Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or GundamWing/Ac, I do not have any rights to Harry Potter or GundamWing/Ac and I make no money from writing these fic's.

Written for the 20k in 20 weeks challenge, the Anime and Manga Writing Diversity Challenge, The If You Dare Continued Challenge, The Disney-A-Thon Challenge, The One Million Words Added Competition.

Prompt for this chapter: the Burrow's back garden/backyard setting, A multichapter fic with exactly 15 chapters, Magical Effect, Write about someone trusting a stranger and the result (Snow White).

A/N: Harry Potter is Wufei Chang in this fic and he is also a magical creature!

Chapter 1 - Prologue

Sixteen year old Harry Potter stood tall and stiff as he tried not to allow his fear to be seen as he followed the other slaves out of the holding area and into the street for sale. Even though he looked calm and collected on the outside inside was another story, fear and betrayal eat away at him as he wondered just why his so called friends had done this to him. Closing his eyes pretending to shield them from the light Harry lost himself in a memory that he wished would disappear or better yet it would of never of happened.


Harry let out a happy sigh as he sat under the large apple tree in his best friends back garden, looking over to his left a small smile came to his lips when he spotted his two best friends lip locked together and snogging each other senseless. Feeling a peace with everything Harry let out a happy sigh once again and looked up at the odd white fluffy cloud that floated through the clear blue summer sky.

"I can't believe that Voldemort is dead, we really did it, we defeated him," Harry said more to himself then to his friends, "I guess the hidden power really was love...I just felt so angry and hurt when Sirius and Remus somehow got pushed into the veil...but Dumbledore said he can bring them back...right?"

Turning his head to look at his two friends Harry rolled his eyes as they merely grunted in reply and began to run their hands over every inch of the other's body.

"I'm glad you found each other," Harry whispered softly with a sad glint in his eyes as he turned back to watching the clouds lazily float through the sky, "I wonder if there is anyone out there for me..."

Without realising it Harry slowly closed his eyes, allowing the warmth of the summer sun to draw out any aches or pains from his body and gently carry him off to sleep. Just as he found himself falling asleep the sharp cry of Mrs. Weasley came calling out for him.

"Harry! Can you please come into the kitchen? I have something for you?"

Flashback Ends:

As the memory ended and Harry found himself being led up onto the stage where he would be sold a single tear fell as he wished that he had ignored Mrs. Weasley just that once. If he had then he would not be in the position he was in now, if he had he would of not lost all of his money and Potter inheritance to the backstabbing Weasley's and so much more.

Feeling the chain that connected him to the other slaves change slightly in tension Harry came to a stop and opened his eyes only to find himself wishing he had not. He found himself staring out into a large crowd of people that he could only describe as rich greedy snobs who was now eying him hungrily because of his rare eye colour.

Hearing the loud bang of the slave sellers hammer on the small wooden block Harry took a deep breath and stood up tall and proud, daring anyone to even think about buying him. As he looked out into the crowd where his future master or mistress might be Harry felt a sudden wave of emotion hit him, whoever brought him he was going to give hell too. After all he had nothing left to live for so if he died he then died.

"Alright, let's start the auction!" the slave seller yelled out catching the crowd's attention, "Slave number 1 is-"


"What is it now?" the slaver seller asked with a dark scowl on his face as he glared at his nervous assistant with his black beady eyes, "Your making me lose money boy! What do you want?"

"S-Slave number 1920392 has just been brought for eighteen times more than his price," the Slave Seller's assistant stuttered out as he looked up at his boss with wide blue eyes, "They want him being brought to them now!"

"Well why didn't you say so boy?" the Slave Teller asked with a large smile now in place of his angry look, "Go and bring 1920392 to them then."

"Y-Yes sir," the assistant stuttered out as he took a strong heavy chain from the pile in front of slave seller which they kept there for leading the brought slaves off to their new owners.

At hearing his number being called out Harry felt his heart miss a beat and his stomach threatening to hit the floor. Hearing the familiar jingle of chains coming towards him Harry took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself for meeting his new master or mistress.

"Y-You better behave or else," the assistant stuttered out as he came to a stop in front of Harry, "I'll tell your new owners what you have done."

In reply Harry simply ignored the slave seller's assistant and allowed the nervous man to unlink him from the other slaves. A few seconds later the sound of a metal clip being fastened to his collar reached his ears as the assistant attached the chain to his collar making Harry feel like a common dog.

"Come," the assistant muttered as he sighed in relief when he spotted two other assistants quickly dealing with the gap in the line of slaves, "We don't want to keep your new owners waiting, they paid good money for you."

'Owners...I have more than one master or mistress' Harry thought as he allowed himself to be led off the stage 'Good, this just means I can cause more problems for another horrible slave owner.'

"Pay attention, I don't want you to break your neck before we get the money," the assistant snapped out causing Harry to realise that the assistant was leading him down some stairs.

'He must be new at this if he is taking a slave down the staff only entrance and not the slave entrance' Harry thought dryly only for his mind to freeze as the sound of a woman's nervous voice came to his ears.

"Is...is that him? Is that our..."

"Slave, yes madam," the assistant leading Harry along replied with a nod of his head, "Here is slave 1920392 for you, have you paid?"

Faced with his new owners Harry allowed their conversation on if and who they had paid to wash over him in favour of studying his two new owners. They were both obviously Chinese , one was male and one was female. The male wore a smart black suit that spoke of him being a business man through Harry noticed that the way he held himself shouted out to him that the man was a warrior, the way his hair was cut short to prevent it from getting in his black eyes as he looked around for any danger or threat just cemented this in Harry's mind. The woman wore a traditional soft purple and soft blue outfit from her culture as her long black hair was pulled back into a tight bun and just like the man Harry found himself thinking that there was more to this woman who held herself as a fighter.

"Great, then the slave is all yours," the assistant said happily causing Harry to suddenly pay attention to what was going on around him once again, "Enjoy your new slave."

"Thank you sir, we will," the man replied stiffly as he took the chain connected Harry's collar from the assistant.

With one last nervous look at Harry the assistant quickly turned around and ran back up the stage to take his place with the other assistants leaving Harry standing only a few feet away from the stage looking at his two new owners.

"Yin...I think we should continue this in a more private setting," Harry's new mistress said softly as she placed one of her hands on the male's shoulder, "We don't want anyone finding out about our plan do we?"

At his new mistress words Harry felt a strong feeling of dread enter him, just what type of people had he been brought by. Just what had his new mistress meant?

"Your right Xiu," Yin, Harry's new master, replied with a nod of his head as his hand gripped tightly around the chain in his hand, "S-Slave 1920392 are you okay...to walk for a few minutes? Our hotel room is only a few minutes' walk away."

"I am in the best health I can be considering the circumstances," Harry replied stiffly, taking a cruel victory as the couple in front of him looked away in guilt, "But as your slave I will do anything you order me to."

"Okay...then as your mistress I order you to follow us," Xiu said nervously as she quickly glanced at her husband, "...Please?"

Nodding his head Harry watched in surprise as his two new owners let out twin sighs of relief, they were turning out to be the total opposite of what he had expected.

"Right, we better get moving before we make any problems for ourselves," Yin said stiffly as he motioned to the two glaring security officers who were giving them pointed looks, "Let's get going then."

Making sure not to show any emotion on his face and not saying a single word Harry allowed to couple that had brought him to lead him away from the stage and out onto the street through a small alley. As they walked out onto the bustling road Harry did his best to ignore the looks he was gaining from the people they passed by, each face had a different emotion on it through Harry took no notice, he simply allowed the couple to lead him through the busy shopping street like a common dog.

Xiu and Yin sent each other nervous looks as they stole glances at their new slave, multiple emotions washed over them through the most powerful ones were guilt and hope. Each and every time they turned back to check on their newly brought slave they found him obediently walking behind them as he looked up at the bright blue cloudless sky with a deep longing.

"Do you think that we are doing the right thing?" Xiu asked nervously, her voice a whisper as she looked to her husband, "I mean what if the Elders find out? What if the-"

"Everything will be alright Xiu" Yin said softly as he sent his wife a comforting smile, "This is a win-win situation, we need an Heir and this slave looks like he needs a new beginning. We just have to be careful and everything will be alright."

"Alright Yin," Xiu replied with a nod as she took one last glance at the slave before ignoring everything around her and concentrated on the trip back to their hotel room.

The trip back to the hotel room did not take long as it was close to the main slave business area, just like Yin and Xiu had planed it. Feeling the tension in his chain loosen slightly Harry's gaze fell down from the sky to his two new owners only to find them slowing down and heading towards one of the more expensive looking hotels that blended into the area alongside the shops.

'They must be extremely rich if they can not only afford to pay just a high price for me but to stay here as well' Harry thought as he looked up at the large fancy hotel that he was being led into.

The hotel was at least a hundred floors high and the walls were painted a clean fresh white colour. Each room that over looked the main road had a balcony with a black metal fence around it, high enough and close enough together to prevent both adult and child from falling off. The front door to the hotel was sheltered by a small triangle shaped roof with black tiles on it, holding it up was columns that reminded Harry of those in ancient roman times. Sitting around the columns and along the front of the hotel were several pots of beautiful plants of many colours and types, each one had been polished so you could see your face in it. At the front door stood a tall man of about six foot six wearing a black and white penguin suit, every time someone entered or exited the hotel he opened the door for them while also making small talk if it called for it.

"How are we going to get him inside?" Yin asked out loud causing Harry to frown, "Won't people think it a bit strange if we come in with a teenage slave but go out with a,,,you know..."

"I took care of it already Yin," Xiu replied with a smug smile, "I told them a friend of ours were looking after our son for us while we went and picked up their slave and that they would be going out the back when no one was around as they're famous and they do not want to be attacked by their fans. And if anyone asks when he showed up we'll just say that he was brought to us around six at night, that's when the employee's swap over so no one takes any notice of things so we should be alright."

"My smart Xiu, you always think of everything," Yin said with a relieved smile as he leant over and placed a loving kiss on his wife's check oblivious to Harry's inner turmoil.

'What is going on? Just what type of people have brought me?' Harry thought as he wondered if his plan had somehow backfired on him 'Who in Merlin's name is he? Who in Merlin's left saggy ball is my new owner then? Did I get brought by crazy people who want to sell me for even more money.'

Too lost in his thoughts Harry never noticed the gentle tug on his chain nor the fact that after years with the Dursley's pulling him along his body followed the command without him realising it. It was not until they had reached Harry's owner's hotel room and Harry's mind had jumped to several different crazy conclusions did Harry realise what had happened.

'Damn it, I should of known better then to let my mind wander' Harry mentally cursed as Yin pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked the hotel door in front of him 'I need to be more-'

"Here we are," Xiu said causing Harry's attention to become pinned on her, "If...If it is alright with you sir...we have a pretty large favour to ask of you."

"You are my Mistress and my Master, I live to serve you both," Harry replied emotionlessly as he remembered the phrase that had been drilled into his head on his first full day as after being sold to the slave seller.

"I think...it is best if we continue this inside," Yin said softly as he placed a comforting hand on Xiu's shoulder.

Xiu nodded her head nervously and with one last look at Harry she quickly made her way through the door. When Yin began to move forwards still holding the chain and Xiu did not come out again Harry took the unspoken command and followed Yin through the door only to find himself in one of the many hotel rooms.

"Could...you please shut the door behind you?" Yin asked politely, "It's just that you are the last one in and all."

"Yes Master," Harry replied taking no notice of Yin's wince at the title as he turned around and closed the white door and ideally noticed a map on the back of the door showing the correct way to get out of the building if there was a fire.

"Xiu and I want to talk to you about something in the main room before we do anything else," Yin said as he motioned down the small hallway.

Nodding his head Harry followed Yin down the small yet clean hallway, as he went he took in the clean white bathroom as he walked by, though he did not have a chance to have a proper look, on the right hand side and a few feet farther down the hallway was another room. Quickly looking inside as Yin paused to say something in a strange language to Xiu Harry spotted a large king sized bed in the middle of the room with a crib at the end of the king sized bed and a medium sized single bed resting against a far corner of the room. Before Harry could take anymore in through he felt the tension change in the chain once more and allowed himself to be led down the rest of the hallway and out into a large room.

"Have you got everything ready?" Yin asked as he and Harry came to a stop in the middle of room.

"Yes, I made sure to double check everything before we went out this morning," Xiu replied nervously as she shot worried glances at Harry, "And I have just double checked now."

Knowing that he would get into trouble for listening in on his new owner's conversations when it was obvious that he was not meant to Harry occupied himself with looking around the large room he had been led into. The walls were painted the same white colour as the hotel outside, the floor was covered in brown sandy coloured tiles and a large fan attached the bottom of a large main light on the white ceiling lazily did its job of keeping the room cool in the heat of the summer. In the centre of the room was a large comfortable looking black sofa with two matching black armchairs facing it and an elegant wooden table with its legs carved to look like dragons stood in the middle. Off to the side was a large thick brightly coloured woolly blanket that looked perfect for a young baby or toddler to spend hours happily playing on. Opposite him was a large light red curtain which went from the ceiling to the floor and was as wide as two if not three doors together, paying closer attention to the curtain Harry noticed the slight movement of the curtain as it swayed softly forwards and backwards and the midday sun beamed down on the curtain only for it to be blocked causing the room to stay cool. Wondering what the large curtain was doing in the hotel room Harry checked the area around it closely only to spot the bottom of a set of sliding doors.

'It leads out onto the balcony' Harry thought suddenly with understanding as he remembered the family photo's that Vernon had shoved under his nose with an unholy glee in the knowledge of hurting his nephew.

"Excuse me but..." a nervous voice said catching Harry's attention, it was Xiu, "Would you like to have a seat? We...we need to talk about something...about why we brought you..."

'I should of known that something would happen with my luck' Harry thought as he carefully eyed Yin who was coming pretty close to him.

"I'm just going to remove the chain is all," Yin explained as he slowly did as he said while allowing Harry to track his movements, "My name is Chang Yin but I think in your culture you would say my name Yin Chang. The lady with me is my wife Chang Xiu. What is your name?"

"Harry James Potter," Harry said stiffly as the chain dropped to the floor with a heavy rattle, "It is an honour to be owned by you both."

"None of that now Harry," Xiu said in an almost motherly fashion, "If you agree with what we have planned you will be calling us Mama and Baba...which is Chinese for mother and father."

Yin let out a long sigh as the slave he had just brought eyed him nervously, "Harry...would you please sit down? I think we have a lot to explain."

Nodding his head Harry allowed Yin to carefully guide him over to the sofa, remembering how both his uncle and the slave trainer had gone at him for trying to sit on a chair Harry paused and began to lower himself onto the floor only to freeze when a hand rested on his shoulder. Frowning in confusion Harry looked up to the owner of the hand, Xiu, and sent her a confused look.

"We would like it if you sat on the sofa Harry," Xiu said softly as she guided Harry to sit on the sofa, "I don't know what you have been through but things are going to be changing for the better from now on."

Not truly believing his new mistress yet not wanting to anger her Harry slowly and stiffly nodded his head and sat down on the sofa only to get large smiles from the two adults.

"Harry...I...I guess the best way is to be blunt, I know who you really are, a relative of mine Chang Cho goes to Hogwarts and is in the same year as you," Yin said as he sat down on the sofa next to Harry while his wife sat on the opposite side of Harry, "We know what you have been through...we know the truth...through I did not realise it was you until you said your name..."

"Of course e would look different after having to deal with those horrible slavers," Xiu said with a huff as she glared at her husband, "But you don't have to worry Harry, you have not been brought by some crazed fans or anything...we just want to offer you a new start...a new life."

'A new life?' Harry thought with a frown on his face, 'They must be lying, it's official, I've been brought by crazy fans.'

"How...how do you feel knowing that we know about magic and your past? Would you still be interested in what we have to say?" Yin asked only to spot the reluctant look in Harry's eyes, "Xiu and myself are magical just like you through...we are not fully human...you can speak?"

"I know...Cho told me all about how the Chang Clan is half dragon and half human," Harry said, his voice rough from screaming and shouting, "I...I know several House Elves, a Half Giant, a werewolf and several other magical creatures, I have gotten along with them and have no problem with them. I will do whatever you ask of me master, mistress, even if you turn out to be crazed fans."

At his last words Harry braced himself for the punch that was sure to follow his words only...it never came. Instead laughter filled the room as confusion filled Harry. Frowning in confusion Harry looked at his two new owner's only to find them both laughing, there was no anger or hatred in their eyes.

"I need to remember that," Yin said as he finished laughing, "I love your spirit Harry...I am glad that it has not been broken. Xiu...I feel it would be best for you to explain the rest."

With a small sad smile on her face Xiu nodded her head and turned her attention to Harry who was looking at them both in total confusion.

"Harry...my husband and I came to Earth from L5 to find out why I had trouble conceiving for only to find that I am unable to have any children. When we found out about this we did not dare to return to L5 and face our Clan because we need an Heir because of Yin's and mine's positions in the clan," Xiu said sadly as she explained everything to Harry, "Then...then we heard about you and what had happened and well...to put it bluntly Harry we wanted to ask if you would allow us to blood adopt you and de-age you..."

"We want to make you our son," Yin said calmly when he noticed his wife's expression, "We want to make you our Heir. When we left the Clan thought that Xiu was pregnant and we have been gone long enough that if we come back with you they will think that Xiu gave birth early while we were away."

"Remember that if we blood adopt you then you will become a magical creature just like us," Xiu said softly as she battled with her emotions to stay calm, "But because of the Basilisk venom in you we know from the old records in our Clan's compound that you will have improved senses, faster reflexes, stronger than the average human, if you get angry enough your eyes might look like a dragon's eyes, you will have sharp fangs and because of the Basilisk venom you might be poisons and well...Yin..."

"There is a high chance that you will have a soul mate," Yin said stiffly and carefully, "When you reach the age of fourteen it is traditional to marry, at this time a test is done to see if the young person has a mate and if they are within the clan, if so the two marry if not then an arranged marriage is taken place but if both people in the marriage find their soul mate then they may break the marriage and stay with their soul mate without fearing of dishonouring the clan or doing any injustice."

Harry let out a heavy sigh as he ran the situation through his mind, why and how he seemed to always get into these types of situations for he did not know.

'Well I do have nothing to lose' Harry thought as his mind tried to absorb the information 'And this is better than trying to live the rest of my life as a slave but...'

"If you do not want to go through with this then you have another choice," Yin said quickly when he spotted Harry's expression, "I have a friend who you can live with, his a nice man and you'll like it there and we live close enough so you won't have to worry about the rules about slaves or anything."

"Either way...the choice is yours," Xiu said softly as she sent Harry a comforting smile, "So? What will it be?"

"I'll do it," Harry replied without a second though, "I have nothing to lose and at this moment if I die it will be a turn for the better, at least this way I can help you both with my worthless future."

Unable to talk Xiu let out an excited cry as she watched her husband remove the heavy slave collar around her soon to be two months old baby son. Yin gave his new son a proud smile as the slave collar fell to the floor.

It seemed that a new beginning had shown itself to Harry though if it was for the best or for the worse Harry did not know.

"What is my new...name?" Harry asked nervously.

"Wufei," Yin said without a pause, "Your name will be Chang Wufei."

To Be Continued...