Disclaimer: Love's Melody Lost is a copy of a story with the same title by Radclyffe and only some minor things and the character names have been changed along with minor characteristics to fit MSLN characters. This is an adaptation of the book and I do not own the plot or the characters of Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha.

Love's Melody Lost

Chapter Twenty-one

"What time will the car be here, dear?" Lindy asked anxiously for the third time since Nanoha had arrived home early from work.

"Five-thirty." Nanoha replied with a smile.

"My goodness, its one o'clock! I'd better get ready!"

"You have plenty of time you'll end up waiting," Nanoha suggested as if it would make a difference.

"I've been waiting nearly fifteen years for this a few hours is nothing! I still think we should take the Bentley. Fate always went to a performance in the Bentley!"

"I know, Lindy," Nanoha said patiently. "But Fate wanted it this way."

"Well, I guess it will be all right then," Lindy relented. Then she continued with concern, "You did interview the chauffeur?"

Nanoha laughed. "I did, and it's a woman. She understands exactly what we need. It will be perfect."

"And you double checked that the invitations went out for the reception? I could have done that, you know. I always did that before."

"I know," Nanoha replied gently, "and I would have been lost without your help this time. I know they arrived, because Arisa got hers. It was more important that you look after Fate."

Nanoha was nearly as anxious as Lindy, and she desperately needed to see Fate.

"Now, where is she?"

"She's upstairs in the master suite. Vice brought your gown and her suit. I had them sent up."

"Good. How does she seem?"

"Calm. She slept late, she didn't even practice. She rarely did the day of a performance. The barber has come and gone. Oh, I do hope it goes well! This is so important to her!"

"Lindy," Nanoha reminded her with conviction, "this is what Fate was born for. Don't worry, she'll be magnificent."

"You believe that, don't you?"

"Absolutely. I know it."

"I give thanks every day that you came to us," Lindy whispered, tears in her eyes.

Nanoha hugged her. "No more than I."

She entered their bedroom to find her lover reclining in one of the chairs before the open window. She was in a black silk dressing jacket, looking impossibly relaxed. And impossibly beautiful. In repose, her features always reminded Nanoha of a classical sculpture cool, remote, elegantly refined. It was the same handsome face that looked back at her from the posters all over the city announcing Fate's concert that night. Nanoha admired her from a distance before Fate's expression softened with recognition at the sound of her step on the parquet floor.

"Hello, my love," Fate called softly.

"Hello, darling. What were you just thinking of?"

Fate looked surprised. "The music."

Nanoha settled onto the arm of Fate's chair, resting her fingers in the thick hair at the base of Fate's neck. She leaned to give her a swift kiss.

"I should have guessed."

"Why?" Fate asked, pulling Nanoha down into her lap.

"Because you looked like you were lost somewhere, somewhere no one can follow."

"Does that bother you?" Fate murmured as her lips sought the sensitive spot beneath Nanoha's ear.

"It might," Nanoha breathed as she turned her lips to Fate's.

The kiss deepened, and soon they were both gasping. Nanoha's head felt light and her body burned.

"If I couldn't call you back to me," she said, her voice husky with desire.

Fate got to her feet, pulling Nanoha up into her arms.

"You can always call me back," she whispered against the warm skin of Nanoha's neck. "Because I am yours."

With one hand she held Nanoha close, with the other she parted the front of Nanoha's blouse, slipping her hand inside to cup her breast.

Nanoha groaned, feeling the length of Fate's naked thigh pressing against her.

"Fate, stop we can't - you need to get ready."

She gasped as Fate's hand dropped lower, finding her rising heat.

"Oh no – that's not fair! You make me want you so much!"

Fate laughed, pulling Nanoha toward the bed.

"Don't you know I've been waiting all morning for this? You are the only thing I need right now.

"Is that some sort of pre-performance ritual?" Nanoha asked as she toweled off from the shower.

Fate's lovemaking was always a reflection of her emotional state, and this time she had been explosively intense, consuming in her hunger.

Fate grinned. "Now there's an idea. It certainly could be arranged."

"It did wonders for my nerves," Nanoha said with a smile. "How are yours?"

Fate held out a perfectly steady hand as her grin deepened. "Where are the studs for my shirt?"

"On your dresser just to the right of your brushes."

Nanoha watched the graceful fingers expertly fit the small mother-of-pearl studs through the holes in the starched formal shirt the same fingers that just an hour ago had claimed her, relentlessly, until they had drawn the last trembling shudders from her body.

"You're watching me," Fate remarked, reaching for the white silk tie.

She turned the length of it in her fingers, orienting it so she could tie it. Nanoha laughed softly, drawing the delicate fabric into her hands, reaching up to fit it around her lover's neck.

"Was I doing that wrong?" Fate asked, her face puzzled.

"You never do anything wrong," Nanoha admonished gently. "I'm doing it because it pleases me to do it." She finished the knot and brushed a kiss across Fate's lips. "I love you and I'm so proud of you."

Fate returned the kiss, her expression serious.

"I love you with all my heart. Now, tell me about your dress. I want to have a picture of you in my mind tonight."

Nanoha stepped away, lifting the flowing fabric from the hanger, settling it over her body.

"Why don't you come see for yourself," she teased.

A faint smile flickered at the corner of Fate's fine mouth. No one in her life could command her the way Nanoha did.

"All right."

She crossed to Nanoha, who stood still as Fate gently traced the material that fell from her shoulders, following the lines along her bodice and down to her waist. Her exploring touch rekindled the fire in Nanoha's body, and Nanoha battled the urge to draw those gently stroking fingers to her again. They absolutely did not have time for this now!

"And the color?" Fate murmured huskily, her hands resting on Nanoha's hips.

"Midnight on a clear night in October," Nanoha managed, sliding her arms around Fate's neck.

Fate nodded, holding her close. "Beautiful."

Nanoha touched a finger to her own lips, then to Fate's. "Thank you.

They rode in silence to the symphony hall. Nanoha's hand rested gently in Fate's. Fate's hand was warm and steady. As they slowed to glide up to the curb, Nanoha glanced out the window.

"Tell me," Fate said calmly.

"There are a lot of people quite a number of photographers. The sidewalk is roped off, though."

"How far?" came the quiet question.

"The same distance as from our front door to your music room. Four steps up then five steps to the door. Teana is waiting back stage in your dressing room."

Fate didn't ask how Nanoha knew the precise distance Fate would have to travel in front of a curious crowd, a walk she had taken so many times before, but never in darkness. Nanoha didn't tell her she had been there the day before just to be certain. Nanoha couldn't even begin to imagine how difficult this first public appearance since the accident must be for Fate. She wanted to make it as easy as she could for her. She squeezed Fate's hand reassuringly.

"Thank you," Fate said softly, knowing instinctively what Nanoha had done.

"You can do this easily by yourself, Fate."

"Yes," Fate said as she pushed the limo door open, stepping out to a barrage of camera flashes and a cacophony of voices calling to her

"Ms. Testarossa! Meistrin! Over here!"

Oblivious to the demands of the crowd, she reached down and handed Nanoha from the car, tucking Nanoha's hand firmly into the curve of her arm.

"But I don't have to do it alone any longer, do I?" she whispered to Nanoha as they turned and began the walk Fate was born to make.

The concert hall was filled to capacity. The news of Fate's return to the concert stage had created a stir in the music world, and her performance was eagerly awaited. Nanoha sat with Lindy, trying to quell her nerves. They were in the VIP box to the left of the stage, seats that were situated so one could watch the pianist's hands on the keyboard. Shortly after they were seated a young usher approached, a bouquet of long-stemmed white roses in his arms. He stopped before Nanoha, saying,

"For you, madam."

Nanoha cradled the flowers, opening the card with trembling hands. In Fate's bold hand the message read,

"You are my strength and my inspiration.

You are my heart.

All the music is for you.

Yours eternally, Fate."

"Oh, Fate," she murmured, tears suddenly wetting her cheeks.

"Are you all right, dear?" Lindy asked in concern.

Nanoha took her hand, squeezing it gently while she tried to contain her tears.

"When I think that I could have lost her - that we all might have lost her. Oh, Lindy!"

Lindy patted her hand reassuringly.

"You needn't worry, Nanoha. She's stronger for having you than ever she was before the accident."

The house lights dimmed and suddenly Fate was on stage - tall, elegant, perfectly composed. She bowed once in acknowledgement to the orchestra and the audience, then settled herself before the piano as if she had never been away.

Nanoha watched the slender form bend to the strains of the music that filled the hall; a refrain that carried all the beauty and tender passion of Fate's heart to those who listened. At last she witnessed what she had only imagined from faded images in a dusty scrapbook. Alone in the muted spotlight, center stage, the impresario gifted them with her genius. The audience was on its feet just as the last notes faded away, strewing the stage with flowers, welcoming Fate home. Fate stood to acknowledge the applause, turning toward the seats where she knew Nanoha sat. She bowed first to her, one hand to her heart, offering her thanks. Through her tears, Nanoha looked into the burgundy eyes that she knew could see into her very soul.

When finally the ovation began to abate, Fate left the stage, and found herself immediately surrounded by people requesting a statement or an interview. A hand unobtrusively took her elbow, steadying her in the jostling crowd.

"Let's get back to your dressing room," Teana suggested.

She had been waiting offstage at Nanoha's request. They both knew what would happen the moment Fate appeared in the wings. There would be no way for her to orient herself there, especially when she would be exhausted from the rigors of her performance.

"Where is Nanoha?" Fate asked immediately, grateful for Teana's presence in the demanding press of people.

"She's coming," Teana replied grimly as she shouldered a path through a throng of reporters and fans.

The crowd was at a fever pitch of excitement, everyone wanting to get to Fate, pushing forward despite the security peoples best efforts. It was worse than Teana expected, and she was beginning to fear for Fate's safety. Suddenly the hallway in front of them began to clear as Nanoha's vehement voice rang out,

"You will all have a chance to speak with her at the reception - and not until then! Now if you'll just give us a moment alone, please."

And then she was there.

"Thank you, Teana," Nanoha said quietly as she stepped up to Fate, not caring that dozens of people surrounded them.

She reached for Fate's hand and brought it gently to her lips.

"Hello darling."

Fate lifted her free hand to Nanoha's cheek. It was still moist with tears.

"Hello my love."

She drew Nanoha gently near and rested her forehead against Nanoha's hair. She closed her eyes with a sigh.

"Were you pleased?" Fate asked at last.

"Much more than pleased," Nanoha answered. "The only thing in this world I love more than your music is you."

She stepped back with effort, for all she wanted to do was hold onto her. Fate's jacket and shirt were soaked with sweat, and for the first time all day, her hands trembled. Nanoha slipped an arm about her waist.

"Let's get you out of here," Nanoha said, looking over her shoulder at the amazingly quiet group in the corridor. "Teana, tell them ten minutes please."

When the door finally closed behind them, Nanoha drew off Fate's coat and loosened her tie.

"You needn't do that, Nanoha," Fate protested when Nanoha began pulling the studs from her shirt.

"Fate, hush," Nanoha said in exasperation. "I'll give you up to the demands of your music when I must, but not for one minute longer. You need a dry shirt and jacket if you're going to the reception."

She brushed the damp hair back from Fate's face with concern.

"Are you up to it? Because I'll just tell them all to be damned if you're too tired."

Fate grasped her hands. "I'm fine. And I would appreciate a dry shirt very much."

"Thank you for the flowers," Nanoha said softly as she fitted the diamond cufflinks into Fate's sleeves. "You make me feel so loved."

"I couldn't do this - any of this, without you," Fate murmured, exhausted from her performance. "I'll never be able to tell you how much I love you - "

"You don't have to tell me," Nanoha whispered, "I can see it in your face, and in the way you touch me, and in the music that you write."

She paused her ministrations to slide her fingers into Fate's hair, pulling her head down for a kiss. After a moment she said gently,

"Now stand still so I can fix this tie."

As Nanoha straightened her tie, Fate asked quietly,

"Will you be all right in there? There are likely to be questions - about us. There was always speculation about Shari."

"If they don't know after my little scene in the hall, they never will," Nanoha laughed tightly.

She hated to be reminded that once Shari had shared moments like these with Fate. She still grew angry whenever she remembered the kiss she had witnessed in the library.

"And I couldn't give a damn about their questions. There - now you are your handsome self. Let's go finish your duties so I can take you home."

Arisa maneuvered through the crush of people toward Nanoha. She had been trying unsuccessfully to catch Nanoha's attention since she entered with Fate. Arisa soon realized that would be impossible. Even though Nanoha was separated from Fate by a roomful of people, she managed to carry on polite conversation while never taking her eyes off her tall lover. Arisa knew how frightened Nanoha had been by Fate's recent illness, and she doubted that anything would distract her from her ever vigilant watch over her now. The instant Fate arrived; she was surrounded and swept away by luminaries from the music community and the ever-present press. In a throng like this she was quite helpless to fend off anyone who wanted her attention. Fate looked calm and remotely detached, but Arisa could imagine the effort it required for her to satisfy the escalating demands of those gathered about her. And she was quite sure that Nanoha had no intention of allowing Fate to be inundated like this for long.

"Thanks for the invitation to the reception," Arisa managed when at last she reached Nanoha's side. She slipped her arm around the pretty purple-head at her side. "Nanoha, this is Suzuka Tsukimura. Suzuka is a music instructor at UMass, as well as - well, my - "

"Girlfriend," Suzuka finished for her with a kilowatt smile.

Nanoha smiled with true pleasure, offering her hand.

"It sounds trite to say I've heard a lot about you, but I'm glad to have finally met you."

"And I you," Suzuka responded. "I guess I don't need to tell you how exciting this is, to have Fate Testarossa performing again. She's wonderful!"

"Isn't she," Nanoha responded, her eyes returning to where Fate stood.

At that moment she was in deep conversation with the governor, who appeared to be as enchanted with her as everyone else in the room.

"Even I can say that without prejudice," she laughed softly. "I'm so glad you both could come. Arisa has had to excuse my distractibility a good deal lately. I've been more anxious than Fate!"

"It sounds like you didn't need to be! From what I'm hearing around the room, she's even better than before! I don't know how that's possible, but I've never heard anyone like her."

"Yes," Nanoha said simply. "And I think she's probably worked enough for one night. Will you excuse me while I attempt a rescue?"

Before she could move away, a reporter blocked her path.

"Ms. Takamachi, is it true that you are Fate Testarossa's lover?" he asked bluntly.

Nanoha appraised him coolly, leaning forward slightly to read the name on the press card pinned to his lapel.

"Mr. Grangeitz," she replied calmly, "Fate Testarossa is inarguably one of the greatest artists of this century. I would think that fact alone would offer much more of interest to your readers than speculation about her personal life."

"Am I to take it then that you deny any intimate relationship with her?" he persisted, a smug grin on his face.

"There is nothing about my relationship with Fate I would deny," Nanoha answered firmly, "least of all my love."

"And is it also true that Shario Finieno – Lowran was once her lover as well?"

Nanoha fixed him with a steely stare.

"You would have to ask Mrs. Finieno – Lowran about their past relationship."

She pointedly turned her back, determined not to reveal her wrath at the mention of Shari. Would she never be done hearing of her?! As Nanoha made her way slowly across the large room, Fate was approached by yet another admirer. From where she was, Nanoha could only watch, anger combining with an unexpected surge of possessiveness.

"Hello, darling," a sultry voice beside Fate murmured as a hand trailed down her arm in a flagrant caress.

Fate turned to the woman beside her, lifting the hand from her sleeve with a slight bow.

"Hello, Shari," Fate said neutrally.

"You were magnificent, as usual!" Shari purred,

Stepping close enough for Fate to catch the scent of her perfume. Her breasts lightly grazed Fate's chest.

"Thank you," Fate replied, raising her head, casting a glance about the room.

Her eyes fell so unerringly on her lover in the midst of the crowd; anyone looking at her would have sworn that she could see. Fate relaxed perceptibly when she sensed an answering gaze upon her face.

"Why so formal, darling," Shari admonished,

Taking advantage of the crush of people to move closer still. She toyed with a stud on the front of Fate's shirt.

"As I recall, you used to rather like my presence after a performance. As a matter of fact you were quite demanding about your requirements. I remember you could barely wait to get me alone. Not that I minded of course. You were always at your best after a concert." As she spoke, she curled her fingers ever so slightly under the waistband of Fate's trousers.

"That was a long time ago," Nanoha said succinctly as she stepped to Fate's side, taking Fate's hand in hers, forcing Shari back a step. Fate laced her fingers gently through Nanoha's.

"Things are very different for Fate now," Nanoha continued, furious at Shari's suggestive remarks, but struggling for calm.

This was no place for a scene, as dearly as she would like to make it clear that Shari had no rights to Fate any longer.

"But some things never change, do they Fate?" Shari questioned softly, her eyes on Fate's face, ignoring Nanoha entirely.

Necessity had made her bold. If she were to reclaim Fate, it would have to be here, now, on the stage she had always shared with Fate.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten what it was like, darling -adored by everyone, - the celebrity, the excitement, the lovemaking – don't expect me to believe you've forgotten that! I haven't forgotten, I could never forget! We could have it all again, Fate - just as it was, the two of us. You could have everything you ever wanted."

Fate tightened her hold on Nanoha, drawing her close against her side.

"I already have everything I want - more than I ever dreamed possible. More than I deserve. What we had is over Shari. I have everything I need right here. Now, if you'll excuse us, I'd like Nanoha to take me home."

"I had the limo brought around back," Nanoha said as Shari stared after them in shock. "Just turn around and we can sneak out."

When they were settled at last in the expansive rear seat of the stretch limo, Lindy happily directing the chauffeur from her seat up front beyond the smoked-glass partition,

Fate spoke quietly. "I'm terribly sorry about Shari. I had no idea she would be there."

"I doubt there's any event where Shario Finieno – Lowran is not invited," Nanoha said acerbically, reminding herself of her resolution to remain calm. She failed. "God, I hate the way she touches you! She acts like she owns you!"

"Well, she doesn't. And she hasn't for a long time," Fate responded gently.

"Well I wish someone would tell her that!" Nanoha railed.

Fate raised an eyebrow. "I thought I just did," she said dryly.

Nanoha stared at her imperious lover, struggling to hold onto her anger. Helplessly, she laughed, moving closer to drape an arm around Fate's body.

"Yes, you did."

In a calmer light she knew she would only pity Shari and her desperate attempt to renew her affair with Fate, but at the moment she was still stinging from the sight of Shari openly caressing her lover! She was a good deal less than rational where Fate was concerned, and not above making her claim very clear. She slipped a hand along the inside of Fate's thigh, smiling as Fate gasped at the light caress.

"Was she serious about the effect a performance has on you?" she asked innocently, very aware of the tension in Fate's body.

"Yes," Fate said tightly as Nanoha's hand strayed higher.

It would be useless to deny it; Nanoha could read her responses too well. She pressed back against the seat, torn between wanting Nanoha's touch to continue and trying to save some semblance of control.

"Now that's something you might have mentioned," Nanoha remarked as her fingers pressed a particularly sensitive spot, rubbing the faint prominence through the fabric. Her pulse hammered as she felt Fate shudder.

"Nanoha," Fate warned unconvincingly, struggling to maintain her composure. They were in a limousine, for Gods sake!

"Definitely an unexpected benefit," Nanoha mused as if Fate hadn't spoken.

She tormented her by touching her with no particular rhythm, moving away when she felt Fate's breath quicken. She wanted to be sure she had Fate's full attention.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Nanoha inquired as if asking the time, returning to the spot that caused Fate to quiver.

Fate groaned softly.

"It wasn't foremost in my mind," she managed to gasp, completely under Nanoha's spell.

She reached for Nanoha's hand, holding it to her, urging her to continue.

"Ahh - god - "

"Is it now?" Nanoha questioned, increasing the pressure of her hand slightly.

Fate moaned, a low strangled plea. Nanoha knew just how close Fate was to coming - she knew, and she pushed a little harder, grasping her between her fingers. Fate shivered involuntarily, trembling in Nanoha's embrace.

"Yes," she whispered, "please don't stop."

"Oh, I don't intend to stop," Nanoha breathed into her ear, easing her fingers away slightly, "not ever. But since I'm conducting this particular piece, you'll have to wait until we get home for the finale."

"Ah Jesus," Fate rasped, her voice catching. "Is that a promise? Because you're killing me."

Nanoha held Fate fiercely, her lips urgent against her skin.

"As I am yours, so are you mine. That's a pledge, and a promise, my darling."

The End

A/N: I would like to say "Thank You" to everyone for being with me through this story… Your comments and messages had been a great help and had made me really happy… Even though this story isn't mine, seeing you like it the same way I did really made me smile… Feel free to leave some comments or suggestions. Thank you... :)