

Hair: Black underneath, Light Blonde on top, goes a little below her shoulders.

Eyes: One Ice Blue eye and one Metallic Green eye.

Skin: Pale skin.

Body: Lithe and slender.

About: She is seventeen and a Goth with two different colored eyes. She is brought to Neverland and meets other girls there who were brought there to be chosen, by Pan himself, to see which one has it to become his Queen of Neverland. Pan can't track her when she runs from him, and is not afraid of Pan or the Lost Boys.

Peter Pan:

Hair: Light Brown.

Eyes: Forest Green.

Skin: Pale with a slight tan.

Body: Lean with a very slight build.

About: He is eighteen; he is the leader of the Lost Boys, and of Neverland. He is very old, but no one knows how old he really is, not even his second in command Felix. He is also known as the Pied Piper, he has kidnapped girls so he can determine which one is to become his Queen. (P.S. He is not Rumple's father. My story line is different from the shows.)


Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Grey

Skin: Tan with a scar below his right eye.

Body: Tall and well built.

About: He is the first Pan brought to Neverland. He is eighteen like Pan, and he is the loyal little lap dog. He does what he is asked to do, even to kill girls. He is as sadistic as Pan, since he has been with him for ages. But he is not as sadistic as Pan, and he is in love with one of the girls' on the island.

The Girls:

Names: Alice; Annie; Grace; Elizabeth; Jean; Jane; Ruby; Alessandra; Alana; Angelique; Calla; Wendy; Aria.

About: They have been kidnapped by Pan and are being held prisoner until he finds one to become his Queen. But once he does he will kill them all without a second thought.