Morgan knows today is going to be just wonderful when her morning shower is interrupted by Dean and Sam arguing. Neither brother has been at all receptive to Sam being a psychic. Dean was all complete denial and Sam had looked at Jess like she was calling him the anti-Christ. Morgan had tried to logically explain the benefits to Dean, that hadn't worked so she tried to say how having those powers trained could protect Sam. That discussion lead to a massive argument which saw Morgan sleeping in the car for some separation.

Things were still a bit tense after that fumble and she couldn't help but think this fight was all her fault. Morgan stepped out of the shower far sooner than she usually would. Her new family fighting took all the pleasure out of the hot bath. Jess came back as she was getting dressed. She stopped just inside the door. You could cut the tension with a knife.

"What happened?" She asked. Dean was violently cleaning his weapons his back to Sam who was typing on his computer and Morgan was brushing her hair not saying a word.

"Nothing." Sam said in a clipped voice.

"Nothing?" Dean replied voice louder than needed. "You accused me of not wanting to find Dad."

"You don't seem to be trying very hard. That's why we joined you in the first place." Sam responded in anger.

Morgan stood silently and walked between them. Both boys looked at her. "I'm going home for a while. Come get me when you're in the neighborhood." Her voice was flat head bowed as she gripped her bag tighter.

Dean looked like he'd been sucker punched. "Morgan." He said reaching for her. She didn't stop or look back but walked out the door.

Jess sat down the food she'd be out getting when the original fight started. "I don't know what the hell is going on here but I want this petty shit to stop. Until you two grow up I'll be going with her." She grabbed her bag and marched out in anger.

Sam and Dean looked at each other deflated, all the fight was gone from them both.

Before they could reconcile Dean's phone went off. There was a text from their Dad. "Dad, he sent us coordinates."

Sam sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Give 'em to me."

Dean rattled off the numbers which Sam plugged into the computer. "Rockford. Illinois. Let's go. We'll get the girls right after."

Dean nodded. HE wanted to go get the girls right now. He didn't because making them stay for the case felt like he was trapping them both in this life. He knew he was a cluster fuck but both women were too good for this life. A dark part of him wanted to widen the gap, push them away, to keep them safe and out of danger. Dean just couldn't make himself do that.

The fight at the loony bin actually helped them. Having some of their issues be forced into the open was almost like drawing poison from a wound. They weren't back to normal yet but it was better than the cold tension since they left Lawrence.

A phone call from their dad changed that and reignited the fight. Ending with Sam walking out. He started hitch hiking to Sacramento while Dena was playing perfect little soldier boy.

Jess came into Morgan's room which she was sharing while at the girls house. "Somethings wrong."

"What is it?" She asked looking up from the book she was reading.

Jess wasn't the tech wiz Sam was but she was still pretty good. "I've been tracking their phones. Sam and Dean have split up. Sam's headed West and Dean East."

Morgan nodded marked her page and started packing. "Let's go see what happened to our men. I never expected them to do something stupid and wined up separated."

"This mess isn't your fault. Dean and Sam are just too macho. They can't get over themselves long enough to apologize."

Morgan chuckled dryly. "Sam's just worried about you getting killed and now with the psychic thing I bet he's thinking he's some kind of freak or monster."

Jess nodded "And Dean's scared his little brother will become as twisted and bitter as their father and that Sam might turn into something to hunt."

"We both know Dean could never hunt Sam and I think that might be part of the problem."

"Your probably right. We need to force them to sit down and have a real talk."

"But after we rescue them from whatever mess they're in now."

"Agreed." Jess finished slinging her bag on her back.

"Come on we can rent something to catch them in."

Jess nodded. Morgan rented a motorcycle while Jess took a little car. "Dean seems to have stopped at a place called Burkittsville in Indiana."

She hugged the smaller woman. "Thanks call me if he moves."

With another hug and a cheek kiss the two girls moved out.

Morgan rolled into the dinky little town several hours latter. She was worried and hungry so stopped for a bite to eat before hunting for Dean. The little dinner really did have the best freaking apple pie in the world. Living with Dean this long had broadened her palette when it came to desserts. She smiled into the plate of apple pie a 'la mode.

Once she was done and gone to pay she asked about Dean. Knowing he would have used a fake name she just asked if they had seen a man in a black impala. The response told a story Morgan didn't like hearing. They played innocent all but one girl who said he was annoying the customers and they had to ask him to leave town.

Being a quick thinker she rolled her eyes. And sighed heavily. "That's my stupid husband. Doesn't know how to tie his own shoes without pissing someone off."

"Your husband?" The older woman asked her fake concern sent shivers down Morgan's spine.

"Yes ma'am, high school sweet hearts." She lied easily, another skill nurtured by her time with the Winchesters. "But like with anything sweet over time it fades." She looked down as if she was heart broken.

"Oh you poor thing." The lady said. "We'll see if he's still in town and try to get you kids back together. Come along and I'll get you some tea while you tell me all about it."

Morgan was sure there was something weird in this town and playing the damsel in distress would hopefully lower their guard until she could find Dean and figure out what was going on.

Winding up in a cellar with Dean was not what she had been expecting. "As soon as we get out of here I am building up a tolerance for drugs." She said as she came awake with a screaming headache from the drugged tea.

"Morgan you're alright." Dean said holding her close. He'd had her head in his lap since she got here. "What the hell are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"Jess has been tracking you two in case there was trouble. When she saw you separated we decided to track you dumb asses down." Her eyes narrowed and she pointed her finger at him. "When we get out of this dam mess you better believe we are having a long talk. This bull you pullin' with Sam is gonna stop ya hear?" She had been slowly losing her temper and she thought on the issues and the fact that they were trapped without weapons in a cellar by a creepy old lady.

Dean looked down. Being locked in a cellar was a great opportunity to think. His reactions since Lawrence were all over the place he was lashing out at Sam hurting Morgan in the process. He'd do just about anything she asked to try and make it up to her. He knew he was stubborn and reckless, a flirt and childish but through all that she had stayed. She'd married him even knowing just what she was getting into. He couldn't promise he'd change but he'd try to be a man that she deserved.

Morgan watched his face. Being with Dean so long she'd learned how to read his eyes because he was very tight lipped. She kissed him tenderly. "I love you Dean Winchester and no force on heaven or earth will stop that. I will love you till the end of time. I want to help you Dean. That's all I want to do. Help you and keep you safe mind, body and soul. We will get through this we will kick that bitches ass and then Jess and I are going to chew you boys out for being difficult as herding cats."

Dean chuckled. He leaned their foreheads together. "No force on heaven, earth or even all the demons in hell. You can kick my ass any time you want as many times as I need so long as you're here to do it."

Just as their lips meet sweetly the door opens and the elderly couple are there.


Jess shoves the rental car into park and takes a deep breath. The long dive did very little to cool her temper. She was beyond tired of Sam and Dean's shit. Over the time with them she had grown to love Dean but she could ring his and Sam's necks for making her and Morgan worry so much. How they could be so stubborn was beyond her but this cold war was going to stop.

'As soon as they were both safe.' Her mind added as worry and fear warred with anger.

She sighed again before getting out of the car.

Jess couldn't help but smile as she walked in the door. Finding Sam in a crowd was never difficult. As she drew closer she saw the pretty young co-ed chatting with him. There was something about the girl that made her shiver. When the girl looked over the crowd Jess locked eyes with her for a second and her breath caught. There was something in her eyes that took Jess back to that night in her bedroom when she was almost killed.

Jess stumbled back and shook her head to keep panic from rising. Once she was calm Jess looked back to Sam and the girl. Only the girl was gone and Sam was standing alone.

"Sam." She called as she walked over to him.

"Jess? What are you doing here?" He asked her in confusion.

"Making sure you don't do anything stupid." She answered with a huff. "Why did you and Dean split up?"

Sam ran his fingers through his hair. "We got a message from Dad. He sent us a case but I tracked the call and he was in California. Dean wanted to play good little soldier and take the case. I wanted to go find Dad and help him kill the thing that killed mom and went after you." He looked at her pleading for her to understand.

Jess sighed and looked down. "Sam I understand. I want to kill the thing that attacked me too. I still have nightmares about Morgan not being there to save me. Sometimes I see you being the one home and me finding you dead," she confessed shoulders shaking lightly.

Sam wrapped his arms around her and let her cry on him.

"But Sam," Jess said into his chest, "I think this time Dean was right."

Sam gasped and looked down at her. Jess tilted her face up to meet his eyes.

"Morgan and Dean have been doing this for years while you were at school. Sam I know you are smart and strong but you are also out of practice and I knew nothing about this world until that night. Neither of us are ready to take that thing on. Your dad has been hunting it for decades and still hasn't caught it." She sighed and looked away. "What I'm saying is that I'm scared. Sam that thing terrifies me and I want it dead, but what if we attack now when we aren't ready and it kills one of us? I love you more than life Sam. I don't think I could live without you. I know Dean doesn't say it but I think him and Morgan feel the same. If one of them died I don't think the other would live very long. And if your Dad died trying to protect you two it would kill both of you. I saw that back in Lawrence. Both of you blame yourselves for your mother's death. It wasn't your fault Sam. Whatever that thing did to your Mom is not your fault. Some things are just evil Sam."

Sam took in her words looking down at her face. They were silent for a long while as Sam thought it over and Jess just enjoyed holding him.

"I lied." Sam said finally causing Jess to look back at his face curiously.

"Back in Oklahoma, I lied. There is one thing that scares me more than clowns," Sam smiled softly and Jess could see the love shining in his eyes, "losing you." He sighed and ran his had through his hair again. "I what Yellow-eyes gone so he can never hurt the people I love again. The thought of him being out there able to come after you at any time terrifies and enrages me." He sighed once more. "But you're right. No matter what I look for or what searches I do I can't even figure out what it really is much less how to kill it."

Jess smiled and kissed his cheek. "Sam I know it's frustrating. It frustrates me too, but I see every town and each hunt as getting a bit better and a bit stronger so that one day we can face the thing and kill it. I'll help you research and the moment we have a way to get rid of this thing we find it and head strait there guns blazing."

He chuckled squeezing her tight and kissing her lips. "Sounds like a plan."

"Now let's call Morgan and see what your idiot brother is into."

Sam shook his head and kissed her neck as Jess made the call.


As they were tied to one of the apple trees cussing the old couple Morgan's phone started to ring. The old woman searched her and pulled out the phone throwing it off into the trees where the faint sound of "I Love Rock and Roll" could still be heard.

Morgan let out a string of cusses that made all three people blush.

"You have a filthy mouth." The woman said shoving an apple between her lips as a gag

Morgan gave her a death glare around the fruit.

Dean looked between her, the woman and the phone. "I think she's going to kill you even though you're human. And I can't say I won't help."


Jess looked up at Sam when the call went to voice mail. "Somethings wrong." She told him. "Morgan isn't answering."

Sam frowned. "We should find them."

Jess nodded and they searched for their location to make sure the two hadn't moved. Once they had the GPS Sam and Jess headed to Dean and Morgan.


Once the tree was burning and the Scarecrow what defeated Morgan looked over to the dead couple.

"I'm not really sure what it says about me but I'm glad they're dead."

Dean shook his head. "I wouldn't have stopped you. We see a lot of messed up shit but those two... they were true monsters. Murdering people for apple pie."

Jess chuckled. "Was it at least good pie?"

"I don't know they wouldn't give me any."

Morgan smiled. "It was good pie but not mass murder good."

Sam shook his head as they headed back to the car.


AN: Sorry it's been forever. My muse was kidnapped by the evil responsibility and I had to rescue it.

Next time Dean, Sam and the girls will be having a talk that I thought should have happened after this episode.