Something's Missing

A Bleach Vampire Fanfic(Possible Mpreg)

Summary: After believing to die after a severe allergy attack, Ichigo wakes up thanks to a new doctor. He goes home, but something's isn't right as he starts to look at his roommate Grimmjow in a different way. Plus, he start's to see this miracle doctor in his dreams. And in his bed.

Chapter 1

He couldn't open his eyes. Every fiber of his being ached and he couldn't breathe, his lungs feeling like they would collapse as his throat closed up. He could feel the warmth of a tear sliding down his temple, his face swollen so much he couldn't feel it. His lips tingled though, Ichigo trying to move but unable to. He was in an ambulance, the sirens loud in his ears, help on it's way. He felt like everything was coming crashing down though. He felt like his death was so close, an impending doom that had more tears fall from his swollen eyes.

"Hold in there kid." A hand touched his, tightening around it. He managed a wheezing sob, the darkness scaring him. He wanted so badly to hold on, the tube in his throat the only thing keeping him breathing. He didn't want to hang on anymore though, in so much pain. The ambulance hit a bump, Ichigo's tube moving out of his throat, shaking hands having put it in wrong. He wheezed for breath, his hand tightening in the one holding his. The tube was put back by more professional hands, Ichigo's death starved off for just a few minutes longer.

"Hurry up! This kids not gonna make it if we don't get there in five minutes!" he heard someone yell, Ichigo barely able to open his eyes when warmth touched his face. His vision was blurry but he could see light. It was so bright and warm, Ichigo floating up, feeling light headed and sick. The hand holding his kept him there. He couldn't go to the light, Ichigo feeling terrified of it's presence. He wheezed for breath, the hand suddenly letting go.

"Shit we lost him!" The ambulance entered the hospital, the sketcher brought in. Hands pumped against his chest, an adrenaline injection put into him, his heart starting up again. Ichigo could feel a hand holding his again, his entire body shaking as the feeling of heat erupted all over his body. He had been so close to the light, had felt its warmth become a scorching heat that seemed to rub away all his impurities.

"Come on kid, you gotta stay with us!" This time the light didn't come for him. It was just darkness.


He was searching for someone who had been touched by the light, looking for someone who rejected it even though it seemed their only option. He was searching for someone who wouldn't make it, who was dying in the most slowly, painful way possible. He would give them life, give them a reason. He would show them the benefits of what is being stripped from them.


Shiro walked down the hallway calmly, many other's scurrying around in an almost panic. His eyes were set on one person, shocking bright orange hair his only feature. The young man was covered in hives, his face swollen beyond comprehension. His heart rate was rapid, his heart seeming ready to burst as his lungs collapsed.

"Doctor! Hurry Doctor he won't last much longer!" he didn't speed up his steps, stopping in front of the young man. He pressed a hand to his throat, feeling the blood rush beneath his fingers. His body was overcompensating, it was fighting a hero cloaked in enemy armor.

His heart stopped suddenly. Shiro frowned, taking a step back as a nurse tried to bring him back. She kept trying for ten minutes straight. Shiro knew it wouldn't work.

"Come on kid!" she growled, another nurse touching a hand to her shoulder, shaking her head. Five minutes later, they left the room, the young nurse in near tears. Shiro smirked, closing the door. The camera's that monitored the room went blank.

Ichigo gasped for breath, his throat burning as he turned onto his side, vomiting up the food he had ate. It was laced with blood, Ichigo wheezing as he sat up. The swelling on him was slowly going down, Ichigo finally able to open his eyes. The first person he saw made him feel a deep fear. He was so pale and his eyes seemed like car beams, shining through him in the darkest way possible.

But it washed away as he opened the door and called for somebody, woman in blue hospital nurse uniforms rushing to his side. He was confused, his eyes never leaving the man. He smirked, Ichigo feeling his throat tighten. He was so thirsty for some reason, the man coming to his bedside when a nurse asked him too.

"Welcome back kid," a nurse told him, Ichigo confused. He touched a hand to his nose when he felt something warm go down his lips. He brung his hand back, feeling a sudden hunger when he saw his blood. His warm welcome back became a swarm, the many nurses trying to get him to lay down, taking blood samples and trying to stop his sudden nosebleed. It took a few minutes, but it finally stopped, a large blood clot taken from his nose.

"You're one miracle kid," a nurse told him, his vitals holding steady. His heart beat was a tad slower than it should have been though, Ichigo feeling tired as the swarm slowly began to calm. He was shaking, feeling extremely cold. They inserted a needle into him, the needle connected to a pouch of blood. His blood cells were dying rapidly and that frightened some nurses. They were dying at an abnormally fast rate, Ichigo's miracle soon to come to an end in their minds.

Ichigo sighed as night finally fell, the swarm down to nothing. All the lights had been turned off, Ichigo closing his eyes. He still felt cold, curling into a ball on his side. He listened to the slow but steady beep oh his heart beat from the heart monitor, falling asleep.

His dream was darkness. He was sitting against something, something warm and slippery sliding over his fingers and legs, Ichigo looking up when he felt warmth against his face. He saw the light, his mother's face showing through. He reached for her but his arm was stopped. Heavy chains made of blood held him down, his mother's face solemn as she came to him. She hovered just over the blood, tears in his eyes as she touched his face.

"You have to stay here," she told him, Ichigo shaking his head frantically. He stuttered as he tried to convince her to set him free, the blood chain around his wrist becoming near boiling when she touched it. He screamed, his mother pulling her hand away. She touched his face, tears in her own eyes. Large hands of light came for her as the blood rose up, Ichigo screaming as she was taken away.

"Mom! Mom!" The blood came up to his chest, Ichigo feeling it's warm caress like the fingers of death. He reached up, the blood chains hanging onto him. He screamed for her as she was taken away to the light, it's warmth slowly disappearing as the light began to disappear.

"Don't leave me here! Mom!" he cried, the blood up to his neck. His eyes wide as he reached for the disappearing light.

He didn't want to be left here to drown in blood. He wanted to hold his mother again, to touch her warm skin and bask in the light's warmth with her! The blood came up to his mouth, Ichigo's eyes wide as his fingers slipped beneath the blood and his vision became dark.

Don't leave me here.

Ichigo woke up, gasping for breath. He sat up, his vision blurry as he opened his eyes. He saw something white in the midst of the darkness, Ichigo gasping for breath as his vision cleared slowly. He relaxed when he saw it was just the doctor who saved him, falling back with a grunt.

"A nightmare?" he asked, coming to his bedside, Ichigo looking to him, feeling he couldn't speak. He was wondering why the doctor was here so late, Ichigo watching as he pulled up a chair and sat down. He reached a hand over to him, touching his arm. Ichigo took in a deep breath, his skin warm like a dog's body.

"Do you want to tell me about it? You've been through a lot, it's normal to have nightmares," he told him, Ichigo sitting up slowly, the man's hand leaving his arm. He cleared his throat, his mouth feeling so dry.

"Why are you here?" he asked instead, feeling a tad paranoid about him. The doctor smiled, sitting back.

"I am Doctor Zangetsu but many just call me Shiro. I work the night shift. I specialize in psychology and medicine, so I'm the person they call in when they have a severe case such as yours, and afterwards I kind of make sure you don't have any permanent brain damage or thoughts of suicide. I also look for any signs of PTSD and then I advise you for psychological treatment." Ichigo blinked, feeling a tad bad for thinking of him as a bad guy. He was just doing his job and he had thought of him as a creep. He frowned, scratching the back of his head.

"Do you want to tell me about your dream now?" Ichigo nodded, Shiro rising up his bed so he could lean back comfortably. Ichigo sighed, trying to think back to his dream. It made him feel depressed, but he tried to calm down.

"Well, at first I was sitting in darkness, you know like in a pit or something?" Shiro nodded, Ichigo looking down to his blankets.

"Um, well I could feel this warm liquidy stuff all over my lower body, so I figured I was sitting in some goop or something. I looked up when I felt this, how would you explain it?" Ichigo thought hard, trying to figure out how he could tell him this correctly.

"It was like the sun's rays had shined on my face. It was so warm and I saw my mother's face come out of the light. Her entire body came out and I reached up for her, but this chain made of blood was holding my arm down. I could raise it up, but not that high is what I mean." Ichigo ran a finger over a design on his blanket, thinking harder as he seemed to be pulled back into the dream.

"She came to me and touched my face. It felt so real I started to cry. I begged her to get me out of the chains but… But when she touched them the chains became so hot they burned me." He looked down to his wrists, feeling over them. The tingling from the feeling had just started to go away.

"Hands from the light grabbed her and pulled her away at the same time the blood that was around me began to rise up. I screamed for her, I didn't want to be left alone there. Me and my family had lost her a few years back, she had died in a car accident. I had thought that if I was dying I wanted to go with her. The blood rose up and she was pulled into the light which began to disappear. I felt so hopeless and scared. I didn't want to be left there." Ichigo ended it there, Shiro quiet for a moment. He leaned forward, touching a hand to his. It took Ichigo a second to realize his hand was wet with his tears.

"That is how your brain was trying to accept your near death. I now it seemed brutal, but everyone accepts things in a different way." Ichigo nodded, wiping his eyes, feeling a tad pathetic since he was a grown man crying in front of another. Shiro didn't judge him though, patting his hand.

"The fact that you're accepting your near death is progress. Some never want to accept it. You're brain scan came back okay and you have slight signs of PTSD but they are not severe. I would recommend therapy and I will try to get you started in it. Would you like to go into therapy?" Shiro asked, Ichigo looking to him. He sighed, feeling less alone. The allergic reaction wasn't what scared him or the near death. It was his mother. He had been in the car when she crashed, coming out barely scratched because she had put her arm over him, saving him from the air bag. She sadly got impaled by a stray piece of metal from the other guys trunk, dying instantly.

"Ichigo?" He looked up, Shiro's eyes watching him. He nodded, Shiro standing and putting down his bed again.

"I can get you some sleeping pills if you need any," he told him, Ichigo giving him a weak smile and shaking his head no. He waited till he left before laying back down, closing his eyes. He fell asleep again, walking aimlessly in a sea of darkness.

Don't leave me here.