I'm sorry if there are mistakes in this. My head is slightly woolly due to a cold.

The thunk on the back of his head was slightly unexpected. He was fortunate that his body had recognised the danger before his mind had, moving slightly forward so the blow was only glancing, sending him sprawling instead of knocking him out. His head was still pounding but at least he had his whits about him. Blinking up in the guise of trying to come around he found his next opponent stood over him, clearly the person who attacked him. Rage filled him, momentarily blurring his vision. Ok, yes he'd attacked people from behind before, but he was a spy! This was a tournament. The idea was to follow the rules! Seeing through the red mist as he'd done ever since the Berserker staff incident he watched as the assailant loomed over him. Analysing his body Ward understood that he was preparing himself to attack. If he were taken out then this guy would win the tournament and marry Skye. That wasn't happen on his watch! Even if she wouldn't be Skye really if what Coulson said was true then it was one of her past lives. With this guy she wouldn't be safe. His job was to keep people safe. No one would be safe married to that guy.

Jumping up and hitting him wouldn't be smart though. The guy had several pounds on him, plus he was wearing armour. If he had his sword it would be relatively simple but he'd fallen in such a way it was impossible to draw it.

'Fight smart Grant!' He thought, taking a few seconds to run through the possibilities. His opponent clearly thought all he had to do was hit him a few more times and then he'd won. Ward had the advantage of not being as out of it as the other guy thought. Ignoring the screaming crowd around him he focused on the Ugly guy grinning above him. He clearly thought that Ward was incapacitated as he went for an easily blockable kick to the ribs. As he watched the shot come towards him Ward was thinking two steps ahead. It wasn't enough to just block the shot he needed to get Ugly guy away from him long enough for him to draw his sword. Just before the kick connected Ward grabbed the ankle, hauling Ugly guy's leg upwards and pulling him off balance. Using his other arm he swiped at the other leg, sending Ugly guy flying backwards.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd Ward jumped to his feet and drew his sword, staring down at the Ugly guy.

"Now shall we have a fair fight?" He grinned evilly.

Ugly ignored the comment returning to his feet and drawing his own sword. Now it was a different fight, Ward was the best at what he did. True the guy was heavier than him, but that would just slow him down quicker. Besides he didn't want a protracted fight. This was going to be over quickly.

Swinging his sword it was quickly matched with a parry from Ugly as he'd expected, not letting it slow him down he quickly thrust making Ugly back up. Rapid sword thrusts had Ugly backing up. Switching to a jab had Ugly tripping over his own feet in his haste to dodge the incoming attack. As he fell backwards Ward hurried forward thrusting his sword point under Ugly's chin.

"Do you yield?" He enquired as the crowd bayed for blood. Ugly nodded rapidly throwing his sword away from him. Sheathing his sword he backed away smiling slightly at the screaming crowd. Acknowledging the crowd with a hand his eyes searched them until he found a small well-dressed figure that was watching white faced. Catching her eye he raised his hand in salute before grinning like an idiot.

Skye woke to find May leaning over her, the lab's ceiling above her. Turning to her side she saw Coulson also waking up with Tripp and Fitz stood beside him.

"Why'd you pull us out?" She demanded sitting up despite May's urges to stay lying down.

"We didn't." Simmons objected. "We came down to monitor you as all of your heart rates had increased. Ward's had just dropped slightly when we found you waking up."

"I guess that was when Ward was attacked." Coulson mussed as he sat with help from Tripp.

"Ward was attacked?"

"Part of the tournament. The final contestant decided that playing by the rules wasn't his thing. Ward taught him the error of his ways. He took a nasty knock to the head though. He'd just won when he ended up back here."

"Is he alright?" Skye asked anxiously as May prevented her from moving towards him.

"His vitals are steady. I'll just do another examination." Simmons smiled reassuringly at Skye.

"He has a pounding head and muscle ache." Came a voice behind them, making everyone jump.

"Grant!" Avoiding May Skye ran across the room and threw herself into Ward's arms. "You're awake."


"How are you awake?"

"I think I'm healed enough to come out of the machine." He moved slightly to show Simmons his wound, which she inspected with some surprise. "I take it that's yes."

"You remembered what happened?"

"Eventually. It took a hit to the head though."

"It restarted your circuits." Skye joked as she began running her hands over his body. She couldn't believe he was actually there with him.

"Hang on what happened when we left?"

"I don't know. I assume I left when you did."

"I want to know what happened!"

"You got married."

"Excuse me?" Skye turned to Fitz but stayed sat on Ward's lap.

"You got married. You were really happy. Had five kids including a set of twins. It's all part of the history. I looked it up when we found out what time period you'd gone to." He shrugged.

"You knew what was going to happen?" Skye practically yelled, thinking of all the worry she'd had for nothing.

"No. We didn't know what effect you'd have on the time period. I only researched it to confirm."

"The fact that we're soul mates?" Skye interjected with a smile, feeling Ward jerk slightly in surprise.

"You knew?"

"I knew Coulson was keeping something from me. Plus I've heard some rumours about the stone. I did my own research after the last time."

"Does this mean you're finally going to admit you and Ward are together?" Simmons asked amused.

"Are you going to admit that you Fitz and Tripp are all together?" Skye retorted grinning when all three blushed.

"I so didn't need to hear any of that." Groaned Coulson.

"What? Don't want to know that your kids are having sex?" Skye laughed as Ward stiffened even more.

"Skye I want to survive this not be shot by Coulson because I'm sleeping with you!" Ward hissed as the others laughed. Even he had to admit Coulson's face was pretty comical.

"What? You know we're all family. Maybe not by blood but whenever we've entered that machine we've always been near. We always find each other." Skye offered.

"True." May considered, before grinning at Coulson.

"You do know that makes you mum?" Ward asked, seeming unperturbed by her glare.

"I thought you wanted to survive." Skye whispered back, pressing a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm going to take the comment as you still being high on medicine. Now come on. Everyone needs some sleep. We'll be landing soon so take the opportunity while we've got it."

Everyone filed out with Simmons giving both Skye and Ward some stern words about no strenuous activity. When they were alone Skye snuggled closer against Ward before asking something that had been bothering her.

"You're very calm having found out we're soul mates."

"It just confirms something that I've always known. We are meant to be together. Sure I didn't admit it at first."

"You are so soft." She laughed delightedly.

"Only with you. I love you Skye."

Smiling she pressed a gentle kiss against his lips.

"I love you too, Grant." Lying down she rested her head against his heart; it soothing beat eventually sending her to sleep.

The End

I may write another series to this in the future but for now this is at an end. Thank you to everyone who read, liked and commented on this and for putting up with me when I didn't up date for ages. Thank you for reading