I own no characters in this story I am simply borrowing this world for my own plot.

Chapter 1 – The worst way to say hello.

It's been five years since I last walked into this building Draco thought. A few people were openly starring. He couldn't blame them. A Malfoy in the ministry of magic after all this time, after no one had seen him since the night the war ended.

Thinking back to how he ran that night he knew they had a right to whisper. A broad grin took over his face at the things he heard. It was like a bad blonde joke. Blonde walks into the wizard ministry building and the ministry says exit is that way Malfoy. This joke, sadly had no punch line. Draco thought five years would have been enough time to put distance between the bad reputation of his name and the past. With a determined stride he kept walking. After all he was here for himself. He didn't give a fuck what these ministry assholes thought. He didn't need to change their minds about him. Or so he kept telling himself. But what he would never admit is that part of him feared never being able to really be free of the past.

Standing outside in the corridor of the new department of unclaimed items Draco leaned his head against the wall. Part of him couldn't actually believe the minister had agreed to give him a job. Remembering the discussion with Kingsley a few things still didn't fully make sense. Just who was the mystery person that had decided Draco would need a second chance one day? And who the hell was the 'old friend' that he will be working with?

'' Get a grip man.'' he told himself in an aggravated tone before biting the bullet and pushing open the door.

Before he knew what was happening, he found himself on the floor. Tangled in a mixture of books and little green plates all with the same swimming duck that quacked in his ears. So much for first impressions. With speed Draco felt objects being lifted away and heard the sweetest voice imaginable been apologetic, but with a small tint of guilt attached to it. Freeing a book from his face, the woman behind the angelic voice froze.

'' What the hell are you…Ouch.'' he winced suddenly as the book hit him square in the jaw.

'' That's just typical of you isn't it Granger hit a man while he is down.'' For a second their eyes met.

'' Oh bite yourself Malfoy. If I'd of known it was you I'd make sure half the furniture in the room was thrown at you.'' The sound of her heels clicking on the stone floor was all he heard while he brushed himself off. Smiling in his mind at the sight of her nerves.

'' Well you must have aimed for someone or I wouldn't of been covered in a porcelain pond.'' Bitterness hung in the air.

Out of frustration Hermione's fingers found themselves sinking into her curls. A force of habit. ''Not everyone is like you Malfoy. They don't feel the need to fire their wand to make a point.'' Anger dripped from her words. '' Did you consider just for a second that an irritating blonde might have walked in on me while I was performing a multiple levitation spell. Which you distracted me from and it was all a big accident? What am I even saying, the only thing you consider is yourself.''

Turning away, Draco counted to ten mentally. This was not the way to make a fresh start. His anger was fuelled by her judgmental looks.

With her hands placed on the desk top Hermione pressed her back against. Eyes widened as she watched an old enemy pace across room towards her. Subtle fingers stroked over the wood. Regaining confidence that his closeness took away.

'' You're call me irritating? That's rich coming from the princess of prissy herself. Tell me are you locked away down here because no one else can stand you or are the ministry hoping to lose you among all these items?''

Before the words finished leaving his lips, he knew he had gone too far. Eyes shut tight in preparation. Draco waited for Hermione to either slap or hex him. Mind knowing Granger it was more likely to be a punch. Which his conscience seemed to think he deserved.

Nothing. Nothing happened. Wearingly Draco drew open his eyes, catching her gaze again. This time he could have sworn tears had been there. It was only as Hermione's petite curves slipped away from him that he realised how close they had been. She made a run towards the door. Slamming it shut. Leaving Draco alone to curse himself for letting his own temper and world angst issues to get the best of him.

Spying the mess which had once been a semi tidy room Draco sighed '' I could just clean it up for her. We could start again like this never happened. Oh come on mate even you don't believe it will be that simple. Stop fooling yourself.'' Shaking his head Draco ended the conversation with himself. Stopping dead in his tracks with his wand out he stared at the door '' Fuck it, I'll go find her, say sorry and then probably get punched.'' With that he slammed the door too.

Hermione sat in the third cubicle of the ladies bathroom. Trying her best to calm down. Knowing Malfoy wasn't worth it didn't help. The tears still fell.

'' You knew this wasn't going to be easy when you agreed to working with him.'' her voice was a soft hum. ''Remember what Kingsley said, you have to keep an open mind.'' The words were repeated like a mantra. Hands fumbled with tissue to wipe away the flood of tears. Malfoy has an icy shade of blue eyes. Hermione paused at the cubicle door. Unable to believe what her mind just thought. '' All thoughts about his eyes and any other part of him are banned.'' Giving herself the warning she stormed off back to the office. Ready for round two.

As Hermione twisted around the last corner she suddenly found herself sliding across the floor. Feeling a frosty sting from the tiles.

'' If I didn't know better witch, I'd say you liked getting me on my back. And that these little 'accidents' of yours are planned.'' His lips twitching into a half smirk.

''My accidents Malfoy? You're the pure blood with the clumsy problem, not me.'' Hermione was wearing frustration like a second skin.

''In that case, let me make amends and help you up.'' Using the wall to pull his quidditch toned body up. Draco lazily strolled over with confidence to where Hermione lay. Holding out a hand, a peace-offering.

Authors note: Was there any need to mention Draco's quidditch toned body? Nope none at all but why would anyone not want to think about that for at least a few minutes. Kisses xox