A continuation of Blue Moon and Annie's journey to find her real self, her return from the dark side of the spy world is not an easy path to travel. We last saw Eyal and Annie in California where Eyal had promised to take her, to reunite with her sister Danielle and he in turn pulled his famous vanishing act, leaving Annie to figure out her density in life. Five months have passed as this story opens it is December and the holidays.
The giant menorah standing ready for the lighting of the first candle or in this case a large flame shaped electric light to start the long holiday of Hanukkah. Eyal was home for the celebration and this being the first time in years he is able to be with his family for the entire holiday season. His drive from the airport to his apartment was pleasurable as the mood of the large city of Tel Aviv was one of peace and festive atmosphere. Reaching his apartment, Eyal was met by his neighbor Miriam Fleischner.
"Home for the celebration, how nice." Miriam with her hand filled with Eyal's mail - mostly junk and a in the other hand a tin filled with baked goodies.
"This time for the entire time of Hanukkah. What is this?" Eyal giving her a quick kiss on the side of her cheek and half holding the tin.
"Glad you call to give me in time to do a little something special for you. Happy Hanukkah."
"Thank my dear neighbor and here is something from Rome just for you." Eyal reaching into his travel case and pulled out a small gift bag.
"It's beautiful Eyal and a touch of home." Miriam looking a silk scarf Eyal had given her. She being a transplant from Rome was delight with his thoughtfulness of a gift from Italy.
Eyal taking his mail and tin of sweets, bidding Miriam another Happy Hanukkah wish he was delight to be in his safe heaven, his very own sanctuary away for the ugliness of the spy world and for the next two weeks become a true family man. Spending time with friends and family was on his agenda but for now he was tired and hungry. Placing the mail and tin on his kitchen counter he headed directly to the wine cabinet and a bottle of Alexander Amarolo 2007 Magnum and poured a glass. Slipping on the wine he next inspected the freezer for something to cook - yah yes, spaghetti sauce he had made on his last trip home and something very American, frozen yeast rolls.
Another glass of wine and a full plate of spaghetti, Eyal begin the routine job of looking through his mail and there he found a blue envelope with his name and address hand written. It was a Happy Hanukkah card from Annie with a sweet note - Miss your smile, A.
He smile at the card, it could have been very easy for her to text the holiday wish but she went to the trouble of finding a card and mailing. Yeah, he too missed her smiling face and just about everything about her. He wanted to jump a plane and head to America but knew in his heart he would have to wait, be patience and give her the needed time.
The next two days were filled with shopping for gifts and being with family. The second night Avi had come for dinner with the Lavin family and father and son planned on taking in a movie and more time together. The third day was time to catch up with friends and first was an old childhood friend, Gloria Galster he had known since childhood when she would visit her grandparents in Zuqi Yam, a neighborhood of Netanya and later in Tel Aviv during the summer months.
Gloria's grandparents were now well into their nineties and living in an assistant care unit on the outskirts of Tel Aviv. He knew Gloria wanted to spend as much time with her aging grandparents and was sure she would be visiting them during the holiday. He was right; Gloria answered the door when Eyal came with gifts for the Cohen's.
"Oh my god Eyal, you are a sight for wonderful miracles in my life. I was hoping were in Tel Aviv." Gloria greeted Eyal with a warm hug.
"Hey beautiful and I don't know if I can in any way be call a miracle."
"Grandmother will be so happy to see you." Gloria leading Eyal into the house and true, the elderly Mrs. Cohen was delight with seeing Eyal. Mr. Cohen was napping and missed the tiny reunion. They chatted for a time until Mrs. Cohen grew tired and Gloria taking Eyal hand. "Let's go for a walk and let Grandmother have her nap. I have news for you."
Eyal wanted to ask about Annie but keep quiet, Gloria has things to tell him and he was interested. After all she is Joan Campbell's assistant and knowable in the inter dealing within the walls of the CIA.
"Your timing for a visit is good Eyal. The hubby and the girls are off today sightseeing and doing some shopping."
"The girls, how are they? Growing fast I bet."
"Too fast, Judy is twelve and Ruthie is ten. They need these little trips here to Israel, to learn about their Jewish roots event if they are being raised as Baptist and it is working very well."
"Good. Now you have some news for me." Eyal wanted to ask about Annie but didn't dare.
"It's about your friend Annie Walker. There is a whirlpool of rumors around Langley that you two are a couple and it is affecting Joan's decision-making process."
"We are friends only, not a couple by any means."
"That is hard to believe but that is not what I have to tell you. Annie is seeing a therapist, fact is she is on her second one and in January will be assigned to a new one. You know these therapists work for and are paid by the CIA which also pulls their strings. Both have clear Annie for type C field mission and Joan has blocked both."
"Why. I don't understand. Type C mission are for new agents, simple brush passes and easy no brainer drops."
"Maybe Joan is punishing Annie for going dark or connecting up with you. I heard her talking to Calder about keeping Annie at the desk job for fear of her running straight to the Mossad agent she has become involved with. They are trying to break her Eyal."
"That very well may be the case. She isn't going to break but she does need a friend, some understanding about her isolation for nearly a year. Damn it Gloria she is one strong woman and a lesser person would have quit by now."
The news was disturbing for Eyal and he was fighting hard not to run to Annie's side but this was her battle. If she needs him, she would ask. Oh hell what a mess and he wanting to support her but for now he could only pray and hope for the best.
Nine months now have passed since Annie returned for the dark side and here she is, on her drive this spring morning, like all mornings was routine, taking the longer route along the tidal basin and across the Potomac River into to Virginia and the CIA headquarters at Langley. She noticed the cheery trees in full bloom and spots of yellow daffodils poking their pretty little heads above ground, breaking out of the winter harshness, Annie thought like rebirth but it didn't suit her. No she would rather it stay the cold winter harshness found in the frosty winds that would cut her to the bone as she walked from the parking lot at Langley heading to her small cubical - it matched her mood of being melancholy. That afternoon would be another session with the therapist (this being her fourth one) and for her it was just about useless. Her nightmares were still with her and she was spiraling down into deeper depression. The so-called normal life she had so hoped to return to was the pits. Putting her silk scarf, the one she had purchased in Rome with Eyal around her neck, she wanted to run, to get lost in the crowd of people somewhere across the river in Washington. Find a little art gallery or book store to vanish into her blue funky mood.
Danielle and her family had moved to Washington, back to their Georgetown house and Annie returned to the cozy guest house. Her sister, Annie thought was understanding but that first meeting back in California was anything but warm and fuzzy...
"Damn you Annie Walker." The first words out of Danielle's mouth. "Why the shit didn't you tell me."
Annie tried to hug her but all she got was a slap, stopping Annie cold in her tracks not knowing how to react. Eyal had warned her that could happen, the anger and hurt of not being trusted with a life secret. Annie only stood her ground waiting for the next slap; right at that moment there was nothing to say.
"Do you know the intense pain your note cause and the words from Auggie about your death? We buried an urn filled with... oh shit for all I know we buried someone dead pet's ashes." Danielle turning away from Annie and the tears started, she was going though all the emotions of the dead returning and how to deal with it. Trying to come to terms with the woman standing there, was it really her sister or some ghastly hoax, some evil trick being played on her. Danielle's sobs intensified, her entire body shaking with jumble emotions of anger and joy.
Annie placed a hand on her shoulder."I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry is that all you have to say. My God Annie I just about died with you. Look Lit Bit I need some time to sort all this out. You have been known for pulling some crazy stuff but this..." Danielle stepped away from Annie's touch and turning to face her again, "Well this is the topping of all and I'm having a hard time being the understanding big sister. Not this time."
"Sure Danielle. Remember I love you and the girls and you are right, sorry is so insignificant and callous on my part."
"Lunch tomorrow at my house and bring ice cream." Danielle half forced smile at Annie.
"I'll be there with two gallons." Annie smile at Danielle as there were no other words between them. She watch her sister walk off, feeling both heartbroken and joyful at the same time. Danielle had call her Lit Bit, a childhood pet name and asked for ice cream, their therapy for long discussions over sundry and important topics. Annie could see some hope in reconciling with her sister, her only family.
Sitting at her desk in the small cubical, she picked up a picture of her, Danielle and the two girls. Thank God for the love of a sister, the following luncheon date with Danielle had gone well. Three hours of earnest exchange and a pledge to each other about trust and the two of them had made amends. Annie being back in the family fold - Annie sitting there, lost in her daydream didn't hear Auggie behind her.
"We have a meeting in twenty." Auggie's voice was like a piercing spear bringing her back to reality.
"You know what it is about?"
"Read your inbox mail." Auggie being a little sharp.
"You are a bit edgy this morning. Anything wrong?"
"The usual crap from our new boss. Come on Annie let's get real, since Joan has left things are not the same." Auggie tone was one of disappointment in what was happening around the CIA - changes and he was a man who didn't like changes.
Joan had resigned two weeks before, pregnant with her second child and deciding it was time to be a hundred percent mother and wife. Her tenure with the CIA had been fulfilling until the Henry Wilcox episode and Arthur having taken a private job, away from all the politics of being involved with covert operations, it was time for the Campbell family to move in a different direction.
Calder Michaels quickly move up the ladder into Joan's job and running things his way - which was whatever it takes to get it done. Chuck Quiensberry the new man on the block and manager of DPD, making waves, he was going to prove himself.
"So what's new?" Annie trying to make conversation with Auggie but is was strained and both guarded, not the same. Since her return they had been friendly but never once spoke of his betrayal or their time together as a couple. He had moved on and now married to Dolores Tam.
"Morning sickness is the pits and Dolores in full swing morning, noon and night."
"You should get her to a doctor it could be dangerous for the baby and her - dehydration and all that."
"Her mother is taking her today." Auggie's expression changed a little, "The woman thinks a blind man can't take care of a pregnant wife."
Annie thought they were the first words she had heard from him on a personal level in nine months and a touch of her lost empathy came to the surface. "Her first grandchild?"
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"My mother acted the same way when Danielle had her first. No husband is smart enough to care for their daughters when they are pregnant - it is written in the 'How to be a Mother-in-Law' rule book."
"Can I burn that rule book?" Auggie with a lighter quip.
"Many men have tried and only made it worst. Just go with the flow, don't fight the current." Annie had to smile remembering something she and Eyal had talked about during their better times in their earlier days.
There he was, still floating about in her mind even though she hadn't seen him in nine months, only a few text messages and a couple of e-mails and a lovely Christmas card. That was Eyal Lavin, not one for great communication when he is working, fact no communication. She had tried to follow his movements but to no avail, his actions were block - non-existence and she dare not ask Auggie or Eric for any help.
"Time to go Walker for our Monday morning pep talk." Auggie turning on his laser cane and starting to the small conference room.
"Here take my elbow." Annie quickly by his side a bit in front much like old times of their many walks through the halls of Langley.
"Thanks Annie."
She knows his thanks wasn't for the offer of her elbow but of being a friend and giving him a chance of get off his chest what was eating at his manhood. Something that had been very much bruised by his mother-in-law and Auggie had to be always in control.
Everyone from DPD gathered for their meeting when Chuck Quiensberry make his formal entrance, he was like that, the last to a meeting so everyone would know his attendance - a little conceited. The man was in his late forties, overweight and showing signs of graying around the temples. Dark frame glasses and Annie wonder if he had ever work in the field or came through the ranks of the pencil pushers. At any rate he was her new boss and she would respect that, well the best she could.
The meeting was short, nothing special and everyone starting to file out of the room.
"Ms. Walker I would like a word with you in my office." Quiensberry's voice was anything but cheerful.
"Yes sir." Annie nodded and made her way to the glass office she had so many times been ream out before and she guessed this was another time but why. She hadn't been release for field duty and has spent the past months evaluating raw intel and translating radio communications. There was no way she could have gotten into any trouble but now what? He had followed her into his office and closing the door.
"Have a seat Annie, if I may call you Annie."
"Yes please do." Annie taking the chair across the desk of him.
"When is your next appointment with the therapist?"
"This afternoon."
"I have been reading your folder, want to get a clearer view of my employees. It has been over nine months since your return and still not cleared for field duty. We have a problem with the time it is taken."
"How so?"
"If you haven't psychologically return by now there an outstanding chance you never will being haunted by those nightmares of yours for a long time. I know all things heal given enough time but we here at the CIA don't have that time luxury. Your work the past months in evaluating raw intel has been outstanding and with your language skills... Well you are an asset to the CIA but not here in DPD."
"You are firing me?"
"No Annie I'm not but have these transfer papers for you to sign. Moving you to the Foreign Desk where I think you will fit in perfectly."
Crap Annie thought, the Foreign Desk was the lost department filled with geeks someplace in the lower level - lower level hell, the basement. The same place Joan had been demoted to and now her. If she didn't sign the transfer that was her go to jail pass, go directly to jail, do not pass GO and do not collect two hundred dollars. If she wanted still to have an income, to remain with the CIA she would sign.
"What about continuing with therapy?"
"Part of the package. We need stable and competent people in our ranks. CIA will back you for as long as it takes and perhaps one day..."
"The carrot and the stick, yeah maybe one day." Annie reaching for the transfer paper, by signing it would buy her some time to sort out her future. "When do I report?"
"Wednesday, take tomorrow off if you like."
"Yeah thanks. I will do that." Annie standing turning to the door without anything else to add.
"Best of luck to you Annie Walker, you deserve it."
Annie stopping to look back at Chuck, "Thank you." Sort of in a frozen state she left his office, picked up the only personal item she had at Langley, the picture on her desk. Slowly walked to the exit.
"Walker hold up a minute." Auggie had been waiting for her.
"Did you know what was going to happen?"
"No I didn't but guess something was up when personnel came to visit him before the meeting with a few files. I was thinking it might have been my head on the chopping block."
"You are good at what you do so why would you think that?"
"Our little chit-chats haven't been all peaches and cream. He has his way and... well you know me."
"Yeah. It was my head on the chopping block but it really wasn't all that bad. I being transfer to the Foreign Desk starting Wednesday."
"Good?" Annie with a very puzzled expression as she repeated his word.
"You shall be lost in the pits of Langley and total freedom to call your own shots, come and go as you please and access to some great stuff."
"The ability to track anything happening in this wide world without supervision, the part of raw data collection. That's how Joan found out the locations of Henry Wilcox and the shop."
"The same shop where she first saw me still being alive."
"Yep. A quiet office all to yourself, maybe without windows but for me that wouldn't be a problem." Auggie and his blind quip, he couldn't go a day without some reference to his handicap or was it. How he managed to use his blindness to his benefit was amazing.
"I'll give it try, can't be any different from what I've been doing. Thanks Auggie but I have to run, therapist chat time for me."
"Goodbye Annie and good luck." Auggie standing as if watching Annie walk away, he heard her footsteps fade away and could feel the change she had suffered and sorry he wasn't the one to hold her hand. She had pushed him away in Hong Kong and never really knew the reason. In the back of his mind he was sure Eyal Lavin was the person to help with her death and also the one she ran to in her darkest hours. He has been the man she would turn to in times of failure, danger, or sadness. Eyal was like the third person in their short-lived romance and part of her spy life from the very beginning.
Annie being a little early for her appointment entertained herself by reading or looking at "Better Homes and Gardens". Great, something domesticated but still she looked at the pictures of beautiful rooms, read mouth-watering recipes and in her mind could feel the coolness of green gardens. Time for her and she was shown into a cheerfully decorated office and greet by her new therapist.
"I'm Mary Gillman and please make yourself comfortable. So I'm the fourth therapist you have seen and still no improvement?"
"Yes to the fourth and maybe a slight improvement." Annie taking the large chair near the window.
"Tell me why you picked that chair."
Annie looked her, Mary Gillman was young, tall slim and could easily be a model with her graceful movements and strong futures.
"Why did you choice that chair? Think about it, you must have a reason." Mary's voice was gentle and soft.
"The window maybe. I don't know why."
"That's good Annie, we can go from there because you first impulse is the real reason you picked that chair. Look out the window and tell what you see and how you feel about what you are looking at."
"Aren't we off track, shouldn't we be talking about my dark mood and the time I was off grid."
"Hasn't helped before has it."
"New approach Annie, I want to know your inter person now, not what happen to you in the past. Once we get a good base line than we will deal with your demons."
"You are the first one to call them demons."
"That is what your nightmares are, demons that need to be put in their palace. So, back to the window and tell me what you see and how you feel."
The hour session went fast and a bit over, Annie felt good leaving Mary's office and looking forward to the next week session. Maybe this time she was with the right person to help her, to rid her of those horrific nightmares and the side effect of being afraid of fear itself - phobophobia.
The next few weeks went fairly well, she was making every attempt to adjust to the basement of Langley. Fred Machcinski, the geek that occupied the neighboring office being a friendly soul when out of his way to make her welcome to the basement. He being of superior intellect - quick to analyze raw intel and scrutinize the value was to say the lest incredibly amazing. Nice looking man in his thirties of dark hair and eyes, however the eyes were concealed behind rose-tinted glasses. He stood about five six, about the same height at Annie.
"This fluorescent light down here plays hell on my eyes." He would say just about once a week to their supervisor but it would fall on deaf ears.
"What is wrong with your eyes." Annie had asked at the second or third conversation...
"A little nearsighted but nothing more." Fred would chuckle to Annie, "That is my standing complaint so it keeps him away from visiting my office, not wanting to hear about my eyes and the lighting. Boring as hell down here and need a touch of being odd to entertain me."
"Neat. Like the way you think Fred."