Al gathered up some clothes and stepped into the bathroom with a sigh. He just needed to relax for a moment. He took his time, letting the warm water soak into his skin. That was all he needed. Just a minute to himself.

By the time he came out he felt much better, heading back downstairs to the chicks.

Ro had slipped off, but Arthur had come to sit with Molly, both of them amusing themselves by watching the chicks chase a shiny little ball across the table.

Al smiles softly sitting with them.

"They've been at this for ten minutes," Molly giggled as Al sat down. "They still can't catch it."

He chuckles watching them, it was good to get their muscles working though. They looked more than happy to play like this so there was no harm in it.

"Did Gil take off with Jules?"

"He took her back upstairs to sulk once he finished Ro's dress."

"I'll go get him later then."

Arthur nodded softy, getting up with a grunt. "My old bones... It's getting late, I need to round up my lot."

"Alrighty. Need any help?"

Arthur smirked. "I don't think you realize what you just agreed to."

"As long as they don't trample me again I'll be fine." he grins.

They headed off on their bunny hunt through the house and garden. It took the better part of an hour and a half to round up all ten of them and get them nestled in their bed.

Al was rather surprised it took so long, normally he didn't have such a hard time finding rabbits.

They were quick and sly little tricksters, dashing off when you least expected it. No wonder Arthur always looked tired.

"Wow that was harder than I thought.."

"They're tricking little blighters," Arthur chuckled. "But I just can't stay mad at them."

Al grins at that.

"Thanks for your help," Arthur half hugged him. "I'm off to bed now.. I'm knackered.."


"Night," he slipped off upstairs after making sure the rabbits were secure.

Al settled back at the table after managing to goad Gil to come down and let Jules interact with the eaglets for a little. Jules sulked all the way down until she saw the other chicks. Then she perked straight back up again. The boys just took comfort in each other's loneliness for a bit.

After a while, Molly swept down and told them to get to bed and get some rest. Al they head up with their respective chicks, Al was slightly worried about Ro though..

She hadn't come back after Molly had tried to get her to play with the chicks... No one saw her so she had to be in her room. He had to check... He set the nest in his room before knocking on her door.

A few seconds passed before her voice flittered out, teary or sleepy it was hard to tell. "Hello...?"

"Ro.? Can I come in..?"

There was a hesitant pause. "...I guess...?"

Al opens the door and steps in. "Hey.."

Ro had cocooned herself in her blanket, a dead giveaway that she was feeling upset or anxious. Big brown eyes peered out at him uneasily. "Hey..."

Al fidgeted sitting on the floor a little away from her. "You still upset..?"

"No," she muttered, hiding back under her quilt.

Al frowns softly. She definitely still looked upset... Did being near the nest upset her that much?

"...Hey Ro? Do you want to go out with me tomorrow?"

"...Where...?" she wanted to, but there was still uncertainty in her voice.

"Well.. I don't know when you have to leave.. But I wanted to get you something before you did.."

"Arthur said we're going on Saturday," she pulled back the sheets a bit, finally looking at him. "I gotta pack soon..."

Al's stomach clenched at that.. "Did you still want to get a pet?" He'd steer well clear of the bird section..

Hope lit up her face but it was quickly squashed by uncertainty. "Would Arthur let me...?"

"I think he would." Actually what happened to that yorkie he had before all this?

Considering how long Arthur had been away, he'd probably left it with Wales or Scotland...
"You really think so?" she was daring to let herself hope.

"Yeah, we all get pets from time to time. In fact he's got his own puppy waiting at home."

Her excitement won over at the word puppy. "Do you think he'd let me get a puppy too?!"

"I'm not sure if that's a good pet to start out with.. but then again you've had to deal with rabbits and bears so you might manage it.."

"I'll be good with it," she insisted. "I remembered to feed the bears and clean up their poop and I even gave the rabbits a bath, which wasn't easy cuz they try to run away and wet bunnies are slippery..."

Al chuckles at that. "Yeah but dogs you can train too. You have to teach them to only go pee outside or do things like sit or stay."

Her face fell a bit at that. "I don't know how to do that..."

"Ask Artie. I won't be able to help ya when you leave but he knows how to do it. Heck you can ask Iain too, he's a natural with dogs."

"You really think Iain would help?" she looked surprised at that. "I thought he didn't like helping much?"

Al grins leaning over and talking softly. "I'll tell you a secret. He might be prickly on the outside but really he's a big softie, he's just afraid to show it."

"He gets scared?" she gasped in shock, leaning in too. "No way, I've never seen him even get surprised!"

"Yeah, he and Artie and them didn't have an easy time growing up, so he acts all mean and tough so people wouldn't pick on him. Now it's just stuck like that."

"Who picked on them when they were little?" Ro frowned curiously. "I can't imagine either of them scared or upset..."

"A lot of people, mostly from other lands though. They don't like to talk about it much.."

Ro looked at her lap for a moment, letting that sink in. "Do people still pick on them...?"


She seemed to slump in relief a little. "Okay..."

Al smiles warmly.

She looked up, slowly smiling with him. "Do you think we can find a puppy tomorrow...?"

"Sure thing." He smiles

Ro scooted over, wrapping her arms around him. "Thank you..."


"Are you going to bed now...?"

"I probably should.."

She pulled back, one hand twisted in the hem of his shirt.

"I could stay if you want?"

"Please... You... I'll have to go soon and I'm still here and I already miss you..."

Al smiles softly settling in. Ro curled into him, snuggling close. It didn't take long to drift off this time, warm company always helped.

Morning broke too soon, forcing the duo awake and reminding them they didn't have long left together. Al left to let her get herself together and check up on the eaglets.

Ro bounced down to join him in the kitchen, sporting denim shorts and a pretty top. She was starting to look like just a normal teenager... Especially now her eyes were staying brown more often.

Al was starting to wonder what happened to the lively little fairy he met. She seemed to have gotten lost in all the confusion of the last year or two...

Hopefully Molly would be able to bring her back a little.. Al made them all breakfast before announcing to the rest his plans for today. Secretly he figured it would help her adjust if she had a little friend to take with her..

"That's a wonderful idea," Arthur smiled brightly, much to the relief of Ro and Al alike. "Pick well though. I know pets can be your best friend if you treat them fairly."

Al smiles warmly going back to his plate. They finish their meal and Al stops long enough to give Gil and Molly a few instructions for the birds before they left.

Ro hugged her knees while Al drove into town, bubbling with nervous excitement. "Where are we going?"

"The humane society. They take in dogs and cats who were left to grow up on the streets, or who's owners just weren't able to take care of them and let them find new homes." he figured it would be better than a pet store, more fitting to have two orphans together.

"We're gonna give one of them a new home," she smiled softly to herself. "Everyone needs a home..."

Al smiles and they pull in a few moments later. They climbed outside headed in, Ro latching onto his arm.

Al lead inside, the front room had a receptionist at a desk but you could hear the yapping of dogs from the unseen backroom beyond. Ro bounced excitedly.

The receptionist smiled brightly. "Hello there! How can I help you?"

"Were here for a dog?"

"Were you looking for a specific age or breed?"

"Not really, but maybe something on the younger side?"

"We have a lot of puppies looking for homes right now, maybe one of those?"

"Yes please."

She smiled warmly, leading them through to the back, towards the yapping.

There where a few to choose from, Puggles, Dalmatians, smaller breeds and even a few mutts. Ro looked around in awe, smile just growing. "I get to choose any one of them?"

"Which ever one you want."

"If you see one you like, we can get him out to say hello," the receptionist hummed.

Ro nodded, detaching from Al to take a look at the puppies. Al stood off to the side looking around himself, smiling from the little conversations they had with themselves.

"What about this one?" Ro called after a while of looking. She lay on the floor in front of one of the bottom cages, peering in. Inside was a timid little pooch with a fluffy patchwork coat of black, white and grey. Its eyes were a bright icy blue. He walks over sitting next to her for a look.

The pup whimpered, huddling back a bit. Ro just smiled warmly. "It's okay... We just wanna be friends..."
The pup growled softly.

Al smiles softly, he looked to be just as distrustful as she first was of him.

"Miss? Can I say hello to this one?"

"Are you sure?" the woman came over to join them. "This puppy was sent to us after a housefire took away his family... He's not very trusting or playful; maybe another?"

"No," Ro sat up, her mind set now. "I want this one. Only this one."

"I think if anyone can get through to him it'd be her," Al answers with a sad smile.

The receptionist looked at him in almost wonder for a moment before nodding and opening the cage.
Ro lay back down, slowly reaching in to let the pup sniff her hand. "We're going to be friends now, okay? I promise you won't get hurt again..."

Al stood well back letting her handle it. She spoke slowly, gently, not forcing anything.

It took nearly ten minutes but the pup actually crawled out of his cage and curled up against her chest. Ro smiled warmly, picking him up gently. "I'm going to call him Ash."

"Good name." Al grins, The receptionist leads them back around front, leaving Al to fill out the paperwork while Ro could wander the small built in shop to pick out a collar, leash and supplies.

She came back with a blue collar and leash set, still carrying her dog though. The little thing looked quite at home in her arms. "I dunno which food is the best for him?"

"I'll be there in a sec. Pick out a bowl real quick? He'd need one for food and water."

"Okay," she grinned, going back to look.

Al finished off the papers and adoption fee before following.

Ro had collected two metal bowls. "Ash kept chewing the plastic ones so I figured these would last longer... Can we get him a toy too?"

"That would be a good idea, if he's chewing he might still be growing teeth, it helps them grow in. If he's not it still gives him something to play with."

"Did the lady say how old he is?" she asked, snuggling the pup. Ash seemed to be warming up to Ro quite quickly, licking her nose softly. "I wanna know when his birthday is."

"They say about a month or two I think?"

"He's still just a baby," she gasped softly.

Al nodded softly.

"I'm going to make extra sure that you don't get hurt again," she promised to the pup. "Nothing is worse than losing a family... So I'll make sure it never happens again..."

Al smiles warmly. They pick out some food and a toy before heading back to the car and heading home.

"Now, don't be scared," Ro coached Ash as they pulled up to the house. "It's a really full house here, so you gotta share with bunnies and kittens and birds for a little bit. None of them are mean though, so play nice, okay?"

The pup just cocked his head, ear flopping.

Al chuckles and they head inside. Gil had the chicks out in the backyard with Arthur and his litters for a little fresh air and Francis and Molly were working on lunch.

Ro headed to the kitchen to get Ash a drink. It was hot today and she didn't want him getting thirsty! Al headed outside to the others. The eaglets perking up excitedly at his return. A pair of Arthur's rabbits raced by them.

Al sits next to Gil near the blanket set out for the chicks to wander on. "How'd it go?" The albino asked.

"Well we ended up with the soul survivor of a house fire, so it might take some time for him to settle in."

"Sounds like a perfect match to me," Arthur hummed, suddenly coming up behind them with a squirming rabbit in his arms. "Did Ro pick herself?"

"Instantly drawn to him."

Arthur smiled warmly. "Something tells me they're going to be two peas in a pod."

"I think so."

"At least we know she'll look after him," he grinned. "I think I'll go say hello."

Al nods and stayed with Gil to watch the others. Arthur went in to find the others.

Francis was in the kitchen still cooing over Ro's pick.

"Who is this little chap then?" Arthur smiled brightly at them. "Handsome little fellow."

"This is Ash," Ro beamed. "He's going to be my new friend. He didn't have anyone either, so I couldn't leave him behind..."

"A bit skittish I've noticed though.."

"That's okay," she shrugged. "You guys forget that It's really scary when everyone else is big enough to squash you."

Francis hums at that.

"If you're gentle enough, he doesn't mind," she smiled. Ro didn't know what she was doing really; but something just told her she was right. All her new friend needed was a lot of love.

Francis smiles, moving off to finish lunch and serve it. Molly called in the boys to eat. They gathered round filling up, Al glancing around and just enjoying it while he could.

Ro couldn't stop smiling now, constantly glancing under her chair to check on Ash. Al smiles softly. At least she won't be lonely now. She finally had a friend of her own.

And he would still have the chicks, at least for a while.. It wouldn't be so bad if Matt wasn't out of contact for so long...

Quit thinking about it.. It'll only make it worse..

A gentle hand found Al's knee, green eyes warm with a soft concern.

Al just smiles warmly.

Arthur mimicked it, squeezing gently. You can talk to me, it assured him.

Al shrugs softly, it was nothing really..

"Um..." Ro sat up, biting her lip. "Ash tiddled..."

They glanced over. Ash had shuffled out to the back door and peed on the mat, unable to get out. Al frowns softly opening the door for him. It was fine he was new and Ro didn't know.

The pup skulked out, finishing his business outside. Ro hopped up, looking for the mop. Hopefully the rabbits won't bother him too much. Ro watched fretfully to make sure.

After the mess was cleaned and the dishes taken care of Al had settled on the couch with his chicks for their own meal.

Arthur joined him, sitting with a cup of tea. "Okay?"


"They're growing up nicely."

"Yeah.. They might start fledging soon.."

"Teach them to fly," Arthur nodded

Al twitched a smile.

"Cheer up," he hummed warmly. "It's not that bad."

Al sighs leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest, "It's not that.."

"What is it then?" Arthur asked softly.

"...I-I guess I'm nervous... I haven't really been alone since before I got... ya know.. Even if I forgot her sometimes Ro was always there at least..."

"If it ever gets too much, you know you can come stay with me," Arthur reminded. "Even if you have to bring five fully grown eagles and I'm stuck with your paperwork, I'd rather you not be here suffering alone."

Al smiles softly leaning over and hugging him. Arthur held him tight for a moment, just making sure the younger blond remembered he was loved, even if there wasn't always someone there to show it.

"Thank you.."

"Always," Arthur smiled warmly, fatherly.

Al pulled back settling with his chicks again, allowing them out of the nest to crawl about in his lap. Arthur finished his tea before going to check on the rabbits and Ro and Ash.

He'd be fine. Like Arthur said; he did still have family that cared for him. Even if they were far away, sometimes you just needed their voice on the phone. He smiles and settles with his chicks for a while.

Night crept in on them again, pushing their parting date closer and closer...

The next few days passed in a blur. It felt like Al had barely blinked and now nearly the entire house stood outside, getting ready to leave. Ro stood, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from crying.

Al hadn't managed to eat much at all that day, but there was always later. Gil and he had done a bit of finagling in order to work out what to do for the chicks.

"Say goodbye sweetie," Molly said gently, hating how lost the girl looked without her puppy now - he had to be crated up for the plane just like the other 16 animals they were transporting. "We need to go soon."

Al grins warmly, fake of course but it looks real enough.

Ro took one look at it and burst, running over to hug him. "I changed my mind, I don't wanna go...!"

Al's face falters hugging back with a sigh.

Ro clung, hiccupping gently until Molly coaxed her off. "We need to go..."

"I'll try and come by as soon as I can.."

"Promise?" Ro whimpered, looking for all the world like Al was dying rather than she was moving.

Al smiles, a little sadder this time. "Promise."

Ro hugged him once more before forcing herself to let go. It looked like it actually hurt her to walk away from Al.

Al watched them go feeling a little empty. Now it was just him, Gil and the birds... And it was only a matter of time until they left too...

He sighs softly heading back inside.

The Eaglets cheeped softly, trying to clamber out of their nest to get to him.

He grins a little. They were still here for now. And they never looked happier to see him. He'd hold onto them as long as he could.

Kind of an abrupt ending but we were running out of ideas.. But it's completed! Next we get to go back and continue Recession Depression. It's a jump back to right after WWII so it's a direct sequel to Captured. No Ro, no one knows about Bear and Eagle, England is still in critical condition from The Blitz, and the twins are suffering from PTSD.