"I'm sorry. The baby…your son did not make it." The doctor said sympathetically. He left the room to allow them to grieve in peace.

The girl, who didn't look any older than eighteen, started crying. Her husband clutched her hand and tried to stop the tears coming to his eyes. He focused his energies on calming her. "Shh, Nessie. It will be alright."

"He was just a baby, Jacob! A little child, barely a day old!" She sobbed into his shoulder.

"I know, Renesmee." It was all he could say.

Seventeen years later

Alice's POV

"Jasper, have you see my-" I stopped midsentence and put a hand to my forehead.

A tall, teenage girl with dirty blonde hair and worried brown eyes stood next to a boy. He had black hair and obsidian eyes. His skin was a natural olive tone and his bangs covered his right eye. If I didn't know any better I would say he looked a bit like Jacob.

"We will find them. I promise." The girl said to him.

"But I don't want to find them!" The boy argued. "The flock has always been perfectly happy living without trying to find our parents. Why look for mine now?"

Her eyes widened. "Besides the fact that you just spoke more than a sentence at a time, it's because we have a lead. In all the years we have lived on our own, we have never had a solid lead as to where we came from. We have never been able to search."

"Because we didn't want to. And we know where we came from."

"We know where we grew up. We know where we have been. And we know who we are. But we don't know exactly where we came from. Aren't you the least bit curious?" The girl asked him.

He couldn't argue with that. "Fine. We will go. But don't expect me to be all warm hugs and smiles."

She grinned. "Wouldn't dream of it."

I looked up to see Jasper holding my arm with a worried look. "What did you see?"

Instead of answering, I looked over at Edward. "Do you think…?"

"I don't think." He said. "I know. It has to be."

"But it can't be." I said.

"There is no other explanation." He argued.

"Any idea what they are talking about?" Nessie asked, looking at the woman next to her. They were all confused.

"Not a clue." Rosalie muttered.

Jacob and Emmett walked in the room with questioning expressions on their faces. They had been able to hear every word from the kitchen.

Alice looked away from her brother and at the rest of her family. "Get everyone. There is something you need to know"

Max's POV

I looked at Fang, trying to read his expression. As usual, I couldn't. I sighed and shook my head. Turning back to Angel, I spoke. "Do you have everything you need?"

The nine year old nodded, her angelic curls bouncing. I smiled and brushed her hair back. "Alright. Go make sure Gazzy didn't pack more bombs than underwear."

She ran off and I went over to Fang, sitting next to him. "You're right." I told him.

He blinked and looked at me.

"About us not having to go. It's your choice. It's not too late to stay. I'm sure the girls would love to help Mom bake cookies instead."

He sighed and looked down. "You couldn't have thought of that before you planned this trip?"

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I was trying to be and adult for once. Don't make me take back my apology."

"That was an apology?" the corner of his mouth perked up.

I shook my head. "Nope. But this is." I leaned in and kissed him. He smiled into my mouth and deepened the kiss willingly. I put my hands on his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around my waist. After a few moments, I pulled back breathing heavily.

He rested his forehead on mine. "It's okay. You're right, we should go. It is the first solid lead we have ever had."

I smiled and closed my eyes. "Then let's follow it."

Normal POV

"Are you absolutely certain?" Nessie asked, holding Jacob's arm tightly.

"Yes, Renesmee." Alice said. "It's him. Nick is alive."

Nick E.J Black. That was the name they had picked out before he 'died'. "But how?" Jake asked.

"We're not sure. But maybe they will explain when they get here." Edward spoke.

"They?" Everyone asked simultaneously.

"Well…Nick wasn't the only one in my vision. There was also a girl. From the way he acted towards her, they seem to have known each other a very long time." Alice said.

Nessie blinked. Then blinked again. "Was she the only other person in your vision?"

"Yes." Alice said again. "But that doesn't mean they are the only ones. We will know when they get here."

Jacob nodded and wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulders. Bella gave a determined smile. Emmett and Rosalie nodded. Jasper held Alice's hand. Edward and Esme shared a look. And Carlisle smiled happily.

They were ready.

Or so they thought.