I mean, this was inevitable right? So meta because I had to. Remember, it's irreverent because it's House. I, of course, think all the money being donated to help find a cure for a horrific disease is a wonderful thing.

Coming to you live from an undisclosed location, this is Dr. Gregory House. I have been challenged to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge by Dr. Allison Cameron because she still believes my heart is made of pure gold and I desperately want to do nothing but hug kittens and cry during sex, even in death. Well lucky for her, I am decidedly not dead. You still don't stand a chance with me Cameron. Sorry.

Now, the ALS bucket challenge was designed by some very smart people aimed to target idiots. Thus explains the craze. To avoid public humiliation you must donate to an ALS charity. Unfortunately, so many people today will literally do anything for a chance to be viewed by 15 people on YouTube and be completely forgotten 3 hours later. But, in the name of the game, I have been challenged and never let it be said that Gregory House does not live up to a challenge.

Since I'm 'dead', I don't really have the option of just donating the money online. No credit cards. Conversely, no credit card companies constantly calling your phone. But I digress. So public humiliation it is. Not that it bothers me. If you think I'm scared of public shame, you obviously haven't seen the second half of season seven.

Because I'm a doctor, or at least used to be, I feel like this is the time where I give you a background on the disease. It's a progressive neurodegenerative disease that attacks nerve cells in the brain. Blah Blah Blah. Horrible disease, but it's very easy to diagnose, no treatment. Therefore, very boring to me.

A more troubling disease that I would like to bring your attention to is HWS or Horrible Writer's Syndrome. This is a very common disease among long-running television shows and is highly contagious. Typical symptoms of this disease include complete change of main characters' personalities, reverting to writing 'jokes' at an 8-year old level, and forgetting basic human knowledge. An example of this might be thinking that fingerpints on a piece of paper would definitely still be traceable after being submerged in water for hours. This is a fatal disease and has killed many quality television shows. While there probably is not a foundation set up for this, I haven't lost all faith in humanity, just most of it. Together, we can beat this.

Alright, let's do this. If my lovely assistant would do the honors.

*Pours bucket of ice water over his head*

*Immediately looks even more sexy than he already is*

I now challenge Dr. Eric Foreman who has never done anything fun in his entire life and Dr. Chris Taub. Mainly because I'm wondering if they make buckets small enough for him so that he won't drown.

Lastly, I would like to thank a couple people for helping me out today. My cameraman and cancer-free best friend, Dr. James Wilson and the hottest bucket pourer in existence, my girlfriend, Dr. Lisa Cuddy. Does this seem unusual to you? I mean, when you last saw me, Wilson had like 5 months left to live and Cuddy never wanted to see me again. As it so happens, when the writers of your show have been diagnosed with HWS, you can retcon the show however you want. Since I didn't want my best friend to die, I brought him back. Luckily for us, it was just a benign tumor that I removed on a Tuesday. He was 100% by Wednesday afternoon. Also, I didn't really drive a car through Cuddy's house. It was a hallucination. Turns out, the writers reallllly loved those. Yeah, Cuddy and I never broke up and never will. Sorry again, Cameron.

This is Dr. House signing out - have a pleasant day and don't be a moron.