Chapter 1

Magic is said to be able to cure all things, make fix any problem and be the answer to any solution. That is what many people thought of magic in the Wizarding world. As to them magic could do anything. But even in the present day times they never bothered to figure out just what magic was, and how it worked. To them the fact it did work was more than reason enough to leave it alone.

As such things would happen from time to time, that even the most learned Witches and Wizard would have a hard time explain. These events were normally rare and very fair in-between. The creation of the Dementor race was one of these things, the age old Deathly Hollows was another. And in the end they could only pass it off as something that was weird or strange even by their standers.

Now for the non-magical world, on the other hand would study and try to learn all about these events and maybe learn a way to replicate it or undo it. This was of course if the Magical world ever let on they even existed outside myth. This was not because the Magical world feared the non-magical, but rather than wanted to be left alone. But there were times when something would happen and the magical world would not be able to hide it.

In this case that event involved on very unfortunate boy. He was magical and he knew it very well, no matter if he aunt and uncle claimed otherwise, saying magic did not exist. He had teleported locations without reason, even grew back his hair over night, and a few other odd things here and there. But even if he believed or not held not important to him at the moment.

Harry Potter, the son of Lily and James Potter, or so he had learned, was currently lying in a bed as doctors rushed about him trying to keep his body from becoming infected. He and what had once been his so called family, had just been through a gas explosion which had destroyed the house he had been living in, at Number 4 Privet Drive.

His cousins, the Dursley had been sleeping upstairs and were killed in the blast. Harry, who had been sleeping in the cupboard under the stairs had been protected from the blast by the many walls between him and the kitchen. But even if the walls protected him, they soon proved to be just as much a danger as a safeguard. The house was quickly set ablaze and Harry, was forced to escape it or die before any fire services could arrive.

And escape he had, but not without many burns to his body. Which was now why the doctors were helping him the best he could, so that he might live on. Harry was not aware of this and would not for another week or so when he finally woke, covered in bandages and somehow still alive. The doctors then explained to him what had happened and what would happen now. He would be sent to an orphanage to live till someone could be found to take care of him.

It was on that night, as Harry watched the new Disney movie 'Frozen' that he would soon make a wish that would change his life, forever. He did not really understand much of the movie, but he enjoyed one aspect above all. Elsa, he saw what she had gone through, and kept willingly doing to keep her family safe. And to him that is what he wanted in his life someone to do that for him, someone who would do anything for him.

Sure it was selfish, but to a six year old kid who could never remember being loved once in his life, who could blame him. After all in the end, he did not wanting someone to stay away from him, but to be with him and care for him. It made sense in the weird way kids logic did to the kid.

And so as he glanced out the window he barely spied the first star of the night. How he was able to see it though the cities glow was a mystery unto itself, but still he saw it. It was at this point Harry made his wish. He wished for someone just like Elsa to watch over and be with him, and above all to be his family.

He did not expect it to work, after all he knew the movie was fiction. But even still, as he finished his wish and the star vanished behind a cloud he could not help but feel sad. Not that it had not worked, but he was making such a useless wish. But even as he carefully curled up on the bed and fell asleep his mind would not let go of it.

Little did Harry know his shear want and need, had effects that no one would expect. While the star did not have the power needed to grant this wish, Harry's own magic did. Now it was known in the Wizarding world that a kid with magic could have emotional outburst which caused their magic to flare. Either summoning something to them or sending it away, or even saving their life.

But the difference here was Harry's magic was much more powerful than a normal magical kid. It was also much more controlled as he had used it to help him more than once already. But it only acted on his emotions, and now it was acting again, it flowed out his body and began filling the room. It was a green color at first, but then began to turn blue as it drew back in towards him.

One by one the wraps around his body keeping the ointment on his body, and clean vanish, and the skin underneath revealed itself to be flawless. Soon Harry looked to be fully healed, but his he would soon find this was not so true. But the magic did not stop there as it began compacting and compressing down into a solid object. A body formed and was soon clothed sleeping next to Harry, cuddling up against him.

Harry was woken to the sound of yelling the next day, much to his surprise as he yawned and looked about to see what was going on. Only to be stopped as he tried to sit up by someone cuddling against him. It did not take him more than a minute to realize who was lying next to him and the source of all the confusion in the room. Elsa the queen, had appeared in his room and was currently lying against him looking just as confused as he was.

It took a while to figure everything out, but a lot had happened in the room overnight. One Harry had been healed fully outside his voice, which seemed to have been lost in place of healing the burns. Even his lighting shaped scar was no more, and the pain he had felt from it had vanished. The Doctors would look on this case for many years till magic finally came too late, as a medical act of God. And even then some would still think otherwise.

The Second big thing was Elsa, as she was soon named as she looked just like Elsa as a kid from the Frozen film. The doctors, detectives and about anyone else who looked into where she came from, could only come up with really one answer. She had just appeared. Elsa herself had no memory of where she had come from, or who she was. And any attempt to keep her away from Harry for more than a day was met with confusion as she would teleport back to him.

The camera's which had been watching Harry, had shorted out so there was no information to be found there. Harry who, was now learning Sign language was as confused as everyone else as where she came from. But he was more than happy to stay with her, and she was the same about being around him.

By the end of the second month of investigations, trials, and other processes. The courts and Hospital decided to just drop the case, till another lead came up. There was just no useful information, and the only one who might know anything about it did not have her memories. As such Harry Potter and Elsa Frost were sent to live together at the same Orphanage till a parent could be found to adopt them.

At the Orphanage they found the rather interesting ability Elsa had in the movie, had also passed to Elsa in real life. She would spend hours controlling it, testing it before making it all vanish in a moment's notice when the people charged with checking on them showed up. They found that Harry also seemed to be completely unaffected to the cold as was Elsa, though neither of them ever revealed while.

But the sad truth was their connection to each other made adoption rather hard for the pair to find a family. As most families were looking for only one kid, and those that were willing to take to, did not have the time needed to actually learn the needed Sign Language in order to communicate with Harry. But Harry and Elsa took this in stride and took comfort in each other, often by cuddling and sleeping in each other's bed at night.

This continued for almost four year before finally one day while eating lunch in their own room, an owl landed on the open window ledge and stuck out its leg. Tied to it were to letters. Elsa took them before handing Harry one. Reading them they were in for a little bit of a surprise when they learned they were invited to learn at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Elsa left at once and grabbed one of the people in charge and explained to them what had just happened. It took some convincing before they finally started believing it to be true. With their help they sent a return letter to ask for some aid in understand what was going on, as none of them understood much if anything about magic.

Instead of another letter being sent, someone showed up at the Orphanage. Professor Minerva McGonagall. With her help they set about learning about what they need for the Magical World, and what it would mean for their future. In turn she also learned some about them. She admitted their story, as told by Elsa, was something even her in all her magical experience had never had about before.

But none the less she helped them, and soon they were off with one their guardian's to Diagon Alley. To say the place was amazing to their parental guard was no surprise, but to Harry and Elsa it felt like they were coming home for the first time. They knew they had magical powers, they just never realized how many other people also had powers.

Their trip included a stop the wizard's bank Gringotts. Harry decided, and found out he could connect Elsa to his vault allowing her to be able to access as needed, since the Goblins that ran it where not the best at Sign Langue. In the end both groups agreed it was for the best. After this they got books, and snow owl that seemed to like Elsa, who they ended up calling Hedwig. Next stop was robes, before stopping by and getting the needed potion items.

They then made one last stop, Ollvander's Wand shop. This was saved as second to last as to make sure Harry and Elsa did not have a chance to mess with their wands too much. As they entered the shop they were met by Ollvander himself, the great, great grandson of the first wand maker.

"Harry Potter, I must say I have been wondering when you would walk through my door, and Miss Frost a pleasure," Ollvander said.

"Harry and Elsa are here for their wands I am sure you guess that though," Minerva said with a rather pointy tone.

"Of course, yes I remember back when you mother and father got their first wands," Ollvander said as he disappeared back into store.

They could hear him rambling on as he moved about before coming forward with a few wands, "Now remember the wand chooses the wizard kids. One wand to each witch or wizard, no one knows how or why a wand might pick a person, but they do. And that wand will be true to you for its life."

Harry nodded and carefully picked up the wand in front of him after Ollvander motioned for him to pick it up. A loud whistling sound was heard coming from the wand, causing Harry to drop it in shock.

Ollvander laughed, "Well it seems, Dragon's Heart strings are a bad mix with you Harry."

Elsa spoke Harry's unasked question, "What do you mean?"

"Well each wand is made of two elements, a magical wood. And a Magical core, normally a Dragons Heart string, Unicorn tail hair, or a Phoenix feather. These are tester wands I use to check and see just how compatible a witch or wizard is to a core. Helps me and you find your wands faster, if I know which cores to check and which not to," Ollvander said.

Elsa nodded and picked up the center wand and got a few bubbles to pop out of it.

"Very good, it seems Phoenix feathers will match you," Ollvander said as Harry soon found out the same for himself.

They then set to work on finding Harry's wand, Elsa followed right behind trying wands after they had rejected Harry. Soon the two chairs that were in the front lobby were covered in wands. But still Ollvander never slowed his search. It seemed if anything he was getting happier as he came back with still more wands for them to try.

Then finally Ollvander came back with but one wand, and had a weird look about him, carefully he handed it to Harry. The affect was instant as Harry felt a weird warmth coming from the wand before it gave out a soft shower of golden, and blue sparks. Harry gave a little dance of joy as Ollvander smiled saying that was Harry's wand, but when Harry handed his wand to Elsa to let her see his smiled turned to a frown mixed with shock as the wand replicated what it had just done with Harry.

"Curious," Ollvander said before carefully taking the wand back and studding it closely.

"What is it," their Guardian asked.

"A wand will never have to masters, never. It is true a Wizard can have more than one wand willing to serve him, but never the other way around. For this to happen would mean…"Ollvander began explaining than stopped as he looked at Harry and Elsa closely as if truly seeing them for the first time.

"What does it mean," Elsa asked.

"To put it simply the core of your magic is the same in all aspects," Ollvander said.

"Surely you're joking, a wizard's magical core cannot be the same as another," Minerva said.

"Yet the wand believe them both to be it master," Ollvander countered.

"A little help for those without knowledge of magic," Harry signed but Elsa said.

"Think of it like this. No to people are completely alike, as their past, how they look, and other things stand them apart, even twins though they may look similar are still different. But to this wand it appears as if everything about you is the same," Ollvander explained.

"So… what now then?" Elsa asked.

"Well we shall have to find you both another wand, though I am running out of wands to pick from," Ollvander said with a rather weird look about him.

They worked through the last of the wands in short order, but nothing would work for Harry or Elsa. Harry asked if Elsa and he could just share the wand at Hogwarts, but McGonagall said it would not be a good idea as they would need the wand for many projects and spells and without each of them having access to the wand it would severely limit their progress. And that was added onto the fact Harry would have a hard time with spells without his voice.

"What if we make two wands that are made just for us?" Elsa asked.

"How so," Ollvander asked.

"Well as you said a wand chooses the wizard, well what if we make a wand that would choose us anyway kind of make it choose us I guess," Elsa said.

"You cannot force a wand to choose you, but I see where you are going and I must say I like the idea," Ollvander said, "But I will need some help from the both of you. First I need a two strands of hair, and then a need core item, and then a type of wood."

"Could we use a feather from Hedwig," Elsa asked.

"Sure why not, we are going into new territory here so fate will favor the bold," Ollvander said before drawing out his own wand.

Carefully he collected the needed materials before disappearing into the back with them. Minerva shook her head, muttering something about crazy people. In much less time than expect Ollvander returned with a small board with two wands sitting on it. Both wands looked the completely same, about 9 inches in length and both seemed to draw Harry and Elsa forward a step or two.

"Okay both of you try them out," Ollvander said.

Harry nodded and picked up one, like before he felt a warmth pass through his fingers but this one felt even more powerful than the last. A shower of shiver and blue sparks shot out from the wand, bigger than the one before it. Elsa picked up her wand and matched Harry's own. They then traded wands and got the same results.

"Prefect," Ollvander said, "They will work for you rather well."

Harry nodded handing the wand back as did Elsa, before Elsa asked, "Can we get the other wand or should we just leave it here."

"This wand," Ollvander said looking at the wand that had worked for them before now, "Take it if you wish, it has chosen its master and will not chose another."

Harry nodded, and soon they were off to the last stop, getting a trunk for all their things. Harry suggested getting one trunk, with three large compartment, which could expand to fit their needs. But McGonagall shot that down saying that the doors had separate sleeping area for guys and girl. Elsa pointed out that she always seemed to teleport to Harry in her sleep anyway as such this would make a slight problem.

A small argument broke out over this while Elsa set about getting things for Harry and herself. She got to hand bags designs for girls that could hold a lot and still feel like they were empty, with an expansion charm on the inside for extra space. Elsa knew Harry would not mind the hand bag, as it was for function not fashion. Plus she got in a more male like look for him.

She then moved over to the trunks. She picked out two trunks, each with three compartment, which could be chosen with a key and a charm to make them lighter. This was they would not have to worry about staying in different rooms if it really came down to that. Elsa was on Harry's side in this matter there was no reason for them to be apart, after all they had been together for nearly four years now why change that.

But it was not her choice but the current Headmasters, and by the time Harry and McGonagall had finished their little fight, with the help of their Guardian who was translating for McGonagall. Elsa had gotten everything figure out and came back over with the two trunks and hand bags. Harry smiled and gave Elsa a hug and a nod of thanks.

At this point that went back to the Orphanage and were given their tickets to the train that would take them to Hogwarts. McGonagall also told them how to get on to the platform itself, which could be a bit tricky for first timers.

For the rest of the short summer, nothing much happened other than Harry given Elsa her birthday present. He had gone with his Orphanage Guardian back to Diagon Alley, and have a special toy made just for Elsa. It was a small stuffed animal, designed to look just like Toothless the dragon from the 'How to Train Your Dragon' films. Though this one had both tail fins. Harry also had the toy enchanted in the Alley so it could 'live' and interact with the world around it.

Elsa thought it was perfect, and while her gift to Harry was nowhere near as amazing her sowing skills had helped her make a nice shirt for him. On it was carefully stitched their names inside a large heart. They enjoyed the little bit of cake and ice-cream they were allowed to have as to not rune their dinner. To them it was one of their best birthdays yet.

Finally came the day when they had to leave for school. They packed their trunks before saying goodbye and good luck to their few friends at the Orphanage before they were off. The trip was short one to King's Cross Station. And once they had gotten onto the platform, and safely onto the Hogwarts Express, their Guardian bid them good luck and goodbye.

They waited a while, closing the compartment door, and finally when the train started moving they could not give a small jump for joy. They were off on their first real adventure, Toothless seemed to pick up on the excitement and jumped about the seats. Once the train was out of the station they settled into their chairs, before quietly talking amongst themselves, never realizing that their first magical friend was walking down the passage way towards them in search of a toad a boy had lost.