Han piloted the Falcon on the way back to Hoth, and it was a rough ride.
"Can...You throw... us around... Any more?" Quiller grunted.
"Sorry, pal. Asteroid field."
"HHHHRRRRRNNNN!" Chewie put in. {Think you could do any better?}
"Thanks, Chewie, but let's try not to make 'em too mad. We gotta get to Hoth in one peice, alright?"
Chewie nooded, and slowly increased power. Han swung them through the field with a bumpy, un-smooth ease.
"Push thrusters to full!" he bellowed.
Chewbacca obeyed, sliding the handles up smoothly.
LaRone and Luke had been standing behind Quiller, gribbing the chair he was fastened to.
Luke looked at Han, who had now kicked up his feet.
"Simple as pie," The ex-smuggler boasted.
Luke rolled his eyes, and suddenly, Leia stormed in.
"HAN!" she yelled. "Could you have torn up this ship any worse?!"
"Sweetheart, don't-" he couldn't finish.
"Don't SWEETHEART me!"
"Leia..." Luke trailed off.
LaRone was laughing behind Quiller's chair, and Quiller was ducking to hide his snickers. Marcross had turned white, and Grave looked around as if he thought this was a waste of time. Brightwater was doubled over laughing.
After laughing, LaRone stepped in.
"Princess Leia, Solo was navigating through an asteroid field. He couldn't help his uhhh..."
Leia nodded, and stopped yelling.
"Thanks you, LaRone. I appreciate you EXPLAINING this matter."
With that, the white-robed princess stormed off.
"Sheesh, can you make a woman that mad because of natural space disaters?" Han said to no one in particular.
"Solo," Brightwater asked. "How far from Hoth?"
"About, hmmm, I'd say, twenty minutes."
Brightwater nodded and sat down. LaRone noticed his face was a little twisted, and asked him about it.
"You okay, Brightwater?"
The scout looked up. "Yeah. Just, nevermind."
LaRone gave a single nod, and they rode in silence until they rached Hoth's atmosphere. Han cruised the "Fastest-Hunk-Of-Junk" in the Galaxy through the hail storm, and motioned to Luke.
"Tell 'em to open up them doors!" he barked.
"Reiken, Reiken do you copy? Open up landing doors! Immediatly open lading doors!"
"Got it, Skywalker. You're clear," came the General's voice.
"We're clear, Han!" he called.
Han didn't answer. Instead, he landed them into Echo Base.
"We made it, boys. And Your Worship."
After evryone got off the Falcon, Leia was greeted with hugs, welcomes, and much more. The Hand, along with Han and Luke, were given three cheers, and then lots of celebrating went on.
After things had calmed down a bit, Reiken pulled the men to the side.
"Leia's safe. You did it, men. You outsmarted the cruelest Sith Lord in all the Galaxy. Congrats."
He clapped each man on the back, and then everyone settled down to rest...