Hey guys! Lol, I just got this idea and it has made me laugh all day. Lol, writing this from my school IPad, so this should be interesting. You can say what you want about this, but please be nice, because I am very optimistic about this, and I am a hopeless fan girl at heart. This is meant to be humorous, so tell me what you think!

Anakin's POV

"Stay close, Snips, and keep your eyes open." We wandered through the darkness, looking for something to tell us who or what had been here. I had only taken a few steps when we heard snarling behind us. Ahsoka looked to me, her nerves on end.

"What was that?" I turned around to see her. It was somewhat pointless, you couldn't see your own hand in here.

"I don't know, but try not to activate your light saber, we don't know what's in here." She nodded, and we continued for a few more feet when we heard angry barking behind us, before Ahsoka's blood-curdling scream. I ignited my light saber to see a huge doglike creature attacking her. She screamed as the thing stood over her, preventing her from grabbing her light sabers.

"Help me! Please!"

"Hold on, I'm coming!" I ran toward her, but the thing looked me in the eyes. It's eyes were golden auburn. It turned back to Ahsoka, and bit her in the neck. She screamed, and I lunged at it. It was positioned over her so that any attempt to kill it with my lightsaber could and probably would really injure her. It started growling, and as if to taunt me, it ran it's sharp claws across Ahsoka's side, them started scratching her, attacking her. I plunged my lightsaber into it's foot, which resulted in a cry from both the creature and Ahsoka. I couldn't risk hurting her further. Taking a few steps back, I jumped at it, grabbing it off of Ahsoka, and tackling it to the ground. Without a moment's hesitation, I plunged my lightsaber into it's chest, finally killing it. I ran back to Ahsoka, and looked at her. Even in the dark, through her burgundy shirt, I could tell she was bleeding heavily. She had long scratches down her leg, tearing the diamond pattern of her leggings. Her eyes were wide in fear, and her breath was quick and panicked. I examined her further, and noticed a rather large gash on her shoulder, and a huge bite mark on her neck.

"Come on, let's get you back to the ship." She nodded, and tried to get up. I put my arm under her shoulder, and attempted to help her walk. Her leg went out from under her, and she sank back down to her knees.

"Here Snips, just let me carry you there." She looked up to me.

"N-no, I'm fine. Let me try again." I tried to help her again, but as hard as she tried, she sank back down again.

"C'mon Ahsoka, I'm carrying you back."

"Alright." She winced as I slid my arm under her, but I managed to scoop her up in my arms. We arrived back at the ship, and I set her down.

"Ouch!" I had bumped her leg on the table.

"Sorry, Snips." The medical droid came in the room.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"I got attacked by a large creature." It nodded, then cut a portion of my legging open.

"Stupid thing." She scowled at the section of her leggings going in the trash.

"I'll take you shopping when we get back, ok Snips?" I chuckled a bit, but her expression remained the same.

"It's not a big deal, I have more." The droid took some bandages and took a closer look at her left leg. There were some minor scratches, and a large burn. I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Ooh... Sorry about that." She winced as he applied some burn cream to it.

"Not...a big...deal." He wrapped the bandage around it, then turned to me.

"It clawed her pretty bad along the side of her stomach." She sighed.

"Whatever that thing was, I'm glad it's dead." She began taking off her shirt. She must have seen my expression.

"I have a tank top underneath. It's alright master, chill out." I relaxed a bit. She took her shirt off, and she was wearing a brown tank top underneath. The droid pulled it up to the bottom of her rib cage, then examined her scratches. There were three deep gashes. She winced as he cleaned them, but left her with bandages wrapped around her waist.

"Sorry, snips."

"Why are you sorry, it wasn't your fault. If anything, I'm sorry that I let it catch me off guard." I shook my head.

"It wasn't your fault, either."

"Thanks for saving me. I can't believe you tackled it, you could have really hurt yourself." I shrugged.

"It was nothing." The droid finished his work.

"Anything else?" I spoke up.

"It bit her in the neck." He did the same to her neck as her side, then to her shoulder.

"Just take it easy for a few days." He left, and I turned to her.

"It's late, Snips. You should probably get some rest." She nodded. I draped the thin blanket over her, then turned out the light.

"Thanks, master."

"No problem, Snips." I left the room, and me headed to the command center. I contacted the Jedi council, and an image of Obi-wan appeared.

"Good evening master."

"And a good evening to you, Anakin. Have you anything to report?"

"Unfortunately, no. We had to cut our search short, but in what we did see, there was nothing to report." He scratched his beard.

"And why was the search cut short?"

"Ahsoka was attacked by a creature in the cave. I'm going to warn the troops, and let them investigate in the daylight." Obi-wan nodded.

"Alright. Well, you might as well come back to Couroscant. We have some new information crucial to the search."

"Yes master."

"Oh, and give Ahsoka my greetings." I nodded.

"I will." The transmission cut, and I left. I opened the door of the medical wing, and poked my head in. I looked at Ahsoka, who was still awake.

"We're heading for Couroscant, Snips. We'll be there in a few hours."


"Night, Snips."

"Night, master." I left, and went to the cockpit. I told the pilots that we were to report back to Couroscant, and went to Ahsoka's room. I sat in the chair next to her, untilI I dozed off.

Hiya! Well, what did you think? Was it ok? Lol! What was that thing? Will Ahsoka be all right? Wait and see...