Disclaimer: I do not own Beverly Hills 90210 or any of the characters that you recognize

A/N: I am changing 90210 history as I am not sure what happened when or to who to fit my story

All mistakes are mine I did not use a beta reader so please tell me how I did without one please

David had been surprised when Brandon called him to come to the house alone and not to tell anyone, he wondered what that was about. He showed up within fifteen minutes after Brandon had called, it sounded urgent. So here he was on the doorstep to Casa Walsh and rang the doorbell.

Brenda was ready to jump out of her skin. She was very nervous. Brandon went to answer the door. Brenda hoped that Diego wouldn't wake up till she had told David about his son, their son.

Brandon opened the door to David hoping that the doorbell hadn't woken up Diego. Brenda knew her life was about to change once she told David the truth. David came in the house and was shocked to see Brenda.

"Brenda." David all but whispered.

"Hello David." Brenda said.

"Brenda, what are you doing back here? I didn't think you would ever return home." David asked dumbfounded as to why Brenda was home.

"Brenda, do you want me to stay?" Brandon asked wondering if he should leave the two of them alone.

"No Brandon, I have to do this. Thank you anyway for offering." Brenda looked at Brandon and he caught her meaning. She did this and she had to face the consequences on her own. So he left the two of them alone and headed upstairs to check on Diego.

"Brenda, what is going on?" David asked stumped.

"I have something to tell you David. When I left I didn't know this I want you to understand that David I didn't know. After a month in London I went to the doctor I had started to feel weird and found out I was five months pregnant. We have a child together David." Brenda explained to a shocked David whose mouth had dropped open and was opening and closing like a Billy Bass.

Gathering his thoughts from the shock of finding out he had a child with Brenda "Why didn't you tell me Brenda? Why didn't you come home?" David asked trying to understand and take it all in.

"After we broke up, before I left Dylan and I got back together one night before I left and we were going to give it another shot when I came home. I found out I was pregnant with your baby and I just couldn't come home. I was scared of how everyone would react. I didn't want to hurt Donna by finding out I was pregnant with your baby. I just didn't want to come home to the drama of what would happen and I didn't want to face Dylan or you. I know I should have told you at least, but I was scared. Please don't hate me." Brenda whispered the last of it in tears.

"I am angry at you for not telling me that I had a child, that we made a child together, but I can see your point of view too. I want to meet my child Bren." David was trying to understand Brenda's point of view but it was hard.

"Diego Silver Walsh is his name. He is upstairs sleeping right now. We just got off a plane and he has jet lag. I really don't want to wake him up if I don't have to. Can it wait until he wakes up?"

David thought about it for a minute. "Diego Silver Walsh, I like it and I would like to see him even if he is asleep. Is that alright? I won't wake him up."

"Okay David follow me. He is in Brandon's old room." She takes him up the stairs and opened the door to the room he was staying in.

David just stared at him and he thought he was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on. He had a son, a son with Brenda.

They walk out of the room back downstairs. David says "He looks a lot like me."

"Yes he does. I am so sorry for keeping you from him I hope you believe me I just didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to tell you either. We had broken up."

Just then the door opens and Kelly comes in the room, and stared at Brenda shocked to see her. "Brenda?" Kelly questioned

Brandon having heard the door comes out of his and Kelly's room and headed downstairs hoping for the best.

"Hello Kelly." Brenda quietly says not knowing what else to say.

Kelly takes a step toward Brenda and asks "What are you doing here? In my house."

"Kelly." Brandon says getting her attention. "This is Brenda's house too. She is staying here and I expect you to be nice to her."

"You what? She is staying here? I don't want her here." Kelly says viciously not being able to forget the past.

"I don't care, she is my sister and she is staying, and if you don't like it too damn bad." Brandon tells his fiancé, shocked at her behavior and attitude. It had been years since high school.

"Well it's either her or me. I will not stay here with her." Kelly gives an ultimatum to Brandon she knows he will toss Brenda out now.

"Kelly don't do this." Brandon told Kelly hurt. Brenda was his twin sister.

"Brandon I will not have her here." Kelly spats.

"Brandon we can go to a hotel." Brenda offered while David grabbed her hand.

"Kelly grow up this is not high school anymore." David told his friend and step-sister.

"Either she goes or I go upstairs and pack and move out. What's it going to be?" Kelly told Brandon

"Brenda is my sister. She is staying. So if you want to pack and leave that is your choice like David said this is not high school anymore. Brenda will not be going to any hotel. This is her home." Brandon told a stunned Kelly.

Kelly was sure Brandon would choose her and toss Brenda out. She turned to Brenda and yelled at her "This is all your fault."

"No Kelly it isn't you are the one who issued the ultimatum not me. You chose to make this a pissing contest, not me. We are not in high school anymore. We could have tried to put our differences aside but no you don't want that do that, do you?"

"What I want is you out of here. I want you to leave now." Kelly demanded of Brenda yelling at her

"Did you not hear me, Brenda is staying. Now the choice is yours, you can either be decent to her or leave, Kelly I love you but I will not put up with you treating Brenda like this." Brandon explained.

"Fine I am going to pack." Kelly threatened thinking this would change Brandon's mind and he would throw Brenda out.

Just then Diego appeared at the stairs. "Mommy, why is she yelling?"

"Who the hell is that?" Kelly yelled again.

"That is my son." David said.

"And I am his mother." Brenda told a shocked Kelly "And stop yelling in front of my son or you will have something to yell about." She got Diego off the stairs and held him tight against her, to shield him from Kelly.

Kelly is shocked that David and Brenda have a son together. "Don't tell me what to do. Brandon, are you going to let her threaten me?" She asked being a selfish bitch like always, everything is supposed to be about her.

"Yes, you obviously woke up my nephew and Brenda has every right as his mother to protect him from you. Now since you feel like you do about Brenda being here you can pack your bags and leave." Brandon said sadly, hurt and he wondered how and why Kelly couldn't let go of the past.

"If you do this I am not going to marry you. " Kelly threatened looking at Brandon like he lost his marbles, choosing that tramp over her.

"Kelly I'm sorry but you need to grow up, I will not marry a woman who is as vicious as you are for no reason. You have no right to tell me to kick my twin sister and nephew out, this is my and Brenda's house and I want you to leave, now. I will pack your things but I want you to leave now before you upset my nephew."

"You're kicking me out? Well fine see if I care." Kelly took off the ring Brandon gave her and handed it to him and left she slammed the door behind her.

"I'm sorry Brandon that you lost Kelly. I know you must have loved her to ask her to marry you." Brenda doesn't know what to say to Brandon he had just lost his fiancé.

"We need to call everyone to come over so they can meet Diego before Kelly tells everyone." Brandon was hurt but knew that the gang needed to know about Diego and the sooner the better. "I will call everyone." Brandon walked out of the room to give them time with their son. He still couldn't believe it. David and Brenda have a son together.

Brenda decided now would be a good time to introduce Diego to David. "Diego I would like you to meet your father. David this is your son Diego."

"Hi Diego." David was nervous; he hoped Diego will like him.

"Hi Daddy." Diego reached out to his father so he can take him in his arms. Just like that Diego accepted David which made David and Brenda happy.

Brandon comes back in the room a few minutes later and tells them the gang is on their way over curious about what was going on. "Brenda, you and Diego can go upstairs if you want to wait for them all to get here before revealing yourself and Diego."

Brenda took Diego from David and headed upstairs she explained to Diego that some old friends of his mother's was going to come over and Diego would get to meet them but it was a surprise so they had to go upstairs until they all got there. Diego was excited to meet his mother's old friends.

As for Brenda she was very nervous especially about Donna and Dylan's reactions to her and David having a child together. She wasn't sure how they would react and that kind of scared her. The doorbell rings a little while later, well here we go she thought.

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