cracked his knuckles.

His target slipped through the crowd, obviously keeping Fayt in his sights. The guy didn't look particularly dangerous. If he had a weapon it was hidden. He couldn't be a professional hitman, or he did a piss poor job of blending in.

Up ahead Fayt turned the corner. The brunet followed a few seconds later. Cliff sped up, closing the distance and peeking around a building. They were on a quiet neighborhood. Fayt had gained a lead on the target and was halfway down the street already.

Cliff had seen enough. He rushed forward and drove his shoulder squarely into the man's back.

"Agh!" The guy folded over like a piece a paper, hitting the ground and lying in a heap.

Cliff, having overestimated his opponent's strength, crashed down on top of him. He scrambled back to his feet and flipped the guy over, fist raised. "What the hell do you think you're-"

"I don't have much money!" The stranger cried out, eyes squeezed shut. He raised both hands over his face. Hurriedly, he released the drawstring on his pouch and held it out in a trembling hand. "Take it!"

Cliff was starting to have serious doubts about his hunches. "Hey!" He grabbed the front of his shirt. "Were you following him?!"

"Yes! I… I hate him! I was going to beg Lady Nel and Lady Clair not to marry him!"


"I wasn't going to attack him. I-"

Cliff shook him like a ragdoll. "The other part! Nel and Clair. Marrying Fayt?"

The kid calmed down but just long enough to give him a dirty look. "What sane man wouldn't?!" Then he buried his face in both hands. His shoulders started to shake. "It will be too late come spring!"

Looked like Aquaria was wilder than he thought.

Cliff hoisted him back to his feet before a passing guardsman got involved. As pathetic as he sounded, Nel and Clair had a small legion of fans. That made him marginally less dangerous than a stalker but a hell of a lot more annoying.

The fanboy managed to compose himself. He took a good look at Cliff. "I remember you! You're one of his friends!" He accused.

"No time for that." Cliff grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around. "Show me."

Down the street, Fayt stopped in front of a modest two story home. A waist high stone wall blocked a small front yard from view. Fayt pushed open the bronze gate.

Cliff led his new accomplice up to the street. Once Fayt entered the home they took cover behind the half wall. Cliff activated his scanner, amping up the sensitivity. The translator was a poor listening device but it he didn't expect to be eavesdropping on his vacation.

Through the kitchen window he saw Nel standing in front of the stove, looking perfectly comfortable without her armor. Cliff tried not to gawk. No one dressed for war every second of the day but he'd never expected to stumble across Nel Zelpher in anything other than chainmail. Yet there she stood, clad in a simple house dress or wrap dress or something. Mirage would know.

Fayt stepped into the kitchen, groceries in hand. He unpacked a loaf of freshly baked bread, a few small jars, and something wrapped in paper. "Need any help?"

Nel just shook her head, adding a measure of something green and finely diced.

Clair appeared in the archway. "Fayt? Good you're back." Clair's voice was rough. Though dressed normally and not a hair out of place, Cliff could see her fair skin was flushed. "I'm heading to the estate. I want to make sure the last supplies are delivered."

"No you're not." Fayt joined Clair in the archway. "I saw them load the wagon. Everything's accounted for."

Nel crossed her arms and shook her head in exasperation. "Clair be reasonable."

"I am!" Clair protested. "I need to oversee-" Clair doubled over, coughing violently. She weathered the coughing fit, straightened up, and-

Fayt easily lifted Clair from her feet. "You're going back to bed." The young man stated in no uncertain terms.

Nel crossed the room and reached out to lightly smooth Clair's hair. "You need to rest."

"I'm fine!" Clair whined, abandoning any sense of dignity.

Fayt adjusted Clair's position in his arms. "You're as bad as Nel."

"No, I'm not that stubborn."

"I'm not that stubborn."

Fayt weathered the twin glares, a growing smirk on his face. "Workaholics," he sighed dramatically. Clair swatted at Fayt halfheartedly as he carried her out of the room.

After one last sigh of exasperation, Nel began searching the cabinets. She emerged with a kettle, filled it with water, and placed it on a second burner.

Cliff had to be dreaming. He'd been around the block a few times and Klaus was not uptight by any stretch of the imagination. But Elicoor?! "You can really do that here?"

Beside him, the disgruntled fanboy choked back a sob.

Minutes passed as Nel stirred something in a fair sized pot. She added something white, probably salt, and what had to be pepper. Then she watched the pot, planning her next move.

Fayt reappeared in the doorway. "She's drawing diagrams of how to stock the pantry."

"Don't be too hard on her. She's getting better."

He walked across the room, stopping at the countertop just in front of the window. Fayt reached for something hidden from view, emerging with a large silver tray. He placed the tray on the counter and moved about the kitchen collecting items.

"Cup and saucer. Spoons. Honey…" Fayt turned and found Nel holding a small covered bowl out to him, presumably the honey. Then Nel leaned in and gave Fayt a little sugar. Fayt and Nel parted, saying something too low for the scanner to pick up, and shared another kiss.

This had to be biggest surprise of Cliff's life. Other than finding out your universe was a video game…

The kettle whistled impatiently.

Fayt and Nel drew apart. Nel retrieved the kettle for him. Fayt lifted the loaded tray and almost made his exit. Stopping in the entryway, he smirked back at Nel. "Nearly forgot. Clair advised to go easy on the salt and to add more milk to the broth if you insist on not reducing the heat."

"How considerate of her." Nel deadpanned. But once Fayt disappeared back through the archway she moved the pot off the center of the burner, shoulders slumped in defeat.

Cliff wasn't going to stop grinning if someone paid him. He always knew Fayt would do great things!

"There hasn't been such a marriage since my grandfather's time!"

Cliff wiped a hand across his eyes. Damn pollen. Except, he didn't have allergies. Damn dust.

The brunet seethed. "Bastard. Damn him to-"

Cliff buried a straight right hand in the man's face. "He is great man!"

Idiot. Cliff swore to himself.

Nel was already at the window, chef's knife in hand. It took all of a second for her to zero in on him. Shock and concern flashed across Nel's face. "Fayt!" She called. In a flash of red, she was gone from view. A heartbeat later the front door opened and Nel peered into the street.

Using the same quick wits that successfully led Quark for over a decade, Cliff drove an uppercut into the guy's stomach. The kid crumpled down to his knees, gasping for air. "I heard this was your place." Cliff grabbed the kid, still wheezing pitifully, by the back of his shirt. "Found him lurking around." He shook the would-be-prowler for emphasis.

Nel glared menacingly. "Him again." Nel ducked back into the doorway, shouting into the house. "False alarm!"

Nel turned back to them. Cliff noticed the inactive laser weapon in her other hand."If I find you anywhere near Fayt or our any of our properties, you will answer to the Secret Legion."

If the fanboy had meant to talk her out of marrying Fayt, he lost his nerve. Instead, he sputtered out an apology. "I'm so- sorry!"

Cliff felt more than a little guilty. It didn't stop him from glaring at the pathetic figure sternly before tossing him aside. "Get out of here punk." The kid wasted little time, scurrying off down the street.

Nel crossed her arms, tilting her head as she regarded him. The chef's knife in one hand and laser weapon in the other would have concerned most but the smile on her face was telling. "Thanks, Cliff." She gestured behind her. "Come in. Fayt will be thrilled to see you."

Cliff gave a nod and followed her into the foyer. "Looks like a lot's happened."

"You could say that." Nel laughed, easily the most carefree he'd ever seen her. "You're early. We're still moving into the estate." She gave a happy sigh. "But home is where the heart is." Nel closed the door behind them. "Welcome to our home."


"Such is the tale of the House of Leingod." Cliff made a grand sweeping gesture with both hands. "What did I tell you? Great story, right?" He settled back in his seat and looked around the cafeteria table. Cliff had gathered them around the table, promising a legendary tale as the Diplo raced toward Elicoor II. Mirage, perhaps naively, had assumed he'd talk about the war against the creator.

Peppita sighed happily. The young girl was entranced from the first word. Beside her, Gonella and Quantesorie, two of her troupe members, had followed along and stayed throughout. They obviously didn't find it quite as enthralling but it was an exciting story. Perhaps Mirage was biased. She liked Fayt, Nel, and Clair. What woman didn't have a taste for a good romance?

Glancing about the table, she got her answer. Sophia sat opposite of her, arms crossed and eyes fixed on the table top. Mirage inwardly sighed. She should have seen that coming.

Gonella, the troupe jester, raised both hands overhead and stretched. "Helluva story." He yawned loudly and glanced at the chronometer on the wall. "Passed the time alright."

Beside him, Quantesorie shook his head. Mirage wasn't sure what he did for the troupe, other than wax poetic with every breath. He actually stood up from his chair and bowed before speaking. "Our most gracious host has regaled those gathered with a riveting tale, verily. Romance. Heroism. Heartache. Do forgive me. Mayhap it is not worthy of song."

"Hang on," Cliff produced his quad scanner. "One second." A 3D image winked into existence. Nel and Clair, clad in red and silver evening gowns, respectively. Mirage thought she recognized it, or at least their outfits. The two gorgeous woman stood on either side of Fayt, arm in arm with the earthling, beaming. "This is from their engagement party."

The clown and the melodramatic orator stood slack jawed. "Damn."

"I know." Cliff grinned. Then he wiped a hand across his eyes. "Damn recycled air." He muttered.

"Umm…" Peppita played with her straw nervously, staring into her milkshake. "Won't Fayt be," as dark skinned as she was, the blush on her face was all too obvious, "tired?"

"Fayt will have more than enough energy." Cliff waved off the question. "Humans are the most sex obsessed species in the universe."

There was a sharp intake of air from Sophia. "Cliff! How can you say that?!"

"They totally are. Literature, cinema, you name it."

"That is not true!"

Peppita silently watched the exchange. Then the young girl looked to Mirage for confirmation.

Mirage sighed. She hated to admit it but it was a widely known fact about humans. She tried to give Peppita a subtle nod.

But not subtle enough. "Mirage!" Sophia stormed off. Probably to check on Mrs. Leingod or take refuge with her. Mirage frowned. Sophia had been a raw nerve the entire trip. She was going to have to work through her feelings for Fayt and quickly. Best case, Mrs. Leingod would get through to her.

Cliff closed his quad scanner. "It's a well-deserved reputation. That's why Lieber is still trying to get with Maria. Ride the human rollercoaster."

"Cliff, that's enough."

Quantesore cleared his throat. "A wondrous tale! Richly told-"

Gonella forestalled him with a raised hand. "How did you know that whole thing?"

Cliff's grin threatened to split his face. A part of her wanted to roll her eyes but Cliff looked so… proud. You'd think it meant the world to him. "I'm the best man." Cliff threw a wink at her. "Naturally."

Mirage rolled her eyes.

"Hmm." Cliff regarded her thoughtfully. "I forgot the part where Fayt used the medical bay in my ship and the next day Mirage almost killed me."

"Cliff!" Mirage felt her face heat. "What was I supposed to think?!"

Cliff just grinned back at her. Then he turned to their confused guests. "Turns out Fayt synthesized some cold medicine for Clair and ah," Cliff glanced at Peppita and cleared his throat, "contraceptive devices." Cliff's expression became serious. "Smart move, Nel has mama bear written all over her."

There was a chorus of agreement.

A/N: Okay, we're done here. The problem with endings is there are so many threads to tie up. I had to cut a lot off odd scenes I wanted. I wanted to leave the ending open but setup future events. As for the epilogue, Cliff was retelling the story's events to Peppita and some of her troupe members. It turns out that the Nel/Fayt/Clair wedding is about to happen and most of their friends are on their way to Elicoor. Anyone catch the "Till the End of Time" shout out in Romeria's letter? I had to do it.

Thanks to anyone who made it this far.

If you've enjoyed the story or just followed along till the end, I'll hope you'll provide some feedback. (If you didn't enjoy the story but forced yourself to read almost 120K words there is something wrong with you.) Part of me wants to revise pieces here and there. But I'm just burnt out at the moment. Time to put in some gaming hours. I held off playing SO5 till I wrapped this up. Reviews for it sound like a mixed bag… Don't be afraid to share opinions on the new SO, spoilers be damned.

To clear up any confusion about noble titles: Dukedoms are reserved for members of the royal family. The difference between a Count and a Marquis is that a Marquis' territory would border a foreign, and potentially hostile, country. So a Marquis could be expected to defend their lands and the nation from invasion. That puts them at a higher rank. Airyglyph seems to use those titles, judging by Count Woltar and Duke Vox. I don't know if Aquaria did so I made the distinction of high lord. Think of them as the dominant seat in any territory.

After over two years of writing this, I feel like I should have something better to say. It's just been a really long road. I'll settle for thanking everyone for reading. There were plenty of consistent reviewers and others that contacted me via PM. A lot of people had some good insights into the story and some reviews asked great questions. I really wanted to answer them as I went along but I was worried about spoiling the story. And, despite reviews being public, I feel like answering a review in the story is rude. Eh, doesn't make much sense does it? Anyway, thanks again for reading!