A little extra! :D Make sure to read my note at the end!



"What are you gonna do to us?" Saturn asks.

"When we get back to our world you're going to prison," Miranda says. "Prepare for imprisonment."

"I never wanted to do this anyway! Cyrus made me!" Saturn fusses.

"That's your entire fault," Miranda says. "Don't go blaming it on others. You decided to be involved that's not my problem."

"Oh please, I didn't make you do anything," Cyrus says. "I just asked you if you wanted to be one of my commanders or not. You didn't have to agree."

"Who would turn down a position as a commander? I just didn't know it was for this!" Saturn yells.

"Oh please, you knew from the beginning," Mars says.

"Yeah, you would always tell people, no matter who it was, that you were specifically chosen as commander by Cyrus himself," Jupiter says. "Like you were all high and mighty or something."

"We were chosen too, hardass," Mars says.

"No I didn't!" Saturn fusses.

"Yeah, I remember that, he told me every chance he'd get," Miranda says.

"See? Even she agrees," Mars says.

"I will admit that's pretty weird," Cyrus says. Saturn looks as if he's just been broken.

Miranda snickers. "Shut up. You guys are annoying."

"If we only had our pokemon right now," Mars grumbled.

"All that they would do is be defeated," Miranda says. "And to be honest your pokemon don't even like you. They don't like being evil."

"How would you know?!" Mars yells.

"She can talk to pokemon, idiot," Cyrus says. "I'm surrounded by idiots."

"Even I knew that," Saturn says.

"Nobody asked you!" Mars yells.

"Gardevoir could you please shut them up?" Miranda asks. Gardevoir puts an extra soundproof layer over the bubble. You can see them still arguing in the bubble but you can't hear them. "Can they hear me?"

"Yes," Gardevoir says.

"Galactic dweebs, we are almost to our world. Get ready for punishment," Miranda says. They land on the ground in front of a portal. "Giratina, can you make a portal to our world now?"

"Yes," Giratina says and creates a large portal. They all fly through it.

"Home at last!" Uxie shouts gleefully and swirls around in the air with her sisters.

"Where are we?" Miranda asks to no one imparticular and looks around. "I'm gonna guess Route 224." She pulls out her pokenav to check. "Yep, I was right! We're right next to the league. Alright, thank you Giratina, return." She returns him and throws out two pokeballs. "Braviary! Staraptor come on out!"

"We shall be returning to our lakes," Uxie says. "You should go to the league."

"I am," Miranda says annoyed. "See you later!"

"Bye!" Mesprit says and hugs Miranda.

"Bye, bye!" Azelf says and hugs the other side of Miranda.

"Goodbye," Uxie says and puts out her hand for Miranda to shake. Miranda grabs her hand and pulls her into the hug. "Ooh!"

"Goodbye you guys!" Miranda says. "We will see each other again soon!" The three sisters depart and Miranda waves them off. "Shall we be off too?"

"Yes, it's time to get yelled at," Lucario says.

"Yep," Miranda says. Miranda, Lucario, and Sparks hop on Braviary. Gardevoir gets on Staraptor. "Away! To the League!" They fly into the sky off towards the League. Miranda wipes the tears away forming in her eyes. "It really is goodbye…"

"Tony?" Steve calls out knocking on Tony's bedroom's door.

"What?" Tony says annoyed.

"You sure you're alright?" Steve asks.

"Peachy," Tony says.

"You know you aren't the only one grieving over her," Steve says. "Thor is crying like a baby. Hell even Clint is tearing up. She changed our way of living a lot she changed all of us."

"Yeah," Tony says sadly. "I feel as if I just let her go off into the world or off to college or something."

"I think we all feel like that," Steve says leaning against the doorframe.

Tony gives a chuckle. "I guess I really did see her as my daughter."

"I believe we all did," Steve says and takes out his letter. "You should read my letter." He walks in the room and gives the letter to Tony. Tony hands him his letter too and Steve sits down in a nearby chair.

They read each other's letters. "She saw you as a dad too?" Tony questions.

"And she called you dad," Steve says. "She even wrote dear dad. She really loved you it seems."

"Yeah," Tony says.

We arrive at the League and right when I walk through the doors I'm attacked by an Infernape.

"Aah!" Miranda yells and pushes him back. "Infernape?!"

"Where have you been!?" Flint yells.

"Uh oh…" Miranda says.

"I had to come back and fill in for an elite member," Aaron says.

"You know it's irresponsible to not be here!" Bertha yells sternly.

"It is a burden to have to tell people that you weren't here," Lucian says.

"Stop!" Miranda yells and they all shut up. "I have been through a lot and your constant bickering is not helping! I apologize for my very long absence. It wasn't planned. Cyrus and his crew threw me into another world. I was trying to figure out how to get back home! If you would kindly not yell and accuse me for things it would be greatly appreciated."

"How terrible!" Bertha exclaims being the first to try and suck up to Miranda.

"I'm so sorry!" Flint says. "I didn't mean for Infernape to attack you."

"I'm sorry for accusing you when I didn't know all the details," Lucian says.

"I-" Aaron starts but Miranda cuts him off.

"You can take your leave now since I'm back," Miranda says. Aaron bows his head and leaves the room.

"MIRANDA!" a booming voice echoes throughout the hall.

Miranda turns around slowly grimacing under the voice she knows to well. "Hello… Cynthia…"

"Where have you been?! I had to take over the position as the champion in your absence! You know how much trouble you have caused us!? Too much to count!" Cynthia yells.

"I'm truly sorry. I was stuck in another world," Miranda says.

"It doesn't matter as long as you are back everything should be normal. Or slightly more normal," Cynthia says.

"I have to show something to all of you," Miranda says. "Gardevoir." Gardevoir walks in with the Galactic gang in tow. "I have caught team Galactic's leader and commanders. We need to have them immediately imprisoned."

"We will take care of that," Lucian says and calls out his Alakazam. His Alakazam takes over the control of the enclosed bubble Gardevoir has them in.

"Also, everyone group together to watch everything that I went through," Miranda says and pulls out her memories from the beginning. From when she is battling team Galactic from Mt. Coronet to now.

"How are you doing this?" Lucian asks curiously.

"I can project people's memories," Miranda says.

"You had it tough," Flint says and his Infernape nods in agreement.

She wraps up the memories and looks them all square in the face. "And not one of them tried sucking up to me like you guys do." They all bow their heads from being figured out. She turns to Cynthia. "Thank you for taking over in my absence. It's greatly appreciated. You can now be relieved of that duty. I will take over."

"You're welcome," Cynthia says dejectedly.

"Make sure you take team Galactic to prison," Miranda says and walks to the champion's room. Her pokemon follow behind.

"If you miss her so much try calling her?" Steve says.

"I haven't thought about that," Tony says surprised and pulls out his phone. Steve smiles and leaves the room. * RING RING RING*


Miranda walks into her room and sees it exactly the same way it was when she left. She throws her bag on the bed and pulls out everything from it. She lets out all her pokemon except Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. She pulls out her shopping begs from the shopping trip with Kitty and the others. She smiles and pulls out the dress. She rubs the fabric between her fingers and begins to cry.

(I miss you all so much already…)

A buzzing from her pocket interrupts her thoughts and she wipes away her tears. She slowly pulls out the buzzing phone from her pocket and answers the call.

"Hello…?" Miranda says sadly.

"Miranda?!" Tony says shocked.

A look of realization comes across Miranda's face. "Tony!"

After that they contacted each other everyday. Miranda talked with all her other friends that she made while there too. Everything returned to normal in both worlds. Miranda begins to clobber her challengers with Sparks and Widow returns to the Avengers, after Fury had a long discussion with them. Miranda loses all of her powers besides: healing others, aura (blasts of energy), telekinetic, telepathic, electricity, and showing other's memories. Miranda eventually starts to call Tony her dad. And everyone awaits the day when they can all meet again.


I'm sorry if it seems a little rushed... I have two books that are mine completely. Meaning I'm writing my own books not fanfiction! I would love it if you went to read them! They're on this app called Wattpad. I have this fanfiction on there as well except it has pictures with it! Anyway, if you look up my username (Lava9898) it should be the first one. (It's the one with the aqua eye as a profile picture! It goes along with one of my books, it's not weird!) Anyway, read them I guarantee you will like them!
