Warning! This is a bizarre crack idea my brain hatched! I think I'm getting addicted to mpreg.. Should I rate this chapter M? Blame Simply and her baby happy side RPs!

Al hums as he walks down the street to Arthur's. It was late spring and everything was starting to warm nicely, flower buds growing on bare trees. He would be visiting Ivan soon, both he and Matt often needed 'company' in the spring months. But for now he was visiting his father.

Arthur was waiting for him on the front porch, smiling warmly when he arrived.

Al grins. "Hey!"

"Alfred," he got up and hugged him tight. "Did you have a good flight?"

"Yeah it was fine." Unseen to the both of them was a coyote hiding in the bushes.

"That's wonderful," he smiled. "Oh, my roses have started budding, would you like to see?"

The coyote dashed off sneaking into the house. Al shrugs "Sure."

He smiled and lead him to the back of the house, Arthur's Yorkshire Terrier puppy wagging its tail from the porch swing.

The blondes chatted as they roamed the garden. Meanwhile the coyote trod down to the basement. It's form twisted and shifted till he stood a dark skinned man in a fur cloth, tail hanging off the back and a necklace of teeth and beads on his neck.

The basement was dank and cold, an odd smell mustering from a pile of twisted iron and soiled old pots. It was nothing spectacular.

Coyote turns his attention to the bottles on the shelves, searching through them for one suitable to his plan. They were all dusty and hard to read, but the purple one at the back looked promising. He grins uncorking it and putting in a few tweaks. He then steels upstairs and slips it into the teapot laughing a bit. He had been rather bored and wanted a bit of fun.

Just as he set the lid back on the pot, the blonds came back in. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

Coyote grins once more before fading into the wind.

Arthur came in, testing the side of the pot. "It's still warm."

"Sure sounds good." Al smiles sitting in the den.

Arthur poured him a cup, bringing it through.

"None for you?" Al smirks slightly.

"I had a cup before you came, I'm not thirsty."

Al chuckles taking a sip. They sit talking a bit more. Arthur ended up joining him for tea in the end, saying it smelled too good. They sit chatting some more. Coyote grins from the window, this was better than he hoped!

Soon, the pot was empty between them. Later in the day they go out for dinner before Al heads off for his plane. Arthur sat at home, fidgeting some. He felt... Odd.

Al got onto the plane feeling strange, all throughout the flight there was this burning shifting sensation in his gut that left him writhing, when he finally landed the pain had been replaced by need, he barely arrived at Ivan's house before pouncing on him. The next week was hazy, doing little more than forcing Ivan onto him hard and rough, so much so that he had to be carried around in his brief stages of clarity. He had had tough ruts before but never has it been to this level..

The sudden wave of lust was very worrying for the Russian. Exciting, but worrying...

Finally it seemed to pass, though Al had remained bed bound a few more days to recover. Ivan sat with him, just petting his hair at the moment. Al slept peacefully feeling full in a way he never had before, but it was satisfying as well.

The next morning came, Ivan bringing breakfast in bed. Al smiles at him as he came in.

"How are you feeling?" he smiled a sweet little smile.

"A lot better.. Sorry about that I dunno what happened.."

"It's okay, I'm just glad its over," he chuckled softly. "Are you still sore?"

"Not so much."

"I made you food," he handed him the tray, filled with breakfasty treats. Al smiles taking it, he was starving.

"Matthew called last night," he hummed idly. "You were already asleep. He wanted you to know your little friend is okay and she is very happy."

He smiles. "I should probably call him back." He wanted to know if he had ever had a session this bad..

"I can bring you the phone?"


He kissed him and slipped off, soon returning with the device. Al takes it from him dialing. It rang a few times before Matt picked up.

"Hey bro.."

"Hey, how's it going?"

"Um well I had a question for ya."

"What's up?"

Al turns to Ivan. "Could you give me a minute?"

"Of course," he smiled and left.

Al turns back to the phone. "I'm kinda worried.. The last week I hardly wanted to uh get outa bed.. I know spring is rough for us but I've never had it this intense before..."

"You too?" Matt frowned. "Gil had to come over, Ro nearly caught us...!"

"I dunno Matt something felt different this time.."

"It was more intense..."


"Then you just felt kinda full after...?"

"Yeah.. Come to think of it, I started feeling weird not to long after I left Dad's."

"I had mine just after you left... I was sat with my morning coffee then just... Libido.."

Al frowns softly.

"I finished a few days ago but I just feel bloated..."

"I did just yesterday." Al rubs his stomach absently not even realizing it.

"What do you think it means?"

"I dunno.. But something's wrong.."

"...It feels kinda right though..."


"It might go away soon... I mean... We went at it a lot..."


"Guess we have to wait and see..."

"Yeah.." They talk a little more before hanging up, the blonde curling up in the bed thoughtfully.

The sudden urge to, um...'breed' could be something as much as it could be nothing. They did get frustrated at times and neither of them had seen their partners in a while... He sighs closing his eyes to rest.

Another week passed and Al had gone home. But he still felt off, he had fish cravings more often and sometimes felt As if something shifted inside him. He often sat at home with his arms around his stomach for whatever reason.

Finally after another three weeks he called Matt again worried.

"Hey," Matt sounded tired and groggy.

"Mattie..?" He sounded so scared..

"Al, you okay...?"

"C-could you come over please..? I think something is wrong.."

"Which house are you in?"

"I'm in Virginia, bring your key too.."

"We'll be there soon, okay?"


Matt hung up, letting himself into Al's house an hour later. "Al?!"

The living room was empty but a call came from upstairs. Matt headed up, leaving Ro in the lounge with Kuma.

(I'm gonna say that gestation will be closer to human standards that's why it took a month rather than a week.) The bed frame was pushed against the wall, mattress lain on the floor and a thick nest of blankets built on top, Al sat wings wrapped around him and gripping something in his arms.

Matt stepped in, bundled in his warmest winter coat, fur trim pulled up around his neck. "Al...?"

Al glanced up to him fear in his eyes. The thing in his arms was his stomach, it looked swollen and painfully stretched. *I.. I think I'm nesting..* he was afraid to say it out loud, hell he didn't even know how it was possible..

Matt paled, eyes going wide. "I-I... Is that even possible?!"

"I..I don't know.. I can't eat much other than fish, I had this urge to do this.." He waved at the nest. "I..I can feel them in here.. Even if it was possible why do they feel like eggs..?!" He was panicking.

"Al, just calm down okay," Matt came over to him, kneeling by his nest. "I-It's gonna be okay... Have you spoken to Eagle about this?"

"Yeah.. But he's confused too.. Um Matt.."

"What's up...?"

"Y-your shirts wet.." There where six spots in total..

"What?" he frowned, opening his coat front a little more, seeing the six damp patches "What are...?"

Al groans softly clutching his stomach.

"Al, you okay...?"

"They've been moving the last few hours.. I.. I.. Dunno how I know but I think there's more than just eggs.."

"More...than eggs...?"

"I..I dunno.. It's like they're in one spot and something else is in another.." Coyote had been rather thorough to tweak him in particular in order for it to work..

"Do you want me to check?" Matt had spent a few years as a midwife, daft as it sounded. He liked knowing the youth of his country were in good hands.

Al nods nervously.

He got him to lay down and had a feel, definitely finding what seemed like separate chambers. "It feels like you might be right..."

"I'm scared.."

"I know..."

Al sits up hugging him and trembling. Matt clung back, trying not to panic at the mild expansion of his own stomach and his four new nipples...

They sat for a long time. Finally Al pulls back with a small groan. Matt watched him worried. The eggs had moved again but stopped. He was sure they were due soon..

"They're coming, aren't they...?"

Al whines worriedly. Kuma had finally had enough of waiting and come to look.

"No, come back Mr. Bear," Ro chased him up.

Kuma comes in pausing at the strange sight then growls softly.

She grabbed him then looked up, frowning. "Alfred...?"

Al looks up worriedly.

"Ro, I told you to wait downstairs!"

"I-I know, but... Mr. Bear r-ran off, I..."

"Coyote.." The bear growls..


"I smell Coyote magic.."

Matt turned back to Al to see if he understood any better than his own frazzled brain. He looks just as confused.. Matt turned back to Kuma, asking him to explain.

"Coyote is a perv, he did this for laughs.."

"Who is Coyote?"

"The trickster."

"Kuma, detail!"

Al groans again trembling.

Matt snapped back instantly. "Alfie...?"

He had curled into himself with a pained face, wings twitching in agitation.

"Shh," Matt pet his hair. "Try squatting, it might help."

*I feel wet..*

Matt froze for a moment then nodded. "Squat."

Al tried to shift, it all felt so weird to him. His pants were soaked in some pink ooze and he felt something pushing through him. *G-get Ro outa here please..?*

He nodded and all but threw the fae out, slamming the door in her face. *Take off your pants.*

Al wiggles out of them with a groan leaning against the wall.

Matt rubbed his back. *Deep breaths...*

*It hurts..* The first came lower, his muscles seemed to stretch impossibly wide.

*I know Al, but it's okay. You're okay...*

His body twitched as it neared the entrance, giving him the urge to push more.

*Deep breath and push, okay!*

A wet squelch and a white egg fell to the blankets below. It was unusually large, the size of a large soup can. His hips must have moved somehow to allow it out.

Matt regarded it professionally then nodded. *Can you feel any more?*

*Yeah..* The second was already coming.

*You're doing good...* Matt just sat beside him, coiling encouragement.

It took a good five minutes but it came without a problem, the third however got stuck.

*Stay calm, stay calm,* Matt cooed, shifting around. *I'll help...*

It stretched horribly but was also caught pressed against his prostate. The mixed signals causing him to shiver and moan. Matt slipped his fingers in, helping to ease it out.

"Ahh!" The pressure was frustrating, It wiggled a bit before sliding again. Matt went a little deeper, managing to get a firm enough grip to pull it out.

Al lay for a minute panting. The brief pleasure falling back into pain.

*Is that all of them...?*

Al shook his head, he felt more.

"Okay," he rubbed his back. "Just let it happen..."

The contractions continued for another half hour. Whatever it was they were dosed with it was potent.. The clutch ended up a total of five, two more than the natural maximum. Add that to the 'something else' and worry for Matt was abundant. Polar cubs usually are only twins or sometimes triplets..

Al lay on his side exhausted, arms wrapped around his significantly smaller stomach, though it still bulged slightly. He stared at the white orbs with confusion and fear, but also a smidge of pride.

Matt just sat, petting his brothers hair gently. "There we go..." Doting kept his mind off himself...

Al blinked sleepily. "Matt..?"


"What's gonna happen to them?"

"They're going to hatch?"

"Yeah.. But I just don't know if I can take good care of them... God what's Ivan gonna think?!"

"You've taken care of birds before. This shouldn't be too much different."

Al sighs reaching over and pulling the clutch to his warm body, they needed to get an incubator. "You should probably talk to Ro. She must be worried sick.." Al needed to rest.

"I kinda slammed the door in her face..." Matt frowned guiltily. "I'll talk to her then fix you some food... You need a meal after that."



"Could you call and check on Artie? If Coyote is screwing with us, and I was with him right before that... Heat..." He was reluctant to call it that but what else could it have been?

Matt paused and then nodded. "Okay..."

Al nods curling around his eggs and closing his eyes. Wing draping around to help trap heat. Matt went down and set about apologizing to Ro and calling Arthur. Al fell into a much needed sleep.

A few hours later, Matt returned to the nesting room with a good meal, as promised. "Alfie?"

Al shifts blinking up at him.

"Brought you dinner," he smiled warmly.

Al smiles weakly trying to sit up.

Matt helped, setting him up on a stack of pillows. "Here."

He sighs readjusting the clutch before taking the plate.

"Did you want me to see about getting you the incubator from my Alberta farm? Save you sitting with them constantly..."

"Yeah, it'd be best if it was constant... So how's Ro?"

"She was very upset... Sleeping now though..."

He frowns softly picking at his plate, did birth always make you this hungry?

"She wants to see you though... You scared her badly..."

"Sure." He smiles. "Um.. Did you call Dad..?"

"Yeah... I think he got the same..."

Al frowns worriedly, "Does France know?"

He nodded softly. "They had the same issues with heat and Arthur been... Yeah..."

He sighs. "If they call back tell them they're free to come over."

"I can leave them a message, if you want?"

He nods finishing the meal.

"Get some rest," Matt hummed, taking the plate. "I'll sort it."

"Ok.." Al settles back on the pillows watching him leave. He sits for a moment before picking up an egg and looking at it.

It was large and smooth, mainly white but with creamy speckles around the lower half. It was very pretty.

It was slightly larger than a normal eagle egg, but then again he shouldn't even be capable of making them.. "Just what are you going to look like..?"

Obviously the egg wouldn't answer... Logic would suggest it would be a bird... Al sighs softly petting it. Only time would tell how different it could be.