Callie POV

We walked out of the house and we were walking for some minute just in silence. Enjoying the soft wind that was blowing.

"This is a nice block. Mission bay-" I remind myself the address as I look around "-probably great place to grow up"

The houses all looking pretty much the same, quiet neighborhood, probably nice welcoming people, cleaned up gardens, cut grass, flower beds, everyone one of the house had a car parked next to it.

"It's pretty awesome, yeah" Jude says and kicks a small rock ahead

"You have block parties here?" I ask as I remember that the lady that lives across from us in summer always throws a block party.

"We do. Every July 20th. The lady who lives three house down throws them and organizes everything" Jude explains when he, like a small kid, starts to walk the side of the road, that separates street from sidewalk, balancing with his hands out, not stepping on the cracks.

I follow him and start to walk the same way, this made me feel like I was 6 again - the young me that didn't know the world was a cruel place and that bad things happened to people. To both – the good and the bad people.

"Where do you live now?" he asks walking in front from me "Opal street 14…in the Pacific Beach region"

"That is not too far from here" he says, briefly glancing back to me as I walk behind him "like 20 minute drive, right?"

"Yeah, something around that" I confirm

"What school do you go to?" he asks next

"Um, well…I am actually changing schools" I reply

Jude looks over his shoulder to me surprised "You are?"

"Mm-hmm, I am changing to Anchor Beach"

"Really?" he stops and turns to me

"Yeah, mom said she would talk details with Lena today. She told me Lena is the VP there"

"She is" he continues walking "That's cool. We will maybe see each other in breaks. Not lunch breaks. I have different time than the high school kids, but the first few breaks before lunch we could actually see one another. That's like the best news ever"

"I thought so too" I smile back even thou he doesn't see my smile, but I was happy about it too. I don't care if I see him 5 minute a day or talk to him for 10 seconds, I am just happy that I would be able to see him every day

"I think moms like you"

"I doubt it. I am not the person who leaves the best first impression. Okay, I have met and talked to Stef before shortly, but it is different this time"

"I think it is kind of similar like when Zach, Talia or Emma have come over. The first impression think I mean" Jude says back

"I am guessing and saying those are the boyfriends and girlfriends?"

"Mm-hmm, Zach had to move away now, so Mariana is actually really sad right now. Talia is just nice on outside, but mean on inside, but B doesn't see that, you know, pink glasses and all that, moms don't like her either. And Jesus and Emma are on the same wrestling team and she helps him with math too. Moms like her. She is nice, I like her too. But ever since he started going out with Emma he puts me out of our room."

"That's not nice. He really does that that?"

"Mm-hmm, he calls it 'Jesus time!' "Jude chuckles "I know what it means" he says with a small smirk when he looks over his shoulder to me

"Do you have any siblings? Like does Amy has another kids?"

"Well, she had. A son. But he died along with her husband. Like, 2 years ago." I decide not to tell him about Sophia. He doesn't need to know. I barely know her. I don't want anything to do with her. She is a spoiled brat and I want nothing to do with her or her father or their family.

"Oh!" He says sadly as I walk back to walking on path as he continues his balancing on the side of the road

"That is kind of like we lost mom" he says in much sadder tone

"I think it is worse, you know. Parents aren't supposed to bury their kids. She watched him grow, fed him, changed his dippers, taught him to walk and talk and everything like that, and then she had to see him getting lowered 6 feet under. No one deserves that - watching their kid being buried. And also her husband…it was just…" I look down and just shake my head as I had no words for that.

He stopped walking on the sideways and now walked up to me "She has you right? She looks happy. At least to me. She is not alone so that is good."

"I guess she does. But she is not like she was before"

I can see the beach now and in a minute we both take off our shoes and walk on the sand barefoot, shoes in our hands. We walk to the sea and stand there as the water washes over our feet.

"Cold" I say and step to the sand after few seconds. It seems like Jude is like a winter bear he still stays in the water as we walk down the coast line.

"Can I ask you something?" he asks as he finally steps out of the water to the sand

"Sure" I don't hesitate with a reply

"Do you know why we were separated?"

Okay, I did not expect that questions. Nor do I know how to answer him. Do I lie? Or do I tell the truth and risk the chance of hurting him in the process?

As I struggle with the answer he stops behind me. As I no longer hear his footsteps I stop too, turn back to him

"Just tell me the truth please" Jude pleads and looks like the 6 year old boy I saw last. So desperate for answers. For someone to tell him what really is going on.

"Do you know why we were separated?" he repeats the question. I look out to the sea, the sun was about to set.

"I do" I say and take few steps back and sit in the sand placing my shoes next to me. Jude tosses his shoes down and sits down next to me, watching the sun set as well.

"I was asked…if I wanted to us to be placed together" I explain to him, afraid to look him in the eye

"And you said NO?" he snaps back sounding hurt already

"No, of course not Jude. It wasn't that simple!"

"It seems easy enough for me!" the hurt in his voice hasn't left. It was still there, it was even stronger.

"No, it wasn't! Jude, foster parents…they have priorities…or you know, age groups they want. Boy or girls. Rarely foster parents wants two kids. Rarely foster parents want two kids when one is almost a teen!"

"What are you saying?" he asks back

"It was either us being together in a bad home or you being alone in a good home. Stef and Lena had said in their profile they want a boy your age. They didn't want another kid. They didn't want ME. And if I had said we want to stay together…you would have been with me in all the bad homes I was. And looking back, I would never ever want that"

"I would have chosen to stay with you!"

"No" I shake my head "No, I wouldn't allow it. I didn't know that it was Stef and Lena, but I was told that they are good family. Family that can offer you a safe home, you would be happy, you would have a chance at future! A chance at life! If we had stayed together - we would be unhappy, and you would not have no chance of succeeding life like you are now! I was the one dragging you down and the connection had to be cut."

"I would have taken you over every good home"

"Jude, you don't know what I have been through. I promised mom long before she died that I would always protect you, this time if I wanted to protect you I had to let you go. It was the right thing to do! Look at your life Jude, it is everything mom would have wanted for you. Loving, caring family, siblings, great school, great home, neighborhood, you are safe, you are healthy, fed, cared for. You are happy! You have everything that I missed for the first 4 years." I look to him by my right, he was looking down to sand as he was drawing something with his finger on the sand. He was clearly mad at me.

"You think I wanted to see you go?" I ask him back. Jude looks up to me briefly before looking back down to sand.

"I didn't. I wanted to keep you to myself, but if I did that, you wouldn't have the life mom wanted for you. I was doing this for you. So you would have a better life." I look back to the horizon

"I understand if you are angry at me. I get that and I am okay with that. I deserve all the hate and anger you have for me. But if you ask me if I could do it all over again, what would I chose - I would make the same choice. Because I care about you more than I care about myself. Always have. Always will. I will always do what is best for you."

"I am not angry…" he says and moves the sand over and hides the writing that he made before I saw it "I am just sad that you had to suffer because of me"

"I didn't suffer because of you. For you, Jude. Always for you"

"Still…" he says sadly and looks up to horizon, then moves closer to me, putting his head to my shoulder "I wish we could have stayed together, but still end up in a good home"

"We don't always get to have what we want Jude!" I say putting my arm around him, keeping him close to me "That is not how life works," I take a small pause "but we are here together, it worked out for us. Life did its magic and reunited us. The past…it doesn't matter. We are here – together"

"There is nowhere else I would rather be right now" he says snuggling even closer to me as we both watch how the sunset.

Amy was now talking with Stef and Lena as I stood on the porch with Jude

"When will I see you again?" he asks shyly

"I don't know. How about I call you tomorrow? We could go to the arcade if your moms allow me to take you out"

"I bet they will" he said convinced about that part

"But I will call you tomorrow, okay. Then we can think over what we want to do. Morning is always smarter than night. So, maybe we both get some other better ideas than an arcade"

"Okay" he says smiling at me, I smile back and ask

"Can I hug you?" he nods and flies in my arms

"I will see you soon. I promise, Jude" I whisper to him as I run my hand softly over his back. I will not break this promise.

"I know, I trust you" he whispers back as we embrace one another

"I love you Jude"

"Love you too" he says

When we lean out of the hug, Amy calls me "Callie, honey, come on. We should go" she says from the car as I turned to look at her

"Coming" I say back and lean in to leave a last kiss on his forehead "Bye"

"Bye" he waves at me as I take the steps down and walk to car, briefly stopping at Lena and Stef

"Thank you for today. I really appreciated it. It means a lot that you allowed me to see him. Really, you don't know much I appreciate it. Thank you doesn't cover it"

"No thank you necessary. Trust us when we say it was our pleasure, Callie. We could never imagine keeping you two apart" Stef says back as she stands with her hand wrapped around Lena

"Will we see you again soon?" Lena asks surprising me with that question

"Um, well…uh…would it be okay if I come by tomorrow and I take Jude to arcade or something? Just for few hours" I ask and hold my breath for an answer looking between the two woman

"That sounds good to me" Lena says as she looks to Stef who nods back

"Thank you again for today" I say and get ready to leave "Good night" I say to both of them and wave one last time to Jude, who was on the porch, standing on the last steps.

After the goodbyes I head to the car. When I buckle up and look back I see how both Lena and Stef walk up to Jude and wrap their hands around him, keeping him in the middle between them. I start the car and as I slowly pull out, I take one last glance back to him. They all wave at us as I drive away slowly.

AN: The End. Thank you everyone who has read and stick with me thought this story. Thank you all for reading. I will probably post the squeal sometimes around the weekend.