Disclaimer: I don't own BBC's Merlin or any of the characters or places mentioned within this FanFiction.

A/N: Please let me know of any spelling/ grammatical errors I've been working on this for a lot of hours now, the words are starting to blur together.

Chapter 1: The Dragon's Call

The sun shines brightly as I walk down the dusty path on my way to Camelot. It's been a long journey, my legs burn with the strain and the heat has forced me to consume most of my water. Hands holding my pack tight to my back I continue onwards up a slight bank. A warm breeze brushes against my skin bringing me no relief.

I miss home already though I am only a day's walk away now, it scares me to be somewhere so unfamiliar. Mother has sent me on this journey and I understand why. The magic that courses through me just like my blood has caused her more than a few problems whilst I was little and unable to restrain it. I understand as well the reason she believes it vital I keep my gender a secret. As she once told me, 'In this world of men there is no way for a woman to advance.' So ever since I was born I've been hiding as a boy/ man, I don't mind I am more than used to it now.

Hiding as a male became more challenging when my body started to grow into its natural feminine form. My body didn't care that I was hiding or that I now had to wear baggy clothes to make the changes less obvious. My chest caused the most problems, as Mother and I worked to find a way to hide me we were discovered by my friend Will. Although his checks flushed red and he quickly turned around, otherwise he didn't treat me any differently which was a big relief to me. I was happy that there was someone other than Mother in our village that knew of my gender and magic, Mother was not. It was shortly after she began arranging for my move to Camelot.

It took a while for all the arrangements to be made as letters travelled backwards between Mother and a man called Gaius. Gaius I found out later was the court physician and the man that I would be staying with once I arrived. Mother wrote a final letter to Gaius that travels with me, a thank you note I assume although it took her a while to write it.

We'd learnt whilst we awaited a reply once that if I took lots of thick bandages I could wrap them tightly around my chest; starting from the top and working slowly down, I could make them almost completely disappear. With the addition of my loose clothing; that had a slight disadvantage of making me appear as if I was awaiting a growth spurt, and my neckerchief I could appear male. Admittedly I appeared weak and most definitely a push over but I knew I was stronger than I looked and I had my magic to back me up if absolutely necessary. I have several neckerchiefs, I really like them as they keep my neck warm and help hide the top of my bandages. I have a few tops where it they aren't necessary but I don't wear them that often.

Once all was set we cut my hair a bit shorter than normal, then I bound my chest with lots of thick bandages, donned my loose clothing and neckerchief as was off with a tight hug goodbye. Packed away in the bag bouncing on my back are: as many of my clothes and neckerchiefs my pack would allow, a small ration of food, more bandages both thick and thinner ones, two pairs of shoes, lots of woollen socks and comfortable undergarments. My pack fit to bursting point I managed to attach a sleeping roll to the outside via the bags fastenings and my water pouch slung to the side, within easy reach should I need it.

The path widened as I grew closer to the citadel, a man in chainmail passed me on a horse causing me to smile. I knew I was about another few hours walk away once the path ventured next to a thick forest. I headed through it, the road ventured to the side however I've always had a love for the trees and nature surrounding me. The path I choose was clearly not a travelled one as parts of my root caused me to stumble. I was careful to avoid any damp areas as I didn't want to tread un-necessary mud into the place that would be my new home.

The trees began to thin out, pushing onwards to the sky I could now see ahead of me. Crouching down I filtered through the tiny branches as I entered a clear patch within the forest. Looking towards the direction I was headed I could not stop the smile that spread onto my face as I gazed upon the castle of Camelot for the first time. I rushed forwards not wanting to stop now I was so close a sense of excitement and nervousness bubbling within me.

Finally entering the first walls to the outer-city I notice to my surprise that the streets are not as crowded as I had expected them to be. A few individuals and small groups litter the streets as I navigate my way towards the citadel. As travel towards the inner-city the amount of people around me increases, although they appear to be sorting items or busying themselves with tasks. No one pays particular attention to me as I gaze around with wonder no doubt sparkling in my eyes.

As I cross the bridge to enter the inner-city I notice some of the guards blowing horns, the few people that are now scattered nearby rush forwards without running into the square. A slight grin on my face I notice a small crowd of people nestled around something. I make my way towards the crowd as drums are beaten, the crowd mutters as a man is escorted out by two guards. Worming my way closer; careful not to hit anyone with my pack, I finally see what everyone is gathered around. A man in a black hood and brown clothes stands upon a raised wooden platform, a thick block of wood is located in the centre a woven basket to its side. Guards stand with pikes rotated sideways to prevent anyone getting to close. These guards make a small gap for the man to be escorted onto the platform.

"Let this serve as a lesson to all." A voice boomed, looking up I noticed a noble man standing on a balcony a gold crown identifying him as the King. Two men, one either side of the King were also stood upon the balcony they seemed on edge as their eyes scanned the crowd, their hands never leaving the blade secured to their sides. All three had red clocks on, the Pendragon crest visible on all but the Kings. "This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic." The King continued, I gulped at the word magic, a chill overcame me as I forced myself to not run away. I gripped my pack tightly as my body shook with nerves as the king continued. "And, pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death. I pride myself as a fair and just king, but for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass." The King named Uther nodded to the executioner.

As the man; Thomas, was forced to his knees I found my knees threatening to buckle. As I gazed at someone I should consider kin have his face pressed down to the block of wood, in a way so the woven basket was lying in wait for his head. I could not help but picture myself in his position, I would have to learn and quickly how to better control the magic within me. The executioner moved to Thomas' left hand side and raised his axe that shined in the dimming sunlight. The executioner paused, axe raised as he looked at Uther awaiting the signal. The drums continued to beat as Uther raised his hand, as Uther's hand reached the top of its lift the drums stopped and he dropped his hand. In the same instant the executioner lowered his axe, separating Thomas' head from his body cleanly at the neck. The crowd around me gasped as a sickening feeling rose from my stomach.

"When I came to this land, this kingdom was mired in chaos, but with the people's help magic was driven from the realm. So I declare a festival to celebrate twenty years since the Great Dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of Sorcery." Uther stated raising his arms in a welcoming gesture upon mentioning that Camelot was freed. "Let the celebrations begin." Uther concluded his hands falling as he began heading back into the castle.

Upon seeing the king leaving people began to filter away but a wail stopped people. An elderly woman filtered through the crowd. The crowd parted and Uther stopped, the woman was revealed in brown ragged clothing her face aged through years and the tears staining it seemed to age it further. She clutched at her dress, her mouth open in despair as she passed the raised platform and faced Uther.

"There is only one evil in this land, and it is not magic! It is you! With your hatred and your ignorance!" The woman stated, her voice cracking with grief, a tear started to form in my eyes as she spoke. The woman pointed in the direction Thomas' body lay and voice breaking stated. "You took my son!" She gasped seeming to force herself on with what she wished to say. "And I promise you, before these celebrations are over, you will share my tears. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a son for a son." Her voice gradually getting more distressed as fresh tears fell from her aged eyes. As she spoke her arm fell slowly down then bent to press against her stomach.

"Seize her!" Uther ordered, obviously no matter the circumstances he would not allow anyone to threaten his son.

The woman glanced around in a panicked state, before grasping a gem of some sort upon a long necklace. She muttered something, the words I couldn't really make out. My magic tingled, focusing in my hands as if readying for an attack. I'd not experienced this before so I curiously watched as she continued her muttering then looked upwards as a strong wind radiated upwards of her position. She seemed to dissolve into the wind, leaves blew with her as those surrounding her were forced backwards. The wind died down when she vanished completely, the tingling of my magic died down instantly apparently satisfied there was no threat. Whispered conversation erupted as everyone busied themselves with getting back to work or going about their business. I stood confused for a moment not knowing what to do. Pulling my pack tightly against my back again I wondered why my magic had reacted the way it had and tried to decide where I needed to go now.

I followed some ladies that seemed to be heading inside and encountered two guards stationed to an entrance towards the outer part of the castle. Trying to swallow my nerves and convincing myself that these people wouldn't know I had magic I approached the nearest guard. "Err. Where would I find Gaius, the- the court physician?" I asked in a low tone mostly because of fear rather than remembering I'm meant to be a boy/ man. The guard gestured to the entrance they were guarding and I entered. Making my way down the corridor, heavy doors marked certain areas I had to open a few before someone directed me to door into a tower. Opening the heavy door I looked disbelievingly at some stone steps. Taking a few up I noticed a wooden sigh with 'Court Physician' carved into it with an arrow pointing to the first floor off to the side of the stairs. Taking the turn the walls closed in, not to an uncomfortable degree but just noticeably. There were a few more stairs then another corridor that started to the left. The first door was opened slightly and a strange aroma of herbs tickled my nose.

Sticking my head into the gap I see lots of bottles, books, equipment and ingredients dotted around the room. Knocking slightly, I push the door open fully as I question. "Hello?" I see lots of strange things laying on both sides as I enter. The strangest being a mask looking thing in the shape of a rabbit head. "Hello?" I ask again venturing further into the room. I notice a pot cooking on a contained fire so wonder where he could be. Looking up I notice a staircase leading up to a platform that is being used to store pots, books and other such things. I see a white haired man arranging something on the shelf in front of him. "Gaius?" I question then clear my throat when he doesn't react.

Gaius turns upon hearing me a small smile upon his face, something happens though and he's falling against the banister. It can't hold his weight and breaks, a small shocked noise issues from the man. My heart races and my magic reached out, slowing time just for him. Gaius' is still falling and my feet feel frozen in shock, I look around in a panicked state knowing in the back of my mind that if anyone was to walk in now I'd be beheaded before the night was out. I see a bed, defiantly the softest thing nearby and move it under him. I don't know how I can move things so easily, I've been able to do it for so long sometimes I have to remember to use my hands to do things. The bed slides under Gaius with just enough room to spare, as he hits time resumes its normal speed. He makes pained noises as the banister falls around him, Gaius huffs out a breath clearly relieved for the soft landing that he was not expecting.

Gaius struggles to right himself. "Huff. What did you just do?" He questions managing to sit upright.

"Erm..." I mutter, panic bubbles again as my magic readies itself to defend me.

"Tell me!" Gaius states in a voice that shows he won't take no for an answer, as he pushes himself from the bed.

Looking away I feel myself say none convincingly "I- I- I have no idea what happened." Gaius looks at me in disbelief then looks where he fell from.

"If anyone has seen that…" He states in a worried tone.

"Er, no! That- that was, that was nothing to do with me. That- that was just…" I started trying to come up with an explanation.

"I know what it was!" Gaius stated interrupting my failing attempts to cover myself. "I just want to know where you learned how to do it!" He finishes looking at me with an excited glint.

"Nowhere." I state truthfully in a panicked tone.

"So how is it you know magic?" He questioned again, fear was causing my palms to sweat, one wrong move and I'd end up sending this man I'd just saved flying.

I carefully tried to reign in my magic as I answered. "I don't!" It was the truth, though I knew I had magic and I could do a few things with it. I knew nothing of spells or how to control it very well.

Gaius panted, seemingly sensing that I wasn't telling him everything. "Where did you study? …Answer me!" He demanded.

I decided to stick to the truth as much as I could without revealing more about myself. "I- I've never studied magic or, or been taught." My voice was losing volume as fear started gripping it.

"Are you lying to me, boy?" Gaius asked disbelievingly as he stepped closer towards me.

"What do you want me to say?" I questioned not knowing how else to get this conversation to end, part of me relieved that he hadn't realised I was a woman.

"The truth!" Gaius demanded.

Sighing internally I stated with no hesitation. "I was born like this!"

"That's impossible!" Gaius half scoffed. He looked around then asked the question I was expecting. "Who are you?"

"Oh, erm…" I muttered as I pulled my pack from my back. "I have this letter." I mumble as I drag the note Mother had sent me with that we'd packed just behind my sleeping roll. Once I had it, I handed it directly into Gaius' hand.

He looked down at it with a slight confused expression. "I- I don't have my glasses." He stated in an irritated tone, although I realised he was irritated at himself more for not being able to read what I'd handed him.

"I'm Merlin." I stated a small smile catching the corners of my mouth.

Surprise flashed onto Gaius' face. "Hunith's daughter?" he asked.

"Yes!" I stated with relief, at least my guardian for my time here knew that I was female. Although no doubt he'd find out if he ever has to treat me. I breathed deeply calming myself down.

"But you're not meant to be here till Wednesday!" Gaius stated looking slightly confused."It is Wednesday." I stated nervously.

"Ah, right then." Gaius looked slightly confused still then swapped to relieved. "You better put your bag in there." He continued motioning to the door at the far side of the room. I hadn't noticed I'd unconsciously tucked my pack under my left arm. My eyes flicked nervously from Gaius to the room and back again until I started walking towards the room.

Spinning around I spoke without thinking, panic very noticeably lacing my tone. "You- you won't say anything about, erm…" I gestured towards the balcony and bed.

Gaius nodded obviously knowing the reason for my panic. "No." I smiled slightly at him before turning slowly content to head into the room. I only taken a few steps when.

"Although Merlin, I should say thank you." I smiled softly before escaping into the room.

By the time I'd finally but all my things into the storage items. I was careful to tuck away anything that I brought with me that was slightly feminine as I didn't want Gaius or anyone else to stumble upon them if he was looking for something. I had candles I'd set elite without realising it, exhausted from all the travelling and day's events I sat upon the bed to rest my tired limbs. Looking around the room again I noticed a small window and curious I stood and walked to it, standing onto a small stool then the side table so I'd be able to see out. Opening the window, the cool night air cooled me, a smile instantly found its way onto my face as I looked at Camelot in the moonlight, fires lighting some of the windows. I was still getting the idea that this was my home at least for a while into my head. Deciding the night air was cooling me a little too much I closed the window and stepped down from my momentary stool. My body ached, tiredness catching up with me I quickly changed into my night shirt, breathing a sigh of relief once I undid the tight bandages and lay down. Before long my heavy lids fluttered closed.

"Merlin… Merlin." A soft but demanding voice called. Groaning internally I forced my still tired lids open. Light flooded my room from the window that had blown slightly open sometime during the night. Looking around it took me a few minutes to place where I was, and why I was here. Realisation dawned on my sleepy brain as did the hum of over-worked muscles. Sitting up slowly I stretched and stared at the window hoping the light would allow me to wake up quicker. Once my brain pushed some of the sleep away I quickly dressed reminding myself of my bandages and that I should probably talk to Gaius, he likely had more than a few questions.

I pulled my coat on as I made my way down the stairs to where Gaius was pouring something into a wooden bowl. He glanced at me briefly before turning to walk towards the table. "I got you water. You didn't wash last night." He scolded pointing at the bucket on the table top.

My checks heated up as I realise I'd been too tired after I'd unpacked to consider that I hadn't washed myself. "Sorry." I apologised.

"Help yourself to breakfast." Gaius stated motioning to the bowl he'd just poured what appeared to be porridge into, though it was a little more watery than I'd ever seen it. I picked up the spoon and sloshed the contents back into the bowl a feeling of unease overcame me. Gaius walked away from my side leaning over as he watched me fill my spoon again. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Gaius' hand nock the bucket of water and it fell sideways. My head swished to the side, standing up on instinct as my magic tingled, reaching out to the bucket and water now froze in the air, most of the water hanging in the air outside of the bucket. I looked at Gaius as he looked at me and gasped, we looked back at the bucket and the magic released its hold of the time in that area, the water splashing away as the bucket clattered sounding out its collision.

"How did you do that? Did you incant a spell in your mind?" Gaius questioned feeling frightened I took half a step backwards.

"I don't know any spells." I stated whilst shaking my head from side to side.

"So what did you do? There must be something." Gaius asked in a reassuring tone.

My voice cracked from the pressure in the room as I answered. "It just happens." Gaius looked back at the spill as I moved and grabbed the mob standing by the door and quickly mopped it.

"Well, we better keep you out of trouble. You can help me until I find some paid work for you. Here." He stated as he walked from the table picked up some items then back towards the table holding a glass bottle and a small poultice. "Hollyhock and Feverfew for Lady Percival…" he stated whilst placing the small poultice upon the table "and this is for Sir Olwin. He's as blind as a weevil, so warn him not to take it all at once." He finished placing the bottle down then pointing at it.

"Okay." I shyly stated whilst picking everything up.

"And here." Gaius kindly said whilst picking up a plate upon which a sandwich was placed. I smile at him as I pick the sandwich off the plate. "Off you go." Gaius states dismissively he takes the mop from me and I hear the plate clatter back onto the table as I walk towards the exit. "And Merlin!" catching me just as I placed my hand upon the door, I glance back towards him. "I need hardly tell you that the practice of any form of enchantments will get you killed." I nodded as Gaius shook his finger at me.

Once out of Gaius' sight I ate the sandwich hungrily as I wandered through the corridors back to the main building. I asked people along the way where I could find the individuals I needed the servants, merchants or guards were all quite willing to help. I didn't risk asking anyone who looked more important, I still wasn't settled in yet and there were a lot more people here than Ealdor. Finally I found the people I was looking for. Lady Percival thanked me and asked me to pass on her thanks to Gaius, I promised I would. Sir Olwin didn't give me the time to warn him not to take all the remedy all at once, I made a mental note to tell Gaius that I had failed in that quest.

Tasks complete I decided to familiarise myself with the castle grounds more, I decided to start outside as there was less chance of ending up in a room I shouldn't be in. Walking into the courtyard I heard a man's voice arrogantly ask. "Where's the target?" Looking around I noticed a man probably a little younger than me holding some equipment and facing a small group of men.

The boy with the equipment; clearly a servant of some description, had brown dishevelled hair and green shirt and trousers that were tucked into brown boots. He looked tired and nervous as he gestured to the target that he'd obviously placed. "There, Sir?" He questioned seemingly unsure if he should answer.

"It's into the sun?" The voice from before mocked drawing attention to the man in front of the servant boy with some pieces of armour on his right arm, wrists and around his neck covering the top of his chest. Under which he was wearing a red shirt with a belt secured around the middle and some dark brown trousers that tucked into brown almost knee high boots. One thing that caught my attention with this arrogant man was his hair, it was a golden blonde that shined in the sun but at the same time seemed to radiate its own light. For a moment it took my breath away before I remembered where I was and moved of the path slightly to watch what was happening. For some reason I couldn't take my eyes from the blonde man for very long, and when he was within my sight my magic tingled like it expected something to happen.

"But it's not that bright." The servant boy stated snapping me back to reality.

"A bit like you, then?" The blonde man stated chuckling slightly.

The other men laugh as the servant boy gestures with his head away from the sun as he asks. "I'll put the target on the other end, shall I, Sir?" The blonde nods slightly and turn to his gang and mutters something I can't quite make the words out to them. The serving boy having picked up the target, bent under the weight of the thing begins moving it to the location required by the blonde man. I watch as the blonde man prepares a dagger in his right hand and throws it at the still moving target and the serving boy behind. The boy grunts from the force, stopping momentarily and looking at the dagger embedded in the target he says with a fearful voice. "Hey! Hang on!"

"Don't stop!" The blonde man demands, I frown at the man. It was obvious the boy had problems moving the target, yet here he was making it even harder for the boy. The boy grunted with the effort of shifting the target further away, concern clearly etched upon his face.

"Here?" The boy questioned seemly scared of the answer.

"I told you to keep moving!" The blonde man orders with a dismissive wave, he picks up another dagger and throws it at the stationary boy who manages to raise the target to protect himself just in time. "Come on! Run" The man laughs out at the very scared boy. I watch as the boy shuffles to the left with the target, not really able to run with it. The blonde man throws another dagger and chuckling says. "Do you want some moving target practice?" Aiming the question at the men behind him who are just chuckling amongst themselves.

The boy switches hands and starts running to the right, panting hard and shaking his left arm out as if in slight pain. The blonde throws another dagger and it is clear to me that the boy really doesn't have much strength left as he switches to the left again. The boy is practically falling over his own feet as his legs look ready to buckle under the weight, the blonde seeing none of this throws another dagger. The force caused the boy to stumble the target rolling away as it comes to a rest right in-front of me. I see the boy shoot a scared look at the blonde and attempt to pick the target back up.

I place my foot on the edge of it to stop him the boy looks up to me, tears beginning to form in the corners of his eyes, his hands red, his breathing laboured. I look down at the boy with a concerned smile. Glancing up, trying to ignore my speeding heart as I looked at the blonde man. "Hey, come on, that's enough." I stated hoping he'd realise how hurt the servant boy was from the workout.

The blonde whipped around once my first word was out and looked at me in confusion. "What?" He asked in a confused tone.

"You've had your fun, my friend." I stated trying to also ignore the way my magic tingles underneath my skin as he addressed me.

The blonde seemed confused as he walked towards me, my heart pounding so loud I could hear it and my magic tingling so wildly I was scared lightning would erupt on my skin.

"Do I know you?" The blonde questioned as he continued to walk towards me.

"Er, I'm Merlin." I introduced myself, sticking my right hand out as I'd been taught to. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the servant boy standing up.

"So I don't know you." The blonde stated dismissively as he stopped just before his body collided with my hand. The blonde kept eye contact with me, staring me down.

"No." I replied, dropping my arm.

"Yet you called me 'friend'." The blonde questioned with a touch of uncertainty.

Smiling slightly at him, I gave him a quick look over as I allowed my annoyance to speak for me. "That was my mistake."

"Yes, I think so." The blonde arrogantly replied a slight smirk on his lips, that didn't cause my heart to flutter slightly.

"Yeah, I'd never have a friend who could be such an ass." I scoffed as I started to walked away choosing to escape before he noticed my checks slowly heating up.

The blonde laughed slightly. "Or I one who could be so stupid." He mocked.

I stopped, my rain having an internal battle with itself about what to do. I know I should lay low, I've got secrets that need to be kept and being in the centre of attention isn't going to help me keep them. Or to stand up to this man who clearly needs someone to stand up to him. My mind decided to face him, probably a decision I'd regret later, but that was for later me to worry about.

"Tell me, Merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees?" The blonde asked in an irritating tone, my magic flaring as he said my name. As he talked I heard him walking towards me again, my magic seemed to control my body for a moment and then I realised I was turned to face the man who was causing my magic to react in such a way.

The blonde man stopped a lot closer to me this time and I had to gulp slightly before answering. "No."

"Would you like me to help you?" The blonde enquired the smirk still upon his lips.

"I wouldn't if I were you." I heard myself say, so much for a low profile I mentally scolded myself.

The blonde laughed. "Why? What are you going to do to me?"

"You have no idea." I stated somewhat coldly, I was surprised my magic wasn't visible from the sensation it was giving me, I could almost feel it in the air.

"Be my guest!" The blonde said with a chuckle in his voice, he took a step back and raised his arms with his palms facing upwards seemingly to suggest I give him a shot. "Come on! Come on!" He leaned slightly towards me. "Come oooooon." Before I could stop or reason with myself I felt my magic focus my right hand into a fist and watched as I swung towards him.

The blonde caught my arm easily, after all I'm not used to throwing hits. He twisted my arm within his grasp and pulled in behind my back. He leaned against me as he mockingly told me. "I'll have you thrown in jail for that."

Gasping slightly in pain my retort issued before I'd time to think of it. "What, who do you think you are? The King?" I heard my tone, I'd practically spat out my words.

"No. I'm his son, Arthur." He replied just as viciously. I felt a force against the back of my knees and they had no chance but to submit.

Two guards rushed forwards and escorted me away, another come and dispersed the crowd that we'd gathered. The guards had a very rough handle on me and moved me quickly to a cell under the castle. They threw me in none too kindly and I wondered how I'd get out of this. 'Way to go Merlin, look what you've got yourself into now!' I mentally scolded myself.

The night was a cold one without covers and only some scattering of hay and my jacket to keep me warm. I'd taken my neckerchief off to use as a tiny cushion, though I didn't dare chance removing my chest wrap so the night hadn't been a comfortable one. "Merlin… Merlin." The voice sounded jarring me awake, it sounded irritated. The second time it sounded I jumped slightly and scurried away from the spot in the floor my name seemed to be issuing from. "Merlin…" The voice sounded again, curious I went back to where I'd slept and but my ear against the floor.

"Merlin!" A concerned Gaius stated as the door to my cell opened. I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face upon seeing Gaius. "Ah. You never cease to amaze me!" He started pacing back and forth. "The one thing that someone like you should do is keep your head down, and what do you do? You behave like an idiot." Gaius scolded.

"I'm sorry." I sigh, I really was.

"You're lucky. I managed to pull a few strings to get you released." Gaius stated in a relieved tone, he glanced at my top and I realised I hadn't yet put on my neckerchief.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you!" I said happily though Gaius looked disapprovingly at my happiness. "I won't forget this." I state.

"Well, there is a small price to pay." Gaius seriously adds.

Gaius walks out as a guard enters, not giving me time to pick up my neckerchief I'm dragged from the cell. I only hope that nobody sees the top of my bandages, I'm taken to the stocks where the city dwellers are already awaiting me. Another guard opens the stock and I'm forced into place, my hands remain are shackled and the locks placed on the stocks so I can't escape. "Oh, no." I mumble to myself as the guards move and the pelting begins. I force my magic back, not allowing it to do as it normally does and protect me. If I had more control over it I'd have allowed it to soften the blows but that something I'll have to work on in secret. As the people are laughing and throwing rotten fruit at me I see Gaius walking past laughing.

"Thanks!" I yell after him, he waves my neckerchief at me and I smile slightly.

The buckets temporarily empty the children run away to go find more rotten food to throw at me. A lady in a red dress with a white under dress that has long sleeves and a red cloak approaches me. I can't help but admire how pretty she is as she nears. "I'm Guinevere, but most people call me Gwen. I'm the Lady Morgana's maid." She states softly.

"Right. I'm Merlin." I reply twisting my left hand so I can shake hers. For a maid she has soft hands, she giggles slightly at the awkward handshake. "Although, most people just call me Idiot."

"No, no, no. I saw what you did. It was so brave." Gwen stated encouragingly.

"It was stupid." I mutter.

"Well, I'm glad you walked away. You weren't going to beat him." Gwen continued seemingly off in her own world.

"Oh, I- I can beat him." I scoff.

"You think?" Gwen questioned glancing over me. "Because you don't look like one of those big, muscle-y kind of fellows." She continued.

"Thanks." I stated in an annoyed tone, if she'd know I was a woman she wouldn't expect muscles of me. Then again, I'm glad she doesn't at least that means for now my gender secret remains known only to Gaius.

"No! No, I'm sure you're stronger than you look. It's just, erm… Arthur's one of those real rough, tough, save the world kind of men, and… well…" Gwen stated trying to not hurt my feelings, although she couldn't know that I really wasn't that bothered.

"What?" I questioned, allowing her to continue.

"You don't look like that." She stated whilst shaking her head slightly to enforce the fact.

I looked to both sides and motioned with my left hand for her to come closer. She leaned forward and took half a step in my direction as I muttered. "I'm in disguise."

Gwen laughs as she stands straight again, seeming to compose herself. "Well, it's great you stood up to him."

"What? You think so?" I stated unbelievingly.

"Arthur's a bully, and everyone thought you were a real hero." Gwen concludes.

"Oh, yeah?" I ask, she nods and makes an approving humming noise. I notice the children coming back so I want to finish our chat. "Oh, excuse me, Guinevere. My fans are waiting." I state pointing at the children lining up with their now full baskets. Gwen runs in-front of me, I issue a small wave in her direction as the pelting begins again.

When my time in the stocks is over, Gaius comes to get me. Bringing with him my neckerchief so I won't have to worry about my display of bandages on the way back to the lab. When we arrive he usurers me into my room were a tub of warm water awaits. He tells me not to be too long as dinner will be ready soon. I shout my thanks through the door.

After my bath I quickly re-dress as the air has a bit of a chill to it, also the smell of food filtering through my door is beginning to cause my stomach to grumble. As I exit my room Gaius is just placing the food upon the table.

"Do you want some vegetables with that?" Gaius jokingly asks as I sit down to eat.

"I know you're still angry with me." I reply with a slight laugh.

"Your mother asked me to look after you." He stated with a slight tinge of concern.

"Yes." I agree.

"What did your mother say to you about your gifts?" Gaius enquired.

I rolled my eyes slightly because of what she'd said. "That I was special." I replied honestly.

"You are special. The likes of which I have never seen before." He admiringly states.

Confused I ask "What do you mean?"

"Well, magic requires incantations, spells. It takes years to study. What I saw you do was… elemental, instinctive." He noted.

Sighing I asked the question that had been bugging me in the stalls. "What's the point if it can't be used?"

Gaius seemed to sense my distress and nodded his understanding. "That I do not know. You are a question that has never been posed before, Merlin." He informed.

"Did you ever study magic?" I questioned curiously.

Gaius guarded himself with his reply. "Uther banned all such work twenty years ago."

"Why" I enquire, not used to being able to have a conversation about magic, even though it was a somewhat guarded conversation.

"People used magic for the wrong end at the time. It threw the natural order into chaos. Uther made it his mission to destroy everything from back then, even the dragons." Gaius informed me.

My heart sped, such creatures of magic can't have been defeated easily, surely some escaped or something, nervously I asked. "What? All of them?" I mentally begged him to reply no.

"There was one dragon he chose not to kill, kept it as an example. He imprisoned it in a cave deep beneath the castle where no one can free it. Now, eat up. When you've finished, I need you to take a preparation to Lady Helen. She needs it for her voice." I nodded my agreement and quickly ate the food Gaius had prepared. Once I was finished I grabbed the bottle Gaius placed on the table and after he told me where Lady Helen would be I happily went about my mission.

Arriving I knocked on the door but there was no answer, I timidly opened the door, to see no one in the chamber. I noticed that the mirror on the vanity desk facing the door had a cover over it, but the cover had fallen off one of the corners of the mirror, I briefly wondered why she would decide to cover something that would help her get ready. Deciding it didn't matter at least not for the purpose I was there I placed the bottle upon the vanity desk. I was just about to leave when a straw doll looking thing caught my attention, curious I picked it up.

My magic hummed in my fingertips, I scowled slightly but placed in back down after realising it was just straw. A book covered in a cloth caught my attention then, I uncovered the book to see a very detailed front but no apparent title some string connected it. What caught my attention was all the pages stuffed within it, I turned it over in my hands.

I heard a door clatter closed and I quickly placed the book back upon the desk and the cloth over it, turning around I came face to face with a very beautiful woman. She could only be the Lady Helen, she didn't seem like a singer to me but looks were deceiving I guess.

She looked at me confused then eyed the desk behind me. "What are you doing here?" She questioned.

"An… I-" I turned around and picked the bottle up from the table. "I was asked to deliver this" I replied, handing her the bottle for her voice. I smile at her, she looks a little confused and spooked, most likely because she didn't expect anyone to be in her room when she returned. She smiled an uneasy smile back, taking that as my leave to go, I walked around her and left her to her preparations.

As I was making my back towards Gaius' chambers I decided to take the long route through the market stalls as I liked the friendly faces, even though I didn't stop to talk to anyone. As I was walking I noticed the golden glow of hair that could only belong to Arthur Pendragon. I sighed and kept my head down hoping he'd be content enough that I'd been punished for my earlier 'crime'.

"How's your knee-walking coming along?" He enquired. Evidently he wanted to humiliate me further so I forced myself not to resort and to continue walking. "Aw, don't run away!" Arthur sighed.

My pride wouldn't allow this to continue, I stopped dead in my tracks. "From you?" I questioned in an annoyed tone.

I could hear him walking closer, my magic knew he was near and began to buzz in excitement. He sighed when I replied. "Thank God. I thought you were deaf as well as dumb."

Shaking my head slightly I retorted. "Look, I've told you you're an ass." I began to turn, resisting the urge to laugh when I noticed his slightly confused expression. "I just didn't realise you were a royal one." Arthur took a few steps forwards then looked back at the men who were with him. "Oh, what are you going to do? Get your daddy's men to protect you?" I teased.

Arthur laughed causing a warm feeling to settle in my stomach. "I could take you apart with one blow." He mocked whilst gesturing to me.

Apparently my mind having learnt nothing of my previous encounter with the Prince decided to reply without completely thinking through what it would say. "I could take you apart with less than that." I mentally slapped myself for such a smug reply, this was going to end with me in the stocks again.

"Are you sure?" Arthur questioned, my magic had control again as my arms quickly rid themselves of my jacket, the chilled air easily penetrating the fabric of my shirt. He laughed at this, once my jacket and neckerchief were on the floor he grasped the mace his guards handed him and threw it at me. "Here you go big man." I wasn't completely prepared for it so I dropped it on the floor. I hurried to pick it up as Arthur was handed another. "Come on, then." He taunted as he swung his mace in a circle to his side and above his head as he narrowed the gap between us. "I warn you, I've been trained to kill since birth." He gloated dropping his mace to his side once more.

"Wow, and how long have you been training to be a prat?" I teased.

Arthur snorted. "You can't address me like that." He informed shaking his head at me.

"I'm sorry. H- How long have you been training to be a prat, My Lord?" I questioned throwing in a little bow to amuse myself.

Arthur looked back at the guards who were chuckling, then turned to face me once more swinging his mace above his head as he did so. With the distance now between us I had to duck to avoid the hit, if what he said was true he had experience and strength on his side. I seemed to have magic and speed, though I'm smaller than him I know I have quick feet, the magic tingling through my muscles makes them even faster whenever I wish it.

Backing up Arthur takes another swing that I manage to dodge. Whilst he's swinging himself back around to send another attack my way I increase the distance between us. The mace felt foreign in my hand, I was observing Arthur's swings; mostly so I could avoid them, but a small part of me was making notes of how to handle the mace. I managed to create quite a wide gap between us, Arthur seemed slightly content to show off his skills. "Come on then, Merlin! Come on!" Arthur encourages as I continue to back up, not rally taking note of where I'm going. Arthur climbs onto a cart and my mace becomes stuck in some piece of a merchant's stall that is hanging. I can't get it loose as Arthur advances; steeping off the cart, as he swings I abandon my borrowed mace and he hits a wooden support that causes the cart to make me lose my balance slightly and I'm surprised when I don't fall to the ground.

I find myself backed against some fruit and vegetables the merchant is trying to sell, Arthur swings at me again and I force myself to swing over the table top. Arthur's mace hits a fruit that squirts its juices with a squelch noise. Looking at the fruit I bolt to the side trying to think of something to help myself with. Arthur jumps over the table with ease and backs me up until I fall against some flour bags leaned against a door. Arthur chuckles "You're in trouble now."

Trying to right myself I mutter "Oh God." Looking around as Arthur menacingly swings his mace around I notice some corn cutters to his right, focusing upon them I in-vision what I want them to do. I feel my magic tingle in my eyes as it rushes to do my bidding. The blades cross over each other and Arthur's mace catches on them, he looks back in surprise and I use the time it takes him to release his mace to escape from the corner I was in. I don't get very far, the stall abound us confiding my possible options.

Arthur is annoyed now I can see it in his eyes, he spins his mace faster above his head as well. His anger and embarrassment causing a menacing aura. Looking around again I cause a box to move forward the same second Arthur puts his foot forward causing the box to hit his shin. Arthur cries out in pain, I feel a smirk upon my lips. Moving behind another stall table, I duck as he swings causing him to break some eggs that are laid upon the counter. Whilst crouched down behind the table I see a rope and crawl it forwards and pull it taught with my magic just at the right time for Arthur to trip over it and fall into a sack. He drops his mace in the process, my magic hums ready and waiting the adrenaline pumping through my body adds fuel to its excitement.

I make my way towards Arthur, picking his fallen mace up in the process. In the time it takes me he's on his feet again easily evading my clumsy swings. "Do you want to give up?" I question, the adrenaline causing me to think I'll get away with this if I can win.

"To you?" Arthur scoffs, making it clear he won't give in.

I keep forcing him backwards, swinging the mace. "Do you? Do you want to give up?"

Arthur steps backwards his foot catching in a bucket by happy accident, he falls against the sacks I'd fallen onto earlier. A brief look of concern and confusion flashes across his face as his breath is forced from him at the speed of his fall. I smirk to myself content, until I spot Gaius in the crowd, his disappointment shines in his eyes which causes me to freeze up. An attack hits my back I turn to see him armed with a broom. Arthur hits my legs and my head and I fall to the ground, he spins the broom around in his hand and then makes a gesture of sweeping as I moan in pain.

Two guards pick me up, presumably to drag me to the jail cell again. "Wait." Arthur orders. "Let him go. He may be an idiot, but he's a brave one." He dismisses the guards, walking next to me he gives me an evaluating look. "There's something about you, Merlin, I can't quite put my finger on it." He states glancing me up and down a few times. I shy away from him, hiding hoping he won't see anything that will reveal either of my secrets.

Avoiding Gaius I retraced my steps and picked up my items from the floor where I'd dropped them. I hunched over as a pain radiated through m back and I felt the once tight bandages slipping down, apparently loosened during the fight. I practically ran back to Gaius' chambers, when I entered I heard the door open shortly after it had closed after my speedy entrance.

"How could you be so foolish?!" Gaius questioned, annoyance and concern noticeable in his voice.

"He needed to be taught a lesson." I answered simply stopping where I stood as tears pooled in my eyes.

"Magic must be studied, mastered, and used for good! Not for idiotic pranks!" Gaius scolded.

I turn around at that, annoyed Gaius didn't seem to realise what I could do. "What is there to master? I could move objects like that before I could talk!" I questioned.

"Then by now, you should be know how to control yourself!" Gaius stated.

"I don't want to! If I can't use magic, what have I got?!" I paused momentarily, mother's words echoing through my head again. I agreed there really was no room for women in this world of men, why'd I have to be a woman? It was hard enough bring rejected just for having magic, but on top of that if it was revealed I'm a woman people will start saying I need to find myself a husband, someone to protect me. Like I can't protect myself. "I'm just a nobody, and I always will be." I left the fact that if people found out my gender I'd been even more of a nobody unsaid, I'm sure he knew. "If I can't use magic, I might as well die." I concluded. It was the truth, magic had been my only constant in this world that would reject me for everything I am. My magic seemed to be the only thing that didn't care if I was special, powerful, a woman dressed as a man or afraid of what awaited me in life. If I couldn't use the one gift that had been my constant support then I really could see no reason to continue through this torture.

I retreat to my room, not even bothering to kick off my shoes or remove my slipping bandages I collapsed upon the bed. Ready to cry, I was laying on my front, though it's harder for me to breathe like this the pain in my back was worse. I feel tears falling down my face as I reached the conclusion in my head that I was practically worthless and that I can't do anything!

My door opens and I hear Gaius sigh, likely as he takes in my pathetic image right now. "Merlin?" He questions soothingly. "Sit up. Take your shirt off." Gaius instructs within physician mode as he crosses my room and places his medical basket on my bedside table.

I moan as I force myself upright, sitting on the edge of the bed next to were Gaius has stationed himself. I struggle pulling the shirt over my head, the loose bandages snagging at it causing the fabric to rub against the bruises that now dot my skin. Knowing Gaius will have to work under my bandages as well I leave them for him to move. Slipping my shirt fully over my head I hold the fabric against my chest, a lifetime of not allowing anyone other than my mother see my body has made me nervous about it. "You don't know why I was born like this, do you?" I questioned.

Gaius sighed as he faced me, he must have chosen not to say anything about the fact that I didn't need to hide my body from him as he was a physician. "No." He answered seriously. He began tending to the bruises and scratches I could feel on my back, moving my loose bandages only when he needed to.

I asked him the question that has been plaguing my mind for many years now. "I'm not a monster, am I?" I tried to add a jokey tone to my voice but it just sounded more broken to me.

Gaius moves his hand from his treatment and I look at him, he looks directly into my eyes and says the words I've been longing to hear. "Don't ever think that."

"Then why am I like this? Please, I need to know why." I practically beg ensuring to keep his eyes locked on mine.

"Maybe there's someone with more knowledge than me." Gaius suggested.

Turning away I mumbled. "If you can't tell me, no one can." I stare straight ahead of me, still clutching my shirt close to my chest, a single tear falls down my check. I listen as bottles rattle then Gaius hands me a small cup.

"Take this. It will help with the pain." I drink it down and hand him it back, Gaius pats my leg twice in a comforting gesture and packs his stuff to let me sleep for the night.

The dim moonlight for some reason wakes me just as the voice calls to me once more. "Merlin… Merlin…" Sitting up I decide it's now or never to find this voice. I push my shoes on, pick up my coat and head out. Not taking the time to secure my chest, it's the middle of the night. No one will look at me long enough to care, besides the muscles in my back are still sore from the pain earlier.

Slipping down into the lab I spot Gaius sleeping soundly upon the bed, slipping my coat on fully I rush to the door. A tinkling noise informs me I've nocked something on my journey. I don't turn fast enough and it crashes to the floor, I look in suspense at Gaius. He mutters, rolls onto his side and pulls his covers but otherwise he doesn't stir. I exhale the breath I didn't know I was holding. All ready to head out to find the voice I glance at Gaius again, taking a small step forward I reach out with my magic and pull his covers over his frame for him. Smiling to myself I quickly leave before I accidently awaken him.

As I cross the courtyard the voice calls to me again, it seems to know I'm on my way as it sounds expectant. Heading down into a part of the jail I spot two guards playing dice, with a casual few flicks of magic I cause the dice to roll away from them. They both go to retrieve them, I grin internally as I rush part the post they will shortly return to. Grabbing one of the torches that had rested on the wall behind one of the guards and quickly lighting it from the flame close by.

A corridor ventured off, downwards where I suspected this voice was originating from, as if to confirm my theory it called once again. This time the voice seemed to echo off the walls of this corridor. The darkness ahead was frightening, but I had to know what was here, what it was that demanded my attention. Gripping the torch tightly I stepped into the darkness, down and down the staircase travelled. If I was glad of one thing it was that it was a single pathway leading seemingly ever onwards but at least no side passages distracted me from my destination.

The flight of stairs actually wasn't as long as the dark made it appear, then the corridor levelled out and turned left, the floor was ramped downwards slightly, stone ruins were located to the side just ahead that forced me back to the right. Continuing down the corridor I finally arrived a wrought iron gate covered in cobwebs, what surprised me was that the gate was open, no lock or sticky webs to deal with I mentally sighed in relief.

The voice continued to call my name as I stepped through the gateway and a laugh echoed of the walls of the cave that I now found myself standing within. I noticed I was on a ledge so shuffled away from the edge. The voice continued to laugh, the voice surrounding me from all directions. My magic tingled trying to locate the voice. "Where are you?" I questioned the space before me.

A whooshing noise sounded loudly as the creature I instantly identified as a dragon flew forwards, a chain chinking as he moved. He was beautiful, golden outer scales fading to just off whit down his middle. His voice echoed not just within the walls but within my very self. "I'm here!" He stated, he looked me up and down giving me a chance to familiarise myself with his form, when he judged he's waited long enough he continued. "How small you are for such a great destiny."

"Why? What do you mean? What destiny?" I enquired, curious beyond wondering.

"Your gift, Merlin, was given to you for a reason." The dragon continued laying down upon his rock.

"So there is a reason." I asked excitedly, for the first time I may be able to get some answers.

"Arthur is the Once and Future King who will unite the land of Albion." The dragon answered.

Confused I replied. "Right." In my head I was attempting to see how this linked to what I had asked.

"But he faces many threats from friend and foe alike." The dragon continues, seemingly ignoring my confusion.

"I don't see what this has to do with me." I stated.

"Everything." The dragon said dismissively. "Without you, Arthur will never succeed. Without you, there will be no Albion." The dragon emphasised the 'you' in both sentences.

"No." I contradicted. "No, you've got this all wrong." I intended to correct him.

"There is no right or wrong, only what is and what isn't." The dragon corrected me.

Getting irritated I allowed my irritation to taint my voice. "But I'm serious! If anyone wants to go kill him, they can go ahead. In fact, I'll give them a hand." I told the dragon seriously.

He chuckled, the rocks rumbling with its echo deep in the distance. "None of us can chose our destiny, Merlin, and none of us can escape it." He stated.

"No." I started shaking my head. "No way. No. No. There must be another Arthur because this one's an idiot." I continued disbelievingly.

"Perhaps it is your destiny to change that." The dragon stated. I blinked in confusion, he lifted himself off the rock he'd been laying upon, stretching his wigs he flapped and shot upwards.

"Wait!" I shouted at him. "Wait! Wait, stop! No, I- I need to know more!" I stated but he was gone, I sighed clearly this dragon would cause more headaches than he might be worth.

I shuffled back to my room, easily distracting the guards again, blowing out and replacing the torch to where I found it. I entered my room without further incident, kicked my shoes off not caring where they flew and crawled under my covers.

All too soon came a shout from an annoyed physician. "Oi!" I looked up at him sleepily. "Have you seen the state of this room?!" He questioned.

My brain still awaking from sleep I muttered out. "It just happens."

Gaius gave a disapproving look. "By magic?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"Yes. Well, you can clean it up without magic." He told me throwing some of my trousers at me. "And then I want you to get me some herbs: henbane, wormwood, and sorrel." I nodded as Gaius gestured a pouch in his hand. "And deliver this to Morgana. Poor girl's suffering from nightmares." He handed the pouch to me then turned to leave.

Looking around a mumbled under my breath. "Mmm, know the feeling. Upon saying this Gaius tossed some more of my things at me.

Dressing I was careful to tighten my bandages a bit more that usual so they wouldn't work themselves loose if anything should occur. I decided to wear one of my shirts that I didn't need my neckerchief with, the first one I found happened to be a dark blue. Fastening my belt around my middle and donning a clean pair of brown trousers, shoving my feet into my shoes and grabbing my coat. Gaius handed me a sandwich as I rushed out telling him I'd tidy my room once I was back.

I rushed through the halls, quickly finishing my food and climbing to the room Gaius told me was the Lady Morgana's. I didn't get to knock the door had been left slightly open and she stood before me, she didn't see me but for a moment I was frozen by how beautiful she was. "You know, I've been thinking about Arthur." She spoke her voice like chimes as she walked behind her changing screen. "I wouldn't touch him with a lance pole. Pass me that dress, will you Gwen?" Morgana asked, I looked at the pouch in my hand and scanned the room with uncertainty.

Morgana began to undress awaiting me who she assumed was her maid servant to pass the dress she'd asked for. "I mean, the man's a total jouster. And just because I'm the King's ward, that doesn't mean I have to accompany him to the feast, does it?" She questioned as I placed the dress upon her screen. "Well does it?" He asked again, concern in her voice. I made a disagreeable mumble noise, using my higher range for the first time in a while. I shrugged to myself trying to work a way out of this situation.

The Lady Morgana apparently happy to have received a reply continued her chat to 'Gwen'. "If he wants me to go, then he should invite me, and he hasn't." She sadly states as I wander in a crouch back towards the door. "So do you know what that means?" She asked, I made the same disagreeable mumble noise showing that I didn't know what she meant. Morgana seemed confused, "Where are you?" She enquired.

The Lady was turning so I picked up the cloak on the table in-front of me and covered my face and issued a quick "Here."

"It means I'm going by myself." Peeking through the neck hole of the cloak I noticed she'd turned around again so shuffled back more towards the door. "I need some help with this fastening." Panic stirs within me, I am not familiar with dresses much less fancy fastenings. I hope for a miracle as if Morgana looks over now she'll see a strange 'man' with a scared look, with her maid servant nowhere in sight she'll come to the correct conclusion that I handed her that dress. I'd likely be in the stocks before I could say 'biscuits'.

"Gwen?" Morgana questions.

"I'm here." The soft voice of Gwen starts from behind me, quickly I whisper to Gwen what her mistress is after and hand her the pouch for Morgana's nightmares. I quickly exit, having completed my job.

Later I accompany Gaius to the feast, we go to work. To ensure that no one at the feast needs a physician's assistance. However that though leaves my mind as I notice Arthur fooling around with his friends, he glances around and gulps. I look in the direction he is facing and see the Lady Morgana. She's wearing a different dress than the one I handed her it's beautiful and suits her perfectly, I feel my mouth hang open as she walks past, unable to keep my eyes from her.

"Merlin. Remember, you're here to work." Gaius scolds. I agree but cannot stop myself looking at, secretly wondering if I'd ever look that good in a dress.

"She looks great, doesn't she?" A voice asked, I managed to tear my eyes away to see Gwen standing beside me. The room flooded back into focus, I notice now that Arthur is talking to Morgana and others nearby to her.

"Yeah." I agreed, trying my best to disguise my jealousy as lust as a man would feel.

"Some people are just born to be queen." Gwen stated with pride.

"No!" I replied in shock.

"I hope so. One day. Not that I'd want to be her. Who'd want to marry Arthur?" Gwen asked, I felt my heart race as the momentary image of marrying Arthur flashed in my mind.

"Oh, come on, Gwen." I chuckled. "I thought you liked those real rough, tough, save the world kind of men." I joked feeling my pulse race as I began to realise maybe I liked that type of man as well.

"No, I like much more ordinary men like you." She corrected me.

I chuckled slightly. "Gwen, believe me, I'm not ordinary." I state. 'There are times I wish I was.' I think to myself.

"No, I didn't mean you, obviously." Gwen rushed to say a slight blush filtering into her cheeks. "Not you. But just, you know, I like much more ordinary men like you." She reassured emphasising the 'like you' part. Guilt swirled within as I realised I might end up hurting Gwen or other women because of my secret. I'll try to be more obvious that my interests don't lie within women, a cold sweet overcame me briefly as I wondered if she'd figured my preference to men.

I mentally shook my head, 'there's no way.' I convinced myself. "Thanks." A tad sarcastically to Gwen. We both turned away to continue our work.

The horns sounded as everyone scurried into place, Uther finally arrived at the feast walking down the middle of everyone, then turned to address them. "We have enjoyed twenty years of peace and prosperity. It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures, but few can compare with the honour of introducing Lady Helen of Mora." The crowd applaud as Uther makes his way to his seat. Once Uther sits the rest of the room follows his example and prepares to listen to the legendary voice.

Lady Helen stands upon a slight raised platform that is for the entertainment, straightening out her dress she awaits quite. As the music plays the crowd quietens, no one wanting to miss a note. She begins to sing in a language that sounds familiar but I don't understand the words. My magic buzzes, as a breeze from nowhere catches a ribbon from the Lady's dress. As she continues to sing the light in the room seems to dim, taking a few steps forward she steps off the platform. The unusual breeze picks up slightly as she raises her arms. My magic is practically bubbling against my skin, rushing through me so quickly I realise something must be wrong. Looking at the audience I notice several members have fallen asleep and more are nodding off, a quick glance at the head table confirms the Pendragons are also being effected.

My magic moves my hands to block my ears, a tingling sound issuing as the magic wills itself just out of my skin. Hovering against my ears, I see Lady Helen's mouth continue to move as her song of sleep continues but I hear none of it. The candles behind Lady Helen extinguish themselves as cobwebs begin to rapidly appear on the tables and over the sleeping people, the food rooting, the candles extinguishing. I realise this isn't a sleep song, it's likely a death spell.

I cast worried glances at Arthur as her seems to be the one that Lady Helen is aiming her song towards. The cobwebs thicken, making everything seem to age about a hundred years or so. Lady Helen advances closer and closer to the top table as I panic wondering how to help. She puts her right hand to her left sleeve and pulls out a dagger, now my magic is really buzzing. I feel a wall being built up from me to in front of Arthur but I know that would be too obvious and I'm not sure how effective it would be. I glance around finally noticing that Lady Helen is standing a little off from directly under a chandelier. Without thought my eyes fizzle with the magic focused upon the chandelier, the connection between the chandelier and the chain releases its grip and the light comes falling downwards.

Lady Helen, hearing the strange noise of metal clanking above her looks up, her arm all ready to throw the dagger at the prince. She instead covers her head and takes a small step away knowing by instinct what to do. The chandelier still catches her though not as fully as originally it would have, Lady Helen thuds to the floor. The tingling noise stops and I can finally move my hands away from my ears, deathly silence greats me as I release a sigh of relief. Looking at the head table I watch the Pendragons begin to wake, as well as the rest of the room they all seem confused about the cobwebs now covering them. Uther stands up, trying to make sense of what has happened.

He sees the Lady Helen trapped beneath the chandelier although she no longer looks like Lady Helen. Her hair and visible skin have ages and greyed. Arthur stands up to see what Uther is looking at as well. The woman's face lifts and I recognise it as the lady who lost her son on my first day here. She forces her upper body up so she can see better, not seeming to care that her lower body does not twitch nor follow her. She grabs the dagger that was laying inches away from her right hand, and throws the dagger with deadly aim at Arthur.

My body somehow reacts before my magic, I'm already running to Arthur as my magic slows time for the room. Uther makes a slow turn in an attempt to do something but I'm already there, grapping Arthur's shoulder and dragging him towards me. We fall onto the floor on our sides as the dagger embeds itself within the chair Arthur was just sat within. We both look at the chair in disbelief, Arthur sits up realising what could have happened. We stand as a wheezy sigh issues and a body collapses to the floor, the woman's body final gave in. I gasp in fear, I'm glad I managed to save Arthur but I can't calm my heart down after holding him so close against me.

Arthur looks at me in shock and Uther walks towards me, grasping Arthur in I imagine shock. I run my hand through my hair as I try to calm myself down. "You saved my boy's life. A debt must be repaid." Uther thanked and ordered.

"Oh, well…" I started not knowing how to talk to the king, or how to think with Arthur's confused but thankful face glaring at me, bowing slightly I placed my hands behind my back. Squeezing my arms in a reminder to behave myself or I'd wind up dead, debt or no debt.

"Don't be so modest. You shall be rewarded." Uther informed me.

"No, honestly, you don't have to, Your Highness." I struggled to breathe out as I glanced at the floor, not daring to meet the king's eyes.

"No, absolutely. This merits something quite special." The king insisted excitement and gratitude evident in his tone.

"Well…" I shrugged I could no longer deny him but I did not attempt to make a suggestion of what he could reward me.

Uther clapped his hand onto Arthur's shoulder who looked at his father in a strange way. "You shall be awarded a position in the royal household. You shall be Prince Arthur's manservant." Uther decreed releasing Arthur from his grasp.

The room clapped as I heard Arthur moan. "Father!" I see Gaius' face look at me happily.

The room emptied, the guests promised another feast tomorrow to make up for the turn out of this one. I stared at Arthur for a moment silently wondering how I could be his manservant. This was going to be a challenge, whilst I was wondering to myself Arthur excused himself and told me he'd call on me when he needed me, I nodded my agreement.

I sat at the desk in my room wondering how long my secrets would stay hidden with my new job. A knock sounded on my door and Gaius let himself in, he was carrying something wrapped within a red cloth. "Seems you're a hero." Gaius stated.

"Hard to believe, isn't it?" I questioned.

"No." Gaius stated in a matter of fact tone. "I knew it from the moment I met you. When you saved my life, remember?" He asked as if I'd forget an event from a few days ago.

"But… that was magic." I reply unsure.

Gaius nods pleased that I was keeping up. "And now, it seems, we finally found a use for it." He informed.

"What do you mean?" I enquired.

"I saw how you saved Arthur's life." Gaius said.

"Oh, no." I chuckled.

Nodding Gaius added. "Perhaps that's its purpose."

I sighed heavily as I repeated what the dragon had told me. "My destiny." An irritated and bored tone issuing.

"Indeed." Gaius looked at me then grabbed the cloth covered item from under his arm and said. "This book was given to me when I was your age, but I have a feeling it will be of more use to you than it was to me." He finished handing the book to me.

Moving the cloth aside I was greeted with a normal looking leather bound book with two latches upon its side. I looked at Gaius in confusion but he just smiled at me. I unlatched the book and opened the book to a random page. Turning a few more pages I realised what this book was and smiled at Gaius. Snorting slightly I exclaimed. "But this is a book of magic."

"Which is why you must keep it hidden." Gaius proclaimed in a soft voice.

Emotion welling up, my smile so wide it hurt my face tears of happiness threatened to ruin the moment. "I will study every word." I informed him my voice breaking.

A knock echoed through the chambers. "Merlin, Prince Arthur wants you right away." A deep voiced guard informed me. I clutched longingly at the book knowing it would have to wait for now.

"Your destiny's calling. You'd better finds out what he wants." Gaius joked.

I nodded and placed the book carefully upon my table. "Gaius, how can I be a manservant when I'm a woman?" I enquired.

"Don't let him discover your secret and it shouldn't be a problem." Gaius replied. "Now go, it is best not to keep the Prince waiting." He added. I smiled sadly at him and rushed to the main door to begin my service to the Prince of Camelot.

Hope you guys like it, please let me know what you think.