A/N: Hello everyone so sorry for no update. We know it has been like forever but we've been super busy with school, finals, regents and what not. But thankfully summer is finally here so we will be back to updating more regularly. To answer just a few of your questions in the shortest way possible the end game couples for this story as of now are Klaroline, Kennet, Delena, Kalijah and possibly Stebekah. All the other couples are a way of making more interest and drama. Some couples may take longer then others to find their balance but it will all happen in due time!

Now, we were sure to make this chapter extra long because of the no update. Additionally the poll results will be posted next chapter so now is your last chance if you haven't voted. We're also starting an AU human TVD story soon so watch out for that. Lastly it would mean the world to us if you follow our Instagram account, if you aren't already. Thanks so much for all the support everyone and don't forget to read, follow and review!


We all head outside and I can't help but groan in annoyance as the rain pours down on us. I glare at Alaric who was the only one with an umbrella because he was going with Matt who was 'human and could get sick'. I said we should go by priority of who's clothes is most expensive, but apparently Elijah's suits won that round so Matt and Ric lucked out.

"Wait up" Katherine says grabbing my arm to stop me.

I turn to say something to Elena about this but she's already talking to Caroline about something while Klaus stands there seeming amused by their conversation.

"What is it?" I ask turning back to face her.

"Wait" she repeats, her attention directed at something over my shoulder. I follow her line of vision to find she's watching Alaric head into the woods with Matt. Once they are a safe distance away she turns back to me.

"Now that 'Mr. Saltzman' is gone we're doing some partner rearrangements. You're going with me, let Satan go with Elijah" she says making it sound more like an order then a question.

"No" I reply, my response visibly confusing her.

The way I saw it trekking through the woods with Katherine far away from prying ears while I was on a relationship break would just be begging for something to happen. When I talked to Alaric about my idea to fix my relationship with Elena he made it very clear the best thing was to do absolutely nothing and act like an angel today.

The way he put it this was like a test for Elena to see all the things I wanted to do but was holding back on because of her, and all the mistakes I was likely to make in the future. This 'break' was mostly for Elena to figure her stuff out and see that she was the only girl I had eyes for. Which also means no Katherine for the day.

"What do you mean no?" she questions with an eye roll, "Come on the sooner we go the sooner we can slip back into the cabin and prevent my hair from further damage!"

"I'm suppose to go with Elena" I remind her.

"And...?" she replies obviously waiting for me to continue.

"And not you" I decide with a smirk to which she rolls her eyes before I continue.

"Look" I start quickly glancing in Elena's direction to see she's divulged in a conversation with Caroline and the Mikaelson brothers, "I need to be on my best behavior today, so can your respect that and be partners with Elijah?"

"Would you want to search the woods for phone signal during a rainstorm with Elijah Mikaelson?" She fires back.

"When you put it that way there's no right answer" I say with a shrug before sighing and adding, "Just ask someone else to trade"

"You're the only person here I can stand" she argues.

"You know I think that might just be the nicest thing you've ever said to me" I note.

She ignores my comment and rolls her eyes before walking over to the others saying, "I think a partner exchange is in order"

"And why is that Katerina, not very anxious to spend alone time with my brother?" Klaus challenges with a smirk.

"Not nearly as anxious as you are to spend alone time with Caroline" She responds causing Klaus to roll his eyes while Caroline blushes but tries to appear annoyed.

"Hey Katherine, why don't you switch with Caroline you and Klaus would make great partners" I suggest sarcastically.

"Excellent idea, although I should warn you it's extremely unlikely that both of us will come back from that trip alive" Klaus responds calmly.

"Threatening people before noon, Klaus Mikealson everybody" Katherine mutters obviously annoyed.

"What about Damon and Niklaus go together, Katerina can go with Elena, and I will go with Caroline." Elijah suggests.

"Ew no!" Katherine says immediately.

"You don't have many options Katerina." Elijah says with a sigh.

"I still think she should go with Klaus." I comment, earning me a glare from both of them

"Oh My God! If we continue like this we won't be getting anywhere. Katherine you're going with Elena! Damon, Klaus, have fun. Let's go Elijah!" Caroline yells grabbing Elijah's arm and pulling him away from the rest of the group while he obediently follows.

"Wow Blondie. I think you've been spending too much time with Klaus." I say with a smirk. She turns around just long enough to shoot me a look that says "I'm going to kill you for that later".

"I guess it's final then. Let's go partner." Elena says motioning for Katherine to follow. Katherine rolls her eyes but follows Elena anyway probably realizing that she won't be able to talk me into changing.

I watch the only two girls I've ever loved walk away and suddenly regret letting Katherine go with Elena. It's obvious she isn't the biggest supporter of 'Delena' and chances are she might say something that could completely ruin our relationship.

I sigh and turn to Klaus stating, "Let's go."

Before I can get very far Klaus stops me and motions for me to follow him back inside.

"I know that dogs don't like getting wet and all but we need to do this if we ever want to get out of here." I say confused.

"I spent the whole night searching, they aren't going to find any reception out there. I think we should go back to the bus and get all of our bags considering we may end up staying here a while." Klaus explains as if this is all obvious.

"Smart. Only problem is the bus is that way." I say pointing in the direction that I recall us coming from.

"I am very well aware of that. Just stop questioning me and follow." Klaus decides before walking into the house.

I sigh looking over my shoulder once before following him.


"Wrong way. God how stupid are you?!" I say pushing my way past Elena and taking the path opposite to the one she was about to take us on.

"How can I be taking us the wrong way? We don't have a specific destination. The way we go doesn't matter." Elena argues. I stop walking and turn to face her giving her an "Are you really that stupid" look.

"We were told to go West. That path was going to take us North. If we go North eventually we'll probably run into your little boyfriend and the evil hybrid. Understand? Great! Follow me." I explain before walking off smiling as I hear her sigh and follow after me.

The rain is pouring much harder than before and I silently curse Alaric for making me walk through it looking for something that's not going to be found.

"Do you have feelings for Damon?" Elena asks after a few minutes of walking in silence. I stop in my tracks surprised by this question.

"Excuse me?" I question sure that a look of disgust is plastered on my face.

"Damon told me that you kissed him this morning, and I know that you were trying to get him to become your partner. So, do you like him?" she says trying to keep her voice neutral.

"Wow. Someone's jealous." I mutter continuing to walk and hoping she drops the topic. But of course she can't take a hint and continues.

"Just answer the question Katherine."

"Yes Elena. I like Damon. I've been in love with him since 1864 and just suffering from heartbreak every moment that I see him with you. That's why I've made it my goal in life to ruin your relationship. And I just wish I could be you with your muddy converse and dried out hair, because at least you have Damon!" I say dramatically before shaking my head laughing, "God, get over yourself satan."

Elena grabs my arm in an attempt to stop me but I merely slam her into the nearest tree, laughing as she falls to the floor. "Wow. You're pathetic."

Before I can get very far Elena throws a stick at me full force. I catch it at the last minute and turn to her my voice filled with venom as I say, "You're going to regret that."

"What are you going to do? Kill me? Then Damon would hate you forever. Maybe Elijah too." She says tauntingly as she pulls herself up from the floor wiping off her clothes.

Without another word I vampire speed over and plunge the stick right above her heart feeling satisfied as I hear her gasp.

"You really underestimate me." I whisper into her ear, pushing the stick further in before throwing her to the floor.

"That wasn't my heart." Elena states as if I don't already know this. I roll my eyes and turn my back to her holding out my phone and hoping that a bar appears and I can be done with this.

"Like I said before you would never kill me. Then you would have everyone turn their back on you and I mean, let's face it you don't have many people by your side to begin with. Even your own daughter basically hates you." She says. I try and block her out knowing that she's just trying to get a reaction out of me.

I concentrate on the phone and stop in my tracks when I see two bars appear. I smile and keep my hand still beginning to look through my phone for Jeremy's number. Alaric told us that calling Jeremy will be our best bet since he's normally on his phone and will definitely answer.

Just before I'm able to press call I'm shoved against a tree, my phone flying through the air. I wince as I hear it crash to the floor.

"Great job Satan! You just ruined our chances of getting out of here. Hope you're proud of yourself." I say pushing her away from me without much effort.

"You're the one who staked me!" She yells seemingly upset that I'm blaming her.

I roll my eyes and say, "Just shut up. I'm going back to the cabin. I've had enough of playing searching for signal with Satan."

Before she can object I head back the way we came.


"This tastes horrible!" I yell, surprisingly happy that I mean it.

"What do you mean it tastes horrible?" Kol questions walking over to me. He had lived up to his promise of making me breakfast despite me telling him I was no longer hungry.

"Try it for yourself." I urge him, handing over my fork. He reluctantly takes it and scoops up some of the food before putting it in his mouth. I can right away tell by his expression that he finds it just as revolting as I do.

"My apologies love. This is the first time I've tried cooking. Back home we have servants and Rebekah to do that." He says seeming almost disappointed. A piece of me feels bad considering how much effort he put into the dish.

"Don't worry about it. I get it. I mean you're an original vampire you have better things to do than cook." I say surprised by the hostility in my voice. I hadn't meant for my statement to come out like that. Kol seems hurt by my comment but he quickly returns to one of his signature smirks.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I say placing a hand on his without thinking about it much. At the slight touch I feel like a jolt of electricity has gone through my body and as our eyes lock I begin regretting the action.

"Well, is there anything else I could do for you? I may not be the best chef, but I certainly have other talents that I could show you." He says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes and get up from the chair pulling my hand away and bringing the plate of food to the kitchen. I dump it in the garbage and place the plate in the sink, trying to ignore Kol's eyes on me as I begin to wash the dishes that have been left there by my friends.

"Leave the dishes Bonnie. If I recall correctly you're not the group's slave. They can wash their own plates." Kol states after a while.

"If I didn't want to do the dishes I wouldn't be doing them." I say in response.

"Wow. Am I so boring that you've been forced to do dishes for entertainment?" He questions walking over and turning the faucet off. I ignore him and turn the faucet back on, only for him to shut if off again.

"Let's play a game." He suggests. I sigh figuring there's no point in arguing.

"What game do you want to play Kol?" I question.

"I think it's better that you pick a game. I don't think you'll like my ideas." He says giving me a suggestive look.

I roll my eyes and say sarcastically "We could play hide and seek where you hide and I pretend to look for you."

"Despite how fun that sounds, any other ideas?"

"I don't know. There aren't many games I'm willing to play with you." I say as I walk into the living room and sit on the couch.

"How about spin the bottle?" He questions sitting down next to me with a smirk.

"I think I'll pass on that." I say rolling my eyes again.

"Fine, how about Truth or Dare? And to make it more interesting if I refuse to do a dare or truth than I have to trade rooms tonight." He suggests. This catches my attention right away, but I quickly realize the missing information.

"And if I refuse to do a dare or truth?"

"Then you kiss me." Kol decides.

"Fine." I say surprising both him and myself.

"Truth or Dare?" He questions.

I suddenly feel the pressure of the situation realizing that If I pick truth the truth spell will make me answer honestly, but if I pick dare he could make me do something that I will definitely regret later.

"Truth." I finally decide. He smiles as if he predicted this.

"Rate me on a scale of 1 to 10." He orders after thinking for a few seconds.

"On what? Appearance, Smarts, annoyingness?" I question mostly just to stall.


"Fine, um" I start regretting picking truth before finally muttering, "Nine."

Kol smiles at this and I can't help but think how cute his smile is.

"Truth or Dare?" I ask before he can make some annoying comment.

"Dare." He states as if obvious.

I stop for a minute and try and think up a good dare before finally saying, "I dare you to kiss the next girl that walks through the door."

"Alright. Would you mind going outside for a moment?" He says simply.

I'm about to question why but then realize what he's implying and say, "Haha very funny."

"I know I'm hilarious. Truth or Dare Bonnie?" He questions giving me a look I can't quite read.

"Dare." I decide figuring picking truth repeatedly will probably lead to worst. Better yet Kol almost seems surprised.

"I dare you to kiss the next boy that walks through the door." He says using my own dare against me.

"Fine." I say. He smirks at this and gets up and when I realize he's heading for the door I quickly grab his hand pulling him towards me. I suddenly find myself much closer to him then I would have liked but don't want to give him the satisfaction of backing up. His expression is once again unreadable and I'm unsure what to do.

"Bonnie, Kol!" I hear Damon yell. Kol and I both turn towards the door to see Damon walking in followed by Klaus. Me and Kol exchange a quick look, recognizing what I have to do.

I quickly walk over to Damon before I can loose my courage and wind up having to kiss Kol. I pull Damon into a kiss and he takes a few seconds before kissing me back slightly. "Am I the only one here that is confused right now?" I hear Klaus ask. I mentally roll my eyes before pulling away from Damon.

"Can I ask what just happened here?" Damon says looking equally confused and satisfied.

"Me and Kol were playing truth or dare." I say as if it explains it all.

"Oh, and Kol dared you to kiss me?" He says as if he finds this hard to believe.

"No, I just did it for fun!" I say sarcastically with an eye roll.

"Somebody's sassy," He replies with a smirk before adding playfully, "I like it."

I roll my eyes again but am unable to keep from smiling.

"What are you two doing here, shouldn't you be out searching through the woods for service?" Kol questions walking over. I can immediately tell by the tone of his voice that he's jealous which makes me feel much more satisfied than I should.

"We need Bonnie's help." Klaus informs Kol.

"What do you need me for?" I question.

"A spell, if it's not obvious." Damon answers.

"No. I already said Bonnie isn't doing magic today." Kol quickly interjects.

"Bon Bon will be fine. It's just a simple spell." Damon responds placing his hands on my shoulders and saying, "Right Bonnie?"

"I'm sure I can manage." I say mostly just to annoy Kol. I honestly feel drained out from the magic yesterday but would never admit to that.

"I don't care if you can manage, you're not doing it, end of story" Kol emphasizes.

I roll my eyes, "You're not the boss of me Kol" I fire back.

Without response he vamps over so he's less then an inch away from me and leans down closer whispering, "You do remember what I said I'd do if you tried to use magic right Bonnie?"

I pause frozen in place trying to ignore his proximity and his warm breath on my face. I'm unsure exactly how to respond to him so I don't. I just stand there staring into his gorgeous brown eyes trying to control my breathing and remain quiet because of this stupid truth spell. Both luckily and unluckily we are interrupted

"Can't you two just get a room" Damon mutters with a smirk, "Oh wait, you already have one!"

I roll my eyes at this and push Kol away saying, "What do Klaus and you need me to do?"

"A location spell to find the bus." Klaus explains seemingly annoyed that this is taking so long.

Kol rolls his eyes, "We were there just yesterday how do you not remember where it is?"

Damon smirks as usual shrugging with a "Well its raining outside and your brother doesnt like getting wet so we don't want to go searching based on memory"

I sigh but nod, "Sure i'll do it."

"Bonnie" Kol says in a threatening tone.

"Excellent." Klaus states with a grin.

"I need a map, and something that has been on the bus." I explain walking over and lighting a few candles.

"I've been on the bus can't you just use me?" Damon questions, leaning against the wall. Meanwhile Klaus has already retrieved a map and holds it out for me to take. I grab it from him and turn to Damon.

"I suppose that could work." I say, as I lay the map out in front of me. I notice Kol watching me as I grab a knife and gently cut across my hand wincing from the pain. I let the blood fall onto the map before turning to Damon. "Ready?"

"I was born ready." He says with a smirk walking over. I roll my eyes and take his hand in mine. Before I close my eyes I glance over at Kol and see jealousy flicker across his face again. I can't help but smile at this which bothers me.

"Anta Cotis Syrum,Anta Cotis Syrum." I mutter repeatedly.

When I open my eyes the blood has gathered into a circle narrowing in on one specific location. I right away notice that Kol has left the room. I roll my eyes figuring this is just him upset that he didn't get what he wanted, but then I see the concerned look on Damon's face.

"What?" I question.

"Your nose is bleeding." Damon explains.

I cringe at this news and and wipe the blood away with the back of my hand, "I'm fine. Here take the map. Go find the bus and get us all out of here already."

Damon nods and Klaus rolls his eyes as if this is all just another set back. He walks over and takes the map before rushing out of the house.

"Thanks Bon Bon." Damon says winking before following after Klaus.

I sigh leaning against the wall more exhausted then I care to admit after doing that spell. After a few moments of silence that are both torturous and blissful Kol walks in with a look of clear annoyance.

"Problem?" I question

"I told you not to do magic" he says simply.

"And I didn't listen" I fire back trying to keep my tone as calm as his.

"Well, I guess its time for your punishment then"

With little more then a smirk and not a second to waste Kol vamps over and has my back pinned to the wall. I freeze not sure how to react. I know what he plans to do and I know I can't use magic to stop him. Ironically, what bothers me more is the fact that I don't want to stop him. In fact, as he slowly leans in to the point that our lips are only centimeters apart a part of me wants to push him away because of Jeremy, but a much larger part is saying, Jeremy will never have to know.

Our lips are less then a centimeter apart when the door bursts open immediately followed by the sound of Elena and Katherine arguing.

"Just shut up already!" I hear Katherine yell with a groan before walking right into the living room. The minute that she catches sight of Kol and I she gasps before bursting into laughter.

"What's so funny-" Elena states as she walks over but is quickly cut short when she sees us. At the moment I'm too shocked to say or do anything which is why Kol is the one to speak first.

"Amazing timing ladies, you sure know how to ruin a moment." He says flashing them a fake smile.

"And what exactly is this that we're intruding on?" Katherine asks as she sits on the arm of the couch.

"Nothing." I quickly answer, knowing that Kol's response would be much less pleasant.

"Doesn't seem like nothing." She decides with a grin.

I roll my eyes and attempt to push Kol away and exit this awkward situation. Being that he is Kol Mikaelson, he holds me in place and smirks.

"Oh come on Darling. Same situation as before, now we just have an audience. Might as well finish what we started."

"You're disgusting." I comment again attempting to push him out of my way.

"You didn't seem to think that a few moments ago."

"Actually that's exactly what I was thinking. Now can you please move out of the way?" I say getting annoyed and impatient.

"Is that really what you want me to do?" He questions his grip softening but still not moving away.

"Yes." I say confidently.

"Looks like that truth spell has worn off." He says with a slight smirk before backing away.

I sigh relived and glance over at Katherine and Elena who seem much too entertained by this for my liking.

Elena shoots me a questioning look and I mouth "Explain later" to which she nods. "So, any luck finding a signal?" I question.

"No luck thanks to Satan over here" Katherine mutters glaring at Elena. This time I shoot Elena a look to which she shakes her head obviously annoyed by Katherine's accusations.

"Well hopefully one of the others found something so we don't wind up stuck here another night" I say with a sigh as I sit at the edge of the couch.

"Doubtful" Katherine mutters with an eye roll still glaring at Elena, "We're going to be stuck here forever" she groans sitting on the couch next to me annoyed.

"That would be tragic" Kol says with a smirk shooting me a look that makes me think he wouldn't mind all that much, probably because of the living arrangements we're currently using

Katherine rolls her eyes, "Just get married already" she groans.

I roll my eyes but don't respond while Kol smirks and says, "We're still picking a date" shooting me a wink to which I roll my eyes again.

Before I can object any further the door swings open and Caroline bursts through saying, "Oh my God guys! We have an emergency!"


"What about now?"

Elijah shakes his head no which is the most response I've gotten from him all day. Since we started looking through the woods for phone signal Elijah has remained completely quiet leading the way as if he knew exactly where we were going. I tried to make small talk with him but I barely got more then two or three word answers to everything followed by abrupt silence.

"What about now?" I repeat anxiously.

Elijah sighs not looking up from his phone as he says, "Caroline if we get signal I'll let you know"

"Okay" I say simply annoyed when we are once again wrapped in a deafening silence.

"So... you and Elena?" I inquire deciding it's probably the only interesting thing about Elijah's life right now.

He shoots me a "we are not talking about that" look to which I roll my eyes and groan, "Just trying to make conversation it's an interesting topic I don't know why we can't talk about it, unless you have any other suggestions"

"What about you and Niklaus" He says with a hint of a smirk on his face.

"Okay so maybe we shouldn't talk about relationships" I deduce.

"Is that what you two call it?"

I roll my eyes and glare at him in response, "Well I know its definitely not what you and Elena call whatever you have, if you even have anything"

"I thought we agreed not to talk about that" he replies simply.

I roll my eyes again finding Elijah Mikaelson much more annoying then I ever thought, "Whatever"

We walk in silence a few moments longer, which I no longer mind much, but eventually Elijah sighs and says, "Forgive me if I hurt your feelings Caroline, it wasn't my intent I just find your situation with Niklaus" he pauses as if searching for the right word, "Interesting"

"It's fine I guess" I try to not be mad about his earlier comment since he is Klaus' brother after all and it's best we get along, "We're not exactly a normal couple and there is that whole dating in secret thing, has he talked to you about any of it?" I ask curiously.

"He's mentioned a few things" He admits.

"Such as?" I push trying not to sound too eager.

"Most of what he has told me is in the confidence that I would not repeat it" he clarifies taking a sharp left turn at an old maple tree looking down at his phone as if following directions. I begin to wonder if he has some weird cellphone service radar in his head or something.

"Technically if he didn't say you can't tell me you still can" I contend.

He smirks slightly amused as he replies, "That's an interesting way to look at it I suppose"

"We've already established I'm very interesting" I say with a teasing smirk the sigh, "Can't you please just tell me some of what he said"

Elijah sighs obviously unsure what to do and finally after a long period of silence where I think he won't respond he says, "I won't tell you what Klaus said but from what I can see you make him happier then he's been in over a thousand years. You two may not be perfect but your relationship is real, you accept my brother for who he really is, flaws included, you know all his secrets and all the terrible things he's done yet you see a good in him that most people overlook. Im grateful that my brother has someone like you in his life. "

I'm left completely speechless by his words and do my best not to blush. Because of the whole secret part in my secret relationship with Klaus I had never really gotten anyone else's opinion on us. To hear Elijah, Klaus' brother who probably knew him better then anyone, talk about how happy Klaus was because of me almost seemed to make every fight and every tear shed worth it. In spite of everything that has happened I love Klaus Mikaelson, and to hear that not only Klaus but his family members thought this had a positive impact on him was almost unbelievable.

"Wow, that was really poetic" I say with a slight laugh and a bright smile still stunned by his words, "Thank you Elijah"

"It's nothing really Caroline, just an observation" his tone is somewhat modest to which I roll my eyes.

"Well it was really sweet. I don't hear a lot of stuff like that because of the circumstances me and Klaus are dating under" I laugh slightly, "I know that sounds ridiculous I should probably change those 'circumstances' soon, anyway sorry for thinking you were a jerk earlier"

He looks at me slightly confused, "It's fine I suppose"

"You're actually really nice when you're not being all quiet, broody, and mysterious-"


"I can kind of get what Elena and Katherine could see in you now. It's that whole mysterious but secretly really sweet and nice thing kind of like Stefan-"

"Caroline you-"

"But Elena really shouldn't like you because she's with Damon who's also surprisingly sweet when he wants to be, and anyway it would probably break his heart if she left him for you, not that your heart isn't important too but I think Damon is more sensitive he gets all snappy and homicidal when his feelings are hurt but anyway I guess you all should just talk it out or something, then there's that whole Katherine factor and god only knows what she wants, probably everything, and don't even get me started on-"

"Caroline" Elijah says more forcefully taking the phone from my hands and holding it up to show it's ringing, "We have service" he adds handing it back to me. I quickly answer the call not checking who it is.

"Hey Care"

"Stefan" I sigh with relief and respond gratefully, "Thank God"

I hear him laugh slightly on the other end, "Wow didn't know you missed me that much Care"

"You have no idea" I really mean it because things have been crazy since Stefan left and I've desperately needed my best friend to talk to. I lean against a tree as I talk on the phone while Elijah walks around with his phone held up obviously trying to get a bar.

"Well I miss you too, sorry I haven't been calling things are kind of hectic here. But how's everything over there, how's the whole camping thing going?"

"Oh about that" I quickly recall why this call is so important, "This trip has kind of been crazy when we were driving to the camping site the bus- Oh My God!"

I'm cut off from my chat with Stefan when Elijah is flung into the air out of nowhere. I quickly pull the phone away from my ear and look up to see Elijah stuck in some sort of net thing between two trees at least 30 feet above the ground. Elijah is obviously surprised but unlike me seems to handle the situation with a lot less panic.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Elijah are you okay? How did that even happen? Don't worry I'll get you down, probably, is there at least service up there!"

"I'm fine Caroline, it's just a bear trap. I'll get out of it easily just finish the call" he reasons.

"Wait there are bears in these woods?" I say silently panicking again because I hate bears.

"What's wrong Care?" I hear Stefan say on the phone obviously confused.

"Oh Stefan" I pull the phone back up to my ear "Sorry Elijah got stuck in a bear trap"

"What, Care I can't hear you" he says and I too begin to hear static as the connection starts to break.

"Elijah's in a bear trap!" I repeat.

"All I'm getting is something about bears" he says confused in between all the static.

"Apparently there's bears in these woods, oh right woods. By the way Stefan we kind of need your help"

"What do you-." Those are the last words I catch before the call drops completely. I groan annoyed holding the phone up higher trying to call him back with no luck.

I groan in frustration and look back up to Elijah. "What now?" I question.

Elijah seems unreasonably calm as he suggests, "Head back to the house and get the others here. Perhaps they could help with the current...situation"

I nod quickly and begin to back up almost tripping over a branch in the process. "I'm on it! Just hang on okay?" I pause and laugh nervously, "Hang on. Get it? Because you're hanging in the net."

"Just go Caroline." Elijah states with a sigh obviously not amused.

"Right. Be right back!" I quickly vamp back in the direction of the cabin not wanting to waste any time. But of course I end up lost because of my terrible sense of direction. I sigh and stop trying to use my vampire hearing to track down any noise that will lead me to my friends. I grin when I hear Klaus and Damon talking somewhere nearby.

"Well duh. I mean she obviously has a thing for him." I hear Damon saying.

To this Klaus replies with a simple, "I don't know. She seems annoyed by his presence."

"Well Caroline seemed awfully annoyed by your presence and that didn't stop her from dating you." Damon reasons. I chose this moment to intercept because I'd prefer not to hear the rest of this conversation.

I vampire speed over to where they are and stop in front of them with a smile. They seem a bit surprised by my sudden appearance but brush it off.

"What are you doing here blondie? Where's the walking suit?" Damon questions.

"He's..Well he's in a bear trap." I explain bluntly.

At this Damon bursts into laughter and Klaus smirks slightly.

"Guys stop! This isn't funny! He could get hurt!" I argue which only seems to humor them more.

Finally Klaus lays a hand on Damons shoulder, "Alright Mate relax, I think we're expected to go help my brother."

"I'm not helping, he kissed my girlfriend!" Damon says acting as if the idea of helping Elijah is crazy.

I roll my eyes, "Can you just be mature for once and try to help!"

Damon pretends to think before saying, "Probably not."

I sigh and turn to Klaus hopefully.

"Okay luv, where is he?" Klaus questions a slight smirk still playing on his lips.

"Over there." I say pointing in the direction I came from.

"That's not very specific Caroline." He says with a sigh.

I groan annoyed and say, "Can't you just use your magical hybrid senses to track him down."

Klaus laughs as if this is amusing.

"Klaus!" I whine.

"Klaus!" Damon repeats in a mocking tone, obviously also finding this humorous.

"Shut up!" I yell while hitting him on the shoulder.

"Wow, I'm wounded now." He says with an eye roll.

I turn back to Klaus and give him a pleading look. He sighs and decides, "Alright luv, you head back to the cabin and get the others, Damon and I may know how to get out of here. As for Elijah I will use my 'magical hybrid senses' to find him and free him."

"Okay, just be careful." I say.

"Careful?" Klaus questions raising an eyebrow.

"Well if there's bear traps that means there's bears." I explain.

At this Klaus and Damon simultaneously burst into laughter.

"You are adorable blondie." Damon says in between laughs while pulling me close and hugging me playfully.

"Stop! You both are jerks!" I yell, shoving Damon away.

"Jerks who you don't want to get eaten by bears." Damon says tauntingly to which Klaus laughs.

I roll my eyes annoyed and begin to walk in the direction that I now realize the cabin is in.

"Caroline!" Klaus calls after me his voice containing a serious tone.

"What?" I say turning back to him.

"Don't get eaten by the bears on your walk to the cabin." He states before bursting into laughter along with Damon.

I glare at him before turning around and vamping to the cabin.


"What's wrong Care?" I ask worried about her sudden burst into the room.

"Yah what's the emergency did you break a nail?" Katherine taunts with an eye roll seeming bored. I do my best to ignore her.

Caroline groans and rolls her eyes at Katherine, "No Elijah's in trouble, he's trapped!"

"What are you talking about Caroline, how did Elijah get trapped?" I question nervously. She doesn't say anything but I notice Katherine turn to Caroline much more interested and even Kol and Bonnie stop bickering long enough to pay attention to what Caroline is saying.

"Okay so we were looking for cell service and then Elijah said something really sweet about-" she seems to catch herself and pauses before continuing at the same abnormally fast Caroline Forbes pace that I've become accustomed to, "Anyway, so we were talking and I kind of got distracted, I mean not really distracted just kind of, anyway so then I got a call on my phone from Stefan and-"

"Wait, you two found cell service?" Bonnie asks eagerly.

"I was getting to that Bon. So yah we found cell service and I was talking to Stefan and I was about to tell him what happened but then Elijah got flung into the air in some bear trap, I mean can you believe that Alaric brought us to woods with bears! Anyway I didn't even get to finish my conversation with Stefan because the phone connection broke and when I got to-"

"Wait did you say Elijah is stuck in a bear trap?" Katherine cuts her off looking shocked. Everyone else seems to share a similar expression.

"What? Oh, yeah he's stuck in a bear trap." Caroline says it melancholy and looks ready to continue with her story but everyone immediately cuts her off by bursting into laughter.

Caroline blushes slightly before rolling her eyes and saying, "Why does everyone find that so funny!"

Bonnie and I exchange a look trying to die down our laughter as we turn back to Caroline. "Alright Caroline, where's Elijah?" I ask trying to be serious and not picture the image of Elijah hanging in a bear trap.

"In the bear trap!" Caroline states as if it's obvious and she doesn't have the patience for such question.

I roll my eyes slightly and say, "I mean where in the woods."

"Oh. Um, you guys should probably just follow me." She decides. I nod and glance towards Kol, Katherine, and Bonnie who are seemingly excited to see Elijah.

"Lead the way Barbie." Kol says with a grin, walking over to the door and holding it open. Caroline rolls her eyes at this and walks outside. Katherine and I quickly follow suit.

"Go." Bonnie says to Kol who holds the door open for her expectantly.

"Ladies first Darling." Kol replies smirking.

"Just go Kol." She argues.

"You first Bonnie." He replies pointedly.

"Can you two save the couple spat for later. We have stuff to do." Katherine says with an eye roll.

"Anxious to heroically save my brother, Katerina?" Kol replies tauntingly without taking his eyes off Bonnie.

"Actually I'm anxious to taunt him and throw things while he's unable to properly defend himself." She corrects with a smirk that, despite me having identical features, I could never pull off.

Caroline groans and shoots Bonnie a look. Bonnie finally sighs and walks through the door.

"I knew you would give in." Kol states closing the door with a victorious smirk.

"Shut up." She replies with an eye roll. Caroline obviously having had enough of this walks over and grabs Bonnie's arm pulling her ahead of the group and more importantly away from Kol. We all subsequently follow.

"Elena." Kol says with a grin as he throws an arm over my shoulder and pulls me close to him. Unlike Bonnie I've realized that fighting against Kol only makes him more persistent and annoying which is the only reason why I don't bother shoving him away.

"Kol." I reply in a similar tone while looking forward to where Bonnie and Caroline talk. My curiosity gets the best of me and I use my vampire hearing to listen in on their conversation.

"Oh come on." Caroline whispers to Bonnie who shoves her playfully.

"I don't like him Care." Bonnie replies harshly in a way that everyone else would take as a hint to back off. But of course being that it's Caroline she continues.

"But its obvious that he likes you." She says in what must be her attempt to convince Bonnie.

"He's just bored." Bonnie decides with a shrug.

"Elena?" I turn my attention to Kol and quickly realize that he's said something to me. Not wanting to be caught in the act of eavesdropping I try my best to figure out what he said.

"Oh, um yeah." I finally say hoping that this will suffice as an answer to the unknown question.

"Really?" Kol says seemingly excited.

"Yeah, totally." I state.

"Well, what exactly does she say?" He questions. I'm about to ruin this whole thing by questioning who, but at that moment he glances towards Bonnie and I finally piece this all together.

"She mostly just says that she can't stand you." I say with a shrug. I notice Kol's smile slip and can't help but add, "Want me to tell you a secret?"

He seems to light up at this and nods for me to go on.

"Us girls have a thing where we claim that we can't stand the guys we secretly have a major thing for. She's not exactly lying when she says it, more like she just is in denial. You'd be surprised what lengths people will go to not have to face what they really feel. But the way I see it, the more you hide your feelings the more they show. And the more you deny them, the more they grow."

Kol seems to think on this for a while and so I walk side by side with him in silence. It's at this moment that the realization that I just gave the guy who's after my brother's girlfriend love advice hits me. I immediately feel guilty but at the same time wonder if I'm just speeding up something that was bound to happen. It's obvious that Jeremy and Bonnie haven't been working for a while now. Jeremy seems to have more of a relationship with grand theft auto five then he has with her.

"You know Elena they're wrong about you." Kol finally states.

"What do you mean?" I say slightly confused.

"Everyone tends to say that you're a narcissistic heartbreaker who only cares about herself. But I think there's more to you then just that."

"Am I supposed to take that as a compliment?" I say trying not to be offended.

"You know one person even said calling you satan is an insult to satan." He says. I roll my eyes when he adds, "Not going to lie that person was me."

"Wow, thanks." I mutter with a sigh.

"The point is Elena, all those things may be true-and when I say they may be true I mean that they're definitely true. But I think that overall you're kind of just oblivious and that's the only reason those things have become true. I doubt you mean to break every guy's heart. It just happens. It's not your fault that you're beautiful right?"

I smile slightly at this and wait for him to continue since it's obvious there's more to this speech.

"Underneath all that oblivion I think you're a sweet, compassionate person. It's hard to stay that way after the whole losing your family and becoming a vampire thing. I just think you don't get enough recognition for that. Now don't get me wrong when we're done here this whole conversation is going to be forgotten and I'll go back to referring to you as Satan because if not Katherine," he motions to Katherine who has somehow managed to find her way to the front of the group and glances back at Caroline for directions every now and then, "Will skin me alive. But I suppose I just felt it was necessary for someone to tell you since your dim wit of a boyfriend is about as oblivious as you if not more. Just don't let Katherine get to you alright? She's just jealous."

"Katherine Pierce jealous of me?" I state finding it hard to believe.

"Well you took Stefan, basically took Elijah, and she's used to having Damon in love with her but you changed that. And she despises you for it."

I nod slightly never having seen things that way.

"Thanks Kol." I say offering him a warm smile.

"No Elena, thank you." He says with a smirk before adding, "Now excuse me but I have an in denial girl to annoy."

With that he pecks me on the cheek and rushes off to Bonnie, quickly managing to slip in between her and Caroline.

I grin at this and wonder how exactly I managed to end up exchanging advice with Kol Mikaelson. I don't have much time to dwindle on this when we stop in front of a large tree where my Boyfriend and Klaus are stuck in what appears to just so happen to be a large net. Or in other words, a bear trap.


"Only a bit farther." I state as I lead Damon deeper into the woods. I begin to wonder what led Caroline and Elijah to venture this far off.

"We've been walking for like ever." Damon complains to which I roll my eyes.

"Niklaus?" I hear a voice that could only belong to Elijah call. I look around then recall that he is in fact in a bear trap and change my vision to looking up. Sure enough Elijah is crammed uncomfortably in a large net that appears to be tied up to a tree. He looks surprisingly calm considering his situation. I look to Damon who glances up and bursts into laughter when he spots my brother.

"Elijah! Fancy seeing you here." I say with a smirk.

Elijah sighs and says to me with a pleading look, "Niklaus can we please be mature here."

"Mature? I don't know I think you're the only mature one here. Aren't I right Damon?" I say turning to him.

He smirks in response and says, "Definitely. I'm so immature. In fact, I think you told me that word for word just last week Elijah!"

"If you two have come just to mock me then please just get the others who may be feeling more generous." Elijah states with an eye roll.

"But Elijah. It's a long way back to the cabin. And you know, there's bears in these woods." Damon replies shooting me a knowing look.

I chuckle as I say, "Ah yes dear brother. Damon and I would prefer not to get eaten by the bears."

Elijah sighs and simply shakes his head muttering something illegible even with my vampire hearing.

"Plus, we couldn't bare to leave your side Elijah." Damon adds in with a smirk.

"Yes that would be quite un-bear-able." I comment with a grin.

"Is this really necessary?" Elijah questions with a groan.

"It's bear-y necessary." Damon replies.

"Yes brother, I'm afraid to tell you that it's practically im-paw-sible to stop." I say with a grin. Damon laughs at this and I add, "You think thats funny? I mean I'm Bear-ly trying."

At this we both burst into laughter.

"Are you two serious right now?" Elijah asks while running a hand through his hair annoyed.

"What? Elijah, I can't hear you! It's like there's a Bear-ier between us." Damon says while trying to stop laughing.

I burst into laughter once again and high five Damon while Elijah watches us with an unamused look on his face.

Elijah sighs and finally states, "Yes, bear-y funny now get me out of this trap!"

Damon and I exchange a look before we both burst into laughter. Then Damon seems to notice something and smirks.

I raise an eyebrow and watch as he bends down and picks up a pine cone.

"What are you-Damon!" Elijah yells as Damon throws the pine cone at him.

"Relax Elijah I'm trying my bear-y best to get you down. Mind helping Klaus?"

I smirk and begin looking around for any more pine cones. I quickly notice a large pile of pine cones just a few tree's away and motion for Damon to follow me.

Elijah seems to notice my focus and says in a warning tone, "Niklaus I wouldn't if I were you."

I ignore him and We both walk over to the pile. Just as I'm about to bend down to pick up a few pinecones both Damon and I are thrown up into the air. I quickly glance around shocked and then look down to see that we now are a good few feet above the ground.

And ironically, we are stuck in a bear trap.

Neither of us have much time to react before I hear a chorus of laughter below us. I glance down to see Katherine, Bonnie, Kol, Caroline, and Elena standing there all with amused expressions on their faces. Well all except Caroline who seems a minute away from a panic attack.

"Oh my god, what happened! Are you two okay? I told you to be careful!" She yells to which I can't help but smile.

"Relax luv, I have this whole situation under control." I state.

"Oh yes sure seems like it. Tell me how's the weather up there?" Katherine says with a grin. This consequently reminds me of the rain fall that was only a drizzle a few moments ago but now has turned into a storm. Luckily the tree almost seems to block most of the rain out.

"Hilarious." Damon replies sarcastically. I watch as he surveys the crowd and his eyes land on Elena. "Elena honey! Mind helping us out here?"

Elena is obviously trying hard not to laugh as she says, "I don't know Damon. Im not exactly skilled in the area of bear traps."

Damon rolls his eyes slightly and then smirks turning to Katherine, "Kitty Kat?" he says in a pleading tone.

"Sorry Damon, you're all on your own in this one. Now, where is Elijah?" She questions with a slight smirk. I point to where Elijah is only a bit farther down figuring it's better she tortures him then us.

"Thanks Klaus. Who knew you could be useful." She says with a slight laugh, before heading off in that direction. Kol follows her, and consequently so does Bonnie since my brother has his arm around her waist something Im sure she has complained about.

I survey the two girls who now stand there glancing up at us as if trying to decide their next move.

"Caroline, you see that rope right there." I question with a sigh as I motion to a thin rope trailing down from the tree.

Caroline spots it and nods, "Yeah what about it?"

"I need you to cut it." I explain.

"How am I supposed to do that!" She questions. I turn to Elena who I figure might be a bit more useful.

"Elena luv, mind helping." I say flashing her a smile. Both Damon and Caroline immediately seem bothered by this but Elena simply nods.

She looks around and bends down picking up a piece of wood. She carefully breaks it in half leaving one half with an extremely sharp edge. She walks over to the rope and is about to cut it when Caroline voices her objections.

"Here let me do it!" She decides as she walks over and bends down next to Elena.

"Caroline, I got it." Elena replies sounding a bit annoyed.

"But he asked me to do it first!" Caroline complains as she reaches for the piece of wood. Elena holds the wood out of Caroline's reach and sighs.

"Care, I think it's better that I do it."

"Why?" Caroline says defensively.

"Yeah Elena why? Blondie here is perfectly capable of cutting a rope. It's one of her many talents." Damon states with a smirk while winking at Caroline.

I fix Damon with a glare and turn to the two girls, "Can one of you just do it already. Preferably Elena since she has the wood."

"Preferably Elena!" Caroline shouts angrily glaring at me.

I sigh, "Caroline, relax."

Elena decides to take this opportunity to cut the rope, but Caroline of course shoves Elena before she can. It all happens fairly quickly but in the process of Caroline shoving Elena, she also manages to cut herself with the wood.

"You cut me!" She yells glaring at Elena.

"Caroline, I'm so sorry. I did't mean to-"

"Sure you didn't! God why don't you just cut the rope and set your little boyfriends free so then you can cheat on Damon with Klaus!" Caroline yells angrily before vamping away somewhere else.

As if on cue we all simultaneously sigh.

All I wish to do at the moment is follow after Caroline and explain to her that Elena means nothing and there's no need for her to be jealous but considering the situation I can't exactly do that.

"Should I go talk to her?" Elena questions.

"Cut us down first." Damon says with an eye roll.

Elena obviously annoyed by Damon cuts the rope in one swift motion causing us both to fall to the floor unexpectedly.

"Thanks honey." Damon states flashing her a fake smile.

She rolls her eyes and says, "Lets just cut down Elijah, and then we can find Care and get out of here once and for all"

I nod at this and motion for the two to follow me. We soon enough see Katherine standing over an unconscious Elijah, looking slightly concerned but mostly angry.

"What happened?" I question.

"We cut him down, but then your idiot brother snapped his neck." She explains to me. I turn to Kol and give him a scolding look.

"He insulted Bonnie!" Kol shouts.

I find this hard to believe and look to the witch for an explanation.

"He didn't insult me, Kol is just being dramatic."

"Kol you have five minutes to explain before I snap your neck." I state annoyed by all the commotion.

"Well, Bonnie generous as she is suggested that she just burn the rope with a spell to which I immediately objected. As you know she's been having issues with her magic lately-"

"I have not been having issues with my magic!" Bonnie argues.

"Relax Darling, I'm trying to tell them the story." Kol says laying a hand on her shoulder which she quickly shoves off.

"So anyway, we decided we could cut the rope with a piece of wood as I'm assuming you also did." He says motioning to Elena who still holds the wood, before continuing, "Well, While Bonnie was cutting the rope, probably splintering her beautiful hands, Elijah told her to work faster!"

"He didn't say that, he asked if I could please hurry." Bonnie says with a sigh.

Kol ignores this comment and continues, "I found that Elijah's comment was extremely rude considering how hard poor Bonnie was working to get him down and so-"

Before Kol can finish I snap his neck mostly just to shut him up. There's a collective gasp throughout the group and I roll my eyes.

"Lets go. Now." I state.

"But-" Bonnie begins to argue.

"I said Now." I growl glaring at her.

Elena shoots Bonnie a look, but she simply sits down on the floor next to Kol in response. Elena sighs before starting to head back towards the cabin. I'm both annoyed and amazed by the witch's actions but decide its not worth it to scold her.

"Damon a little help here?" Katherine says as she attempts to pick Elijah up from the floor.

"Sorry Katherine, you're all on your own in this one." He states quoting her response to him from earlier. At this she sighs, and he quickly heads after Elena.

"Go, I'll handle him." I say to Katherine as I walk over to Elijah and pick him up swiftly. She nods and follows after them.

I take in the fact thats it's now just Bonnie and I excluding my passed out brothers.

"Look, I get that you're loyal and I respect that, but it's raining and cold. Stay out here and you'll probably catch pneumonia." I say with a sigh feeling almost guilty for my actions towards my brother.

"I'm not just going to leave him here." Bonnie states.

I sigh and reply, "Suit yourself."

I turn prepared to leave but then pause turning back to her, "A little piece of advice. For the past few centuries I have watched my brother play around with girls emotions. Get into their heads, make them fall in love with him. But in the end all he ever does is leave them whether it be dead or alive. Be wise in your actions Miss Bennet. He's not worth it."

Bonnie sits silent for a moment before looking up to me, "If a monster like you can fall in love, who's to say Kol can't do the same?"

This question leaves me speechless as I realize what she's saying just may be right.

I clear my throat and state, "Once he's awoken you two can meet us in the cabin. We'll be leaving at midnight."

With this I leave her to sit by his side, knowing that perhaps this time, Kol's intentions may just be different.

Hope you all enjoyed! Next update should be in the next week or so, until then don't forget to favorite, follow, and review! Thanks for all the support luv you all!