This is written for the Plot Bunnies HQ Monthly Challenge.

Prompt 1: "I do not want or need your approval."

Prompt 2: Days

Prompt 3: Jump or Jumped

Prompt 4: Candle

Enjoy! Please review!

Word count: 588

This wasn't a typical sort of relationship.

For one thing, they wouldn't jump through hoops for each other, at least, not publically. Publically, Andromeda was an ice queen, above all half-bloods and Mudbloods. If word came out that she might have…

Fallen for a Mudblood, then life as Andromeda Black knew it would go out the window and drown itself in one of her father's many glasses of Firewhiskey. Repeatedly.

But she sighed, and life was normal again. Bellatrix wasn't being driven mad by her love for her Dark Lord; Narcissa wasn't quietly becoming more detached from the world with every passing day. Andromeda hadn't falling for that Mudblood.

God, if her mother could see her now. If her mother hadn't been driven to suicide through her father's incessant drinking, then would Druella Black have loved Andromeda? Would she care that Narcissa was picking the wrong man to marry? Would she let Bellatrix go insane? And would she count the days until her three daughters were reunited in love and blood once more, whether that be in life or death?

Andromeda doubted that severely.

"Dromeda?" Andromeda spun, to see her little sister sitting at the top of the stairs, the moonlight glancing off her blonde hair.

"Cissy?" Andromeda responded, glancing once more at the moon in the sky. "Is Bella awake as well?"

Narcissa shook her head, biting her lip ever so slightly. She hardly did that anymore, not since she'd started Hogwarts and wanted to appear as attractive and demure as possible. Apparently biting your lip wasn't entered into that category. "Bella never came home last night."

To be honest, Andromeda wasn't surprised in the slightest. Bella was probably with one member of her long string of lovers: Rodolphus, Rabastan, Avery, Yaxley, maybe even Crabbe or Goyle if she was drunk enough. "That's a shame." She admitted, turning back to the window. "I would have liked to say goodbye to her."

"So, you're leaving."

She said it like an ultimatum, and Andromeda's inner candle flickered, one inch from burning out. "I am."

"Please, Dromeda." Narcissa stood up again, and made to walk down the stairs. "I… I don't approve of Edward Tonks. And you're engaged to Rodolphus, you can't leave now."

"I do not want or need your approval." Andromeda said calmly, fixing her gaze on her younger sister. "And you know that Bella is probably sleeping with my fiancé as we speak Cissy. And his name is Ted."

Narcissa's face fell, and she took one step towards her sister, tears flopping down her face. "Please, Dromeda. I… You know I wanted to have a daughter-"

"And you wanted me to be godmother." Andromeda sighed, dropping her gaze from Narcissa. "You know Bella will be just as good. And… I love him Narcissa."

There was nothing left to say now. Narcissa brushed her tears away, as pureblood ladies do not cry in company. "I love Lucius Dromeda." She pleaded, finding words for the first time. "Surely you can learn to love Rodolphus."

"Lucius was engaged to marry Bella, Cissy, meeting him was a fluke." Andromeda reminded her, picking up her one bag. Did she really have that little that mattered to her? A few photographs; spare clothes, her favourite books and a handful of Christmas presents from her friends.

"Okay." Narcissa finished, picking up her nightdress. "If… if you love that Mudblood…"

As Narcissa walked away from her older sister, the candle that had flamed inside Andromeda ever since she had been born flickered, stuttered, and died.