So, yeah as of late, I've really been getting into the Claymore manga. To me, the anime really should have continued on from there. And my interest in Warhammer 40k has also resurfaced. So, here's a crossover fic. Hope you enjoy!

Two decades have passed since the events on Cyrene and the resolution of the Third Aurelian Crusade. On that day, Gabriel Angelos led the remnants of the Blood Ravens to Cyrene to destroy the traitor who had tainted our chapter with lies and enigma - Our very own Chapter Master - Azariah Kyras.

I had been blinded by my own arrogance and servitude to Kyras. And in my hubris, rose our near-annihilation. Our recruiting worlds were already set upon by Xeno infestations and the forces of Chaos, but were it not for my denial of Kyras' treachery, we may have been able to contain this blight and prevented the arrival of the Ordo Malleus and the Exterminatus fleet.

With the loss of Typhon, I and the heroes of Aurelia travelled to Cyrene to slay Kyras; a man no more, but a monstrous Daemon Prince. When Angelos fell at Kyras' hand, we vowed retribution and through steel and fire, Kyras was nothing but a smouldering husk of bone and warp energies.

It was over. Our Chapter and the sector were saved, but the scars were more prominent than ever. Our remaining recruiting worlds suffered crippled infrastructure. Much of our chapter - tainted by Kyras' deception had to be purged and even as Angelos rose from oblivion, as Chapter-Master, our fate seemed grim.

But the exacerbating problems of our chapter were of little concern to the Imperium.

As the ever expanding hand of the Explorator Fleets continue to grasp through the stars, searching for unclaimed territory in the name of the Emperor. A most recent find is a Feudal World, marked by a war between the native humans and dragon's kin. As such, terraforming is impossible unless this conflict is resolved and a negotiation with the Administratum has concluded - If the Blood Ravens can aid in the end of this meaningless war and indoctrinate it into the folds of the Imperium of Man, away from our enemies, then it shall be granted as a new recruiting world to the Blood Ravens.

Thus, I venture into this system with the remaining heroes of Aurelia: Aramus, Tarkus, Cyrus, Thaddeus and Davian Thule.

No matter the cost, this world shall be ours, and none shall find us wanting.

It had been so long since the death of Priscilla and everyone had a lot to process. Several Awakened Beings - monsters who were known for their terrible might and taste for human flesh - had given their lives to fight the One-Horned Demon. The holy city of Rabona; the crown jewel of this land was reduced to a large settlement of rubble, Many friends dead and required a proper burial. And those who stood in the center of these strange and dark events were seven Claymores and an unusually skilled human.

But that was only the tip of the iceberg. A long lost warrior of unimaginable power - Teresa of the Faint Smile revived from the flesh of an unexpected vessel: the former No. 47 of the Organisation - Clare.

Few could comprehend how such providence came to be, but when the former No. 1 awakened within Clare's body into an Abyssal One and charged Priscilla, slicing her to ribbons, utterly pummeling her, taunting her over her rage. Every time the single-horned monster tried to regenerate, the angel of death would eviscerate the healing matter. As Priscilla's strength waned, her mind and conscious will, destroyed by her unending hatred for Teresa, she began to slow and wither as Teresa struck at her, again and again and again. As Teresa came to strike the final killing blow, the broken, mangled abomination formerly known as Priscilla snarled and roared; the once terrifying One-Horned Demon just looked pitiful.

This time, Teresa didn't wait and drove her sword right through what was left of Priscilla's head and chest. As the eyes on the monster's mutilated face widened in shock, Teresa whispered to her in her softest voice;

"Your suffering is over, and you can let whatever hate you had of me or Yoma subside. Go and see your family".

At that, small tears streamed down Priscilla's face as she let out a shattered, regretful smile before her eyes went blank and her broken form slumped and crumbled.

Teresa then turned to her astonished audience and smiled. "You can relax now. Priscilla is dead this time, and it looks as if my new power has been rendered moot" she said, gesturing to the enormous white wings sprouting from her back.

"Wait, what?!" Helen shouted, the former 22 still unable to raise her jaw. "After everything's that happened, everyone we've lost, you're really just going to fade away?" Her tone was both accusatory and somewhat pleading

"What about Clare?" Raki piped in "If you've awakened, then won't she have awakened as well? Will she still be the same?" He said, his voice briefly returning to that of the helpless boy seven years ago.

Teresa just smiled and replied "I see Clare is in very capable hands; blessed with loyal friends and a loving man. She will be fine. My awakening may be host to Clare's body, but it is my consciousness that controls it. When I fade, Clare will indeed be an awakened being, but she will be capable of maintaining her human form. After all, judging by the yoki aura of you five" she said, pointing to the remaining Seven Ghosts. "I think that such a state will hardly be a problem".

"No" said Miria, her scarred face neutral. "I suppose it will not, and I take it she has come to peace with your passing, now that the one-horned demon is gone. I can guarantee, however, that the death of the Organisation and its experiments, including Priscilla mean little in relation to what's happening in the mainland. The war with the Dragon Kin is still going and no doubt we will have to respond". The Phantom stared at the Angel of the Faint Smile, her tone now determined. "So, the question is, once you leave this body, will you remain in peace? Or will you return?"

There was a pause as the two warriors stared at each other before Teresa looked back, her smile wider than ever, but her eyes looked cold and serious. "Yes, I think I will. And I wish you all luck on your mission or whatever path you choose to take from here". With that, Teresa's wings began to flutter. "Clare is coming back to you now" She said, her face resigned into satisfaction. "So please, all of you, especially you, Raki". She narrowed her eyes a bit at Raki, who flinched at her gaze, despite her relatively benign meaning. "Take care of here". A bright light, as bright as a star engulfed Teresa's body, making everyone squint and shield themselves from the vivid light.

When the light had faded, Teresa was gone and all that was left was a very exhausted-looking Clare, who, once she looked up at her comrades promptly received a huge glomp from Raki, neither of them shedding any tears now that their hardships had come to an end.

Arriving back at the remains of the Holy City, Tabitha, Clarice and even the Awakened Beings who died at Priscilla's hand were briefly honoured in a funeral, which Father Vincent personally oversaw alongside Miria. And with the remaining Yoma driven away from the city, a small celebration was held, and by small meaning almost every last Claymore within the region who defected from the now defunct Organisation and helped defend the city mingling with the soldiers with some food and drink. With everyone so drained from such harrowing experiences, most decided to let go of their inhibitions and drown their sorrows away. Unsurprisingly, no one did just that more than Helen, who soon lay barely conscious on Deneve's lap; the short-haired warrior merely sipping a small pint.

Clare and Raki, meanwhile were seated upon the cathedral bell tower, just above where the gathering was taking place. Having had their fill of food, with Raki cooking what was left of the meat, the two simply lay stargazing to clear their minds over what they had missed out on before their reunion. Raki had come clean to his alliance with Isley; How they had travelled through the Northern lands with Priscilla in tow, forging a mutual bond of friendship and hoping to do the same with Priscilla, until it became clear that death would be her only comfort, so he was trained to kill her. She had listened intently to everything he told her; astonished that he had not only survived, but had grown into a strong, skilled warrior virtually invincible to any human opponent.

After his explanation and seeing Clare's astonished face, Raki looked down slightly, as if ashamed and said "Clare, I-I want to say sorry. About Teresa, Priscilla and everything that's happened".

At that, Clare looked more shocked than ever. After all the hell Raki had put himself through including a desperate gamble to destroy Priscilla, which left him badly wounded. Staring at the bandages wrapped around his chest, Clare slowly raised her hand and gently placed it on Raki's healing wound. Clare then looked up to Raki, her silver eyes meeting his brown ones. "You have nothing to be sorry about". She whispered, her voice doleful. "You gave your life to me and even tried to do the same for Priscilla. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here today and I doubt many of the others would have been as close to each other as they are now. You kept your promise to me, Raki and really, you have no idea how proud I am of you".

Raki stared at her for a split second before tears began to well in his eyes as he lent down and kissed Clare with all his heart, lightly gripping her shoulders. Clare's eyes widened, before they closed and she embraced her lover, losing herself in the passion. For the first time in years, things were beginning to look good again.

As they lay there locked in embrace, Clare started to pick up unsettlement and shock from the majority of the yoki auras below them. Breaking off the kiss, she looked down beneath the cathedral and saw the crowd of Claymores and humans all staring up in awe. She noticed however, that they weren't looking at them, but up at the sky where she and Raki; whose questions about her feeling alright were silenced when they both looked up and saw it,

A burning comet flew through the night sky, much too intense and radiant to be a shooting star. Clare and Raki gaped at the sight, even as it vanished over the horizon. After all they had been through, trouble always seemed to find them in some bizarre form or another.

With that Clare and Raki descended to where the onlookers were, most of them were too preoccupied with what they had just seen and an excited chatter had started amongst the crowd, human and Claymore. Ignoring the gossip, the two ran up to Miria and the other Ghosts, all of whom were dressed for battle. And behind them stood Galatea, in an old Claymore uniform with a nervous Miata in tow, clinging on to her leg. "Miria, what exactly was that?" Clare asked.

"I don't know. Clearly more than an ordinary shooting star. Galatea's trying to pinpoint its trajectory, but with the distance its at, it could land anywhere from the neighbouring town to the mainland". Miria replied.

In response to this, Galatea turned to the others and said. "The comet has vanished well out of range of even my abilities. As there is no yoki to sense, I cannot trace where it could fall. However, I can see its trail from the energy it's burned. It's a related skill to how I can 'see' my surroundings". She said with a hint of snark in her voice at her explanation.

As the eight warriors stared at her, Deneve broke the pause and asked; "So do you know where it is going to land?"

"Possibly, but more importantly there could be surviving yoma where it lands. If we leave now and follow the trail, we could find where it landed and see if it's dangerous. Any unsuspecting yoma that decides to follow it, we can track them and have them do the work for us".

Clare nodded in understanding "Alright, then". "Sid! Galk!" The two human guards turned to see that they were ready to leave and answered before she continued. "We understand and we'll be fine as long as we have the rest of the Claymores here. Just be careful. That star may attract something more than just Yoma". Galk said, his expression calm, but furrowed in concern. "Hey Raki, try to come back in one piece!" Sid quipped, smirking at the fellow warrior's bemused expression.

As Miria addressed Audrey and Rachel to stay alert of trouble and take charge of the Claymores to help rebuild the city and stand guard, Galatea took Miata's tiny hand in her own and clenched it gently. "You promise me you'll behave?" At this, Miata slowly nodded. "You'll listen to whatever Father Vincent tells you?" A more vigorous nod gave her the answer as she hugged the unstable girl and left her in the charge of Father Vincent, who smiled and gently ushered Miata away from the crowd.

Their goodbyes said, and Raki grasped on to Clare for support, the eight of them vanished into the forest.