Disclaimer: The Twilight Saga does not belong to me! All known characters are the property of Stephenie Meyer!


Chapter One: Isabella

I sighed deeply as I pulled into the parking lot of my own personal piece of hell: Forks High School. In the seat next to me, my husband Emmett grinned widely. He knew just how much I detested the fact that my siblings and I were forced to repeat high school time and time again.

Of course, I knew that it was the only way for our family to remain in one area for any length of time. After all, the human population of this small, rainy town may not be very bright, but even they would notice that my family didn't age. Not that they would immediately jump to the correct conclusion that we were vampires, but it was best to avoid suspicion whenever possible.

I reluctantly got out of my car, a beautiful red convertible BMW M3. It was my pride and joy, and I'd spent a number of hours tweaking the engine until it ran perfectly. None of the family's cars were anything less than flawless, after I got through with them.

Emmett joined me, wrapping his arm securely around my shoulders, and I relaxed into his embrace. My mate and I thrived on physical contact, far more than my siblings' and our parents' relationships did. We expressed ourselves through touch more than words, and it worked perfectly for us.

As we approached the school doors, I thanked my lucky stars that I would only be forced to suffer through half a day of tedious classes. It'd been a rarely sunny morning, earlier in the day, so it was already lunchtime. Fortunately for the humans, we'd already been hunting the previous night and we abstained from human blood altogether.

"I wonder if Mrs. Cope will be happy to see you, Jasper." Emmett teased our brother, mentioning the school receptionist. Despite the fact that the woman was in her late thirties – and married – we all knew that she had a crush on Jasper.

Alice giggled at her mate's expense, and he glared at her playfully. Still, despite his feigned anger, my "younger brother" was a true southern gentleman, and he couldn't resist opening the door for his mate.

My sister danced lightly up to the reception desk to sign us all in, and I waited impatiently until the woman told us we could go to the lunchroom. But even I had to crack a smile when I heard the human's heartbeat pick up when Jasper turned to follow us out into the hall.

We strode through the school at an annoyingly human pace, but it wasn't so bad, as I walked close to my monkey man. He placed a small kiss on top of my head, and I smiled up at him, leaning up into a passionate kiss. After we pulled apart, I looked at Alice questioningly when she hummed quietly.

"There's a new student today," she answered my silent question, frowning dissatisfiedly. "I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something different about her."

"What do you mean, darlin'?" Jasper wondered aloud. We had all learned long ago not to doubt Alice's visions. Hell, the family motto was: "Never bet against Alice." So, for her to admit that something wasn't right with her visions was disturbing.

The pixie-like vampire shook her head. "I don't know, but…" she hesitated. "I don't think that I can see her, Jazz. In my vision, all I saw was a few of the students talking about the new girl," she shrugged, and I frowned.

"As long as this girl is human, she poses no threat to us," I shrugged it off, and the boys nodded in agreement. "It's possible that this girl has a bit of a latent talent, like Eleazer told us about," I suggested.

Eleazer, our cousin, had the gift of reading other vampires' and, in rare cases, humans' gifts. Although, he'd explained to us that gifts are nearly always latent and uncontrollable in their human incarnation. He'd even suggested that Alice likely had her sight in her human lifetime, though it was likely that she had been unable to control it at all.

Jasper nodded in agreement. "You're probably right, Rose. The girl might be a potential shield. If she is, then her gift would be beyond her control, completely subconscious, most likely," he noted, as we resumed our walk to the cafeteria in comfortable silence, though Alice's eyes were gleaming with curiosity.

The humans' voices began to wash over us, as we got closer, and it was obvious that the entire student body was buzzing with excitement over the new student's arrival. Apparently, she was Chief Swan's new foster daughter. Every once in a while, he took in one of the older kids, the ones who were almost eighteen, so it wasn't much of a surprise that she was living there with him.

Clearly, she must be something to look at because all the girls were seething and the boys were in a frenzy of lust. Still, I doubted that she could rival my looks, even without the vampiric enhancements that had come with the change. I'd always been exceptionally stunning, even as a human.

I listened idly to the gossip, scoffing when one boy boldly declared that he could have her in bed by the end of the week. It was doubtful that he could manage it, unless the girl was just that easy, considering that the human boy was notorious for lack of anything resembling tact when it came to the fairer sex.

The other humans seemed to have little knowledge of the girl, though that didn't stop them from speculating wildly about any and every aspect of her life. Suddenly, I drew a sharp breath as I overheard something that deeply disturbed me.

Emmett looked at me in concern as I stopped suddenly. "Rosie? Babe, what's wrong?" he murmured worriedly, automatically using the nickname that I would only tolerate from him.

I opened my mouth to respond but nothing came out. Jasper was watching me sharply, clearly alerted to my distress by his gift. It was near impossible to hide your true feelings from an empath, after all.

I swallowed back a bit of my emotion. "I'm fine, Em," I told him, smiling a bit when he looked at me disbelievingly. "I just need a minute or two. You three go ahead, and I'll meet you in there, okay?"

They exchanged concerned glances before reluctantly acquiescing. My mate placed a gentle kiss on my cheek before he left. He had always been so attuned to my emotions, ever the consummate protector of me and the family. His impressive brawn and joking nature belied his equally impressive intelligence.

Once they were gone, I released a shaky breath. Generally, I had excellent control of my emotions, but I'd caught the new girl's name and it caught me off guard. Her name was Isabella, and hearing it was like feeling the jolt of my cousin, Kate's power.

None of my family knew it, not even my mate, but I'd had a daughter when I was human. I had been young, just barely eighteen when she was born, and her father was just some guy I'd met in a club. But I had loved her more than anything else in the world, my perfect little miracle.

I named her Isabella Violet Hale, and I had never been happier than the first time that I held her in my arms. There were so many things that I wanted to teach her as she grew up, so many things that I wanted to experience with her. Oh, how I looked forward to raising her and watching her grow! But it wasn't meant to be, and God took her from me the same day that she was born, a bit more than seventeen years ago.

Of course, I was absolutely devastated by her death, and I hadn't been able to handle hearing the name, since that day. So, to hear that the new girl shared the same name as my precious baby girl was a painful reminder, to say the least.

Pushing the memories away for the moment, I forced myself to regain my calm. It wouldn't do to break down in a public school, of all places, and my family was waiting for me to join them. Still, I found my attention drawn to the table that was entertaining the girl with all of the gossip on my family. It seemed that she had asked about us.

"The four kids were all adopted, the two Cullens and the Hales, who are brother and sister. They live together with Dr. Cullen and his wife, and they're all paired up together, the four of them," I heard Jessica Stanley say scornfully, her jealousy badly concealed.

The girl…Isabella…scoffed under her breath. "They're not related at all, Jessica, and you can't honestly say that you'd turn one of them down if they lived with you," she said dismissively, and I smirked. "But you said that there were four of them. I only see three," she noted.

Angela Weber spoke up, her voice kinder than her shallow companion's. "Alice Cullen, the black-haired girl, is with Jasper Hale, the blond guy. Emmett Cullen, the big guy with them, is with Rosalie Hale, the one missing. They all seem very happy together," she said kindly. My family and I had noticed that Angela was a very kind person, and Jasper told us that she was the most genuine person in all of Forks, from what he could tell.

Isabella's breath hitched when she heard my name, and I listened more intently. "That's not possible, it can't be," she muttered under her breath, before Jessica interrupted her.

"Rosalie is the Ice Queen of Forks High," she said spitefully, before pausing. "You know, you look just like her, except for the eyes," she murmured suspiciously, causing their table to fall silent.

"What do you mean?" Isabella questioned intensely, and I was surprised by her voice. It was far clearer, more distinct and ringing than any other human's voice that I'd heard. It was beautiful, really.

"Take a look for yourself, you'll see what I mean," Jessica muttered, catching sight of my entrance and glaring half-heartedly in my direction. The girl wouldn't dare to look at me in such a way, if she knew that I could see her from the corner of my eye.

Unfortunately, I couldn't quite see Isabella from my current vantage point, but she gasped when she saw me. I was curious at the fact that the humans compared her to me. I'd always been, to put it bluntly, beyond comparison, so it was a bit of a shock for me to hear.

"It can't be. It's just not possible," she whispered, quietly enough that her tablemates would have a hard time hearing, but the words reached my ears easily, just as I took a seat by Emmett's side.

I looked up, surreptitiously glancing in her direction, and when I saw her I froze. I'd thought that the human girls were exaggerating when they said that she looked just like me, but they had spoken the truth. It was like looking in the mirror, from the shimmering long blond hair to the luminous fair skin to the distinctive lavender-blue eyes that I'd had as a human.

I couldn't deny that she was absolutely gorgeous, perhaps even enough to have surpassed my beauty from when I was human. And I was Rosalie Hale, likely one of the vainest people ever to walk the earth. So, it was a very big deal for me to admit that her beauty would likely surpass mine, if she were a vampire.

"What's not possible, Isabella?" Angela asked quietly, a note of genuine concern in her voice, when she saw the rattled look on Isabella's face. Her eyes were wide and her heartbeat accelerated, as if she had seen a ghost. I wondered briefly if she knew what we were, but I dismissed the idea as quickly as it entered my mind.

"It's nothing, Angela," she said, shaking her head and standing from the table. "We should get to class," she said briskly, walking toward the exit just as the bell rang to signal the end of the lunch period.

My eyes followed her out, drawn to this strange, beautiful girl who looked so much like me. I only looked away when Alice called my name, glancing between myself and the girl. Clearly, I'd caught their concern with my obvious interest in the new student.

"Is everything okay, Rose?" she asked cautiously, and I debated on whether I should say anything.

Deciding against it, I gave a small smile, placing a light kiss on my mate's cheek. "Everything is fine, Alice. I'll see you all after school is over," I called over my shoulder, striding out of the cafeteria, sparing a reassuring glance for my mate, who smiled understandingly back at me.

By the time that I entered my fifth period European History class, I'd put the oddity of the new girl's resemblance to myself out of my mind, but then I realized that there was someone sitting in the previously-empty seat next to mine. It was her, Isabella.

I didn't allow my surprise to show on my face, instead striding calmly to take my seat. Briefly, I wondered about the girl's surname. I'd only heard her referred to by her first name. It was no real concern of mine, but I felt, for some reason, as if it was important.

I took a deep breath, and was again stunned by the girl sitting next to me. Her scent permeated the air, a pleasant aroma of violets and vanilla. Simultaneously, I could hear each pulse of the blood in her body, but neither sensation incited my bloodlust. It was as if she were a vampire, all the aromatic appeal with none of the burning, endless thirst as a consequence.

My concentration on the strange phenomenon was interrupted when the bell rang, signaling the start of fifth period, and the instructor, Mr. Creak, entered the room. He quickly greeted the class, as per usual, before beginning take attendance. It was a tedious, but understandably necessary, ritual.

I waited, paying little attention, for him to reach my name, idly listening for the new girl's last name to appear within the list. However, just as I prepared to answer him, when he should have reached my name on the list, he paused.

"Isabella Hale," he called curiously, eyes wide with confusion, and I froze.

That wasn't possible. It couldn't be. She was dead – they told me that she was dead! But I knew the truth, in my still heart, even before she spoke.

"Here," she called in a clear voice, speaking up from beside me. The response was expected, yet it blew me away just the same, as if it had come out of thin air.

Vaguely, I heard the other students murmuring in surprise and curiosity, all of their attention focused in our direction. The teacher hushed them half-heartedly, clearly just as intrigued as his students. I paid them no mind, though, I was focused on something of far greater importance.

It was her: the girl who shared my looks and beauty, the one who shared my family name, the one I'd mourned for seventeen years… She was right here, beside me, and I couldn't believe it. It was her, my Isabella…

To Be Continued.

A/N: Hello, everyone! After an extended hiatus, I am once again back and ready to resume writing! Unfortunately for those of you who have been loyal readers, I have chosen to begin by making some much-needed updates/edits to my original stories. However, I will get caught up eventually! So, please bear with me for the time being!

A few things that to keep in mind when reading this story:

1: I've taken liberties with both Rosalie's history and personality. This story will be completely from her point of view, as well.

2: Isabella's appearance has been changed to fit this story better, as has her own history. The original "Bella Swan" from the books irritates me with her weakness, so my own Bella will be nothing like her.

I hope that you all enjoyed the new-and-improved first chapter! I'm really looking forward to getting back into writing once more! Review and let me know what you thought!

~A Thousand Undiscovered Stars~