Guys~! By the time you will finish reading this, the new version of Iced Wings, re-named 'Poppet' will be published~! Yaay~! The story line and characters are altered, since I thought the villains were way too 2-dimensional with no apparent depth in them. So here's the thing, kindly FORGET/ERASE everything you had read previously, this version is totally independent of all the back-story development in Iced Wings. Some major points and events are still the same, yeah, but I made significant changes in the progression and thinking processes of the characters.

I've kept in mind the criticism and loop holes from this one and tried my best to prevent them, hope it reflects~! Am still trying to make my writing better (I lack in the description aspect…yep I know, am trying~ Any tips will be appreciated!)

This time I'm thinking of going with a weekly schedule and focusing on one-fic at a time unless a muse for another hits me, so yeah, that's it for now. (I actually have a life…even though I sometimes doubt the fact myself)

ON AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT NOTE: GUYYSSSS please vote for BTS and help them win the BBMAs! You simply have to tweet: I'm voting for *erase this space* BTS_twt for the #BBMAS Top Social Artist Award

Please support them people~! It's just gonna take a measly 2 minutes 34 seconds (I noted the time, don't judge) AND don't forget, do so according to the UST (the time zone shit is messed up tbh)