Here it goes dear readers... I just had to get this out there, but don't worry all other stories are being worked on as we speak! The creativity is a-flowin'!

Disclaimer: Do not own any of the characters from Glee, this is simply for fun!

By definition the word 'popularity' is the state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people.

At least that was according to Google, but he figured they were pretty legit considering they were a major Internet website. They had to know what they were talking about.

Anyway, he had looked it up when he was a freshman because he had hoped it was a good thing when Ms. Kane called him Mr. Popularity in front of the whole math class. She had a way of being very sarcastic so he hadn't been all too sure what she meant by it. All he knew was that some guys in his class had laughed and congratulated him, and others had looked like they were ready to beat him up. In fact, he had gotten a nice black eye from Rick the Stick the next day before school out of jealousy. Even then he had that ridiculous mullet.

Before then he hadn't really cared much about it. Popularity, that is. In fact, throughout all of elementary and middle school he doesn't recall ever thinking of wanting to become popular. He wanted to be something cool like an astronaut you know? He'd be the first man on Mars!

As he grew up though and went about his business being popular seemed like that was what mattered when you got older. It was something to strive for and not question. Popularity was important and somehow he had gotten lucky by getting it without ever really trying. And now, years later, as the quarterback of the McKinley High School football team, Finn Hudson is confident he knows a couple things about popularity.

Number one is that, as the most popular and talked about guy in school, people will know his business whether he wants them to or not. It's inevitable that he's a hot topic in the rumors that float through the school (which for the record are not always true). People just seem to know him even when he doesn't know them. It makes him feel like a celebrity almost, except not in a cool-Hollywood-George Clooney-status type of way. He's just known around a shitty high school in a dead end cow town known as Lima. As if it's anything to be completely psyched about, although his friends and ex-girlfriend would argue differently.

The second thing he's learned is that if you're not already dating a hot cheerleader, it's better to be single. Actually, sometimes that's the best option since he's been there and done that with the one and only Quinn Fabray (you know the ex-girlfriend?). It was just way too much drama for one guy to handle when it came to her. But most girls love athletes and naturally a lot of them look at him as one of the hottest guys in school. He's the quarterback. He doesn't usually take advantage of that fact because it just isn't the way his mom raised him. He can easily be a gentleman, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't have his fair share of hookups. It was high school after all and he was living while he could.

Now number three is ultimately one of, if not already, the most important thing he's learned over the years. Reputation is everything in high school. Bottom line is if you're not popular you might as well be invisible, and that was one thing Finn did not want to be. Sure, it sounded terrible but he didn't want to have to face the slushy facials or the patriotic wedgies like some of the other kids at his school did. He's seen those things happen and they were not pretty. Reputation mattered and everything you did affected it! Which is why, especially as the captain of the football team, he had to do certain things in order to maintain his status.

One of these things being that he often threw some kind of party, which was (if he said so himself) always kick ass.

This summer was no exception since his mom and Burt were leaving for a weeklong conference in Washington D.C., and they totally trusted Kurt and Finn to not get into any trouble. What they didn't know wouldn't hurt them, and he figured that with Kurt there it wasn't like anything too terrible could happen. His new stepbrother was at times annoying (with his constant rambling about the decor of the house and musicals and what not), but he could actually be kind of cool. The fact that he was even going along with Finn's party plan was totally awesome too. It, however, wasn't without a price.

"Finn, I need you to move the tiki statue to the right about an inch and then rotate the one next to it just slightly so they're even with one another," Kurt orders from the deck in the backyard. One of the conditions for him to go along with the plan was that he had to be in charge of decorating. As a result, Finn's been doing most of the manual labor for it while Kurt barks his commands like some kind of Party Nazi. Seriously, the dude was hardcore when it came to this stuff.

"But you just had me move that one to the left," Finn complains to his brother with a groan. He's sweating like crazy from having to set up and its blazing hot outside. All he wants to do is sit in the shade so he doesn't melt. "Aren't we done yet?"

"Absolutely not!" Kurt replies astonished at such a question. He looks to his list and says, "We have much to do Finn if this party is going to be a hit."

Despite the rejection he goes over to the cooler they (he) had set out for the party and grabs a fresh, ice cold water desperate for some hydration. "I've had several parties before you and they were just fine then," Finn argues to his brother. He slumps in one of the seats laid out nearby and chugs as much as he can get. "We don't need all of this."

Kurt scoffs. "We are not going for just a fine party here Finn," he says bewildered. "A Kurt Hummel party can never be anything less than incredible! It's going to blow all of your other parties out of the water if I have anything to do with it, okay?"

Finn knows he should argue and go with his gut, which is telling him to quit now before Kurt turns it into a fucking ballerina ball. That totally wouldn't be good for his image and he knows that he'd get an ass kicking from the other guys if they showed up to that. Because a ball? Totally lame. However, he knows his brother has good intentions and he did plan their parents' wedding almost overnight. So he decides he'll go along with it. For now. It's his party and he should get the final say anyway.

"Fine," he sighs wiping away the sweat off his forehead, and using whatever strength in him he has left, he gets up. "What's next?"

Kurt just smirked, completely satisfied with the answer, and starts scribbling quickly on his clipboard. "Excellent. The 'Summer Beach Blowout Extravaganza' is officially a go!"

"The what?" Finn asks.

"Nothing," Kurt dismisses. "It's just a name my new friend Rachel came up with, and I think it is terrific." He smiles up at Finn. "She's coming tonight by the way. As is all of my other friends, hope you don't mind big bro."

"Since when do you make new friends?" Finn teases. "Let alone have any?"

As he laughs, Kurt saunters away, ignoring him completely, and claiming he has to make a call about the food that's supposed to be delivered soon. When he's gone and Finn is composed again he just sighs deeply. Left alone with his thoughts he begins thinking about Kurt's friends coming over.

As nice as they are, they aren't exactly the coolest kids in school. He would socialize with them in the privacy of their own home when Kurt had them over, but when it came to school they didn't interact much. (He knows it's a dick move, but again, remember the slushy facials? He doesn't want them so he's gotta make some sort of sacrifice).

As bad as he knew it was, he could only hope that the party was so packed that he wouldn't have to actually have to see them.

It took him awhile but he finally understands why Kurt called it the 'Summer Beach Blowout Extravaganza'. Or well, at least why this Rachel girl calls it that.

At first he thought it was because there was going to be like sand or something there, but who was he kidding, the closest thing to sand nearby was at the local park a block away. And that was like a freakin' litter box for the cats around town!

He would know how awful it smelled because when he was eight years old Puck had buried him in the sand up to his neck just to imitate it like they had seen in movies. Finn had walked home later that day to his mom who immediately hosed him down in the front yard once she got a whiff of the cat shit that she smelled on him. Even further, he was forever humiliated by the fact that Mrs. Erikson, their elderly neighbor, had walked out front claiming Finn had ruined her garden with his foul smell. She went as far as bringing out her lavender air freshener to spray all along the street too! (She was kind of crazy like that, but she made sure that everyone knew it was him who smelled so bad.) At the same time, Karofsky and Azimio had been walking along the street laughing and pointing at a red-faced Finn, who for the rest of third grade had been taunted about it.

Today, however, there was no sight of sand anywhere. Kurt had done an exceptional job in making the backyard as tropical as it could be. It was complete with a water slide by the pool, a volleyball net, lounge chairs, fish lanterns, tiki statues, grass skirts around the food table, tropical beverages and practically everything else that Finn never would have thought of. The last thing that needed to be done was to set up the tiki torches which they would light later on when it got dark outside.

After about an hour of having to search through his garage looking for the stupid torches, Finn had finally found them. For some reason their family seemed to have every kind of decoration you could possibly think of, including a creepy Santa figure that looked like one eye was twitching while it waved its gloved hand. It scared the crap out of Finn when he was younger because it reminded him of the doll from the movie Chuckie (which he had stupidly watched with Puck late at night giving him nightmares for weeks). Creepy Santa still was creepy to this day so when he had come across it in one of the boxes he had yelped out in terror. When Kurt asked what was wrong he had lied and said he saw a rat. Kurt had bolted immediately. He used the excuse that he had to call that Rachel girl to talk about what she'd wear because she was completely helpless when it came to clothes and left Finn to finish the search on his own. Of course.

He was clambering up the stairs now with at least ten torches when the doorbell rang. Grateful that it gave him an excuse to slack off of working for at least a little bit, he opened the door to find his best friend Noah Puckerman there with a couple cases of beer in both of his arms.

"Dude, I hear this party is about to be fucking badass and a total rage," Puck says by way of greeting. He walks right in without invitation and immediately sets out to the backyard. "Everyone is coming out for it including, wait for it," he gives a pause before smiling devilishly and wiggling his eyebrows, "Santana Lopez."

Finn rolls his eyes as he follows his friend outback, arms full of torches once again. "Puck, every time you try to ask her out she turns you down, why haven't you given up on that?"

"Because I know she's just playing hard to get," Puck answers smugly. "Trust me, the Puckasaurus knows that she's just dying to get all up on this. And when she does I'm going to rock her world."

He accentuates his words with a hip thrust and Finn just laughs and rolls his eyes. "Okay, dude, just not in my parents' room got it? I don't want your diseases anywhere near there or my room for that matter."

"Fine, Lady Hummel's room will do," Puck shrugs and then he narrows his eyes with a knowing smile. "You just want your room available so you can get some tonight too, don't you Huddy?"

Finn shrugs nonchalantly, not meeting his eyes. "We'll see."

He gets a smack in the head and drops all the torches when he goes to put them down. "Ow! What the hell?"

He rubs the back of his head and glares at Puck. His friend, however, is looking at him with a disbelieving stare. "What do you mean 'we'll see' Finn? You haven't gotten laid in forever! How could you not want to get some at what is sure to be the hottest party of the year?"

Finn doesn't answer, completely ignoring his friend while he sets about putting the tiki torches up, and Puck just shakes his head in disappointment. "Wow, it's finally happened."

"What's happened?" Finn asks already knowing an insult is sure to come.

"You've finally turned gay," Puck mocks. "Either that or you've been enjoying the company of your hand so much you've given up on women all together."

Finn flips him off with a frown and Puck just laughs. "That is so not it."

"I'm just saying, Huddy, you haven't had a good lay in a while and you could use some," Puck says, shoving the beer into the cooler. "There's no need to be picky."

"Whatever man," Finn says, hoping to drop the discussion. He sets up the last of the torches and steps back to make sure it looks okay. "What do you think?"

"Not too shabby," Puck tells him honestly. Looking at the torches he points at them, "you aren't going to be lighting those are you?"

Finn's brow creases in confusion. "Um, I probably will. Why?"

"Don't think that's a good idea," Puck says and then chuckles. "Remember what happened when we went camping when we were seven?"

Finn just groans and walks back inside. "How do you still remember that? It was an accident!"

Puck clutches his stomach as he starts to double over in laughter at the memory and Finn's embarrassment. "You singed off one of your eyebrows! Only one of them!" He laughs. "How could I forget?"

Finn shoves him against the wall as he continues to laugh. "Fuck you man," he says, heading towards the stairs. "I have to go shower and change. People should be starting to get here real soon. Just let 'em in if they show up."

"Will do, Captain. Don't be surprised if I send up a hot cheerleader to your room to service you though, my man," Puck jokes while Finn just flips him off once again. "Hey, you'd thank me later and you know it!"

Finn slams his door shut behind himself not even bothering to respond. He sighs as he runs a hand through his matted hair but then wrinkles his nose when he smells his sweaty t-shirt. He definitely needs to wash up. He immediately turns on the shower and shrugs off his clothes while the water gets warm. Before he jumps in the shower, however, he goes to the door and locks it just to be sure.

He never knows with Puck.

The party is in full swing downstairs already. He can hear the music blasting through the floor up into his room. He can hear the splashes of people diving and jumping into the pool through his open window. Finn smiles to himself because its not even an hour in and so many people are already there. That just goes to show what popularity can do.

He's putting the finishing touches on his carefully styled yet messy hair before he goes down to the party. So he's late to his own party, but Kurt has told him before that that's okay. Being fashionably late is acceptable if you're the host and he knows Puck is handling everything anyway. Once he's done with his hair and brushes his teeth quickly all he has left to do is pull on a t-shirt and he'll be ready. He can't decide, however, on which he should go with: the blue and white striped one or the plain black one.

While his internal debate is raging inside of him Finn vaguely hears the sound of footsteps rushing up the stairs. Suddenly an insistent knocking starts up and Finn just rolls his eyes because he's sure it's Kurt. His brother has been known to come complaining to him every time something doesn't go right and he suspects that with the party going on Kurt's even more anxious. He's about to ignore it but he figures Kurt will just end up nagging him later. He might as well get yelled at now before he's in a room full of people downstairs.

What he expects when he opens his door is for Kurt to be standing there waiting impatiently. Instead the second he opens the door a fist collides with his throat and an astounding force knocks him over. He lands on the floor in a heap with a weight of another person on top of him, which he would normally push off right away. At the moment, however, he gasps for air from having the wind knocked out of him not once but twice in the span of a couple seconds.

"Oh my gosh," a voice says from on top of him. For a moment all he sees is long brown hair until wide, chocolate brown eyes look down at him. "Are you alright?"

He tries to say no, but all he can manage is a strangled response and some coughing.

The girl looks at him with complete concern in her eyes, and he'd be annoyed that she hasn't bothered to get off of him if not for the fact that those eyes are quite mesmerizing. In fact this girl is gorgeous, at least from up close. Her long brown hair falls in soft curls around her face, and, unlike most girls he sees at school, she has only a subtle amount of makeup applied. Her skin is almost completely without flaw but he notices a small scar on her forehead in the spot where her bangs aren't covering it. It fascinates him for some reason and he finds himself wondering how she got that. All the while he's still coughing and he brings a hand up from where it was resting against the girl's tiny side to his sucker-punched throat.

"I am so, so sorry about this," the girl apologizes getting up off of him. It allows him to breathe a little easier but he finds himself missing her warm body pressed up against his.

She reaches over him and he catches a glimpse of her tiny body as she slams his bedroom door shut. He's confused and actually can't believe she packed enough force to knock him over. His eyes linger a little longer than necessary because seriously the girl is smokin'. He's pretty sure he's never seen anyone so beautiful that its rendered him speechless. Not even Quinn Fabray made him feel like this, and up until now he thought she had been the hottest girl around despite the fact that she's his ex.

The girl immediately crawls over to him in the short pink dress that she has on and he catches a glimpse of her breasts when he not-so-accidentally sneaks a peek down her dress. If she notices she doesn't say anything and Finn wonders for a second if this is something Puck orchestrated for him. His idiot friend did say he'd hook him up, but he had assumed it would be with some bottle blond, snobby cheerio.

This girl was the exact opposite, and Finn liked it a lot. She sits next to his still sprawled out body on her knees and he swears if he wanted to he could probably look up her dress, it was that short. But he decides to be a gentleman because, even though this girl is in his room alone with him, she's still alarmed that she has him breathing unevenly on the floor. She's practically hysterical with worry and it probably doesn't help that he hasn't spoken a word at all yet.

"What do you need me to do?" She worries with her hands hovering over him ready to act.

He coughs a little more and chokes out an "I'm okay" while giving her a thumbs up. She still doesn't look pleased by the way she's biting her lip, and that action alone distracts him all over again.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asks again. "Do you need a hospital? Do you have a concussion? Bleeding?" She looks down at his bare chest and in all seriousness asks, "Do you need a shirt?"

It's almost comical how worried she is and it's completely insane that if anything she's worried he needs a shirt. Of course, he was shirtless when he answered the door, but he was trying to decide what shirt to wear when all of a sudden she was there.

Still the girl looks around his body for any sign of trauma and all Finn can do is chuckle hoarsely as he sits up. He waves a dismissive hand at her worried expression. "I'm really okay," he says coughing once more before he feels fully alright. He laughs at the girl then and says, "how did a tiny thing like you tackle me?"

A small grin finally replaces her anxious one and Finn finds himself admiring how beautiful she is even more when she smiles. "I'm really, truly sorry," she says. "I just needed to get in a room and fast. Yours was the closest to the stairs."

He brushes a hand over his throat and feels a little disappointed in spite of his earlier words to his friend. "Oh, Puck didn't send you up here?"

The girl brushes some of her hair out of her eyes and laughs. "As if I would ever do anything Noah Puckerman told me to do. I despise him."

She grins at him like he's supposed to know what she means, but unfortunately he doesn't know what "despise" means. He's pretty sure Mr. Danner taught him that vocabulary word in his sixth grade class but he was never good at remembering vocabulary since he always fell asleep in class (he was always tired after lunch). The girl looks at him funny though when she gets no response and he laughs for her benefit.

She beams a bright white smile at him and he scratches the back of his neck unsure of what to do. "So... Uh, what brought you up here?"

The door to the room swings open swiftly then and almost slams against his foot. The girl gasps as she instantly recognizes who it is and he's about to ask her when she suddenly climbs on top of him again. His eyes go wide when she straddles him and then she's pressing her mouth onto his.

He doesn't really care much after that.

Her kiss sends shockwaves of pleasure through his body as her soft lips capture his own. His hands immediately find their way over onto the small of her back and one shifts its way down onto the curve of her ass, which feels amazing. Her lips taste like strawberries and his tongue pokes out asking for permission to taste more of her. She quickly responds by giving him access to her mouth making this out of nowhere make out even hotter. He's completely enjoying this unexpected development when he hears someone give a frustrated screech and then hit the door loudly before stomping away.

Finn's unfazed by the noise and is just about to take things farther by rolling the beautiful, mysterious girl underneath him when she suddenly pulls away. He opens his eyes completely dazed with lust and want, finding her looking behind herself to see if the person was gone.

When she sees no one there the girl squeals in delight and looks back down at him. She's still straddling him when she points over her shoulder and says, "that would be the reason why I was trying to get up here so quickly. I had to get away from him."

Finn rests his hands on the girl's toned thighs as he sits up on his elbows to look at her. "Was it an ex-boyfriend or something?" He asks, feeling slightly jealous at the thought. It's irrational to feel that way of course but he can't stop it.

So he's relieved when she scoffs and shakes her head quickly, her dark hair brushing across her shoulders as she does so. "Please don't ever say that again. Jacob Ben Israel will never, under any circumstances, be my boyfriend. I can assure you of that."

He notices her shiver in disgust. "He is pretty creepy," Finn agrees with her.

She nods. "And he's convinced we're destined for one another."

Finn sits up all the way then leaving the girl in his lap. He smirks at her as he moves some of her loose hair out of the way. "I'd say that he got an eyeful of what was going on a minute ago," he says, starting to lean in. "You might be good for now."

She smiles in return. "I'd say you're right about that."

He's barely a breath away from her lips, wanting nothing more than to taste them once again. "He might come back though. We could always continue, you know? Just to be safe."

The girl raises an eyebrow at him coyly. "You're concerned for me? I should feel so lucky, shouldn't I?"

"Of course," he quips with a smirk. He's really dying to kiss her again just for the hell of it, but he likes the banter that's going on. It makes him even more attracted to her.

"I don't even know your name though," she sighs brushing her lips against his. He feels electricity flowing through every nerve of his body and he's sure he's about to lose all control he has with this girl. Screw the party and everyone else downstairs. He could just forget about them now.

Her lustful brown eyes meet his for a brief second before she whispers in his ear, "would you tell me?"

"Why? So you know what to scream later?" He whispers huskily. Sometimes his inner Puck comes out and he can't control it. He wants to face palm himself when she pulls back and looks at him disbelievingly.

He doesn't take back the words like he knows any gentleman would. As much as he wishes she didn't, she heard him quite clearly. He's pretty sure there's a slap coming his way. He knows it was something a total dick would say.

So he braces himself for the impact. But he can't take back the words because in a way they are completely true. He wants her more than he's ever wanted anyone before and Finn's sure this intense thing between them can't just be one-sided. Who cares if they just met?

She starts laughing hysterically and it's so not the response he thought he'd get. Then again this girl just keeps surprising him. He likes her.

"Well, aren't you very forward," she teases as she starts to grind down into him just a little bit. It's enough to drive him crazy and become instantly hard against his jeans.

"Only because there's a really hot girl sitting on top of me," he says, a wicked grin on his face. "And I'd be an idiot for passing this up, if I have any chance at all."

She blushes slightly from his compliment. "You just might stand a little bit of a chance," she says.

"That's very encouraging."

He leans forward to capture the girl's soft lips again and she responds almost as eagerly. He figures she must realize how much of a connection there is between the two of them also.

They get lost in each other all the while the party downstairs is raging on. Finn knows he's got to go down there because he's the one who's in charge of it but he doesn't want to part from this girl. He doesn't even know who she is! It sounds insane, but she's gorgeous and beautiful and sweet and funny...

He wonders if she feels the same as him. He's wondering if maybe she's feeling crazy about this too because right now he sure hopes so. There's no way he could be making this all up in his head.

She separates from his mouth to breath and he finds he's gasping for air too. The girl swings her hair over onto her back as she pushes him down so he's lying on the ground again. The smile she wears is probably the sexiest thing he's ever seen, and it's ten times better when she scratches her fingers lightly down his chest. His hands massage her thighs as she straddles him and she bites her lower lip as she looks down at him.

"What is your name?" She asks curiously as she pushes her hips ever so slightly into his. The friction between them makes him forget and he momentarily can't respond because it just feels so good.

"It matters to you that much?" He asks slipping his hand under the hem of her dress, dragging it upward, and causing the girl to on top of him to break into a mischievous smile. His eyes widen when she nudges his hand towards her heated core.

"Can't you just indulge a girl that much?" She asks sweetly. "I'd really like to know."

She grinds her lower body into his harder this time, and he seriously can't fucking believe this girl. Of course, he would tell her his name if she really wanted to know. Hell, at this rate with the sweet torture she's inflicting on him he'd do just about anything.

He reaches up to her face and guides her towards his mouth. He kisses her deeply before whispering, "Finn. My name is Finn."

Her eyes are hooded with want and he's about to flip them over when she pulls back, sitting upright. "Wait, Finn?" She asks suddenly.

He sits up himself because he doesn't get why she's suddenly acting so strange. "Yeah, I'm Finn."

He places his hand on her cheek trying to bring her sweet mouth back to his but she puts her hand on his chest to stop him from doing so. Her eyes have lost all the passion that were in them a minute ago and she gets up off his lap. He's painfully hard against his pants but he's not totally concerned about that right now. The confused and narrowed eyes that are watching him are much more important.

"You're Finn?" The girl asks. "As in the infamous Finn Hudson?"

"Um...Yes?" He answers, not completely sure why she cares. "Is being infamous a good thing?"

The girl watches him for a moment before she scrambles to her feet with a shake of her head. She laughs lightly as she brushes off and smoothes down the pretty pink dress. She runs a hand over her hair, fixing it so it's back into its original place. "Oh my gosh," she looks at him and chuckles. "Geez, okay. Wow..."

"Is something wrong?" Finn asks. He watches as the girl turns around and starts toward the stairs to go down. He stumbles to his feet to follow her and catches her wrist before she has a chance to go. "Woah, hey. What just happened?"

"Nothing," the girl says quickly. She gives him an apologetic smile and pulls her hand free. "I just- I have to go. Um, my friends are probably looking for me so... I should go."

He's so confused by the sudden change of events and feels totally whiplashed. "Wait, what?"

The girl rushes down the steps to the living room but not before calling out behind her, "you might want to put a shirt on!"

And then she's gone, leaving Finn standing at the top of the stairs completely baffled.

A/N: Again, I just had to get this out of my system. It should only be about two or three parts at most. Thanks everyone! Don't be afraid to review either!